How i can use multiple nib files with multiple arrays? - ios

I am creating my iOS app, and i during that , now i have to build scrollable screen where there is image view, labels, collection view, Reviews etc (Prototype Image is attached). I am wondering is it possible to make that type of screen with UITable view using multiple Nib files? (If it is possible, kindly guide me as how i should use multiple Nib files with multiple arrays). And , if it is not possible, how else i can go for it? Kindly guide me, and sorry if thats a duplicate because i have searched but i was not able to find any good answer.

There are several approaches that you can do.
If you want to use UItableview, then you need to create multiple
UITableviewCells, where each cells is based on the section of the design. Then you can load it by using array, as you logic stated above. For example indexpath[0] you'll load the cell with the picture(lets call this pictureCell), then indexpath[1] you'll load descriptionCell, and so on.
The other approach is using Scrollview, with several UIViews on a vertical stackview. And then you'll create a UIView Subclass based on the section of the design. This is usually my go to solution.

I'm not sure what "array" is refering to here, but by the look of your screenshot, I would go with a StackView inside a UIScrollView, or something like that. No need for a UITableView if you don't have a repeting pattern, you can just stack multiple views in a scroll view.
I hope it's clear enough.


What is proper way to show data like app store app(Collection view inside table View)

There are lots of stack-overflow thread and community articles but i just want to know which one is better to show data like App store App(Vertical scrolling of apps and sometimes horizontal scrolling inside vertical scrolling). So far i understand below might be possible solution.
Solution 1:
Collection View inside tableView. So that products can be scrolled horizontally inside tableView cell.
Solution 2:
Number of collection View inside a scrollView stacked one after another if categories are specific.
Is there any better solution to make such type of scenario?. Your opinions will be highly appreciated. Thanks
A general suggestion based on my usage, create a tableview and inside it's tableviewcell create a collectionview. You may use staggered layout for a better user interface. That is what I have been doing, you will build it much easier.
Rest depends on your usage and requirement.

Best practice add multiple object at one page on storyboard

I am wondering what is the best practice for creating a page in storyboard that consist of multiple object (It can be imageView, View, label, etc). Look at this image, I feel ridiculous adding new object under the bottom view that is outside the page view.
I know a little how to arrange view with relativeLayout etc in Android. But how can I arrange this page with storyboard and autolayout? I want to arrange a page that consist of multiple object with different size. This maybe a stupid question, but I mean it a lot for me as a newbie developer. Thank you.
Its hard to say without knowing more about what you are trying to do.
It looks to me like it might be a good candidate for using a UITableView. You'd create a table view and add cells for each of the items that you want.
You could also create a scroll view and install the items on the scroll view, either through custom code, or with AutoLayout if there are a fixed number of items.
You could also use a UICollectionView if you need a layout other than a vertical scrolling list of items.
Edit your question with more details on what you're trying to do if you want more specific help.

Nesting UICollectionViews vs UIPageViewController

I found myself in the need to implement the following: scrolling through pages and displaying a tableview or collectionview with the data relevant only to that particular page in the lower part of the screen. First I tried to use nested UICollectionViews making the cell of the outer UICollectionView to be the size of the screen and setting inner UICollectionView's delegate to the containing cell (outer UICollectionView's cell). I ran into the issue of data not getting loaded properly into inner Collection view. The problem is better described in this question:nesting UICollectionViews issue
Anyway, I looked more into UIPageViewController as a possible solution to the problem. I have never implemented UIPageViewController before and not sure if this could be a good fit for my problem. If anybody has done something like that before, please direct me to the right place or resource.
I still would like to go with nested UICollectionViews if possible and I don't quite understand why it is working as desired. Once again my problem is described better in the link above. Please advise on both options.
When using a UIPageViewController you have to implement the reusing mechanism by yourself, that is the only downside i can see. Basically i would prefer UIPageViewController cause it is cleaner then nested collectionViews.

iOS Design implementation recommandations

I would like to know how to handle, for my iOS app, the following situation:
I have to deal with something like this (basicly this is an article with comments, received from a server):
=- Text and Images -=
=- UIWebView -=
=- List of Comments -=
Now, I came up with two solutions:
Have the content above the list of comments wrapped in a UIScrollView, and create Views for each and everyone of the comments (don't know many of them could be), and
Make the list of comments a UITableView, and the above content its Header.
Which of these (or possibly another if you have any recommandations) should I choose? It may look not very important, but I would like to know this, so I could use the idea in further developing.
I would use a UITableView with a custom UITableViewCell wich holds the comments.
It will definitely have a better performance the UITableView than the UIScrollView since the UITableView re-uses the cells.
Using a UITableView you will just have to worry about customising the cells for the comments.
Otherwise if you want to use the UIScrollView in case you have a lot of comments you will have to create manually a way to reuse them which is what the UITableView does.
If you want something like facebook, so that the context + comments both are movable,then go with option 2.
But, if you want content always at the top, go with option 1.
Indeed, UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView.
And If you think you might have many comments like (50+),
If you use scrollView, then you should have to supply scrollView with those number of UIView objects.
But, if you use tableView, it perfectly reused already created views.So evenhough you have 1000+ comments, it just uses 5 UIView objects

Setting up a tableviewcontroller with multiple sections and buttons

I would like to know how to develop an IOS Table View Controller with multiple sections.
For example attached is a screenshot from DrawSomething account page. They have different headings like account settings, password, then some buttons below.
Would this be setup as one UITableViewController then setup image backgrounds for the headers and customized cells for each table cell, or would this be setup using multiple different view controllers all within one main view controller?
Further to this, could this be setup and designed using a NIB or would it be alot easier using code to generate this. I understand that it the choice of the developer and your opinion but in common practice if it is possible to design (as such) within the NIB it would be easier. Although designing a table view layout in NIB does not appear to be possible...
For something like this, since there's nothing really dynamic about the content, I would use a UIScrollView and just place the various elements on it directly.
Looks to me like each "section" of that table is actually a custom cell. The "heading" of the cell is just a label with textFields place in it etc...
Get a UIImageView to back the cells and you're good to go.
I've done stuff very similar to this using Interface Builder.
Make each cell use a different reuse Identifier so that when you load the table you know which cell is which.
You can create a table view with multiple sections. You need to create custom cells for headings and the contents.
