Trying to change the padding on the graph.plotAreaFrame during the life of the graph
func plotConfigurationViewControllerPadding(_ plotConfigurationViewController: PlotConfigurationViewController, userSelectedPaddingChanged changed: Bool, padding: CGFloat) {
if changed {
thisplot.padding = padding
graph.plotAreaFrame?.paddingTop = thisplot.padding
graph.plotAreaFrame?.paddingBottom = thisplot.padding
graph.plotAreaFrame?.paddingLeft = thisplot.padding
graph.plotAreaFrame?.paddingRight = thisplot.padding
graph.plotAreaFrame?.plotArea?.updateAxisSetLayers(for: CPTGraphLayerType.majorGridLines)
graph.plotAreaFrame?.plotArea?.updateAxisSetLayers(for: CPTGraphLayerType.minorGridLines)
graph.plotAreaFrame?.needsDisplayOnBoundsChange = true
Code here repositions the plots, but doesn't shift axes, labels, gridlines etc
How to I make this work?
You can also set the padding on the graph. This will inset everything from the edges of the graph.
You don't normally need to call updateAxisSetLayers(). Core Plot calls it internally when required.
I have a highlightView which I would like to constraint to another view. This is my function for it:
func showHighlightView(viewToHighlight: UIView, height: CGFloat) {
highlightView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: viewToHighlight.heightAnchor).isActive = true
highlightView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: highlightView.heightAnchor).isActive = true
highlightView.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: viewToHighlight.centerXAnchor).isActive = true
highlightView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: viewToHighlight.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
highlightView.layer.cornerRadius = height/2
highlightView.layer.add(self.scaleAnimation, forKey: "scale")
This is working for most of my cases. However I have one view which I transform like this:
var transformerBumbleBee = CGAffineTransform.identity
transformerBumbleBee = transformerBumbleBee.translatedBy(x: 25, y: -80)
transformerBumbleBee = transformerBumbleBee.scaledBy(x: 1, y: 1)
self.addListButton.transform = transformerBumbleBee
with this addListButton my showHightLightView() is constraining to the identity-constraint of addListButton and not the transformed. Is there a way to change that?
transform doesn't apply constraints to other views , you need to make translate and scale actions with changing the constraints's constants/multipliers values
Transformations can not be used along with constraints, probably you may receive some runtime warnings related to constraints if you use the code above.
Use either of the way, just add view as subview programatically in view and apply transformations.
I'm developing an iOS application where the user is able to tap on a property boundary and the mapView is supposed to set the visible bounds in the view to display the whole property - and then highlight the property boundaries. I'm using setVisibleCoordinateBounds with a completion handler that highlights the property boundaries after the animation is done.
func updateFieldBoundariesHighlightSourceShape(featureArray : [MGLMultiPolygonFeature]?) {
if let fieldBoundariesSource = Coordinator.MapBoxIdentifier.fieldBoundaryHighlightSourceLayer.rawValue) as? MGLShapeSource {
let features = featureArray ?? generateFieldBoundaryFeatureArray(fields:{$0}))
let newShapeCollectionFeature = MGLShapeCollectionFeature(shapes: features)
fieldBoundariesSource.shape = newShapeCollectionFeature
func setHighlightedField(field: Field)
self.mapView.setVisibleCoordinateBounds(fieldFeature.overlayBounds, edgePadding: UIEdgeInsets(top: 65, left: 65, bottom: 65, right: 65), animated: true, completionHandler: {
// After zooming and positioning field on the screen, add layers to the map's style.
self.sceneStates.activeField = selectedField
self.updateFieldBoundariesHighlightSourceShape(featureArray: [fieldFeature])
This is a snippet of what I have. When the zoom is at a level that shows the whole property, it zooms in and everything is fine. The issue is, when zoomed in a small property and then selecting a larger one, zoom animation stops at some point (incomplete) and the highlight layer shows a cropped polygon compared to the property's real overlay bounds.
I have looked at this question but none of the answers fixed the issue. It looks like MapBox is getting only the polygon/boundaries from a visible/nearby tile and cropping what is outside of that tile.
I've tried using the following approaches with identical results:, cameraThatFitsCoordinateBounds and setVisibleCoordinates(using the polygon's point's coordinates as an array of unsafe pointers)
Here is a GIF of what is going on
I have been looking around for a way to set the alignment of the segmented control titles to the left but I don't seem to be able to achieve what I want.
I have created this little function to change the frame of the subviews of the segment control.
It works at first.
func modifyFrameOfSegment() {
for segment in segmentedControl.subviews {
guard segment.subviews.isNotEmpty else { return }
segment.contentMode = .left
for label in segment.subviews where label is UILabel {
label.frame = CGRect(x: 0, y: label.frame.origin.y, width: label.frame.size.width, height: label.frame.size.height)
(label as! UILabel).textAlignment = .left
But everytime I select a new segment it resets the frames of all the subviews and center align all the titles again.
Is there a way to achieve a permanent left alignment for the segment titles in a segmented control?
Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time.
Let's use this method
self.segmentedControl.setContentPositionAdjustment(UIOffset(horizontal: -20, vertical: 0), forSegmentType: .left, barMetrics: .default)
And you can do what you want (Of course, you can change the horizontal & vertical value by your needs). Here is the result:
There's apparently no way to set the alignment of the items, but you can fake it by adjusting the position of each individual item using setContentOffset(_ offset: CGSize, forSegmentAt segment: Int). Here's a kludgy example:
class LeftSegmentedControl: UISegmentedControl {
var margin : CGFloat = 10
override func layoutSubviews() {
func leftJustifyItems() {
let fontAttributes = titleTextAttributes(for: .normal)
let segments = numberOfSegments - 1
let controlWidth = frame.size.width
let segmentWidth = controlWidth / CGFloat(numberOfSegments)
for segment in 0...segments {
let title = titleForSegment(at: segment)
setWidth(segmentWidth, forSegmentAt: segment)
if let t = title {
let titleSize = t.size(withAttributes: fontAttributes)
let offset = (segmentWidth - titleSize.width) / 2 - margin
self.setContentOffset(CGSize(width: -offset, height: 0), forSegmentAt: segment)
Here's what it looks like:
There are a few caveats:
This version sets the segments to all have equal width, which might not be what you want.
I used a fixed left margin of 10px because it seems unlikely that you'd want to vary that, but you can obviously change it or make it a settable property.
Just because you can do this doesn't mean you should. Personally, I don't think it looks great, and it suffers in the usability department too. Users expect segmented control items to be centered, and left-justifying the items will make it harder for them to know where to tap to hit the segment. That seems particularly true for short items like the one labelled "3rd" in the example. It's not terrible, it just seems a little weird.
Original answer:
UIControl (of which UISegmentedControl is a subclass) has a contentHorizontalAlignment property that's supposed to tell the control to align its content a certain way, so the logical thing to do would be to set it like this:
let segmented = UISegmentedControl(items: ["Yes", "No", "Maybe"])
segmented.frame = CGRect(x:75, y:250, width:250, height:35)
segmented.contentHorizontalAlignment = .left
But that doesn't work — you still get the labels centered. If you've got a compelling use case for left-aligned segments, you should send the request to Apple.
One way you could work around this problem is to render your labels into images and then use the images as the segment labels instead of plain strings. Starting from the code in How to convert a UIView to an image, you could easily subclass UISegmentedControl to create images from the item strings.
i recently updated a rounded corner segment control to have different width for each segment.
the issue i have is that the last segment doesn't align properly with the end of the segmented control
i just used this code for this sample (seg being my segmented control) :
seg.layer.borderWidth = 1
seg.layer.cornerRadius = seg.bounds.height / 2
seg.layer.masksToBounds = true
seg.apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent = true
if i remove the masksToBounds line i can see that the right segment doesn't reach the edge of the segmented control.
is there any way to fix this issue?
It appears that this is caused by a rendering bug in UISegmentedControl when apportionsSegmentWidthsByContent = true. I couldn't find a simple workaround by manipulating the CALayers of the control. You can create a custom control using UIStackView to mimic the UISegmentedControl.
You should also file a radar with Apple.
I don't know if this still affects iOS, but a workaround in Xamarin.iOS is: Override UISegmentView, calculate text width of the last segment element and update it's width.
Sample code in C#:
public class MySegmentedControl : UISegmentedControl
public override void MovedToSuperview ()
// Fix truncation of last element
// when ApportionsSegmentWidthsByContent = true
if (ApportionsSegmentWidthsByContent) {
RecalculateLastSegmentWidth ();
private void RecalculateLastSegmentWidth()
var font = UIFont.FromName("Helvetica", 12);
var lastSegment = NumberOfSegments - 1;
var segmentTitle = TitleAt(lastSegment);
var segmentWidth = segmentTitle.StringSize(font).Width + 20;
SetWidth(segmentWidth, lastSegment);
I'm doing an iOS application. In Xcode 9.1 I create a MKMapView by
let mapView = MKMapView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: view.bounds.width, height: view.bounds.height))
mapView.isUserInteractionEnabled = false
mapView.mapType = .satellite
mapView.showsCompass = false
mapView.showsScale = true
but when I run it in the simulator the scale is not shown and I get three messages in the log:
Could not inset compass from edges 9
Could not inset scale from edge 9
Could not inset legal attribution from corner 4
The compass is not shown (as expected) but it's not shown if I change mapView.showsCompass to trueeither. However, the Legal link is shown. What am I missing here? I'm guessing it's something about the new safe areas introduced with iOS 11, but I fail to see how that is important for a view I want to be covering the whole screen.
In iOS 10 or lower
As #Paulw11 says, the scale is only shown while zooming by default.
In iOS 11
You can use scaleVisibility.
let scale = MKScaleView(mapView: mapView)
scale.scaleVisibility = .visible // always visible
had the same problem with the scale today. I want that scale visible all the time. Cost me several hours to solve it. So I add the code here, just in case, someone run into the same issue.
Got some hints:
from this thread: Use Safe Area Layout programmatically
and this website: Pain Free Constraints with Layout Anchors
Happy coding ...
// "self.MapOnScreen" refers to the map currently displayed
// check if we have to deal with the scale
if #available(iOS 11.0, *) {
// as we will change the UI, ensure it's on main thread
DispatchQueue.main.async(execute: {
// switch OFF the standard scale (otherwise both will be visible when zoom in/out)
self.MapOnScreen.showsScale = false
// build the view
let scale = MKScaleView(mapView: self.MapOnScreen)
// we want to use autolayout
scale.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
// scale should be visible all the time
scale.scaleVisibility = .visible // always visible
// add it to the map
// get the current safe area of the map
let guide = self.MapOnScreen.safeAreaLayoutGuide
// Activate this array of constraints, which at the time removes leftovers if any
// LEFT (I do not want a change if right-to-left language) margin with an offset to safe area
// alternative would be ".leadingAnchor", which switches to the right margin, if right-to-left language is used
scale.leftAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.leftAnchor, constant: 16.0),
// right edge will be the middle of the map
scale.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.centerXAnchor),
// top margin is the top safe area
scale.topAnchor.constraint(equalTo: guide.topAnchor),
// view will be 20 points high
scale.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 20.0)
Objective c equivalent:-
if (#available(iOS 11.0, *)) {
// switch OFF the standard scale (otherwise both will be visible when zoom in/out) = false;
// build the view
MKScaleView* scale = [MKScaleView];
// we want to use autolayout
scale.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false;
// scale should be visible all the time
scale.scaleVisibility = MKFeatureVisibilityVisible;// always visible
// add it to the map
[self.view addSubview:scale];
// get the current safe area of the map
UILayoutGuide * guide = self.view.safeAreaLayoutGuide;
// Activate this array of constraints, which at the time removes leftovers if any
[NSLayoutConstraint activateConstraints:
// LEFT (I do not want a change if right-to-left language) margin with an offset to safe area
// alternative would be ".leadingAnchor", which switches to the right margin, if right-to-left language is used
//[scale.leftAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor: guide.centerXAnchor constant: -(scale.frame.size.width/2.0)],
// right edge will be the middle of the map
[scale.rightAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor: guide.centerXAnchor constant: (scale.frame.size.width/2.0)],
// top margin is the top safe area
[scale.bottomAnchor constraintEqualToAnchor: guide.bottomAnchor constant:-self.toolBar.frame.size.height],
// view will be 20 points high
[scale.heightAnchor constraintEqualToConstant: 50.0]
[self.view bringSubviewToFront:scale];