How to apply Custom Styling XF.Material controls - ios

I am using XF.Material library for my Xamarin Forms project, as per the instructions I have created Material Resources in App.xaml and passed configuration name as a parameter to the initializer. bur for some reason I do not see any application-specific style (Colors and Fonts) instead it is using Material style (Purple color).
I have also tried creating MaterialConfiguration instance in the code-behind and assigned it to the initializer but still, it is not taking any custom style.
Yes, I have added the plist entry as per the instructions.....
What am I missing any idea???
I have tried adding dynamic configuration like below but snackbar did not take it!!


Change angular material material theme dynamically

I am new to angular and wanted to change the angular material themes dyamically ,I know how to make differnt themes that is by making scss file ,define 3 colors, include mat properties and functions, but then I was adding that file refrence statically in angular.json, but if I have many custom angular material themes I want to refrence the css files dynamalically.
So is there any easy quick and rather optimized way to do that?
P.S I have gone through many post and docs but seems to be confusing in order when it comes to change the theme dyamically like for example if I have toggle then how to refrence the different style rather than the default one?
Any answer would be higly appreciated..!!
One solution is to build the material color palette in real time. These are the necessary steps:
Define the color palette in CSS variables and then access them.
Assign these variables to the material angular theme.
Using the "tinycolor" library we create a service to generate the
palette based on a color.
With JavaScript we update the CSS variables in the DOM.
Here you have an example:

AngularDart custom SVG mat-icon

I'm trying to register custom SVG icons to use as Material icons, specifically national flags.
In Angular I would use MatIconRegistry.addSvgIcon(..) in conjunction with DomSanitizer.
In AngularDart I've found DomSanitizationService, but so far I'm unable to find the equivalent of MatIconRegistry.
We use a mix-in if you want to override any material-icons in an angular_component here:
If you are just working with icons separately and it isn't overriding one that is already included. I suggest just working with the SVG itself outside of material-icon.

Polymer Dart - Multiple View

I'm trying to create a sample CRUD application using Dart and Polymers.
One think I noticed is almost all dart polymer examples have only one page. I'm trying to look for samples with multiple pages.
Screen contains table of Person objects
Then when an Add button is clicked, it goes to the add view of the Person object
On the add page, there is a link to add some other child object.
This is very doable using only one screen, but am looking for a best practice in implementing multiple screens. In GWT it uses the Activities and Places. What is the dart counter part?
I saw on some other post using routes, but seems does not work on my Dart Editor. And I am not sure if this is still current as that posted almost a year now.
Route Example
ShadowRoot.resetStyleInheritance and ShadowRoot.applyAuthorStyles now deprecated in dart:html.
Please remove them from your code.
Uncaught Error: Illegal argument(s): No handler found for /routes_example.html#one
Stack Trace:
I just published a package for routing with Polymer (see
There are two links to simple demos available online.
I have a SDK dependency on 1.6.0 (dev-channel release) because I haven't tested it with Dart 1.5.x. I might remove this restriction with the next release.
Some highlights:
Hierarchical views are automatically created and inserted depending on the current route.
Route parameter values are automatically passed to the view attributes on route or parameter value change.
Parameter values are updated in the view without creating the view again.
The same code runs no matter if usePushState is enabled or disabled.
Mixin with event handlers for simple go-to-route links or buttons.
Mixin for adding DI support to your Polymer elements.
see also

is it possible to create simple application without any theme?

I am new to Vaadin. I wanted to create s simple page which should not have
any theme. When I run the simple application, it default takes reeinder theme.
So is it possible to create a simple theme without having any themes?
So it looks white background, normal html button, normal html labels,etc.
If needed, I shall use my own themes which could be created out of CSS file.
it is possible to use a empty theme.
You must just create a empty css or sass file and then specify to use that theme.
You can then add the styles you need to the file.
You will then of course have to use the standard html buttons and so on.
The vaadin default buttons (and most components) depend on a proper theme.
This link might help you see what you will have to do when you wish to start with a completely new theme:
Perhaps starting with the base theme would be the middle way to go.

Strategies for dealing with CSS in ASP.Net MVC UserControls

I have just started playing with the ASP.Net MVC framework, and today I created a simple UserControl that uses some CSS. Since the CSS was declared in a separate file and included in the View that called the UserControl, and not in the UserControl itself, Visual Studio could not find any of the CSS classes used in the UserControl. This got me thinking about what would be the most appropriate way of dealing with CSS in UserControls.
Declaring the CSS in the View that is using the UserControl gives more flexibility if the same control is used in different contexts and needs to be able to adapt to the style of the calling View.
Having the UserControl supply its own CSS would lead to a more clear separation, and the Views would not need to know anything about the HTML/CSS generated by the UserControl, but at the cost of a fixed look of the control.
Since I am totally new to the framework, I'm guessing people have already come to some good conclusions about this.
So, would you have the UserControl handle its own CSS, should it depend on the CSS declared in the calling View, or is there another, better solution?
If you look at a skinable toolkit like Yahoo UI it documents the classes used by each control and then provides a single skin file for the entire toolkit. By swapping out the single skin file you can change looks for your entire site.
I would assume that 99.9% of the time you would want to custom skin your controls and not have them come predefined with a look and feel.
As an example here are the CSS defines for Yahoo's TabView control
It should always be in your global CSS really. If you pass this on to a designer, you dont want to have to explain which control defines x style, etc.
A quick point... it's ok for your Views to be aware of HTML... that's what they are for. What I would recommend (if you want to be ubber cool), is to add a parameter to your "MVC UserControl" that specifies the class name. Example:
<%= MyHelperClass.Marquee("This text will scroll!!!", "important-text") %>
I'm of course pretending that "important-text" is the class name that I want to add to my control.
I am assuming that when you say "UserControl", you're referring to an example like in that link above.
