Jenkins Jenkinsfile Groovy bash command no such file or directory - jenkins

The file validates and I look to have the proper syntax.
script {
sh """
summon -f folder/file.yml --provider summon-aws-secrets \
sh -c 'bash folder/bin/' \
open folder/file.yml: no such file or directory
I confirmed the existence of the file and workspace location.

Try using full path with workspace variable:
script {
sh """
summon -f ${WORKSPACE}/folder/file.yml --provider summon-aws-secrets \
sh -c 'bash folder/bin/' \

so what I see happening is I wrapped the file into a script. ran git add , git commit, git push. I updated the jenkins file to ls -l the folder and I notice that file is missing. so not sure if this is a git issue or jenkins or etc


Add image tag to kubernetes manifest with Jenkins

Currently, I choose what image to push to registry and i use a " complex " method to set the image tag to manifest before push the files to Git repos.
This is my code
stage("Push to Repo "){
steps {
script {
def filename = 'Path/to/file/deploy.yaml'
def data = readYaml file: filename
data.spec[0].template.spec.containers[0].image = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX:${PROJECT_VERSION}"
sh "rm $filename"
writeYaml file: filename, data: data
sh "sed -ie 's/- apiVersion/ apiVersion/g' Path/to/file/deploy.yaml "
sh "sed -i '/^ - c.*/a ---' Path/to/file/deploy.yaml "
sh ''' cd Path/to/file/
git add .
git commit -m "[0000] [update] update manifest to version: ${PROJECT_VERSION} "
git push -u origin HEAD:branche_name '''
I'am looking for a another way to parse the image tag directly to manifest.
Is there a Jenkins plugin to do that ?
I use YQ tool to do this, it's an image used to edit yaml files.
Example (just docker run):
docker run --rm --user="root"
-e TAG=dev-123456
-v "${PWD}":/workspace
-w /workspace mikefarah/yq
eval '.spec.spec.containers.image.tag = strenv(TAG)'
-i values.yaml
This replaces tag dev-123456 for the current tag in deployment.
I write on multiple lines to make it easier to see, you can write on one line if you want.
Link for details:

ENDSSH command not found

I'm writing a jenkins pipeline jenkinsfile and within the script clause I have to ssh to a box and run some commands. I think the problem has to do with the env vars that I'm using within the quotes. I'm getting a ENDSSH command not found error and I'm at a loss. Any help would be much appreciated.
stage("Checkout my-git-repo"){
steps {
script {
sh """
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -o LogLevel=ERROR -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ${JENKINS_KEY} ${JENKINS_KEY_USR}#${env.hostname} << ENDSSH
echo 'Removing current /opt/my-git-repo directory'
sudo rm -rf /opt/my-git-repo
echo 'Cloning new my-git-repo repo into /opt'
git clone ssh://${JENKINS_USR}
sudo mv /home/jenkins/my-git-repo /opt
-bash: line 6: ENDSSH: command not found
I'm personally not familiar with jenkins, but I'd guess the issue is the whitespace before ENDSSH
White space in front of the delimiter is not allowed.
Try either removing the indentation:
stage("Checkout my-git-repo"){
steps {
script {
sh """
ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new -o LogLevel=ERROR -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -i ${JENKINS_KEY} ${JENKINS_KEY_USR}#${env.hostname} << ENDSSH
echo 'Removing current /opt/my-git-repo directory'
sudo rm -rf /opt/my-git-repo
echo 'Cloning new my-git-repo repo into /opt'
git clone ssh://${JENKINS_USR}
sudo mv /home/jenkins/my-git-repo /opt
OR ensure that the whitespace is only tabs and replace << with <<-:
Appending a minus sign to the redirection operator <<-, will cause all
leading tab characters to be ignored. This allows you to use
indentation when writing here-documents in shell scripts. Leading
whitespace characters are not allowed, only tab.

unzip cannot delete directory in Jenkins Pipeline

This is what I'm getting when I run AWS terraform plan with Jenkins. Below code that we are using
Error: error: cannot delete old terraform
Is a directory
Code :
sh '''set +x
curl -L '' --output
unzip -o
echo "Using $(terraform -version) from: $(which terraform)"
sh "terraform init -backend-config='bucket=${bucketName}'"
Jenkins Error:
+ set +x
after terraform download
error: cannot delete old terraform
Is a directory
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code 50
Finished: FAILURE
Please suggest some better solution.
Unzip refuses to overwrite the terraform/ directory that seems to be still lying around in your workspace from the previous run.
Run either a sh "rm -rf terraform/" before the unzip (or cleanWs())
unzip -f
Use -f instead of -o
-f freshen existing files, create none i.e unzip to replace the new files only
-n never overwrite existing files
-q quiet mode (-qq => quieter)
-o overwrite files WITHOUT prompting

How to access subdirectory inside of Jenkins ${workspace}/?

I've been trying to access a subdirectory inside of my Jenkins workspace with unix command : sh "cd ${workspace}/Myfolder", however the command does not work. I am using groovy script in Jenkins (Jenkinsfile).
My ${workspace} directory is: /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/test_sam_single_pipeline
When I execute command: sh "cd ${workspace}/Myfolder"
I use command: sh "pwd"
The output is:
It seems I cannot access "Myfolder" subdirectory by using the "cd" command.
What am I missing?
in declarative pipeline you can use
dir('MyFolder') {
sh "pwd"
or use one shell for all your commands
sh """
cd MyFolder
or join commands
sh "cd MyFolder && pwd"

"For loop" bash command does not execute in Jenkins build

I try to execute such a scenery via Jenkins "execute shell" build step:
rm -r -f _dpatch;
mkdir _dpatch;
mkdir _dpatch/deploy;
git diff --name-only $from_revision $to_revision > "_dpatch/deploy/files.txt";
for file in $(<"_dpatch/deploy/files.txt"); do cp --parents "$file" "_dpatch"; done;
Build ends successfully with console output:
[Deploy to production] $ /bin/sh -xe /tmp/
+ rm -r -f _dpatch
+ mkdir _dpatch
+ mkdir _dpatch/deploy
+ from_revision=HEAD
+ to_revision=2766920
+ git diff --name-only HEAD 2766920
+ whoami
Finished: SUCCESS
The problem is line "for file in" is just ignored, I do not understand why.
Content of files.txt is not empty and looks like this:
More over, when I execute via ssh the same script in the same jenkins workspace folder under the same user (jenkins) - "for file in" line executes normally and creates files in "_dpatch" subfolder as it should.
My environment:
Debian 8,
Jenkins 2.45
Possibly your /bin/sh is a POSIX bourne shell. It think that the $(< construct is a bash-ism, so it will not work with /bin/sh.
Try to replace
$(cat "_dpatch/deploy/files.txt")
Alternatively, prepend your build step with #!/bin/bash.
If your login shell is bash, then this also explains why everything works fine via ssh.
Try substituting for with while loop. And also add some more logging
rm -r -f _dpatch;
mkdir _dpatch;
mkdir _dpatch/deploy;
git diff --name-only $from_revision $to_revision > "_dpatch/deploy/files.txt" && echo "git diff finished"
while IFS= read -r line; do
echo $line
cp --parent $line $_dpatch
done < _dpatch/deploy/files.txt
