Thoughts about train_test_split for machine learning - machine-learning

I just noticed that many people tend to use train_test_split even before handling the missing data, and seem like they split the data at the very beginning
and there are also a bunch of people, they tend to slipt the data right before model building step after they do all the data cleaning and feature engineering, feature selection stuff.
The people tend to split the data at the very first saying that it is to prevent the data leakage.
I am right now just so confused about the pipeline of building a model.
why do we need to slipt the data at the very beginning? and to clean the train set and test set separately when we can actually do all the data cleaning and feature engineering or things like transforming the categorical variable to dummy variable together for convenience purpose?
Please help me with this
Really wanna know a convenient and scientific pipeline

You should split the data as early as possible.
To put it simply, your data engineering pipeline builds models too.
Consider the simple idea of filling in missing values. To do this you need to "train" a mini-model to generate the mean or mode or some other average to use. Then you use this model to "predict" missing values.
If you include the test data in the training process for these mini-models, then you are letting the training process peek at that data and cheat a little bit because of that. When it fills in the missing data, with values built using the test data, it is leaving little hints about what the test set is like. This is what "data leakage" means in practice. In an ideal world you could ignore it, and instead just use all data for training use the training score to decide which model is best.
But that won't work, because in practice a model is only useful once it is able to predict any new data, and not just the data available at training time. Google Translate needs to work on whatever you and I type in today, not just what it was trained with earlier.
So, in order to ensure that the model will continue to work well when that happens, you should test it on some new data in a more controlled way. Using a test set, which has been split out as early as possible and then hidden away, is the standard way to do that.
Yes, it means some inconvenience to split the data engineering up for training vs testing. But many tools like scikit, which splits the fit and transform stages, make it convenient to build an end-to-end data engineering and modeling pipeline with the right train/test separation.


Train/Test Datasets in Machine Learning

I just have a general question:
In a previous job, I was tasked with building a series of non-linear models to quantify the impact of certain factors on the number of medical claims filed. We had a set of variables we would use in all models (eg: state, year, Sex, etc.). We used all of our data to build these models; meaning we never split the data into training and test data sets.
If I were to go back in time to this job and split the data into training and test data sets, what would the advantages of that approach be besides assessing the prediction accuracy of our models. What is an argument for not splitting the data and then fitting the model? Never really thought about it too much until now - curious as to why we didn't take that approach.
The sole purpose of setting aside a test set is to assess prediction accuracy. However, there is more to this than just checking the number and thinking "huh, that's how my model performs"!
Knowing how your model performs at a given moment gives you an important benchmark for potential improvements of the model. How will you know otherwise whether adding a feature increases model performance? Moreover, how do you know otherwise whether your model is at all better than mere random guessing? Sometimes, extremely simple models outperform the more complex ones.
Another thing is removal of features or observations. This depends a bit on the kind of models you use, but some models (e.g., k-Nearest-Neighbors) perform significantly better if you remove unimportant features from the data. Similarly, suppose you add more training data and suddenly your model's test performance drops significantly. Perhaps there is something wrong with the new observations? You should be aware of these things.
The only argument I can think of for not using a test set is that otherwise you'd have too little training data for the model to perform optimally.

When true positives are rare

Suppose you're trying to use machine learning for a classification task like, let's say, looking at photographs of animals and distinguishing horses from zebras. This task would seem to be within the state of the art.
But if you take a bunch of labelled photographs and throw them at something like a neural network or support vector machine, what happens in practice is that zebras are so much rarer than horses that the system just ends up learning to say 'always a horse' because this is actually the way to minimize its error.
Minimal error that may be but it's also not a very useful result. What is the recommended way to tell the system 'I want the best guess at which photographs are zebras, even if this does create some false positives'? There doesn't seem to be a lot of discussion of this problem.
One of the things I usually do with imbalanced classes (or skewed data sets) is simply generate more data. I think this is the best approach. You could go out in the real world and gather more data of the imbalanced class (e.g. find more pictures of zebras). You could also generate more data by simply making copies or duplicating it with transformations (e.g. flip horizontally).
You could also pick a classifier that uses an alternate evaluation (performance) metric over the one usually used - accuracy. Look at precision/recall/F1 score.
Week 6 of Andrew Ng's ML course talks about this topic: link
Here is another good web page I found on handling imbalanced classes: link
With this type of unbalanced data problem, it is a good approach to learn patterns associated with each class as opposed to simply comparing classes - this can be done via unsupervised learning learning first (such as with autoencoders). A good article with this available at Another suggestion - after running the classifier, the confusion matrix can be used to determine where additional data should be pursued (I.e. many zebra errors)

How to build target variable for supervised machine learning project

I am quite new to machine learning with small experience and I did some projects.
Now I have a project relates to insurance. So I have databases about clients that I will merge to get all possible information about the clients and I have one database for the claims. I need to build a model to identify how risky the client based on ranks.
My question: I need to build my target variable that ranks the clients based on how risky they are, counting on the claims. I could have different strategies to do that, but I am confused about how I will deal with the following:
- Shall I do a specific type of analysis before building the ranks such as clustering, or I need to have a strong theoretical assumption matching with the project provider vision.
- If I use some variables in the claims database to build up the ranks, how shall I deal with them later. In other words, shall I remove them from the final data set for training, to avoid correlation with target variable, or I can treat them in a different way and keep them.
- If I will keep them, is there a special treatment for them depending on whether they are categorical or continuous variables.
Every machine learning project's starting point is EDA. First create some feature, like how often do they get bad claims or how many do they get. Then do some EDA to find which features are more useful. Secondly, the problem looks like classification. Clustering is usually harder to evaluate.
In data sciences when you make a business model, EDA exploratory data analytics play a major role which includes data cleaning, feature engineering, filtering data. As mentioned how to build target variable, it all depends on the attributes you have and what model do you want to apply say linear regression or logistic or make a decision tree. You need to use those algorithms. But most importantly you need to find out the impacting variable. That's probably the core elation between the output and the given input and priority must be given accordingly. Also attributes which add no value must be removed as that would contribute to overfitting.
You can do clustering too. And interesting thing is any unspervisoned learning could be converted to a form of supervised learning. Probably you can try to do logistic regression or do linear regression etc... And find out which model fits best to your project.

How to build a good training data set for machine learning and predictions?

I have a school project to make a program that uses the Weka tools to make predictions on football (soccer) games.
Since the algorithms are already there (the J48 algorithm), I need just the data. I found a website that offers football game data for free and I tried it in Weka but the predictions were pretty bad so I assume my data is not structured properly.
I need to extract the data from my source and format it another way in order to make new attributes and classes for my model. Does anyone know of a course/tutorial/guide on how to properly create your attributes and classes for machine learning predictions? Is there a standard that describes the best way of choosing the attributes of a data set for training a machine learning algorithm? What's the approach on this?
here's an example of the data that I have at the moment:
and here is what the columns mean:
The problem may be that the data set you have is too small. Suppose you have ten variables and each variable has a range of 10 values. There are 10^10 possible configurations of these variables. It is unlikely your data set will be this large let alone cover all of the possible configurations. The trick is to narrow down the variables to the most relevant to avoid this large potential search space.
A second problem is that certain combinations of variables may be more significant than others.
The J48 algorithm attempts to to find the most relevant variable using entropy at each level in the tree. each path through the tree can be thought of as an AND condition: V1==a & V2==b ...
This covers the significance due to joint interactions. But what if the outcome is a result of A&B&C OR W&X&Y? The J48 algorithm will find only one and it will be the one where the the first variable selected will have the most overall significance when considered alone.
So, to answer your question, you need to not only find a training set which will cover the most common variable configurations in the "general" population but find an algorithm which will faithfully represent these training cases. Faithful meaning it will generally apply to unseen cases.
It's not an easy task. Many people and much money are involved in sports betting. If it were as easy as selecting the proper training set, you can be sure it would have been found by now.
It was asked in the comments how to you find the proper algorithm. The answer is the same way you find a needle in a haystack. There is no set rule. You may be lucky and stumble across it but in a large search space you won't ever know if you have. This is the same problem as finding the optimum point in a very convoluted search space.
A short-term answer is to
Think about what the algorithm can really accomplish. The J48 (and similar) algorithms are best suited for classification where the influence of the variables on the result are well known and follow a hierarchy. Flower classification is one example where it will likely excel.
Check the model against the training set. If it does poorly with the training set then it will likely have poor performance with unseen data. In general, you should expect the model to performance against the training to exceed the performance against unseen data.
The algorithm needs to be tested with data it has never seen. Testing against the training set, while a quick elimination test, will likely lead to overconfidence.
Reserve some of your data for testing. Weka provides a way to do this. The best case scenario would be to build the model on all cases except one (Leave On Out Approach) then see how the model performs on the average with these.
But this assumes the data at hand are not in some way biased.
A second pitfall is to let the test results bias the way you build the model.For example, trying different models parameters until you get an acceptable test response. With J48 it's not easy to allow this bias to creep in but if it did then you have just used your test set as an auxiliary training set.
Continue collecting more data; testing as long as possible. Even after all of the above, you still won't know how useful the algorithm is unless you can observe its performance against future cases. When what appears to be a good model starts behaving poorly then it's time to go back to the drawing board.
Surprisingly, there are a large number of fields (mostly in the soft sciences) which fail to see the need to verify the model with future data. But this is a matter better discussed elsewhere.
This may not be the answer you are looking for but it is the way things are.
In summary,
The training data set should cover the 'significant' variable configurations
You should verify the model against unseen data
Identifying (1) and doing (2) are the tricky bits. There is no cut-and-dried recipe to follow.

How to deploy machine learning algorithm in production environment?

I'm new to machine learning algorithm. I'm learning basic algorithms like regression, classification, clustering, sequence modelling, on-line algorithms. All the article that are available on internet shows how to use these algorithm with specific data. There is no article regarding deployment of those algorithm in production environment. So my questions are
1) How to deploy machine learning algorithm in production environment?
2) The typical approach follows in machine learning tutorial is to build the model using some training data, use it for testing data. But is it advisable to use that kind of model in production environment? Incoming data may keep changing so the model will be ineffective. What should be duration for the model refresh cycle to accommodate such changes?
I am not sure if this is a good question (since it is too general and not formulated good), but I suggest you to read about bias - variance tradeoff. Long story short, you could have low bias\high variance machine-learning model and get 100% accurate results on your test data (the data you used to implement a model), but you could cause your model to overfit the training data. As result, when you will try to use it on data which you haven't used during training it will lead to poor performance. On the other hand, you may have high bias\low variance model, which will be poorly fit to your training data and will also perform just as bad on new production data. Keeping this in mind general guideline will be:
1) Obtain some good amount of data which you could use to build a prototype of machine-learning system
2) Split your data into train set, cross-validation set and test set
3) Create a model which will have relatively low bias (good accuracy, actually - good F1 score) on your test data. Then try this model on cross-validation set to see the results. If the results are bad - you have a high variance problem, you used a model which overfit the data and can't generalize well. Re-write your model, play with model parameters or use different algorithm. Repeat until you get a good result on CV set
4) Since we played with the model in order to get a good result on CV set, you want to test your final model on test set. If it is good - that's it, you have a final version of model and could use it on prod environment.
Second question has no answer, it is based on your data and your application. But 2 general approaches might be used:
1) Do everything I mentioned earlier to build a model with a good performance on test set. Re-train your model on new data once in some period (try different periods, but you could try to re-train your model once you see that performance of model dropped down).
2) Use online-learning approach. This is not applicable for many algorithms, but for some cases it could be used. Generally, if you see that you could use stochastic gradient descent learning method - you could use online-learning and just keep your model up-to-date with the newest production data.
Keep in mind that even if you use #2 (online-learning approach) you can't be sure that your model will be good forever. Sooner or later the data you get may change significantly and you may want to use whole different model (for example switch to ANN instead of SWM or logistic regression).
DISCLAIMER: I work for this company, Datmo building a better workflow for ML. We’re always looking to help fellow developers working on ML so feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions.
1) In order to deploy, you should first split up your code into preprocessing, training and test. This way you can easily encapsulate the required components for deployment. Usually, you will then want to take your preprocessing, test, as well as your weights file (the output of your training process) and put them in one folder. Next, you will want to host this on a server and wrap an API server around this. I would suggest a Flask Restful API so that you can use query parameters as your inputs and output your response in standard JSON blobs.
To host it on a server, you can use this article which talks about how you can deploy a Flask API on EC2.
You can load and model and serve it as API as given in this code.
2) Hard for me to answer without more details. It's highly dependent on the type of data and the type of model. For example, for deep learning, there is no such thing as online learning.
I am sorry that my comments does not include too much detail* since I am also a newbie in "deployment" of ML. But since the author is also new in ML, I hope these basic guidance could be helpful as well.
For "deployment", you should
Have ML algorithms: You may use free-tools, or develop your own tool using libraries in Python, R, Java, .Net, .. or use a system on cloud..)
Train those ML models using training datasets
Save those trained models (You should search this topic based on your development environment. There are some file formats that Tensorflow/Keras provide, or formats like pickle, ONNX,.. I would like to write a whole list here, with their supporting language & environment, advantage&disadvantage and loadability but I am also trying to investigate this topic, as a newbie)
And THEN, you can deploy these saved-models on production. On production you should either have your own-developed application to run the saved model (For example: an application that you developed with Python that takes trained&saved .pickle file and TestData as input; and simply gives "prediction for the test data" as output) or you should have an environment/framework that runs the saved models (search for ML environments/frameworks on cloud). At first, you should clarify your need: Do you need a stand-alone program on production, or will you serve a internal web-service, or via-cloud, etc.
For the second question; as above answers indicate the issue is "online training ability" of the models. Please additionally note that; for "online learning", your production environment has to feed your production tool/system with the real-correct label of the test data as well. Will you have that capability?
Note: All above are just small "comments" instead of a clear answer, but technically I am not able to write comments yet. Thanks for not de-voting :)
Regarding the first question, my service mlrequest makes deploying models to production simple. You can get started with a free API key that provides 50k model transactions a month.
This code will train and deploy, or update your model across 5 global data centers.
from mlrequest import Classifier
classifier = Classifier('my-api-key')
features = {'feature1': 'val1', 'feature2': 45}
training_data = {'features': features, 'label': 2}
r = classifier.learn(training_data=training_data, model_name='my-model', class_count=2)
This is how you make predictions, latency-routed to the nearest data center to get the quickest response.
features = {'feature1': 'val1', 'feature2': 77}
r = classifier.predict(features=features, model_name='my-model', class_count=2)
Regarding your second question, it completely depends on the problem you are solving. Some models need to be frequently updated, while others almost never need to be updated.
