Floating content of UIScrollView when smaller - ios

I'm trying to make kind of collage, so I want to resize image and drag it to any position of scroll view. Currently I can drag image only when it is bigger than scroll view. But when it is smaller than it sticks to top left corner. Yes, I can use scrollViewDidZoom to move image to center for example, but it is not what I'm looking for. For example I want to allow users to drag an image to any position of the scroll view, like this

To do that I just merge big empty image with my image I want to move. Looks like a bad solution, but it working as I wanted


Horizontal UIScrollView and multiple thumbnail images in iOS?

I need to create a horizontal UIScrollView which to hold hundreds of thumbnail images, just like a slide of thumbnails and a UIImageView that will hold the center image of UIScrollView
For example, there will be 6 thumbnails showing in a single screen, each of them are horizontally adjacent to each other.
My problem is that I don't know how to make a horizontal UIScrollView to hold the multiple thumbnails which showing at the same time and then display the center image to the Topview image?
A sample photo is as below. See the bottom part of the screen.
Screenshot Image
There are many ways, here is one:
The top part
Option 1.1
The top image views can be handled by a UIPageViewController wrapping something to the effect of ImageDetailViewController
Option 1.2
The top is a UICollectionViewController and the large top images are UICollectionViewCells. You can use UICollectionViewFlowLayout with a horizontal scroll direction and pagination true.
The bottom part
Option 2.1
The bottom part should be a UICollectionViewController as you may need to overflow off the screen and it is fast and scrolls horizontally.
Option 2.2
The bottom part can be a StackView created with items programmatically and filled in with a spacing you want. Add a UIGestureRecognizer to detect touch down.
Top: 1.1 - Use a UIPageViewController
Bottom 2.2 - Use a stacked view with a gesture recogniser over the top
Assuming you want them to pan over the bottom, I would say 2.2 is the option, but slightly harder.
So what this looks like is a UIPageViewController, with a floating thumbnail on the bottom to scrub.You can just implement a simple ImageViewer (UIImageView inside a UIScrollView to allow zooming etc).
This will give left/right scroll for free.
You will layout the thumbnails on the bottom inside a stack view and it is better to handle one giant gesture recogniser on the bottom so you can keep it continuous without lifting finger. You will just have to get the coordinates or view that is translated inside the touch.
Rather than go into code because there will be a few different classes I will try to give a topographic explanation.

UIImage - Infinite Scrolling Background

Does anyone know how to do something like that?
I would like to get a continuous scrolling of the image.
Example: https://vimeo.com/262632459
Here is a simple way of doing it.
Set it up
Create the image you want to scroll in the background. You need to make it minimum as wide as the widest screen you want to support.
Place two instances of the image you created next to each other inside a regular UIView.
Place the view on the screen with the x position at 0.
Animate the view repeatedly forever, moving the x position from 0 to -width. The width is the width of your image (just the width of one instance). Note that since you want to pull the view left, you must pull x in the negative direction.
The image will now slide left until the second instance x is at 0. At this position the animation will start over, moving the view one whole image size to the left. This movement will not be noticeable since you use two identical images.
You need to use scrollview or subclass of scrollview and in that scrollview add your image you want to scroll.
override scrollViewDidScroll delegate method of scrollview, here you can control the animation (how much user can scroll or other behaviours)
And if you want circular image(when image reach to last start again) add two copy of same image, One at zero position, before your acutal image and one at last position after actual image and as soon as image reaches to last remove the font image and add in the last, and if user scrolling in right direction remove the last image and add in front.
In scrollview add three imageview and keep adding and removing from the front and last based on the scroll direction. In scrollViewDidScroll you will get direction of scoll based on change in x value

Free Scrolling in Xcode 8.3.3

I want to create a page with a big image as background and buttons that users can interact with.
So imagine I put a big image such as a piece of map into the screen, but I only show a corner of the map in the display. So if a user wants to see other parts of the map, they have to "scroll" and navigate to wherever they want.
Meanwhile I also want to put a button they can tap on, and that button should lead to a php webpage (in-app, not opening in safari or else) or information page about sites and buildings in this location.
I am a rookie and I haven't have any code written down yet. I am thinking about using UIScrollView and UIButton, but am I on the right direction? Any advice?
Thanks in advance!
First you need a way to pinch zoom the image. In this mode, you can drag the image in any direction that you want. A common method can be found here. A scroll view can only scroll horizontally or vertically but with that image zooming, each image can be zoomed in and then dragged to any direction you want. You can have a scroll view with only one image.
After you have the image zooming ready, all you need to do is to create a subview on your screen to cover part of the image view or scroll view, whatever you used.

How to implement scaling by dragging view edges/corners like Apply Official Photos app crop control?

The apple official photos application have a edit function which you can crop photos. I would like to implement a similar control for cropping photos. I would like to know how to implement the resizing of the crop mask.
The resizing of the crop mask have the following requirements.
The crop mask can only be resizing by dragging edges or corners.
The anchor point of scaling is opposite the the start edge or corner.
The crop mask can have aspect ratio lock.
The crop mask should not go belong a restricted bounds.
I have done the first 3 requirements, but the 4 requirement is troubling me. Consider a case where the crop mask is at its minimal size at the restricted bounds box bottom left corner. Dragging the top edges will make the view scale with anchor point at the bottom left corner. With this strange behaviour, I think my implementation of changing bounds with opposite anchor point cannot have this behaviour. So I think the apple implementation is different from mine. And I would like to know how these behaviour can be achieved.
The question is what procedure have you even taken.
I would suggest this is done with a simple UIScrollView. Your "crop mask" can be the scroll view which may be resized and repositioned by dragging the corners of it. The scroll view must have the "clip subviews" disabled so you may see the content view outside the scroll view (the content view being the actual image).
So this procedure will already save you all the trouble with bounds when scrolling the image. Moving the scroll view will still have a bit of work... Depending on which corner you are dragging you might need to modify the content offset as you seem to have already figured and should give no trouble at all. Then what is left is putting the image into the crop mask when it gets out of bounds which should be done by calling scroll rect to visible for the whole content view frame; if not it can be easily computed manually as well.
You must also override the hit test method so that the scrolling will happen outside the scroll view.

ios - scrollview zooming when scrolling to end, like Fancy

I don't know what this effect is called. Fancy uses it in its app. It works like this.
You have an image at the top of a scrollview.
Drag down and the image gets zoomed to fill the extra top space, so its top edge always remains at the top edge of this scrollview
release your finger and it bounces back
Please give me some idea on how to build this effect. Thanks!
There are many open source implementations of this, such as:
The basic idea behind these is to have an imageview as a subview of the scrollview. When scrolling, you monitor the content offset of the scrollview, and when you reach a certain threshold, you start increasing the image view's height. If you set the image view's contentMode to UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill, you will get the effect you want.
