Change the browser URL bar text - url

I own a domain in a hosting provider (just the domain). This domain is pointing to another web address:>anotherdomain.dom/path
In another side, I have added my domain to my Cloudflare account, like this:>Cloudflare-->anotherdomain.dom/path
The issue is that after typing domain.dom, the URL text in the browser URL bar is anotherdomain.dom/path, and I need it to be
Is it possible to have in the broswer URL bar? Do I have to write some code inside my .htaccess file or something inside Do I have to do something inside Cloudflare (maybe with "workers")?

It sounds like currently, your domain is set up as a redirect. When a user visits in their browser, the server (Cloudflare) responds with a message saying: "Please go to instead." The browser then acts like the user actually typed in the address bar.
It sounds like what you want instead is for to be a proxy. When a request comes in for, you want Cloudflare to fetch the content from and then return that content in response to the original request.
In order to do this, you will need to use Workers. Cloudflare Workers allows you to write arbitrary JavaScript code to tell Cloudflare how to handle HTTP requests for your domain.
Here's a Worker script that implements the proxy behavior that you want:
addEventListener('fetch', event => {
async function handleRequest(request) {
// Parse the original request URL.
let url = new URL(request.url);
// Change domain name. = "";
// Add path prefix.
url.pathname = "/path" + url.pathname;
// Create a new request with the new URL, but
// copying all other properties from the
// original request.
request = new Request(url, request);
// Send the new request.
let response = await fetch(request);
// Use the response to fulfill the original
// request.
return response;


Azure AD Ms Identity callback URL (error AADSTS50011)

I'm integrating Azure AD and MS-Identity on a web app with Angular.
It works on my machine, but when I deploy it, I get an issue with the callback URL.
First, to make sure the callback URL is ok, I extract it from the microsoft login popup window's URL:
Then, I url decode the content. The URL seems fine and it is available in my Azure app's redirect URL.
Then I login to Microsoft normally and I get this error (AADSTS50011):
Then I inspect the URL again (inside the query string from the urldecoded popup window's URL) and now the URL seems to have been "tampered with".
It's now something like this:
instead of
so I wonder if it's part of the problem or if it's normal behavior.
It is also mentionned "If you contact your administrator, send this info to them." I suppose I'm the "administrator" so what can I do with that "Copy info to clipboard" info to investigate the problem?
Is your application hosting on http (80) or https (443)? If your app service is terminating your TLS connection and handling that for you instead of your app, your sign-on will construct the redirect using the http request scheme. I hooked into the OnRedirectToIdentityProvider event to correct the scheme.
.AddMicrosoftIdentityWebApp(options =>
Configuration.Bind("AzureAd", options);
options.Events ??= new OpenIdConnectEvents();
options.Events.OnRedirectToIdentityProvider += _fixRedirect;
private async Task _fixRedirect(RedirectContext context)
context.Request.Scheme = "https";
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri =
context.ProtocolMessage.RedirectUri.Replace("http", "https");
await Task.CompletedTask;

Is there a way to get the URL after a redirect in postman?

I'm working with an API, which after filling out the log in form on their website, redirects back to our website, with a unique code at the end of the URL.
Example URL after redirect:
I have been unable to find a way of viewing this URL in Postman.
Ideally I need to be able to work with that URL to extract the code and store it as a variable.
Any help will be muchly appreciated. I've been trying this all day :( .
When you turn off following redirects in Postman settings, you will be able to inspect 3xx HTTP response which will contain Location header with the URL you want to read.
const url = require("url");
var location = pm.response.headers.get("location");
if (typeof location !== typeof undefined) {
var redirectUrl = url.parse(location, true);
query = redirectUrl.query;
if ("code" in query) {
pm.globals.set("code", query.code);
Note that this solution will not work when multiple subsequent redirects happen as you will be inspecting only the first 3xx response. You could solve this by following redirects manually and sending your own requests from Postman script as described in Postman manual.

Check the validity of a domain name

I need to make sure that a URL that the user inputs goes where it should go. I mean if the user inputs "" or "". I need to figure out that the second url is not correct because it won't open google's web-site. Is there some method in Swift to do that? Or do I just need to check if the URL contains ""?
1. Malformed URL
To verify whether or not the URL itself is malformed, let the OS do it:
(check that the URL has all the parts it needs, namely a scheme and a host)
if let url = URL(string: rawStringInput),
let _ = url.scheme,
let _ = {
// rawStringInput is well formed
You can then query all sorts of information from the URL, such as scheme (http), the host (, the path (blablabla), fragment, port and so on.
2. Valid URL
If you want to know whether or not the URL is reachable (i.e. the remote server responds to it), you actually need to execute the request.

Dart Language: Get URI query parameters without server port

The Dart documentation focuses on processing HTTP requests over a specific server port. So if the server is listening on port 4123, you should be fine by sending GET, POST or other requests to an URI like:
However, query parameters sent to the server/domain without specifying the server port will not be handled, like:
So what should I do to handle query parameters sent to my server (address/domain) without specifying a server port?
Some possible solution would be to implement an "URI checker" at the main method and retrieve the query (if it's present), like so:
import 'dart:html';
void main() {
// Gets the URI in order to check it for any parameters.
var uri = Uri.parse(window.location.href);
// Check for the parameter presence in the URI.
if (uri.queryParameters["q"] != null) {
// Gets the parameter content and stores it.
var queryParamContent = uri.queryParameters["q"];
// Check if the parameter content is empty or not.
if (queryParamContent.isNotEmpty) {
// Do something with the query parameter.
} else {
// Warn the user about the empty query.
} else {
// There's nothing interesting to check in the URI.
If it doesn't work without a port create a bug report at
As a workaround you can use port 80 which is the default value when no specific port is set.

Titanium: How to redirect from external to internal URL in webview

So I know how to access both external and internal URL's in the Titanium Webview. But I have no idea how to redirect from an external url to the internal url.
I've got a file called "index.html" in the root folder, so for the webview this should work to access it:
url: 'index.html'
External urls are pretty straight forward
url: ''
However, when on the external url, how do I redirect to this local file? None of these work:
or the javascript variant
window.location = 'file:///index.html';
Any clues on how to do this?
What I discovered, in the end, are 2 possibilities to achieve this. But it can't be done through redirection.
One: Poll for a certain variable using the webview.evalJS() function
var my_data = $.login_webview.evalJS(';');
Of course, it works only with strings, not with objects. So if you're passing JSON, make sure it is set as a string!
Two: Do an actual redirection server side, to another serverside page and monitor for URL change and then do evalJS() once again, but no need for polling
if (e.url.indexOf('mobile/redirect.php') > -1){
var my_data = $.login_webview.evalJS('');
Just make sure, with 2 that you're actually setting the required data in Javascript using server side technology.
