How to avoid auto sorts in F# - f# returns a sorted pair but I don't need it.Is there any way to avoid sorting of map on the basis of key value. I want to display all pair in same order i insert it into map.

According to the documentation, F# Map.toSeq will return all map entries ordered by the keys. If you want to iterate through items in the order in which they were added, then Map is not appropriate. You will need a different data-structure.
One option is to use a list:
let xs =
|> fun xs -> (1, "a") :: xs
|> fun xs -> (2, "b") :: xs
|> fun xs -> (7, "x") :: xs
|> fun xs -> (3, "c") :: xs
for x in List.rev xs do
printfn $"%A{x}"
// (1, "a")
// (2, "b")
// (7, "x")
// (3, "c")
Note that the items are iterated in reverse order, so List.rev is required to obtain the original order.
Since you are using Map, it seems like you want to maintain only one value for each key. This can be done using a custom type.
type OrderPreservingMap<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> =
Items : Map<'k, 'v>
// Track when keys were inserted, with the most recent first
Insertions : 'k list
module OrderPreservingMap =
let empty<'k, 'v when 'k : comparison> : OrderPreservingMap<'k, 'v> =
Items = Map.empty
Insertions = []
let add (k : 'k) (v : 'v) (m : OrderPreservingMap<'k, 'v>) =
if Map.containsKey k m.Items then
Items = Map.add k v m.Items
Insertions = k :: (m.Insertions |> List.except [ k ])
Items = Map.add k v m.Items
Insertions = k :: m.Insertions
let toSeq (m : OrderPreservingMap<'k, 'v>) =
|> List.rev
(fun k -> k, Map.find k m.Items)
let xs =
|> OrderPreservingMap.add 1 "a"
|> OrderPreservingMap.add 2 "b"
|> OrderPreservingMap.add 7 "x"
|> OrderPreservingMap.add 3 "c"
for x in OrderPreservingMap.toSeq xs do
printfn $"%A{x}"
// (1, "a")
// (2, "b")
// (7, "x")
// (3, "c")


Efficient way to test a symmetric function on all pairings of a Seq

Suppose I have a collection like [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] and I want to test every element against every other element.
I could generate all pairs like this:
let combinations xs =
Seq.allPairs xs xs
|> Seq.filter (fun (x, y) -> x <> y)
|> Seq.toList
combinations [ "a"; "b"; "c" ]
// [("a", "b"); ("a", "c"); ("b", "a"); ("b", "c"); ("c", "a"); ("c", "b")]
But for my test, I always know that f x y = f y x (since f is symmetric), so I want to trim the number of combinations tested:
let combinations xs =
Seq.allPairs xs xs
|> Seq.filter (fun (x, y) -> x <> y && x < y)
|> Seq.toList
combinations [ "a"; "b"; "c" ]
// [("a", "b"); ("a", "c"); ("b", "c")]
But this:
Doesn't seem like an efficient way to generate the test cases
Requires that x : comparison, which I don't think should be necessary
How should I implement this in F#?
Don't know about efficient - this looks like you need to cache the pairs already generated and filter on their presence in the cache.
The library implementation of Seq.allPairs goes along these lines:
let allPairs source1 source2 =
source1 |> Seq.collect (fun x -> source2 |> (fun y -> x, y))
// val allPairs : source1:seq<'a> -> source2:seq<'b> -> seq<'a * 'b>
Then you integrate the caching and filtering into this, constraining both sequences to type seq<'a> and introducing the equality constraint.
let allPairs1 source1 source2 =
let h = System.Collections.Generic.HashSet()
source1 |> Seq.collect (fun x ->
source2 |> Seq.choose (fun y ->
if x = y || h.Contains (x, y) || h.Contains (y, x) then None
else h.Add (x, y) |> ignore; Some (x, y) ) )
// val allPairs1 :
// source1:seq<'a> -> source2:seq<'a> -> seq<'a * 'a> when 'a : equality
allPairs1 [1..3] [2..4] |> Seq.toList
// val it : (int * int) list = [(1, 2); (1, 3); (1, 4); (2, 3); (2, 4); (3, 4)]
Because f is commutative, the simplest way to get all combinations is to project each item into a pair with the remainder of the list.
let rec combinations = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> (xs |> (fun y -> (x, y))) # (combinations xs)
We don't need any comparison constraint.
let xs = [1; 2; 3; 4;]
combinations xs // [(1, 2); (1, 3); (1, 4); (2, 3); (2, 4); (3, 4)]
Checking the results with #kaefer's method:
combinations xs = (allPairs1 xs xs |> Seq.toList) // true
Another solution that assumes all elements are distinct (it uses position as identity):
let allSymmetricPairs xs =
seq {
let xs = Seq.toArray xs
for i = 0 to Array.length xs - 2 do
for j = i + 1 to Array.length xs - 1 do
yield xs.[i], xs.[j]
We can also pre-allocate the array, which may be faster if you plan to pull the whole sequence:
let allSymmetricPairs xs =
let xs = Seq.toArray xs
let n = Array.length xs
let result = Array.zeroCreate (n * (n - 1) / 2)
let mutable k = 0
for i = 0 to n - 2 do
for j = i + 1 to n - 1 do
result.[k] <- xs.[i], xs.[j]
k <- k + 1

F# get set of subsets containing k elements

Given a set with n elements {1, 2, 3, ..., n}, I want to declare a function which returns the set containing the sets with k number of elements such as:
allSubsets 3 2
Would return [[1;2];[1;3];[2;3]] since those are the sets with 2 elements in a set created by 1 .. n
I've made the initial create-a-set-part but I'm a little stuck on how to find out all the subsets with k elements in it.
let allSubsets n k =
Set.ofList [1..n] |>
I managed to get a working solution using yield:
let allSubsets n k =
let setN = Set.ofList [1..n]
let rec subsets s =
set [
if Set.count s = k then yield s
for e in s do
yield! subsets (Set.remove e s) ]
subsets setN
allSubsets 3 2
val it : Set<Set<int>> = set [set [1; 2]; set [1; 3]; set [2; 3]]
But isn't it possible to do it a little cleaner?
What you have is pretty clean, but it's also pretty inefficient. Try running allSubsets 10 3 and you'll know what I mean.
This is what I came up with:
let input = Set.ofList [ 1 .. 15 ]
let subsets (size:int) (input: Set<'a>) =
let rec inner elems =
match elems with
| [] -> [[]]
| h::t ->
List.fold (fun acc e ->
if List.length e < size then
else e::acc) [] (inner t)
inner (Set.toList input)
|> Seq.choose (fun subset ->
if List.length subset = size then
Some <| Set.ofList subset
else None)
|> Set.ofSeq
subsets 3 input
The inner recursive function is a modified power set function from here. My first hunch was to generate the power set and then filter it, which would be pretty elegant, but that proved to be rather inefficient as well.
If this was to be production-quality code, I'd look into generating lists of indices of a given length, and use them to index into the input array. This is how FsCheck generates subsets, for example.
You can calculate the powerset and then filter in order to get only the ones with the specified length":
let powerset n k =
let lst = Set.toList n
seq [0..(lst.Length |> pown 2)-1]
|> (fun i ->
set ([0..lst.Length-1] |> Seq.choose (fun x ->
if i &&& (pown 2 x) = 0 then None else Some lst.[x])))
|> Seq.filter (Seq.length >> (=) k)
However this is not efficient for large sets (n) of where k is close to n. But it's easy to optimize, you'll have to filter out early based on the digit count of the binary representation of each number.
This function implements the popular n-choose-k function:
let n_choose_k (arr: 'a []) (k: int) : 'a list list =
let len = Array.length arr
let rec choose lo x =
match x with
| 0 -> [[]]
| i -> [ for j in lo..(len-1) do
for ks in choose (j+1) (i-1) do
yield arr.[j]::ks ]
choose 0 k
> n_choose_k [|1..3|] 2;;
val it : int list list = [[1; 2]; [1; 3]; [2; 3]]
You can use Set.toArray and Set.ofList to convert to and from Set.
You can consider the following approach:
get powerset
let rec powerset xs =
match xs with
| [] -> [ [] ]
| h :: t -> List.fold (fun ys s -> (h :: s) :: s :: ys) [] (powerset t)
filter all subsets with a neccessary number of elements
let filtered xs k = List.filter (fun (x: 'a list) -> x.Length = k) xs
finally get the requested allSubsets
let allSubsets n k = Set.ofList ( (fun xs -> Set.ofList xs) (filtered (powerset [ 1 .. n ]) k))
Just to check and play with you can use:
printfn "%A" (allSubsets 3 2) // set [ set [1; 2]; set [1; 3]; set [2; 3] ]

F# convert array to array of tuples

Let's say I have an array
let arr = [|1;2;3;4;5;6|]
I would like to convert it to something like
I've seen Seq.window but this one is going to generate something like
which is not what I want
You can use Array.chunkBySize and then map each sub-array into tuples:
let input = [|1..10|]
Array.chunkBySize 2 list |> (fun xs -> (xs.[0], xs.[1]))
#Slugart's accepted answer is the best approach (IMO) assuming you know that the array has an even number of elements, but here's another approach that doesn't throw an exception if there does happen to be an odd number (it just omits the last trailing element):
let arr = [|1;2;3;4;5|]
seq { for i in 0 .. 2 .. arr.Length - 2 -> (arr.[i], arr.[i+1]) } |> Seq.toArray
You could use Seq.pairwise, as long as you filter out every other tuple. The filtering needs to pass a state through the iteration, which is usually effected by the scan function.
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.scan (fun s t ->
match s with None -> Some t | _ -> None )
|> Seq.choose id
|> Seq.toArray
// val it : (int * int) [] = [|(1, 2); (3, 4); (5, 6); (7, 8); (9, 10)|]
But then it's also possible to have scan generate the tuples directly, on penalty of an intermediate array.
|> Array.scan (function
| Some x, _ -> fun y -> None, Some(x, y)
| _ -> fun x -> Some x, None )
(None, None)
|> Array.choose snd
Use Seq.pairwise to turn a sequence into tuples
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.toArray
val it : (int * int) [] = [|(1, 2); (2, 3); (3, 4); (4, 5); (5, 6)|]
Should be:
let rec slice =
| [] -> []
| a::b::rest -> (a,b) :: slice (rest)
| _::[] -> failwith "cannot slice uneven list"

How to create a dependency between observables?

I want a tool for testing Rx components that would work like this:
Given an order of the events specified as a 'v seq and a key selector function (keySelector :: 'v -> 'k) I want to create a Map<'k, IObservable<'k>> where the guarantee is that the groupped observables yield the values in the global order defined by the above enumerable.
For example:
makeObservables isEven [1;2;3;4;5;6]
...should produce
{ true : -2-4-6|,
false: 1-3-5| }
This is my attempt looks like this:
open System
open System.Reactive.Linq
open FSharp.Control.Reactive
let subscribeAfter (o1: IObservable<'a>) (o2 : IObservable<'b>) : IObservable<'b> =
fun (observer : IObserver<'b>) ->
let tempObserver = { new IObserver<'a> with
member this.OnNext x = ()
member this.OnError e = observer.OnError e
member this.OnCompleted () = o2 |> Observable.subscribeObserver observer |> ignore
o1.Subscribe tempObserver
|> Observable.Create
let makeObservables (keySelector : 'a -> 'k) (xs : 'a seq) : Map<'k, IObservable<'a>> =
let makeDependencies : ('k * IObservable<'a>) seq -> ('k * IObservable<'a>) seq =
let makeDep ((_, o1), (k2, o2)) = (k2, subscribeAfter o1 o2)
>> makeDep
let makeObservable x = (keySelector x, Observable.single x)
let firstItem =
Seq.head xs
|> makeObservable
|> Seq.singleton
let dependentObservables =
|> makeObservable
|> makeDependencies
|> Seq.append firstItem
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> (fun (k, obs) -> (k, obs |> snd |> Observable.concatSeq))
|> Map.ofSeq
let main argv =
let isEven x = (x % 2 = 0)
let splits : Map<bool, IObservable<int>> =
|> makeObservables isEven
use subscription =
|> Map.toSeq
|> snd
|> Observable.mergeSeq
|> Observable.subscribe (printfn "%A")
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
0 // return an integer exit code
...but the results are not as expected and the observed values are not in the global order.
Apparently the items in each group are yield correctly but when the groups are merged its more like a concat then a merge
The expected output is: 1 2 3 4 5
...but the actual output is 1 3 5 2 4
What am I doing wrong?
You describe wanting this:
{ true : -2-4-6|,
false: 1-3-5| }
But you're really creating this:
{ true : 246|,
false: 135| }
Since there's no time gaps between the items in the observables, the merge basically has a constant race condition. Rx guarantees that element 1 of a given sequence will fire before element 2, but Merge offers no guarantees around cases like this.
You need to introduce time gaps into your observables if you want Merge to be able to re-sequence in the original order.

write records just in time when the value (for id of something) is changing

How to write records just in time when the value for id of something is changing ? id for each record when ture->false and false->true for some list?
for example table
id value
1 0
2 0
2 0
2 0
1 0
2 1 --> the only changes here
2 1
1 0
2 0 --> and here (node with id 2 changed 1 -> 0 )
1 1 --> node with id 1 changed 0 -> 1
result table
2 1
2 0
1 1
my idea is not functional and a bit weird, I'm thinking about functional or linq way of making the same.
let oop = ref (filteredsq
|> Seq.distinctBy(fun (node,v,k) -> k)
|> (node,v,k) -> k, false )
|> Array.ofSeq )
[for (node,value,key) in filteredsq do
let i = ref 0
for (k,v) in !oop do
if key = k && value <> v then
(!oop).[!i] <- (k,value)
yield node
i := !i + 1 ]
Thank you
I think if you define a function like the following:
let getChanges f items =
|> (fun x -> f x, x)
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.choose (fun ((a, _), (b, x)) -> if a <> b then Some x else None)
Then you can do:
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (_, _, k) -> k)
|> Seq.collect (fun (_, items) ->
|> getChanges (fun (_, value, _) -> value)
|> (fun (node, _, _) -> node))
|> Seq.toList
I'm not sure if I fully understand your question, but the following gives the right output according to your sample. The idea is to first filter out values that don't have the right key and then use Seq.pairwaise (as in jpalmer's solution) to find the places where the value changes:
let input = [ (1, 0); (2, 0); (2, 0); (2, 0); (1, 0); (2, 1); (2, 1); (1, 0); (2, 0) ]
let findValueChanges key input =
|> Seq.filter (fun (k, v) -> k = key) // Get values with the right key
|> Seq.pairwise // Make tuples with previous & next value
|> Seq.filter (fun ((_, prev), (_, next)) -> prev <> next) // Find changing points
|> snd // Return the new key-value pair (after change)
If you wanted to find changes for all different keys, then you could use Seq.groupBy to find all possible keys (then you wouldn't need the first line in findValueChanges):
|> Seq.groupBy fst
|> (fun (k, vals) -> findValueChanges k vals)
(For your input, there are no changes in values for the key 1, because the value is always 1, 0)
I would do something like
|> List.toSeq
|> Seq.pairwise
|> Seq.pick (fun ((fa,fb),(sa,sb)) -> if fb <> sb then Some(sa,sb) else None)
I'd just use an internal mutable dictionary to keep track of the last-seen values for each key and yield (key,value) when any value is different from the last value at that key:
let filterChanges (s:('a*'b) seq) =
let dict = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<'a,'b>()
seq {
for (key,value) in s do
match dict.TryGetValue(key) with
| false,_ -> dict.[key] <- value
| true,lastValue ->
if lastValue <> value then
yield (key,value)
dict.[key] <- value
> filterChanges [(1,0);(2,0);(2,0);(2,0);(1,0);(2,1);(2,1);(1,0);(2,0);(1,1)];;
val it : seq<int * int> = seq [(2, 1); (2, 0); (1, 1)]
open System.Collections.Generic
let filter (acc:'a) (f:('a -> 'b -> bool * 'a)) (s:'b seq) =
let rec iter (acc:'a) (e:IEnumerator<'b>) =
match e.MoveNext() with
| false -> Seq.empty
| true -> match f acc e.Current with
| (true,newAcc) -> seq { yield e.Current; yield! iter newAcc e}
| (false,newAcc) -> seq { yield! iter newAcc e}
iter acc (s.GetEnumerator())
let skipUntilChange (f : 'a -> 'b) (s : 'a seq) =
s |> Seq.skip 1
|> filter (s |> Seq.head |> f)
(fun a b -> if a = f b then false,f b else true,f b)
|> Seq.mapi (fun c (i,v) -> (i,v,c))
|> Seq.groupBy (fun (i,v,c) -> i)
|> (snd >> skipUntilChange (fun (_,v,_) -> v))
|> Seq.concat |> Seq.sortBy (fun (i,v,c) -> c)
|> (fun (i,v,c) -> (i,v))
|> printfn "%A"
