Move some of the methods into a different file? - delphi

I have a lot of OnClick and similar events in my main form. It's hard to navigate between them where they all are in Unit1.pas.
I moved them to a different pas file and added this in my Unit1.pas:
{$INCLUDE Menu.pas}
But now the Delphi wants to remove OnClick events. So it doesn't work properly.
How do I split my code into different files?

You can't move a Form's event handlers to an .inc file, the IDE won't know how to handle that. Event handlers assigned at design-time need to be locatable and editable, and that means they must be in the same source file as the Form itself.
What you can do instead is move the event handlers to a TDataModule that is created before, and is used by, the Form in question. As long as the DataModule's unit is included in the Form's uses clause in the Form's interface section, the IDE should allow you to assign the event handlers at design-time. If you use the Object Inspector to create new event handlers, you will have to move them to the DataModule manually and re-assign the events accordingly.
Otherwise, all you can really do is refactor your code to reduce the amount of code in each event handler, or even reduce the number of event handlers used. And then you can use the Code Editor's code folding feature to hide the remaining code so you don't see it but it still exists to the IDE and compiler.


How to add a property to TTabSheet such that it can be used at design time with TPageControl

I would like to add "MyProperty" to TTabSheet and work with it at design time. However if I subclass it I fear I will need to also subclass TPageControl, since it internally creates/manages the TTabSheets.
I believe this would require duplicating the TTabSheet management code to reference TMyTabSheet instead of TTabSheet, since it will need to invoke TMyTabSheet.create. This feels like something I will regret when a new version of Delphi updates TPageControl and I forget to update TMyPageControl.
I am also researching "class helpers" as another option.
Does anyone have advice on how to best accomplish this?
Type Helpers are merely compile-time sugar, they would cause no effect over the already compiled code, that stock VCL is together with TPageControl and TForm. That is a dead-end.
However you have a slight misconception here that TPageControl... internally creates... the TTabSheets. Indeed, when you create the sheets by the means of TPageControl itself, like right-clicking it and selecting "New Tab" that si what happens. But when you create the living form object out of DFM file (or DFM resource in your compiled EXE) that is TForm itself that creates ALL the components, including both page control and its tabsheets.
Just see my answer at How to efficiently let a `ParentFont = False` child control to use same font name as parent? - that would show you how far it is about the owner - TForm, not about TPageControl or other parent components when it comes about selecting specific classes for the actual tabs or other elements..
So you are free to pursue subclassing tabsheets only.
Create the TMyTabsheet = class(TTabSheet) component
Create and install into IDE the design-time package that would introduce new subclassed tab sheet to Delphi Form Editor
In your form put the stock TPageControl and create all the needed tabs regular way
in IDE form Editor right-click over the form free space and in the menu do the "View As Text Alt-F12" command - you would see the text content of your form's DFM file
in those DFM sources find your tab sheets and change their stock TTabSheet class to be your derived sub-class
right-click the text editor and choose "View As Form Alt-F12" command
If all was done correct then Delphi would recreate the form with your new-class sheets now. Find your new properties in Object Inspector and change them.
Now switch to .Pas sources of your form and find the declarations of those tab sheets and change their type too. That is only required if you would have to access your new properties from the Delphi sources. If not you can leave their declaration as TTabSheet in pas-file as your class is direct descendant from it. You may leave those declarations as they were - but then you would have to add RegisterClass(TMyTabSheet); call into the very initialization section at the bottom of your unit, so when the form would construct itself out of the DFM it would be able to find the class implementation by the name. If you would change the declaration (at least one of those) then your form would automagically call all needed RegisterClass before streaming out of DFM. Choose any option you like.
Optionally and later, extend your design-time package to find and hijack IDE Form Editor's right-click menu for TPageControl and add "New My Subclassed Tab" command there. Just to avoid manual post-factum DFM editing. if you would do it often
This feels like something I will regret when a new version of Delphi updates TPageControl
After you created and tuned the form and saved it into DFM - it would be TForm that creates all the components out of the saved DFM-data, and that includes your tabs too. Unless very improbable event EMBT would kill the whole VCL streaming (made back in Delphi 1 in 1995) and redesign it from scratch (killing all the compatibility with existing Delphi sources at once), there should be no problem with forward compatibility with specifying your class in DFM. It is just the standard way VCL is designed - to get specific component types from the DFM.

When, the code that create the components on the form and the code that set their properties, is called?

If I put a component on the form I don't see any code like MyComp:=TMyComponent.Create in unit code. I think the component is created automatically, but when ? And the same happends with the properties that I configured after I put the component on the form. When they are applied at runtime ?
The properties for a form and all the design time components that live on it are streamed in by the framework during the construction of the form. That process is triggered from the form's constructor, in TCustomForm.Create. The pertinent code in there looks like this:
Include(FFormState, fsCreating);
if not InitInheritedComponent(Self, TForm) then
raise EResNotFound.CreateFmt(SResNotFound, [ClassName]);
Exclude(FFormState, fsCreating);
The key is the call to InitInheritedComponent. That is a function defined in the Classes unit that does the heavy lifting. In a very broad overview it does the following:
Finds the name of the form class and looks for an RT_RCDATA resource of that name. That resource is the .dfm file.
Once the .dfm resource has been located it is parsed.
The .dfm parsing handles the assignment of properties that you set at design-time in the Object Inspector. For instance the parsing might encounter a line like this: Caption = 'My main form' and it turns that into an assignment of the string 'My main form' to the form's property Caption.
The .dfm file is hierarchical. It contains the properties for the various components and controls that are defined at design-time.
As well as setting the properties of the form's design-time components, the .dfm streaming process also instantiates those components.
In order for all of this to work, the streaming framework relies on RTTI. It knows nothing at all at compile time of your classes and components. Hence the need for RTTI. The streaming framework uses the old style RTTI and in fact that is the reason for the existence of old style RTTI. If ever you wonder about why old style RTTI is the way it is, try to view it from the perspective of having been designed to support streaming.
Information about controls and components as well as their properties that you edit while designing in IDE will be stored in your form .dfm file. Creation of that form in run-time will trigger the process of automatic loading of that .dfm file and all controls and components will be initialized at that time.
This is rather simple explanation of what exactly happens, you can start debugger at form creation line and follow what is happening there, but it is quite longish process and you can easily get lost if you are still learning.
You can find form creation code that Delphi automatically writes in .dpr file of your project.
Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);

Delphi - IDE plugin/extension to copy/move components and related events code between units

Is there any extension which allows me to copy or move components between units/forms, including all the code assigned to their events? For example... a TButton with some code in its OnClick event, it should copy both the component and the code in the event.
edit: fixed "its"/"it's", incorrectly modified by mod who edited my question text.
As an option: if your code really independent on the form, create data module, place TActionList on it, add datamodule unit to the uses clause, assign actions to the Action property of the control (in this case you can just copy control from one form to another) or call that action from event (in this case your have to edit code, but event handler will contains only one line of code)

Can a component replace it's owner form's event (OnClose) with it's own handler?

I'm working on a component that is placed on every form of my project. Is it possible, in runtime, to have the component include code into it's owner form's OnClose event handler. In other words, the form will trigger it's own OnClose event handler but the component will also include additional event handler code to run on the owner form's OnClose event. (Is that what is called vector replacement?)
Thank you.
You need to get the component to declare a field to store the form's original OnClose. Then you can do in the component's constructor:
FOriginalFormClose := (Owner as TForm).OnClose;
(Owner as TForm).OnClose := FormClose;
Then the component's FormClose would read:
TMyComponent.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
// do stuff for this component
if Assigned(FOriginalFormClose) then
FOriginalFormClose(Sender, Action);
Naturally the as cast ties this component to being owned by forms but if you want more flexibility you could easily cater for that.
This is a direct answer to the question that you asked, but it would be remiss of me not to question your overall design. If you want a component to live on every form in your app then surely you should derive a subclass of TForm that contains your customisations. Then make every form in your app be based on that common base form class.
That approach has many other benefits. For example, #LachlanG adds the following very apt comment with which I wholeheartedly concur:
Having a component meddle with it's owning form is undesirable. The vast majority of components should be self contained entities, altering the component owner breaks the expected contract of a Delphi component.
The common base form approach solves this by placing the code that works with the form inside the form.
If you are do go down the route of having a common base form then you should override DoClose rather than using the OnClose event. Always use the DoXXX event raisers rather than the events themselves when you are creating a common base class or a component.

Make sure nested child control is visible

I have a utility routine that I call when validating user input in a dialog fails. It sets focus to the offending control, beeps and displays an appropriate message to the user. This works well as long as the offending control is not hidden. Now I have to adapt this to a situation where the relevant controls are children of some kind of collapsible group boxes (possibly even nested), and I have to make sure that the "ancestor" boxes are expanded before calling SetFocus.
Now I have a few possibilities:
Build knowledge about the collapsible component into the error reporting routine. I'd like to avoid that as the routine should rather stay generic.
Pass an callback that can be called prior to (or instead of) SetFocus. This is error prone because one has to remember to pass the callback at all the relevant places.
My favourite solution would probably be an event (or overrideable method) (probably in TWinControl) that tells a container control "please make sure you and you child controls are visible" but I don't know of such a thing.
Any ideas how I can handle this situation?
Define an interface with a method called something like: EnsureVisible.
Implement it for all your components (you may need to derive your own versions of some of these components). This allows different controls to have quite different behaviour.
When a control needs to make sure it is visible it walks its parents and calls EnsureVisible if the interface is implemented.
If you don't like interfaces then do it with a custom Windows message, but you get the basic idea.
In my opinion the best solution would be a separate routine that builds knowledge about all container controls, allowing the dialog validation routine to stay generic and at the same time being focused enough to be easily tested and maintained. Something along the lines of:
procedure ForceControlVisible(C: TControl);
// Recursive code
if Assigned(C.Parent) then ForceControlVisible(C.Parent);
// Code specific to each container control class
if C is TTabSheet then
// Code that makes sure "C" is the active page in the PageControl
// goes here. We already know the PageControl itself is visible because
// of the recursive call.
else if C is TYourCollapsibleBox then
// Code that handles your specific collapsible boxes goes here
OOP-style methods that rely on virtual methods or implementing interfaces would be way more elegant, but require access to the source code of all the controls you want to use: even if you do have access to all required sources, it's preferable not to introduce any changes because it makes upgrading those controls difficult (you'd have to re-introduce your changes after getting the new files from the supplier).
Each component knows its Parent. You can walk up the list to make each parent visible.
