nullable error when implementing react-native-admob in android - nullable

I have added react-native-admob in my project but when i open my project in android studio and try to run my project, i face below error
react-native-admob:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED
Desktop/myapp/node_modules/react-native-admob/android/src/main/java/com/sbugert/rnadmob/ error: package does not exist


Build for socketRocket failed

Downloaded socketRocket from GitHub, trying to build it. Getting following error -
error: ../SocketRocket-master/Configurations/Shared/Project/Debug.xcconfig: unable to open file (in project "SocketRocket") (in target 'SocketRocket-iOS')
I was trying to build the project to get the socketRocket framework to include in my iOS project but you can get framework from the following link of their latest release -

Unable to import module SWXMLHash

Running Xcode 9.3
I cloned the repo, opened the workspace and let the playground run.
I got an error:
No such module 'SWXMLHash'
So I closed down everything and ran again on the simulator. Received the same error.
I then tried bringing the framework into an existing project as a cocoapod. Again I was met with
No such module 'SWXMLHash'

I can not build the generated Android project by Zebble

I am getting the following error when building the android project generated by Zebble for Xamarin.
I followed the steps in -READ-ME-NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! text file. When I did build the android project, this is error I got:
The command "Zebble" update-schema auto" exited with code -1.
Some additional error log I found from Build output:
EXEC : error : Failed to update the xml schema for intellisense: Failed to find the UWP exe file. Searched all EXE files inside: E:\Labs.NET\Xamarin\TestZebble\TestZebbleApp\Run\UWP\bin
Could you please tell me what has gone wrong.
Hope this helps:
Remove all zebble folders from nuget packages folder.
Remove the Run\Android\Zebble.exe file.
Update the zebble nuget to latest version.
Set the Android project as startup project.
From Build > Configuration Manager be sure that Build and Deploy are enabled for android project.
Rebuild the solution.

can't build taco ios BLD00102 : No such file or directory 'xxx.plist'

I use visual studio 2015 to build mobile cordova useing remotebuild
but I got wanrning and error :
Warning PackageApplication is deprecated, use `xcodebuild -exportArchive` instead.
Error BLD102 Error : BLD00102 : No such file or directory 'xxx.plist'
Work around is to ignore the problem and locate build folder on mac its hold number that shown when you build set it to release and then go to the xcode open project fix errors and test it

Dart2JS Cannot Find Import Packages WebStorm

I am using the WebStorm 8 IDE to build a dart web app. I have the following directory structure:
In main.dart I have the following import statment: import "package:intl/intl.dart";
However when I try and compile main.dart to javascript I get the following error:
Error occurred:
Error: Can't read 'package:intl/intl.dart' (Error reading '/Path/To/Project/root/web/packages/intl/intl.dart' (OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)).
import "package:../packages/intl/intl.dart";
Error: Compilation failed.
So it seems that dart2js looks in the current directory of the dart file to be converted for the packages, which is incorrect.
I tried changing my import statement to import "package:../packages/intl/intl.dart"; but I got the same error.
Does anyone have any ideas?
I can use pub build to build my project and produce a main.dart.js. Not sure what is different when I call build, perhaps something is wrong with WebStorm?
dart2js is not a recommended workflow and can be buggy in WebStorm 8. It is completely removed from the context menu in the upcoming WebStorm 9. Use 'pub build'.
I can't see anything wrong. I think this is one of the cases where only
pub cache repair
can help.
