Razor page with dropdown in layout - asp.net-mvc

I have a razor pages app that should be able to host a specific set of data per project a user is assigned to. The main function of the app is to manage all of the data of a single project. What i would like is a way somewhere on EACH page to select one of the (+/- 5) projects a user is assigned to simultaneously. And store this in a session property to be able to use it in all of the Get's....
My trouble is that i would normally think of a viewcomponent for things to display on each page, however because a viewcomponent does not receive POST's (the parent razor page does) i can not use a dropdown with a "change project" button.
The only thing i could come up with was a project-change page... A dropdown with JS onchange posting to a separate razor page where the change is handled. But it seems like there should be some razor component that can handle this (like a viewcomponent with POST possibilities or so). ANybody an idea?

I don't think this is the best solution. But I experienced this problem several months ago and what I did is the form inside the ViewComponent firing the parent's Controller


How to add an mvc page to umbraco

I have Umbraco 7.5 and I need to know how to create normal MVC pages for adding new data to my site.
Lets say I have a Doctype "Node" in back-office. I want to let some people be able to add/edit some nodes without going through back-office. How can I do it?
I've tried to create add my view and controller (the MVC way), but apparently Umbraco hijacks all routing and my controller won't hit at all.
I've googled the matter (which is hard since I am not looking for Umbraco forms :| )and I've found this. But I prefer not to add my form as a part of other page. I mean, does it make sense to create a page in back office from type "something" and then on its template I do my add/edit form of another type? Seems strange, right?
I appreciate any ideas/ solution to this matter
You have a couple of options here. You can create a physical page for the editor to sit on, and add the editor as a SurfaceController action (basically an MVC Partial with Postback, that is still part of the Umbraco pipeline). Your form can then use the Content Service API to update the details. The advantage of this method is your code will have access to all of the Umbraco methods and templating out of the box. You could also use WebAPI controllers for the form if you want to do it all client side with JS requests.
You could also use route hijacking: https://our.umbraco.org/documentation/reference/routing/custom-controllers this allows you to have your own custom controllers for Umbraco routes, rather than using the default Umbraco ones. This is a bit more work to set up.
Finally, you can also tell Umbraco to ignore certain paths entirely, and you could run your controllers on those paths. The disadvantage here is that as the routes are being ignored by Umbraco, you don't automatically have access to all the useful Umbraco templating etc.
I've used the first method recently, and it works fine. The only caveat is that allowing users to edit nodes will fill up the version table quite quickly if a lot of users are editing a lot of nodes (every time a node is saved, a version is created). If you're going down this route, you may want to investigate something like Unversion: https://our.umbraco.org/projects/website-utilities/unversion/ which helps to keep old versions more manageable in situations like this.

Maintaining input control state in MVC

In the app I'm working on the administrator has the ability to select a customer to work with in a drop down list. Thing is that there are a large number of views that the administrator can go through and each time they'd have to select the customer again. In webforms this was rather easy... store it in a Session variable and reset it when another page loads.
MVC not so much. I seem to be stuck at the point where I pass this value to the view from the controller. We are storing the value in a Session variable which we access using a base controller like this:
The question I can't solve is how I pass this value to a partial view. The customer selector tool is in a partial view which is added to pages that need it.
I thought of using the ViewBag, but that means that in every single action in my controllers that requires this value I would have to add:
ViewBag.CurrentCustomerId = CurrentUser.CurrentCustomerId;
And even then I'm not sure if the ViewBag data is carried through to the partial view. I think it is.
Seems like there should be a more efficient way to do this and still abide by MVC rules?
#Andre Calil provided a very good solution for carrying user information between controllers and views and I ended up using this approach.
See his answer at the following link: Razor MVC, where to put global variables that's accessible across master page, partiview and view?

a good substitute for viewstate in MVC?

I have an edit form in MVC. It contains different fields and 3 different partial views which is used like usercontrols. The scenario in these partial view: they contain a list with edit and delete plus an add button that when these buttons click a dialog box pop ups which contains a few related fields.
My main question is that what is the best solution to temporary save the changes of the lists(like viewstates)?
I'm asking because the main edit page contains more fields and I want in the case that the save button in the form is pressed, the whole data can be saved in database!(the tables in partial views has foreign key of the table of the main page).
Thank you in advance!
The web is stateless in its nature. Instead of looking for a workaround on the whole ViewState thing, it's better to try and embrace the medium you're using.
If you have many controls rendered on the same page you can either:
Use HTML5 Local Storage and persist on the client before submitting the whole form. There are many frameworks that will help you persist a form on the client side like Sysyphus.js
Make use of asynchronous ajax calls if you need to persist data on user input before submitting the whole form. Client-side calls can be managed using jQuery's ajax() function with ease and you can make use of the ASP.NET Web API to build the end-point on the server.

ASP.NET MVC structure and how to use the Actions and Controllers

I am developing an application in ASP.NET MVC structure.
I was wondering, I am trying to create a site that only has one page, it has a navigation bar on the left (Which is a list of user input), and then the main content in the middle.
My question is, can I make the navigation bar (The user input list) static, and make the main content change, based on the user input, with an asynchronous AJAX postback? I would have multiple controllers which would set different results to the main content, based on the user input.
How would I go around doing so, partial views and calling actions with asyncpostback's?
Yes, I would do exactly as you have suggested - have actions that render PartialView([name]) and use, probably, jQuery's ajax to fetch the content.
You can then use jQuery to inject the html into the content panel.
Where it might get interesting is if you need to have css added to the head section of the page.
But then, with diligent use of a single CSS, or at least a single group of CSS files, you can sidestep that.
Be aware though, that it does complicate form post-backs if the dynamically injected content has forms. You would need to hijack the form submit process and turn it into another ajax call to get the resulting html into your content panel - you might even need to hand-crank the form submission because I don't think you can trigger form submission as an Ajax operation.
I've done a similar thing with named iframes (doesn't necessarily need script), as you can render a form with a target which is equal to the name of an IFrame; and it means that the iframe content can be a full view instead of a partial (and therefore has full control over its own script and css). Of course, then you have issues with sharing data between the host page and that frame.

ASP.NET MVC Page Editing Contrast To Web Forms

In our old system we had pages rendered from XSLT. In order to change the page into "edit" mode we would have a button of some sort, once clicked would have an EditYN flag which would be passed to the stored procedure. The stored procedure would simply give this variable back to indicate that the page was in edit mode. This meant that query strings, viewstate or session data were not required to indicate that the page is in edit mode.
I've been dealing with ASP.NET MVC only for the last week for RND purposes at work. I'm wondering what's the best way to have a page which displays data, to then turn into a page where you can edit all of that data? Should you move to a separate page? Should you stay on the same page and have rendering logic in the view to show the edit mode of the page?
Whilst on the same topic, I thought I'd also ask about GridViews and their place in the MVC architecture. Beforehand we'd simply use data sources and set them up with the GridView. Then the GridView could enter edit mode quite easily by itself with the UPDATE query set in the data source. How should this process be done using MVC?
Make a submit button for your edit mode. The controller action will respond to POST, set the "InEdit" flag in your model, then return the same view again. The view can then render based on the flag. But I would rather create two different views, for view and edit modes, then based on the flag analysis done in the controller action just return the one or the other view.
Whilst on the same topic, I thought
I'd also ask about GridViews and their
place in the MVC architecture.
How should this process be
done using MVC?
You can use javascript, something like jqGrid or Yahoo´s datatable. For simpler datatables, you can use jQuery´s tablesorter.
On the backend, your controller returns json objects that can be modified by the client, ie. the javascript grid which then sends the data back to the controller to be saved.
