How to add other languages' localization for ios app description - ios

On App Store Connect, in Localizable Information of App Information of my APP, the drop down list of languages shows English(U.S.) only, I can't choose and add other languages to localize app name or app description. Does anybody know the reason? Thanks.
Not sure if this helps, my project is using Xamarin Forms, and I already added [language].lproj folder and InfoPlish.strings file. I could search my app's English name on App Store, after installed, it'll show other language's app name if changed my iphone to that language.

In that same dropdown menu, you are able to select a new localization for your app but this is only possible when you are doing a new submission (your submission is in Edit mode).
The image below shows the different localization options I have available for an app that is ready to be submitted for review.
Hope this helps.-


How i can have different names for my App based on the store

I have an app on apple store, the name of the app in English. how i can have different name for my app, if someone access my app from Arabic country for example.
It is possible to localize the name of an application in the AppStore without
There are two possibilities:
When creating an app, set the default language to one which you want
Add a localization to an existing application via App Information tab. More details how to do it you can find on the help pages of the iTunes Connect
It is impossible to have two application targets with the same functionality but different languages in the AppStore. In that case Apple recommends to Localize the app and have a dedicated support page with references to all necessary tools link
App content localization (Optional)
To localize a text content of an app, create an empty Localizable.strings file in a project
/* No comment provided by engineer. */
"Username"="nom d'utilisateur";
/* {User First Name}'s Profile */
"%#'s Profile"="profil de %1$#";
and use NSLocalizedString macro
textField.placeholder = NSLocalizedString(#"Username", nil);

iTunes is not showing the supported languages for React Native App

I added support for multiple languages for a react native project using i18nJs. Since we are handling the localization manually, I added the language keys to CFBundleLocalizations. However, upon the release of the app, iTunes is not showing the languages specified in CFBundleLocalizations. It's showing only English.
Go to the Project > Info tab, under Localization add one entry for each language the app supports. This will create one folder for each, e.g. es.lproj, fr.lproj etc. In itunes the localization's will be recognized.
Change the content of localized files, to do the same follow this link here

Add localized language app descriptions on app store

I have an app, written in JavaScript and built into Objective C by
In other words, I can not edit the C files of the build. Now, I want to do the simplest thing on the world - to add translated app description in multiple languages. On the play store all I need to do is to select and add a new language from the drop down menu and add the corresponding description.
On apple, however, from what I read, I need to set the list of languages available in the drop down from the build. I can't express enough how silly is this!!!
In the iTunes store on the "Localizable Information" language drop down I have only and only English.
Any workaround about this?
As far as I understand your question, you just want to add localised App Store descriptions for your app. This works similar in iTunes Connect as it would with the Google Play console. (It's different if you want to localise your app itself. For more info check the official guide.)
1) Log into iTunes Connect and choose your app
2) Click on the languages dropdown on the right - default shows your primary language - and click on the little blue "+" to add languages.
3) You can now add specific/translated metadata for the new languages. (App description, keywords, marketing URL, support URL; even screenshots if you wish)
Few notes:
There is no "automatic" translation service integrated into iTunes
Connect. You need to manually get the metadata translated and insert
it on iTunes Connect.
You can only add new languages, when your app
is in an editable state. If your app is currently on the store, you need to add a new version to add new languages to it.
Find more information on what you can localise and which languages are available at the iTunes Connect Developer guide:

App store preview says app is localized to various languages but it is only in English

App store preview of my app says it's available in various languages.
However it wasn't ever localized. In iTunes Connect I only see English as primary language (and dropdown menu is empty), and also there's no .lproj files for different languages in Xcode project.
What can be the issue? I only want my app to be available in English and wish App Store Preview to indicate this.
Below are screenshots of App Store preview and Xcode info
This Language might be set in your iTunes Connect at time you uploaded to App store.

'short name' for iOS apps possible?

I'd like to give my app one name for the App Store and one name that appears on the device, as app names that are too long are truncated with '…' on the device but not the store. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!
The app name you specify in Xcode as the name of your project is the one that will appear on the device. The name in the app store is something you set later when you set up your project on iTunes Connect.
To change your homescreen app name, you can change the Bundle Display Name in your info.plist as Shubhank suggests, or you can just rename your project by clicking twice (two separate clicks - not a double-click) on the project name in the left hand sidebar of Xcode.
Yes..your app can have different name on device and on App store..
Naming your app on app store is kind of basic for an iOS i won't dive into that..
For on your your project your info.plist change the Bundle Display Name to what you want.
