Getting file version from TFS rest API Get Item - tfs

I am pulling a file from on premise TFS source control using the Rest API. I can't find on premise specific documentation, but it seems to be very close to version 4.1 of the Azure Get Item call. According to this documentaiton, it should return a TfvcItem object which has a lot of metadata including the version. However, when I make the call it only returns the file contents (the content field of the documentation's TfvcItem).
How do I get the current version of the file?
I need the version when I check itin with create changeset. I don't need it for any other reason, so if you know another way to check in an edited file that would help.

Instead of using Get Item API, some related REST APIs are not documented. For these REST APIs we can use tools such as Fiddler or directly press F12 - network in Chrome to track them.
You should use below API to fetch latest changeset version of a file:
For body:
itemPath is your server path of the file.
From the response, you will get the version info such as "version": "139", instead of the file content.
Not sure your detail version of TFS, I was using Azure DevOps Service for an example. There maybe some difference for different TFS version. You could track the detail API on your own side.
More detail info kindly take a look at this question: VSTS Release API Documentation

Had the same issue. You can get item metadata by specifying "scopePath" URI parameter, instead of "path". Microsoft example in API documentation seems incorrect, as it indeed returns only item content:


checkin a one drive document using graph api

I am trying to checkout a drive item using microsoft graph API
as mentioned in
But when I am trying to use graph API explorer it gives me an error
Unsupported segment type. ODataQuery: sites/
Check-in and check-out are only available in the /beta/ version of Microsoft Graph. I can see how the documentation doesn't make that clear, so sorry about that. I'll make sure we get those docs updated.
Here's call you need to make:{insert your URL here}/checkout

How to get all work items in TFS 2013 using REST API

I need to retrieve all work items in TFS 2015.2 using REST API
I have referred below link from Microsoft
Below is the similar url pattern I used,
http://fabrikam:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/q.aspx?pname=FabrikamFiber&wiql=SELECT [System.ID], [System.Title], [System.State] FROM WorkItems WHERE [System.TeamProject]='FabrikamFiber' AND [System.WorkItemType]='Bug'
However this url end-up with nothing but error
The page you are looking for is currently unavailable.
TF400914: The specified team, q.aspx, either does not exist or you do not have access to it.
Please be kind enough to show some light to overcome this issue.
Note TFS 2015 require that you encode the WIQL portion of the URL syntax. You can use any URL encoder tool to encode your URL.
TFS 2015 syntax
https://{ServerName}/{CollectionName}/{TeamProjectName}/_workitems?_a=query&wiql={Encoded WorkItemQueryLanguage]
For example, the following hyperlink lists the ID, title, and state of all bugs under the FabrikamFiber/Web area path hosted on the fabrikam server and it's encoded url.
According to your url, seems you are still using TFS 2013 syntax, if you need to retrieve all work items in TFS 2015.2. Please use TFS2015 syntax instead.
If you need to retrieve all work items in TFS2013. The easiest way to define a hyperlink is to create a query that matches what you want and then copy the URL for the query. Create the same query in web portal/team explorer to narrow down the issue to see if you are able to get all work items. And copy the url directly to double check your url format.

Retrieve work items in recycle bin in TFS 2015 update 3(on premise)

We are following the link: in order to retrieve the work items in recycle bin using TFS Rest Api, but this doesn't seem to work.
Url format contains the "project" variable but the example url does not follow the same:
GET https://{instance}/DefaultCollection/{project}_apis/wit/recycleBin?api-version={version}
The above request url points to version 1.0 but the link recommends version 3.0 which is confusing.
What is the correct url in order to fetch work items in Recycle bin,is there any other alternate way to achieve this.
Resolved the issue by passing the version as 3.0-preview and not 1.0 in the url.
http://tfsserver:8080/tfs/{Team Project Collection}/{Team Project}/_apis/wit/recycleBin?api-version=3.0-preview

Jira Rest Api Delete version not working as expected

I'm using the Jira (version 5) Rest API to Delete a version and like the documentation tell me, I pass the moveFixIssuesTo and moveAffectedIssuesTo to transfer issue from the deleted version to a other version. This just doesn't work. The issues that has AffectedVersion / FixVersion set to the deleted version have no version after the delete.
Here an example of the call :
http:// /rest/api/2/version/16238?16237&16237
My {id} is an existing versionId I want to delete.
moveFixIssuesTo and moveAffectedIssuesTo are versionId of the version I want the issues to be transfer.
If I do the same kind of action from the Web UI of Jira ( Deleting a version and setting in the form the version to transfer the AffectedVersion and FixVersion, It work correctly and I see the new version in the field of the issues.
Any idea why this does not work as expected ?
I think if you changed implementation of service operation - you must use another url for this operaton. For this thing you can change value of attribute version in rest tag in the file atlassian-plugin.xml:
<rest name="My Rest Resource" key="custom-rest-resource" path="/my-custom-resource" version="1.0"/>

How to map a TFS item url to something viewable

We are programmatically generating deployment emails, based on the history of changesets and associated workitems since the last deployed build. They look a bit like the build summary info inside Visual Studio (but with many builds combined).
There appear to be useful URLs in the data (like vstfs:///VersionControl/Changeset/205151), but being new to the TFS SDK I do not if/how this maps to a viewable item (e.g. http://tfsserver:port/somepath/...). The build summary links inside Visual Studio are clickable, but are they VS-only links?
If possible we want to include links in the email that open the related item (in a browser?), so I guess I need to know if TFS paths are web-browsable and if so, how?
Suggestions welcomed. Thanks.
This is the uRl i have been using to access work items,
=> http://ServerName:PortNumber/tfs/web/wi.aspx?id=xxidxx
The format i have specified does work with TFS 2010. It basically generates the path to the work item in Web view. Clicking on this opens the work item in the web view.
As an alternate, you could get a navigatable URL programmatically as well.
var tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("TFSURL"));
var versionControl = tfs.GetService<ICommonStructureService>();
var projects = versionControl.ListAllProjects();
var myService = tfs.GetService<TswaClientHyperlinkService>();
var myUrl = myService.GetChangesetDetailsUrl(21);
So, the service "TswaClientHyperlinkService" is microsofts TFS hyperlink service. This will generate the url formats for Absolute path, relative path, Path and Query, blah blah.
Cheers, Tarun
PS - I hate to be wrong!!! hahaha...
And since in your case you have the URI available and you already are using the TFS API, these two lines of code would do the trick.
var testManagementService = tfs.GetService<ILinking>();
var testControllers = testManagementService.GetArtifactUrl(#"vstfs:///VersionControl/Changeset/205151");
This will generate, https://ServerName:PortNumber/defaultcollection/VersionControl/Changeset.aspx?artifactMoniker=205151
Cheers, Tarun
The following seems to be the standard url for accessing work items
The vstfs links are called "artifact IDs" and are internal data to TFS that is expected to only be consumed by a TFS client. A TFS client will parse that data and determine how to display that data. For a changeset link like you provide, the rich clients will open up a dialog with the changeset details. A web client would translate that link into a URI. And the various TFS libraries are able to provide you more data on this artifact using that ID.
If you wanted to create your own link to TFS Web Access, the strictly proper way to do this is to query some information on the server. Once you have a TswaClientHyperlinkService, you can query for the Web Access URIs for various services, such as view a changeset or view a work item. Some examples are shown on Martin Woodward's blog.
In TFS2012, an additional pcguid URL parameter needs to be present. Here's the new format, extending the good solution given by #TarunArora:
This blog post describes how to find the pcguid via Visual Studio.
However, if like me you're attempting to use TFS without Visual Studio installed (don't ask!), here's an alternative using the browser-based TFS interface:
Go to "Open Issues"
Click on the button that looks like an envelope ("Send query as an email") in the top right of the work item pane.
Right-click on one of the links in the email and copy the link location
Cancel out of the email without sending it.
Paste link location into a text editor and extract the pcguid value.
