Why is BFS more efficient than DFS in this scenario? - graph-algorithm

You start at 3 and want to end up at 4. There is always a guaranteed path. You can only hop onto 1's. You move like a knight, m units in one direction, and n units in another, every time. What is the least number of hops to get to your destination.
1 2
1 0 1 0 1
3 0 2 0 4
0 1 2 0 0
0 0 0 1 0
You start at 3 and hop to the 1 at the middle top, then to 4. Each hop is 1 unit in 1 direction and 2 units in another. Thus, the answer for this case is 2. Why is BFS better than DFS in this situation?

Breadth-first search is guaranteed to find the shortest path from the start to the goal, while depth-first search isn’t.


hypothesis function space in decision tree

I am reading the book "Artificial Intelligence" by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (Chapter 18). The following paragraph is from the decision trees context.
For a wide variety of problems, the decision tree format yields a
nice, concise result. But some functions cannot be represented
concisely. For example, the majority function, which returns true if
and only if more than half of the inputs are true, requires an
exponentially large decision tree.
In other words, decision trees are good for some kinds of functions
and bad for others. Is there any kind of representation that is
efficient for all kinds of functions? Unfortunately, the answer is no.
We can show this in a general way. Consider the set of all Boolean
functions on "n" attributes. How many different functions are in this
set? This is just the number of different truth tables that we can
write down, because the function is defined by its truth table.
A truth table over "n" attributes has 2^n rows, one for each
combination of values of the attributes.
We can consider the “answer” column of the table as a 2^n-bit number
that defines the function. That means there are (2^(2^n)) different
functions (and there will be more than that number of trees, since
more than one tree can compute the same function). This is a scary
number. For example, with just the ten Boolean attributes of our
restaurant problem there are 2^1024 or about 10^308 different
functions to choose from.
What does author mean by "answer" column of the table as a 2^n-bit number that defines the function?
How did author derive (2^(2^n)) different functions?
Please elaborate on above question, preferably with simple example, such as n = 3.
Consider a general truth table for a 3-input function, where the result for each triple is also a Boolean (1 or 0), represented by variables i through 'p':
A B C f(a,b,c)
0 0 0 i
0 0 1 j
0 1 0 k
0 1 1 l
1 0 0 m
1 0 1 n
1 1 0 o
1 1 1 p
We can now represent any function on three variables as an 8-bit number, ijklmnop. For instance, and is 00000001; or is 01111111; one_hot (exactly one input True) is 01101000.
For 3 variables, you have 2^3 bits in the "answer", the complete function definition. Since there are 8 bits in the "answer", there are 2^8 possible functions we can define.
Does that outline the field of comprehension for you?
More detail on an example function
You simply (once you see the pattern) make the eight bits correspond to the entires in the table. For instance, the table for one-hot looks like this:
A B C f(a,b,c)
0 0 0 0
0 0 1 1
0 1 0 1
0 1 1 0
1 0 0 1
1 0 1 0
1 1 0 0
1 1 1 0
Reading down the "answer" column, labeled f(a,b,c), you get the 8-bit sequence 01101000. That 8-bit number is sufficient to completely define the function: the rows listing all the combinations of a, b, c are in a fixed (numerical) sequence.
You can write any such function in a template format:
def and(a, b, c):
and_def = '00000001'
index = 4*a + 2*b + 1*c
return and_def[index]
Now, if we generalize this to any 3-input binary function:
def_bin_func(a, b, c, func_def)
return func_def[4*a + 2*b + 1*c]
If you wish, you can further generalize the template for a list of inputs: concatenate the bits and use that integer as the index into the func_def string.
Does that clear it up?

NodeMCU gpio triggering incorrectly

I'm attempting to read IR information from a NodeMCU running Lua 5.1.4 from a master build as of 8/19/2017.
I might be misunderstanding how GPIO works and I'm having a hard time finding examples that relate to what I'm doing.
pin = 4
pulse_prev_time = 0
irCallback = nil
function trgPulse(level, now)
gpio.trig(pin, level == gpio.HIGH and "down" or "up", trgPulse)
duration = now - pulse_prev_time
print(level, duration)
pulse_prev_time = now
function init(callback)
irCallback = callback
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INT)
gpio.trig(pin, 'down', trgPulse)
-- example
print("Monitoring IR")
init(function (code)
print("omg i got something", code)
I'm triggering the initial interrupt on low, and then alternating from low to high in trgPulse. In doing so I'd expect the levels to alternate from 1 to 0 in a perfect pattern. But the output shows otherwise:
1 519855430
1 1197
0 609
0 4192
0 2994
1 589
1 2994
1 1198
1 3593
0 4201
1 23357
0 608
0 5390
1 1188
1 4191
1 1198
0 3601
0 3594
1 25147
0 608
1 4781
0 2405
1 3584
0 4799
0 1798
1 1188
1 2994
So I'm clearly doing something wrong or fundamentally don't understand how GPIO works. If this is expected, why are the interrupts being called multiple times if the low/high levels didn't change? And if this does seem wrong, any ideas how to fix it?
I'm clearly doing something wrong or fundamentally don't understand how GPIO works
I suspect it's a bit a combination of both - the latter may be the cause for the former.
My explanation may not be 100% correct from a mechanical/electronic perspective (not my world) but it should be enough as far as writing software for GPIO goes. Switches tend to bounce between 0 and 1 until they eventually settle for one. A good article to read up on this is https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/technical-articles/switch-bounce-how-to-deal-with-it/. The effect can be addressed with hardware and/or software.
Doing it with software usually involves introducing some form of delay to skip the bouncing signals as you're only interested in the "settled state". I documented the NodeMCU Lua function I use for that at https://gist.github.com/marcelstoer/59563e791effa4acb65f
-- inspired by https://github.com/hackhitchin/esp8266-co-uk/blob/master/tutorials/introduction-to-gpio-api.md
-- and http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=4833&start=5#p29127
local pin = 4 --> GPIO2
function debounce (func)
local last = 0
local delay = 50000 -- 50ms * 1000 as tmr.now() has μs resolution
return function (...)
local now = tmr.now()
local delta = now - last
if delta < 0 then delta = delta + 2147483647 end; -- proposed because of delta rolling over, https://github.com/hackhitchin/esp8266-co-uk/issues/2
if delta < delay then return end;
last = now
return func(...)
function onChange ()
print('The pin value has changed to '..gpio.read(pin))
gpio.mode(pin, gpio.INT, gpio.PULLUP) -- see https://github.com/hackhitchin/esp8266-co-uk/pull/1
gpio.trig(pin, 'both', debounce(onChange))
Note: delay is an empiric value specific to the sensor/switch!

Functional impact of declaring local variables via function parameters

In writing some one-off Lua code for an answer, I found myself code golfing to fit a function on a single line. While this code did not fit on one line...
foo=function(a,b) local c=bob; some_code_using_c; return c; end
...I realized that I could just make it fit by converting it to:
foo=function(a,b,c) c=bob; some_code_using_c; return c; end
Are there any performance or functional implications of using a function parameter to declare a function-local variable (assuming I know that a third argument will never be passed to the function) instead of using local? Do the two techniques ever behave differently?
Note: I included semicolons in the above for clarity of concept and to aid those who do not know Lua's handling of whitespace. I am aware that they are not necessary; if you follow the link above you will see that the actual code does not use them.
Edit Based on #Oka's answer, I compared the bytecode generated by these two functions, in separate files:
function foo(a,b)
local c
return function() c=a+b+c end
function foo(a,b,c)
-- this line intentionally blank
return function() c=a+b+c end
Ignoring addresses, the byte code report is identical (except for the number of parameters listed for the function).
You can go ahead and look at the Lua bytecode generated by using luac -l -l -p my_file.lua, comparing instruction sets and register layouts.
On my machine:
function foo (a, b)
local c = a * b
return c + 2
function bar (a, b, c)
c = a * b
return c + 2
function <f.lua:1,4> (4 instructions at 0x80048fe0)
2 params, 4 slots, 0 upvalues, 3 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [2] MUL 2 0 1
2 [3] ADD 3 2 -1 ; - 2
3 [3] RETURN 3 2
4 [4] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 0x80048fe0:
1 2
locals (3) for 0x80048fe0:
0 a 1 5
1 b 1 5
2 c 2 5
upvalues (0) for 0x80048fe0:
function <f.lua:6,9> (4 instructions at 0x800492b8)
3 params, 4 slots, 0 upvalues, 3 locals, 1 constant, 0 functions
1 [7] MUL 2 0 1
2 [8] ADD 3 2 -1 ; - 2
3 [8] RETURN 3 2
4 [9] RETURN 0 1
constants (1) for 0x800492b8:
1 2
locals (3) for 0x800492b8:
0 a 1 5
1 b 1 5
2 c 1 5
upvalues (0) for 0x800492b8:
Not very much difference, is there? If I'm not mistaken, there's just a slightly different declaration location specified for each c, and the difference in the params size, as one might expect.

SPSS counting changes between variables

I have a dataset that has three variables which indicate a category of event at three time points (dispatch, beginning, end). I want to establish the number of cases where (a) the category is the same for all three time points (b) those which have changed at time point 2 (beginning) and (c) those which have changed at time point 3 (end).
Can anyone recommend some syntax or a starting point?
To measure a change (non-equivalent) against T0 (Time zero or in your case Dispatch), wouldn't you simply check for equivalence between respective variables?:
1 1 1 1.
2 1 1 0.
3 1 0 1.
4 0 1 1.
5 1 0 0.
6 0 1 0.
7 0 0 1.
8 0 0 0.
COMPUTE ChangeT1=T0<>T1.
COMPUTE ChangeT2=T0<>T2.
To check all the values are the same across all three variables would be just (given you have string variables else otherwise you could do this differently if working with numeric variables such as Standard deviation):
COMPUTE CheckNoChange=T0=T1 & T0=T2.

What is the relation between address lines and memory?

These are my assignments:
Write a program to find the number of address lines in an n Kbytes of memory. Assume that n is always to the power of 2.
Sample input: 2
Sample output: 11
I don't need specific coding help, but I don't know the relation between address lines and memory.
To express in very easy terms, without any bus-multiplexing, the number of bits required to address a memory is the number of lines (address or data) required to access that memory.
Quoting from the Wikipedia article,
a system with a 32-bit address bus can address 232 (4,294,967,296) memory locations.
for a simple example, consider this, you have 3 address lines (A, B, C), so the values which can be formed using 3 bits are
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 1 0
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
1 1 0
1 1 1
Total 8 values. So using ABC, you can access any of those eight values, i.e., you can reach any of those memory addresses.
So, TL;DR, the simple relationship is, with n number of lines, we can represent 2n number of addresses.
An address line usually refers to a physical connection between a CPU/chipset and memory. They specify which address to access in the memory. So the task is to find out how many bits are required to pass the input number as an address.
In your example, the input is 2 kilobytes = 2048 = 2^11, hence the answer 11. If your input is 64 kilobytes, the answer is 16 (65536 = 2^16).
