I made a dump of my live's DB from cPanel and I'm now trying to import it into my dev environment using drush sql:cli < [dbdumpfile]. It's not showing any errors but no data is getting into the destination DB. It's basically failing silently.
Drupal 8.8.5, php 7.3.1, drush 8.3.0 all that running on Docker (Mac OS).
This is something I've done many times before so I have no clue what I'm doing wrong.
Try this
drush -vd sqlc < path-to-dump.sql
drush -vd sql-cli < path-to-dump.sql
Note: now days drush gets installed via compose (not by default) and is located in /vendor folder (/vendor/drush/drush/drush status
I'm using Docker for Windows and I am trying to install Shopware 6 with the dockware image.
When I enter command:
docker cp shopware:/var/www/html/. ./src
it copies some files, but after some waiting time I get the following error:
C:\mypath\src\vendor\shopware\administration\Resources\app\administration\node_modules\.cache\terser-webpack-plugin\content-v2\sha512\69\3c\9b1ea7d80f60c821b53797c0afe66e6b56c9637c96d7e70bbd16d7911ef6cd73eae0ac183fa8811f363a3c04742ad3efd1254748e650129d83c4b10522cb: The system cannot find the path specified
I also tried to install it on a different Windows-PC - same error.
Docker for Windows v 3.2.2
I'm following these installation instructions: https://docs.dockware.io/development/start-developing
What I tried so far
using Windows cmd/Powershell/VSCode terminal
starting terminal(s) as administrator
using Docker for Windows v
using dockware/dev:6.3.2
Enable NTFS long paths (registry entry HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem)
It worked a few months ago, I don't know whats different this time...
Any ideas?
The error your are seeing is related to the webpack cache. Webpack is used to build the frontend code for shopware.
If the webpack processes are running, this cache can change often.
I would say this error is quite random and it's safe to ignore this error and try it again. What happens if you do you? Do you get an error on the same path or on a new one?
I'm attempting to launch a rails server on big sur (M1 chip) and postgres is giving the following error:
ActiveRecord::ConnectionNotEstablished (could not connect to server: No such file or directory
Is the server running locally and accepting
connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
I've seen and tried several fixes but none have worked, including the following:
Reinstalling postgres via homebrew.
Reinstalling the pg gem.
brew services restart.
Trying to delete a postmaster.pid file (none exist). This directory: "/usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid" does not exist on my machine.
My postgres.log file contains the following line repeating:
could not open directory "pg_notify": No such file or directory LOG: database system is shut down
While Genetic's answer works, a quicker solution would be to delete the partially created database (assuming you have just installed postgres and there's no data to be lost) and then run initdb as listed in brew info postgresql to recreate the database:
brew services stop postgresql
rm -rf "$(brew --prefix)/var/postgres"
initdb --locale=C -E UTF-8 "$(brew --prefix)/var/postgres"
brew services start postgresql
The original error on the console didn't change until I entered the following command:
brew services restart -vvv postgresql
After doing this, the errors updated. It then displayed the other directories and sub-directories that were missing. Once I added everything, all was fine.
The solution by anonymus_rex in the comments worked for me. Here are the exact steps I needed to take in case it could help anyone to elaborate a bit more. i was stuck on this for way too long.
I tried almost all of the answers in this question and this other one and this is what finally worked for me to get postgres to start
tail the logs for postgres.
the path needs to be updated depending on where postgres is installed, and your version. I am using postgresql#14 on an m1 Monterey and installed it with homebrew.
i finally found the path i needed to look at using this article.
tail /opt/homebrew/var/log/postgresql#14.log
output shows this:
2023-02-03 15:33:49.294 CST [82651] FATAL: could not open directory "pg_notify": No such file or directory
2023-02-03 15:33:49.294 CST [82651] LOG: database system is shut down
go to the / directory and cd opt/homebrew/var/postgresql#14
create the missing directory (maybe this is a different directory for you)
mkdir pg_notify
repeat this process for all missing directories.
I needed to mkdir for pg_tblspc, pg_replslot, pg_twophase, pg_stat_tmp, pg_logical/snapshots, pg_logical/mappings, pg_commit_ts, pg_snapshots, & pg_commit_ts but i recommend you specifically run the tail command each time to make sure you are not missing different directories & files than me.
finally after running the tail command repeatedly after creating each missing directory, I got this output.
2023-02-03 15:49:18.909 CST [85772] LOG: redo done at 0/17211D8 system usage: CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s
2023-02-03 15:49:18.914 CST [85771] LOG: database system is ready to accept connections
i was then able to create & migrate my db in my project ・ᴗ・
I have inherited a Ruby on rails app, which runs on Heroku and has a compose mongoDB. To be clear I have never used ruby, mongo or Heroku and its been a massive learning curve.
I essentially want to get a copy running locally, but more importantly I want to pull down and export the data that is in the db at the moment.
I have installed the latest version of Heroku Toolbelt and I have installed the latest version on mongodb, which also included all 4 packages. Im running this locally on Ubuntu 14 lts.
The documentation I do have says to run this command to log into the db
But if I run just the above it says no such file or directory, if I add 'mongo' onto the beginning then it seems to work but throws the following error
E QUERY Error: More than one ':' detected. If this is an ipv6 address, it needs to be surrounded by '[' and ']'; heroku:password-string#tempest.mongohq.com:10098
I did try running it wrapped in [] too.
This is just getting in so I can then export the data locally and then try to look at it.
The command-line mongo tool doesn't understand URLs, so try this instead:
mongo -u heroku -p password-string tempest.mongohq.com:10098/appid
Also I'm pretty sure you can leave off the -p password-string and it will prompt you for it, so you can avoid revealing it in ps output etc.
How do I specify which version of postgres rails use? When I run puma and go to localhost:3000 I get a an error
fe_sendauth: no password supplied
I think the copy being used may be the manual install 9.3, as when I run:
/usr/local/Cellar/postgresql/9.4.1/bin/pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres start
I get the error:
stgres start
server starting
LOG: skipping missing configuration file "/usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.auto.conf"
FATAL: database files are incompatible with server
DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 9.3, which is not compatible with this version 9.4.1.
I found three copies of pg_hba.conf on my system:
/Users/lasernite/Library/Application Support/Postgres/var-9.4/pg_hba.conf
The first one I believe was from a manual install at some point. The second one is probably just some supporting copy/ignorable, and the third one is a homebrew install.
How can I make rails use the homebrew postgres install, even if it means wiping the local database? Which is fine so long as the production on heroku is instact.
I've been stuck for several days on reconfiguring my development environment from sqlite to postgres, which is very problematic as I have a production db and site live now, which is forcing me to do some code pushes without being able to verify functionality locally, but for the most part has totally crippled my ability to do any development.
Please help me!
It looks like the problem is that you're starting 9.4.1 when the database was created by 9.3.x.
The version of posgres that Rails uses should be whichever one is running. So if you want to start postgres in version 9.3.x, then you should start that version. But you have to specify the correct path for that version.
What output do you get for these?
> initdb --version
> pg_ctl --version
> postgres --version
> psql --version
It should all be the same. If it says 9.4.x and you want to use that version, then you can re-init the database like so: initdb -D /usr/local/var/postgres-4.1 and then you can start postgres postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres-4.1. Doing it this way, you'll probably lose your local database since it sounds like that data was created by 9.3.x.
Alternatively, if those output 9.3.x, then you should just be able to use the commands without the full path to the binary: postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres.
If you're using 9.4.x and you want to keep using 9.3.x, then try which postgres. It's probably pointing to /usr/local/bin. Then make sure that that is just a link to the homebrew version. ls -la /usr/local/bin | grep "postgres ->".
If you're using the homebrew version, you can do brew switch postgres 9.3.x to tell homebrew to use that version. Then you should be able to start postgres with postgres -D /var/local/var/postgres.
Background - a few months ago, I purchased a new Macbook to replace an iMac. When I restored my data from my old iMac to the new Macbook, I accidentally used davidburton as the user when on the iMac I was burtondav.
I was then not able to run postgreSQL or Rails.
I used this symlink command to fix it:
ln -s /Users/davidburton /Users/burtondav
But, yesterday I upgraded to OS X Mavericks. Now I can't start postgreSQL or use Rails. Even after re-entering the symlink.
Is there any way to fix it???
If I have to re-install postgreSQL:
My postgreSQL files are in usr/local/var/postgres
I'm pretty sure I used homebrew to install it.
How can I re-install postgreSQL without loosing my data?
I was going to dump the whole database and reload after I reinstall postgreSQL. But I can't start postgreSQL in order to dump the data.
This is what I get:
$ postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
2013-10-24 15:30:07 GMT < > %FATAL: data directory "/usr/local/var/postgres" has wrong ownership
2013-10-24 15:30:07 GMT < > %HINT: The server must be started by the user that owns the data directory.
Should I change the ownership from burtondav to davidburton?
Thanks for your help!!
You should change the owner of the postgres data directory:
chown davidburton /user/local/var/postgres
# or
sudo chmod ugo=rwX /user/local/var/postgres # You might want to change the permissions as your needs
(You might need to use sudo)
You didn't post the error when you try to start rails/postgres, maybe this question can help you: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension on Mavericks