Formula to sort rows of bank statement - google-sheets

I export my bank transactions to a PDF, that I then paste to a google spreadsheet.
Problem is: I may need to sort the transactions on my spreadsheet, and after reordering by date the amounts and balance may "shift" when there are several transactions on the same day:
It's not a big problem to me, but my accountant is all lost.
I would like to find a way to identify the orders of the transactions of a same date, by comparing the amounts/balance to the final balance of the previous date.
I managed to create a formula using a MATCH that would identify the first transaction of a specific date, but if I were to make it work for 10-20 potential transactions within a same date, it would get stupidly long and complex. I may eventually do that, but before i'd like to know if there is an easier solution.
I can add as many columns as I want, and I don't mind using scripts.
What I cannot do is create a column that would recalculate the balance according to the order the transactions are in. That would be the easiest solution, but if my accountant were to compare with what is on the real bank account, he would find discrepancies and be just as lost.
Thank you!

As #gries said:
Since your PDF contains the transactions already ordered the way you want you can assign to each of them an incremental ID.
In such a way, you will be able to restore the initial order ordering by the transaction ID instead of using the date that could be repeated.


Best practices for events and date ranges

I’m trying to find the best practice for how to store and then query a event like this. User has purchased 3 items on separate dates.
Over that period there were two events that were held (events added in well after the user purchased the items as a retrospect, so at the time of purchase, event was not known). I’m trying to see how many items were purchased during each event by that user. How should I do that?
One solution but it sounds weird to me: When inserting a event, scan and add a relationship to all vertices that match
Manage date-time types isn't exactly an easy task on Neo4j, even in 3.2 version.
You have two options:
Hard way: convert all date to unix "timestamp" format ('s' or 'ms' from 1970), in order to calc date ranges.
Easy, convenient way: use "APOC" (here), a set of procedures and functions available as plugin for Neo4j; installation can be a bit tricky but it's worth it, indeed. It has a good number of 'date-time' functions.

Modelling recurrent items (expenses) as records with Rails

I am writing what could be defined as an accountancy/invoicing app using Rails 5. I am in need of implementing a section that predicts the company's cashflow in the future. So far I've got the following:
Actual bank movements and balances (in the past), imported from the bank
Future invoices (income) which are expected to be paid on a certain date
Future one-time expenses which are expected to be paid on a certain date
Using these three sets of data, I can calculate, for any given date in the future, the sum of: the last known bank balance, plus all the future invoices values coming IN, minus all the future expenses going OUT, so I get, theoretically, the expected balance of the company for any given date.
My doubt arises when it comes to recurrent expenses (or potentially incomes). Given that all of the items I mentioned before (bank movements, invoices and expenses) are actual ActiveRecord records stored in my database, I'm not sure about how to treat the recurrent expenses, for example:
Let's imagine I want to enter a known future recurrent paycheck of a certain employee, which is $2000 every first day of the month.
1- Should I generate at some point the next X entries and treat them as normal future expenses (each with its own ID, date and amount)?
2- The other option I've thought of is having some kind of "declaration" on the nature of the recurrent expense, as in "it's $2000 every day 1 of month until -forever-", similarly to a cronjob. But, if I were to take this approach, I'd like to have an ActiveRecord - similar interface, so that I can do something like:
cashflow = []
last_movement = BankMovement.last
value = last_movement.balance
( + 12.months)).each do |day|
value += Invoice.pending.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
value -= Expense.pending.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
value -= RecurringExpense.expected_on(day).sum(:gross_amount)
cashflow.push( { date: day, balance: value } )
This feels almost right but, I'm not sure about how to link the actual expense when it comes with the recurrent/calculated one. How can I then change the date if the expense gets paid the day after it was supposed? I need to have an actual record of each one of those, at least whenever they are "consolidated".
I'm not really sure if I was clear enough with my trouble here, so, should anyone want and have some spare time to help me out, please feel free to ask for any extra relevant info, I'd really appreciate some help, especially if we can find a way of doing this "the Rails way"!

better design for fact table where each row has a Start & End Date

My fact table contains details for clients who attend a course.
To ensure i can get a list of clients registered on any particular day, I have not related the date dimension to the fact table.
Instead i created a measure that does basic between logic (where startDate <= selectedDate && endDate >=SelectedDate)
This allows me to find all clients registered on one single selected day.
There are a few drawback to this however:
-I have to ensure the report user only selects a single day, i.e. they cannot select a date range.
-I cant easily do counts for samePeriodLastMonth or Year.
Is there a better design i should consider that will still allow me to see counts of registered clients on any given day, along with allowing me to use SamePeriodLastMonth/Year functionality?
Would you mind uploading the structure of your fact and dim tables?
Just a thought bubble: if you would like to measure counts for a program over calendar years, I believe you would definitely need to create a Date dimension. Also depending on your reporting needs you might want to consider whether you need an Accumulating Snapshot Fact table.
Please find further details on this:

Storing large amount of boolean values in Rails

I am to store quite large amount of boolean values in database used by Rails application - it needs to store 60 boolean values in single record per day. What is best way to do this in Rails?
Queries that I will need to program or execute:
* summing up how many true values are for each day
* possibly (but not nessesarily) other reports like how often true is recorded in each of field
UPDATE: This is to store events that may or may not occur in 5 minute intervals between 9am and 1pm. If it occurs, then I need to set it to true, if not then false. Measurements are done manually and users will be reporting these information using checkboxes on the website. There might be small updates, but most of the time it's just one time entry and then queries as listed above.
UPDATE 2: 60 values per day is per one user, there will be between 1000-2000 users. If there isn't some library that helps with that, I will go for simplest approach and deal with it later if I will get issues with performance. Every day user reports events by checking desired checkboxes on the website, so there is normally a single data entry moment per day (or few if not done on daily basis).
This is dependent on a lot of different things. Do you need callbacks to run? Do you need AR objects instantiated? What is the frequency of these updates? Is it done frequently but not many at a time or rarely but a bunch at once? Could you represent these booleans as a mask instead? We definitely need more context.
Why do these need to be in a single record? Can't you use a 'days' table to tie them all together, then use a day_id column in your 'events' table?
Specify in the Day model that it 'has_many :events' and specify in the Event model file that it 'belongs_to :day'. Then you can find all the events for a day with just the id for the day.
For the third day record, you'd do this:
this_day = Day.find 3
Then you can you use '' to get all the events for that day.
You'll need to decide what you wish to use to identify each day so you query for a day's events using something that you understand. The id column I used above to find it probably won't work.
You could use the timestamp first moment of each day to do that, for example. Or you could rely upon the 'created_at' column of the table to be between the start and end of a day
And you'll want to be sure to thing about what time zone you are using and how this will be stored in the database.
And if your data will be stored close to midnight, daylight savings time could also be an issue. I find it best to use GMT to avoid that issue.
Good luck.

Efficiently retrieving ice_cube schedules for a given time period

I'm looking into using Ice Cube for recurring events.
My question is, if I then need to get any events that fall within a given time period (say, on a day or within a week), is there any better way than to loop through them all like this:
items = Records.find(:all)
items.each do |item|
schedule = item.schedule
if schedule.occurs_on?(
#if today is a recurrence, add to array
This seems horribly inefficient but I'm not sure how else to go about it.
That's one approach - but what people do more often is end up denormalizing their schedules into a format that is conveniently queryable.
You may have a collection called something like ScheduleOccurrences - that you build each week / and then query that instead.
Its unfortunate it has to work this way, but sticking to the iCal way of managing schedules has led IceCube to need to format its data in certain ways (specifically ways that can line up with the requirements of the iCal RFC).
I've been doing some thinking recently about what a library would look like that shook away some of those restrictions, for greater flexibility like this - but its definitely still a bit off.
Hope this helps
I faced a similar problem and here was my approach:
Create a column on Event table to store the next occurrence date, and write a method which stores that value after_save. (method available through ice_cube. Perhaps index column too for faster querying.)
Then you can query the database for occurrences happening in the timeframe you need. See below:
Store EventOccurrences on a separate table.
Update the next_occurrence column for the rows returned to you by your query. Or something similar. This works for me because I'm running a daily job, so that update next_occurrence will run regularly. But you may need to tweak a bit.
