MYTYPE of type? - f#

I have the type declaration
type MYVAL = INT of int
and want to perform arithmetic operations on constants and variables of type MYVAL, like
let a : MYVAL = 10
let b : MYVAL = 25
let c = a+b
However, when I run it, it claims that MYVAL does not support the operator +. Isn't MYVAL treated as an integer type? If it is not, what does INT of int do? How would you perform arithmetic operations of variables and constants of type MYVAL?

MYVAL is not treated as an integer type. If that's what you want, you can use a type abbreviation; type MYVAL = int. I'm not sure why you would want to do that, but it's definitely possible.
In your current definition, MYVAL is a single case discriminated union. It wraps a given type, but doesn't inherit any of the underlying type's operators. By the way, the way to construct a an INT is let a = INT 10, not let a : MYINT = 10.
If you want, you can implement your own addition operator, like so
type MYVAL = INT of int with
static member (+) (INT a, INT b) = INT(a+b)
which would allow you to do
let a = INT 10
let b = INT 25
let c = a+b
You would need to do this for any operator you want to use, e.g. (-), (*), etc.
This might all seem a bit confusing, I mean why wouldn't we want the operators to be generated automatically? Well, if you're writing a parser, you might want to be able to read either an int or a string. Such a parser might output a value of a type type MYVAL = INT of int | STRING of string. How would (+) be defined, then? How about (-)?
In the parser example, MYVAL would no longer be a single case discriminated union, as it has multiple cases. A natural question to ask is, why are single case discriminated unions interesting, then? Who would want to use anything like that? Turns out, it's quite neat for subtyping. Say you want to represent a number that's higher than 10. One way to do this is
type HigherThan10 = private Value of int with
static member TryCreate(x: int) =
if x >= 10
then Some(Value(x))
else None
let x = Value(1) // Error
let y = HigherThan10.TryCreate(1) // None
let z = HigherThan10.TryCreate(10) // Some
I know it's not the most interesting example, but it may be used for representing an email adress as a 'subtype' of string. Notice, by the way, how this avoids using exceptions for control flow by returning a HigerThan10 option.

The reason why a simple sum doesn't work was already explained. I'll just show another option: you could define a map2 function for your type:
type MYVAL =
| INT of int
static member map2 f (INT x) (INT y) = INT (f x y)
//This is the correct way to initialize MYVAL, since it is a single-case discriminated union
let a = INT 10
let b = INT 25
MYVAL.map2 (+) a b //INT 35
MYVAL.map2 (*) a b //INT 250
MYVAL.map2 (%) a b //INT 5


Extend F# Arrays with lookup for bigint

I would like to extend F# Arrays such that I can use arrays without converting to the finite int. Instead I want to work with bigint directly.
I was able to add a second length method to the array type as follows:
type 'T ``[]`` with
member this.LengthI: bigint =
bigint this.Length
member this.Item(index: bigint): 'T =
this.[int index]
However the Item method cannot be called with the .[ ] syntax.
Any ideas how this could be achieved? I this possible at all?
I strongly suspect this isn't possible for native arrays. You can verify yourself that you can overload indexed access just fine for other collections.
If you compile the following code:
let myArray = [| "a" |]
let myList = [ "a" ]
let arrayElement = myArray.[11111]
let listElement = myList.[22222]
and inspect the resulting IL, you'll see that while accessing the list element compiles to a regular virtual call, there is a special CIL instruction for accessing a native array element, ldelem.
//000004: let arrayElement = myArray.[11111]
IL_002c: call string[] Fuduoqv1565::get_myArray()
IL_0031: ldc.i4 0x2b67
IL_0036: ldelem [mscorlib]System.String
IL_003b: stsfld string '<StartupCode$51dff40d-e00b-40e4-b9cc-15309089d437>'.$Fuduoqv1565::arrayElement#4
.line 5,5 : 1,33 ''
//000005: let listElement = myList.[22222]
IL_0040: call class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<string> Fuduoqv1565::get_myList()
IL_0045: ldc.i4 0x56ce
IL_004a: callvirt instance !0 class [FSharp.Core]Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.FSharpList`1<string>::get_Item(int32)
IL_004f: stsfld string '<StartupCode$51dff40d-e00b-40e4-b9cc-15309089d437>'.$Fuduoqv1565::listElement#5
IL_0054: ret
I would guess that the same compiler logic that special-case array access to that single instruction also bypass any overload resolution involving extension methods and the like.
One way to circumvent this is to wrap the array in a custom type, where overloaded indexers will work as you expect. Making the wrapper type a struct should reduce the performance loss in most cases:
type [<Struct>] BigArray<'T>(array : 'T[]) =
member this.LengthI: bigint =
bigint array.Length
member this.Item
with get(index : int) = array.[index]
and set (index : int) value = array.[index] <- value
member this.Item
with get(index : bigint) = array.[int index]
and set (index : bigint) value = array.[int index] <- value
let bigArray = BigArray myArray
let bigArrayElement = bigArray.[0]
let bigArrayElement2 = bigArray.[bigint 0]
Another one is to upcast the array to the base System.Array class, on which you can then define the same overloaded operator. This removes the need to create a wrapper type and duplicate all members of 'T[], as you can just upcast/downcast the same array object as necessary. However, since the base class is untyped, you will lose type safety and have to box/unbox the elements when using the indexed access, which is quite ugly:
type System.Array with
member this.Item
with get (index : int) = (this :?> 'T[]).[index]
and set (index : int) (value : 'T) = (this :?> 'T[]).[index] <- value
member this.Item
with get(index : bigint) : 'T = (this :?> 'T[]).[int index]
and set(index : bigint) (value : 'T) = (this :?> 'T[]).[int index] <- value
let untypedArray = myArray :> System.Array
let untypedArrayElement = box untypedArray.[0] :?> string
let untypedArrayElement2 = box untypedArray.[bigint 0] :?> string

Why can't I convert a Number into a Double?

weight is a field (Number in Firestore), set as 100.
int weight = json['weight'];
double weight = json['weight'];
int weight works fine, returns 100 as expected, but double weight crashes (Object.noSuchMethod exception) rather than returning 100.0, which is what I expected.
However, the following works:
num weight = json['weight'];
When parsing 100 from Firestore (which actually does not support a "number type", but converts it), it will by standard be parsed to an int.
Dart does not automatically "smartly" cast those types. In fact, you cannot cast an int to a double, which is the problem you are facing. If it were possible, your code would just work fine.
Instead, you can parse it yourself:
double weight = json['weight'].toDouble();
What also works, is parsing the JSON to a num and then assigning it to a double, which will cast num to double.
double weight = json['weight'] as num;
This seems a bit odd at first and in fact the Dart Analysis tool (which is e.g. built in into the Dart plugin for VS Code and IntelliJ) will mark it as an "unnecessary cast", which it is not.
double a = 100; // this will not compile
double b = 100 as num; // this will compile, but is still marked as an "unnecessary cast"
double b = 100 as num compiles because num is the super class of double and Dart casts super to sub types even without explicit casts.
An explicit cast would be the follwing:
double a = 100 as double; // does not compile because int is not the super class of double
double b = (100 as num) as double; // compiles, you can also omit the double cast
Here is a nice read about "Types and casting in Dart".
What happened to you is the following:
double weight;
weight = 100; // cannot compile because 100 is considered an int
// is the same as
weight = 100 as double; // which cannot work as I explained above
// Dart adds those casts automatically
You can do it in one line:
double weight = (json['weight'] as num).toDouble();
You can Parse the data Like given below:
Here document is a Map<String,dynamic>
double opening = double.tryParse(document['opening'].toString());
In Dart, int and double are separate types, both subtypes of num.
There is no automatic conversion between number types. If you write:
num n = 100;
double d = n;
you will get a run-time error. Dart's static type system allows unsafe down-casts, so the unsafe assignment of n to d (unsafe because not all num values are double values) is treated implicitly as:
num n = 100;
double d = n as double;
The as double checks that the value is actually a double (or null), and throws if it isn't. If that check succeeds, then it can safely assign the value to d since it is known to match the variable's type.
That's what's happening here. The actual value of json['weight'] (likely with static type Object or dynamic) is the int object with value 100. Assigning that to int works. Assigning it to num works. Assigning it to double throws.
The Dart JSON parser parses numbers as integers if they have no decimal or exponent parts (0.0 is a double, 0e0 is a double, 0 is an integer). That's very convenient in most cases, but occasionally annoying in cases like yours where you want a double, but the code creating the JSON didn't write it as a double.
In cases like that, you just have to write .toDouble() on the values when you extract them. That's a no-op on actual doubles.
As a side note, Dart compiled to JavaScript represents all numbers as the JavaScript Number type, which means that all numbers are doubles. In JS compiled code, all integers can be assigned to double without conversion. That will not work when the code is run on a non-JS implementation, like Flutter, Dart VM/server or ahead-of-time compilation for iOS, so don't depend on it, or your code will not be portable.
Simply convert int to double like this
int a = 10;
double b = a + 0.0;

What is the difference between float32 vs single and float vs double, if any?

I have always considered the types float32 and single to be interchangeable, in that they are type aliases. The same for float and double. However, they appear to be declared in different assemblies Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators vs Microsoft.FSharp.Core.ExtraTopLevelOperators.
Also, the popup description is slightly different, where F# says on float32 and float that it can take a string and use Parse() on it.
However, trying that with single and double succeeds just fine too:
let x = single "12.3"
let y = double "13.4"
Is there any difference I should be aware of? I have always used them interchangeably, never really gave it another thought, until I saw the differences in the popups and in signatures:
// on hovering, or in FSI, this will have the slightly confusing signature:
// val x: a: double -> float
let x (a: double) = float a
All of them are just aliases of the corresponding CLR types as you can see in prim-types-prelude.fs.
type float32 = System.Single
type float = System.Double
type single = System.Single
type double = System.Double
As for the confusing signature consider this:
type typA = A;;
type typB = typA;;
let f (x : typA) = (x : typB)
//val f : x:typA -> typB
Seems like F# prefers to use the aliases at the places you (or some other definition) used them.
Finally the namespaces you are referring to (FSharp.Core.Operators) are referring not to the float type but the float function (float : 'T -> float). See prim-types.fs.

How to convert a data array to a record using idiomatic F#

I'm trying to create a communication library that interacts with hardware. The protocol is made up of byte arrays with a header (source/destination address, command number, length) and a command specific payload. I'm creating Record Types for each of the commands to make them more user friendly.
Is there a more idiomatic way of converting an array to a record than
let data = [0;1]
type Rec = {
A : int
B : int
let convert d =
A = d.[0]
B = d.[1]
This can become very tedious when the records are much larger.
A few comments:
You record type definition is bogus - there should be no = in there. I assume you want
type Rec = {
A : int
B : int
You mentioned byte arrays, but your data value is a List. Accessing List items by index is expensive (O(n)) and should be avoided. If you meant to declare it as an array, the syntax is let data = [|0;1|]
But I wonder if records are the right fit here. If your goal is to have a single function that accepts a byte array and returns back various strongly-typed interpretations of that data, then a discriminated union might be best.
Maybe something along these lines:
// various possible command types
type Commands =
| Command1 of byte * int // maybe payload of Command1 is known to be an int
| Command2 of byte * string // maybe payload of Command1 is known to be a string
// active pattern for initial data decomposition
let (|Command|) (bytes : byte[]) =
(bytes.[0], bytes.[1], Array.skip 2 bytes)
let convert (bytes : byte[]) =
match bytes with
| Command(addr, 1uy, [| intData |]) ->
Command1(addr, int intData)
| Command(addr, 2uy, strData) ->
Command2(addr, String(Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetChars(strData)))
| _ ->
failwith "unknown command type"
// returns Command1(0x10, 42)
convert [| 0x10uy; 0x01uy; 0x2Auy |]
// returns Command2(0x10, "foobar")
convert [| 0x10uy; 0x02uy; 0x66uy; 0x6Fuy; 0x6Fuy; 0x62uy; 0x61uy; 0x72uy |]

'mutable' in type definition

Why is disabled types like
type t = A of int | B of string * mutable int
while such types are allowed:
type t = A of int | B of string * int ref
The question is, how would you modify the value of a mutable element of discriminated union case? For ref types, this is quite easy, because ref is a reference cell (a record actually) which contains the mutable value:
match tval with
| B(str, refNum) -> refNum := 4
We extract the reference cell and assign it to a new symbol (or a new variable) refNum. Then we modify the value inside the ref cell, which also modifies tval, because the two references to the cell (from discriminated union case and from refNum variable) are aliased.
On the other hand, when you write let mutable n = 0, you're creating a variable, which can be directly mutated, but there is no cell holding the mutable value - the variable n is directly mutable. This shows the difference:
let mutable a = 10
let mutable b = a
b <- 5 // a = 10, b = 5
let a = ref 10
let b = a
b := 5 // a = 5, b = 5 (because of aliasing!)
So, to answer your question - there is no way to directly refer to the value stored inside the discriminated union case. You can only extract it using pattern matching, but that copies the value to a new variable. This means that there isn't any way you could modify the mutable value.
To demonstrate limitations of mutable values in F#, here is one more example - you cannot capture mutable values inside a closure:
let foo() =
let mutable n = 0
(fun () -> n <- n + 1; n) // error FS0407
I think the reason is same as with discriminated union cases (even though it's not as obvious in this case). The compiler needs to copy the variable - it is stored as a local variable and as a field in the generated closure. And when copying, you want to modify the same variable from multiple references, so aliasing semantics is the only reasonable thing to do...
Ref is a type (int ref = ref<int>). Mutable is not a type, it's a keyword that allows you to update a value.
let (bla:ref<int>) = ref 0 //yup
let (bla:mutable<int>) = 3 //no!
