Finding closest value in array of custom objects in swift - ios

Hi I do have array of custom objects in swift, like below
Objects of below class
Class Person {
let name: String
let pointsEarned: CGFloat
Array is like below
let person1 = Person(“name1”, “5.6”)
let person2 = Person(“name2”, “6.6”)
let person3 = Person(“name3”, “1.6”)
let persons = [person1, person2, person3 ]
I would like find person who’s earned points are close to 7.0
Is there extension on array I can write for this?
Appreciate any help! Thanks.

Sort your objects by their distance from the goal (7), computed asabs(goal - score)`:
people.sort { abs(7 - $0.score) < abs(7 - $1.score) }

Alexander's answer is good, but you only need the min.
public extension Sequence {
func min<Comparable: Swift.Comparable>(
by getComparable: (Element) throws -> Comparable
) rethrows -> Element? {
try self.min {
try getComparable($0) < getComparable($1)
I also think abs as a global function looks archaic. magnitude is the same value.
persons.min { ($0.pointsEarned - 7).magnitude }
You can use the argument label with a trailing closure if you want:
persons.min(by:) { ($0.pointsEarned - 7).magnitude }


Is there a simple way to traverse a multi-dimensional array and transform each element in Swift?

If I have an multi-dimensional array of latitudes and longitudes like:
let inputLatLongArray = [[[
["-100.7777777775", "99.2222222"],
["-100.777777777", "87.2222222"],
["-100.777777777", "34.2222222"],
["-100.777777777", "99.2222222"],
["-100.777777777", "99.2222222"]
How can I traverse & transform the elements so each nested lat/long only has 2 decimal places?
Expected output:
let expectedLatLongArray = [[[
["-100.77", "99.22"],
["-100.77", "87.22"],
["-100.77", "34.22"],
["-100.77", "99.22"],
["-100.77", "99.22"]
Here's what I have so far below. My thought was to use a flatMap and then map down into the nested arrays but this doesn't seem correct either. Is there a simple way to do this?
func roundLatAndLong(with latLongArray: [[[[String, String]]]]) -> [[[[String, String]]]] {
let coordinates = latLongArray.flatMap { $0 }.map({ $0 }).map({ //Rounded both array positions down to 2 decimal places })
return coordinates
func rounded(toDecimalPlaces n: Int) -> String {
return String(format: "%.\(n)f", self)
If your data type is Double, there is no such thing as having a number of decimal places. If you try to round a value to a given number of decimal places, you'll get a value close to, but not exactly, that value. That's because binary floating point can't represent most decimal values exactly. If you really want to convert your values to values with an exact number of decimal places, you should use the Decimal type.
You COULD convert your array of lat/long Double values to Strings with a given number of decimal places pretty easily.
If you had an array of structs containing lat/longs, or an array of tuples, it would be a lot cleaner. Or even an array of dictionaries with keys of "lat" and "long"
You could do something like this:
func nestedTransform<InElement, OutElement>(nested: [[[[InElement]]]], transform: (InElement) -> OutElement) -> [[[[OutElement]]]]
return {$ { $ { $ }}}
I think in your attempt you just had your nesting a little off, that is you were chaining instead of nesting the map calls.
You would use this like this:
let roundedResult = nestedTransform(nested: inputLatLongArray) { $0.rounded(toDecimalPlaces: 8) }
Assuming the existence to a suitable extension on InElement. You edited the question to remove the original Double array. So this answer serves to solve the mapping of nested arrays. The implementation of the transform is left up to you!
I also strongly encourage you to read the answer by #DuncanC and the comments by #LeoDaubus about why your original transform is ill-advised.
You can gradually extend Array to allow transformations on multi-dimensional ones:
extension Array {
func map2<T, U>(_ transform: (T) -> U) -> [[U]] where Element == [T] {
map { $ }
func map3<T,U>(_ transform: (T) -> U) -> [[[U]]] where Element == [[T]] {
map { $0.map2(transform) }
func map4<T,U>(_ transform: (T) -> U) -> [[[[U]]]] where Element == [[[T]]] {
map { $0.map3(transform) }
You can then use the extension like this:
let inputLatLongArray = [[[
["-98.73264361706984", "38.5447223260328"],
["-98.73255257987707", "38.543630550793544"],
["-98.7302159585956", "38.54506646913993"],
["-98.73200635672036", "38.54556488037536"],
["-98.73264361706984", "38.5447223260328"]
let transform: (String) -> String = {
return String(format: "%.\(8)f", Double($0) ?? 0.0)
let transformedArray = inputLatLongArray.map4(transform)

How to use firstIndex in Switft to find all results

I am trying to split a string into an array of letters, but keep some of the letters together. (I'm trying to break them into sound groups for pronunciation, for example).
So, for example, all the "sh' combinations would be one value in the array instead of two.
It is easy to find an 's' in an array that I know has an "sh" in it, using firstIndex. But how do I get more than just the first, or last, index of the array?
The Swift documentation includes this example:
let students = ["Kofi", "Abena", "Peter", "Kweku", "Akosua"]
if let i = students.firstIndex(where: { $0.hasPrefix("A") }) {
print("\(students[i]) starts with 'A'!")
// Prints "Abena starts with 'A'!"
How do I get both Abena and Akosua (and others, if there were more?)
Here is my code that accomplishes some of what I want (please excuse the rather lame error catching)
let message = "she sells seashells"
var letterArray = { String($0)}
var error = false
while error == false {
if message.contains("sh") {
guard let locate1 = letterArray.firstIndex(of: "s") else{
error = true
break }
let locate2 = locate1 + 1
//since it keeps finding an s it doesn't know how to move on to rest of string and we get an infinite loop
if letterArray[locate2] == "h"{
letterArray.insert("sh", at: locate1)
letterArray.remove (at: locate1 + 1)
letterArray.remove (at: locate2)}}
else { error = true }}
print (message, letterArray)
Instead of first use filter you will get both Abena and Akosua (and others, if there were more?)
extension Array where Element: Equatable {
func allIndexes(of element: Element) -> [Int] {
return self.enumerated().filter({ element == $0.element }).map({ $0.offset })
You can then call
letterArray.allIndexes(of: "s") // [0, 4, 8, 10, 13, 18]
You can filter the collection indices:
let students = ["Kofi", "Abena", "Peter", "Kweku", "Akosua"]
let indices = students.indices.filter({students[$0].hasPrefix("A")})
print(indices) // "[1, 4]\n"
You can also create your own indices method that takes a predicate:
extension Collection {
func indices(where predicate: #escaping (Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> [Index] {
try indices.filter { try predicate(self[$0]) }
let indices = students.indices { $0.hasPrefix("A") }
print(indices) // "[1, 4]\n"
or indices(of:) where the collection elements are Equatable:
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
func indices(of element: Element) -> [Index] {
indices.filter { self[$0] == element }
let message = "she sells seashells"
let indices = message.indices(of: "s")
Note: If you need to find all ranges of a substring in a string you can check this post.
Have fun!
["Kofi", "Abena", "Peter", "Kweku", "Akosua"].forEach {
if $0.hasPrefix("A") {
print("\($0) starts with 'A'!")
If you really want to use the firstIndex method, here's a recursive(!) implementation just for fun :D
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
/// Returns the indices of an element from the specified index to the end of the collection.
func indices(of element: Element, fromIndex: Index? = nil) -> [Index] {
let subsequence = suffix(from: fromIndex ?? startIndex)
if let elementIndex = subsequence.firstIndex(of: element) {
return [elementIndex] + indices(of: element, fromIndex: index(elementIndex, offsetBy: 1))
return []
Given n instances of element in the collection, the function will be called n+1 times (including the first call).
Looking at complexity, suffix(from:) is O(1), and firstIndex(of:) is O(n). Assuming that firstIndex terminates once it encounters the first match, any recursions simply pick up where we left off. Therefore, indices(of:fromIndex:) is O(n), just as good as using filter. Sadly, this function is not tail recursive... although we can change that by keeping a running total.
[Maybe I'll do this another time.]
Recursion is fun and all, but you should probably use Leo Dabus' solution.

Dictionary inside dictionary

I am trying to use a list that is a value for a dictionary key/pair set, and this dictionary is itself a value in a key/pair set in a dictionary. To explain, this is how I initialize it.
var dictOfEvents = [Int: [Int: [PFObject]]]()
I am trying to add events to the list, with the inner dictionary's key being the day of month and the outer one being the month. For example, an event on May 1 would be:
Where ListOfEvents is an array of PFObjects. Before I added the month functionality, and thus the outer dictionary, the way I added new events was:
` self.dictOfEvents[] = [event]
But now, when I try to extend this with:
self.dictOfEvents[components.month]?[]! = [event]
It does not work. Any explanation on how to create new event lists and access this double layer dictionary would be greatly appreciated.
(Note: I don't know where to put the ! and the ? in the last piece of code so please excuse me if I made a mistake.)
Here is what I think could be a good use of optionals in your case (and should respond to your question):
var dic: [Int: [Int: [String]]] = [:]
dic[5] = [1:["Hello", "World"]]
if let list = dic[5]?[1] {
// your list exist and you can safely use it
for item in list {
I just used String instead of PFObject.
A different approach could be:
Define a struct to encapsulate your Month and Day
Make it Hashable so that you can use it as Dictionary key
public struct MonthDay: Hashable {
let month: Int
let day: Int
public var hashValue: Int { return month * 100 + day }
public func ==(lhs: MonthDay, rhs: MonthDay) -> Bool {
return lhs.month == rhs.month && ==
var dictOfEvents = [MonthDay :[String]]()
let aMonthAndDay = MonthDay(month: 5, day: 1)
dictOfEvents[aMonthAndDay] = ["Hello", "World"]
if let list = dictOfEvents[aMonthAndDay] {
// your list exist and you can safely use it
for item in list {
U can simple change:
self.dictOfEvents[components.month]?[]! = [event]
to :
self.dictOfEvents[components.month]![]! = [event]
Because Dictionary has subscript, Dictionary? doesn't have subscript.
if U try add Events to Dictionary. I suggest to use this:
var dictOfEvents = [Int: [Int: [PFObject]]]()
var dictOfDayEvents = [Int:[PFObject]]()
dictOfDayEvents.updateValue([PFObject()], forKey: 1)
dictOfEvents.updateValue(dictOfDayEvents, forKey: 5)

Find Object with Property in Array

is there a possibility to get an object from an array with an specific property? Or do i need to loop trough all objects in my array and check if an property is the specific i was looking for?
edit: Thanks for given me into the correct direction, but i have a problem to convert this.
// edit again: A ok, and if there is only one specific result? Is this also a possible method do to that?
let imageUUID = sender.imageUUID
let questionImageObjects = self.formImages[currentSelectedQuestion.qIndex] as [Images]!
// this is working
//var imageObject:Images!
for (index, image) in enumerate(questionImageObjects) {
if(image.imageUUID == imageUUID) {
imageObject = image
// this is not working - NSArray is not a subtype of Images- so what if there is only 1 possible result?
var imageObject = questionImageObjects.filter( { return $0.imageUUID == imageUUID } )
// this is not working - NSArray is not a subtype of Images- so what if there is only 1 possible result?
You have no way to prove at compile-time that there is only one possible result on an array. What you're actually asking for is the first matching result. The easiest (though not the fastest) is to just take the first element of the result of filter:
let imageObject = questionImageObjects.filter{ $0.imageUUID == imageUUID }.first
imageObject will now be an optional of course, since it's possible that nothing matches.
If searching the whole array is time consuming, of course you can easily create a firstMatching function that will return the (optional) first element matching the closure, but for short arrays this is fine and simple.
As charles notes, in Swift 3 this is built in:
questionImageObjects.first(where: { $0.imageUUID == imageUUID })
Edit 2016-05-05: Swift 3 will include first(where:).
In Swift 2, you can use indexOf to find the index of the first array element that matches a predicate.
let index = questionImageObjects.indexOf({$0.imageUUID == imageUUID})
This is bit faster compared to filter since it will stop after the first match. (Alternatively, you could use a lazy sequence.)
However, it's a bit annoying that you can only get the index and not the object itself. I use the following extension for convenience:
extension CollectionType {
func find(#noescape predicate: (Self.Generator.Element) throws -> Bool) rethrows -> Self.Generator.Element? {
return try indexOf(predicate).map({self[$0]})
Then the following works:
questionImageObjects.find({$0.imageUUID == imageUUID})
Yes, you can use the filter method which takes a closure where you can set your logical expression.
struct User {
var firstName: String?
var lastName: String?
let users = [User(firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"), User(firstName: "Bill", lastName: "Clinton"), User(firstName: "John", lastName: "Travolta")];
let johns = users.filter( { return $0.firstName == "John" } )
Note that filter returns an array containing all items satisfying the logical expression.
More info in the Library Reference
Here is a working example in Swift 5
class Point{
var x:Int
var y:Int
init(x:Int, y:Int){
self.x = x
self.y = y
var p1 = Point(x:1, y:2)
var p2 = Point(x:2, y:3)
var p3 = Point(x:1, y:4)
var points = [p1, p2, p3]
// Find the first object with given property
// In this case, firstMatchingPoint becomes p1
let firstMatchingPoint = points.first{$0.x == 1}
// Find all objects with given property
// In this case, allMatchingPoints becomes [p1, p3]
let allMatchingPoints = points.filter{$0.x == 1}
Trailing Closure
Here is other way to fetch particular object by using object property to search an object in array.
if arrayTicketsListing.contains({ $0.status_id == "2" }) {
let ticketStatusObj: TicketsStatusList = arrayTicketsListing[arrayTicketsListing.indexOf({ $0.status_id == "2" })!]
Whereas, my arrayTicketsListing is [TicketsStatusList] contains objects of TicketsStatusList class.
// TicketsStatusList class
class TicketsStatusList {
internal var status_id: String
internal var status_name: String
status_id = ""
status_name = ""

Combining queries in Realm?

I have these two objects in my model:
class Message: Object {
//Precise UNIX time the message was sent
dynamic var sentTime: NSTimeInterval = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970
let images = List<Image>()
class Image: Object {
dynamic var mediaURL: String = ""
var messageContainingImage: Message {
return linkingObjects(Message.self, forProperty: "images")[0]
I want to form a query which returns messages and images, messages sorted by sentTime and images sorted by their messageContainingImage's sent time. They'd be sorted together.
The recommended code for a query is this:
let messages = Realm().objects(Message).sorted("sentTime", ascending: true)
This returns a Result<Message> object. A Result doesn't have a way to be joined to another Result. There are other issues in my way too, such as, if I could combine them, how would I then perform a sort.
Additional thoughts:
I could also add a property to Image called sentTime, then once they're combined I'd be able to call that property on both of them.
I could make them both subclass from a type which has sentTime. The problem is, doing Realm().objects(Message) would only returns things which are messages, and not subclasses of Message.
How would I be able to do this?
My end goal is to display these message and image results in a tableview, messages separately from their attached image.
I think, inheritance is not the right solution here, this introduces more drawbacks by complicating your object schema, than it's worth for your use case.
Let's go back to what you wrote is your end goal: I guess you want to display messages and images together in one table view as separated rows, where the images follow their message. Do I understand that correctly?
You don't need to sort both, sorting the messages and accessing them and their images in a suitable way will ensure that everything is sorted correctly. The main challenge is more how to enumerate / random-access this two-dimensional data structure as an one-dimensional sequence.
Depending on the amount of data, you query, you have to decide, whether you can go a simple approach by keeping them all in memory at once, or introducing a view object on top of Results, which takes care of accessing all objects in order.
The first solution could just look like this:
let messages = Realm().objects(Message).sorted("sentTime", ascending: true)
array = reduce(messages, [Object]()) { (var result, message) in
result += map(message.images) { $0 }
return result
While the latter solution is more complex, but could look like this:
// Let you iterate a list of nodes with their related objects as:
// [a<list: [a1, a2]>, b<list: [b1, b2, b3]>]
// in pre-order like:
// [a, a1, a2, b, b1, b2, b3]
// where listAccessor returns the related objects of a node, e.g.
// listAccessor(a) = [a1, a2]
// Usage:
// class Message: Object {
// dynamic var sentTime = NSDate()
// let images = List<Image>()
// }
// class Image: Object {
// …
// }
// FlattenedResultsView(Realm().objects(Message).sorted("sentTime"), listAccessor: { $0.images })
class FlattenedResultsView<T: Object, E: Object> : CollectionType {
typealias Index = Int
typealias Element = Object
let array: Results<T>
let listAccessor: (T) -> (List<E>)
var indexTransformVectors: [(Int, Int?)]
var notificationToken: NotificationToken? = nil
init(_ array: Results<T>, listAccessor: T -> List<E>) {
self.array = array
self.listAccessor = listAccessor
self.indexTransformVectors = FlattenedResultsView.computeTransformVectors(array, listAccessor)
self.notificationToken = Realm().addNotificationBlock { note, realm in
func recomputeTransformVectors() {
self.indexTransformVectors = FlattenedResultsView.computeTransformVectors(array, listAccessor)
static func computeTransformVectors(array: Results<T>, _ listAccessor: T -> List<E>) -> [(Int, Int?)] {
let initial = (endIndex: 0, array: [(Int, Int?)]())
return reduce(array, initial) { (result, element) in
var array = result.array
let list = listAccessor(element)
let vector: (Int, Int?) = (result.endIndex, nil)
for i in 0..<list.count {
let vector = (result.endIndex, Optional(i))
return (endIndex: result.endIndex + 1, array: array)
var startIndex: Index {
return indexTransformVectors.startIndex
var endIndex: Index {
return indexTransformVectors.endIndex
var count: Int {
return indexTransformVectors.count
subscript (position: Index) -> Object {
let vector = indexTransformVectors[position]
switch vector {
case (let i, .None):
return array[i]
case (let i, .Some(let j)):
return listAccessor(array[i])[j]
func generate() -> GeneratorOf<Object> {
var arrayGenerator = self.array.generate()
var lastObject: T? =
var listGenerator: GeneratorOf<E>? = nil
return GeneratorOf<Object> {
if listGenerator != nil {
let current = listGenerator!.next()
if current != nil {
return current
} else {
// Clear the listGenerator to jump back on next() to the first branch
listGenerator = nil
if let currentObject = lastObject {
// Get the list of the currentObject and advance the lastObject already, next
// time we're here the listGenerator went out of next elements and we check
// first whether there is anything on first level and start over again.
listGenerator = self.listAccessor(currentObject).generate()
lastObject =
return currentObject
} else {
return nil
