GoogleSheet value search conditioned by approximate match - google-sheets

Hope you're coping with confinement wherever you are.
I'm having some difficulties with a GoogleSheet operation I'd like to do and can't find any suitable solution on the web.
I'm aiming to compare values (decimal numbers) in columns in two separate tables (I'll call table 1 column A and table 2 column C) and obtain the corresponding cell value in another column of the second table (table 2 column E).
Besides, the search is also conditioned by the a corresponding date(month) of the values in both tables (in table 1 column B and table 2 column D).
I've come up to here with a simple INDEX(MATCH()) formula applied in all lines of the table 1 sheet :
The twist is that values in A and C are sometimes not exactly the same, they can have a slight difference in decimals, but I still want the match to work. I've tried using STDEV(X;Y)<0,1 inside the INDEX(MATCH()) or a way of using this kind of formula IF(AND(X<=Y+0,1;X>=Y-0,1) but was unsuccessful.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions in doing an efficient search with two conditions with an approximate match for one of them ?
(I have basic knowledge of QUERY functions if this can be done with that too.)
Hope I've been clear enough.
Thanks a lot !

Instead of Roundup and Rounddown, using Round and Abs worked for me.
Not working consistently.
= index($F$2:$H;match(ROUNDDOWN(-$B2;1)&month($A2);ROUNDDOWN($G$2:$G;1)&month($F$2:$F);0);3)
This worked for me. =index($F$2:$H;match(ROUND(abs($B2);1)&month($A2);ROUND($G$2:$G;1)&month($F$2:$F);0);3)
See if this works for your all data. You may need to include if condition if values could be negative/positive in your left table.
Without if condition this also may work -


How do I create a formula that recommends a matchup of 2 names?

Iโ€™m trying to make a formula that accomplishes this:
From a list of numbers, find the pairs of numbers with the lowest difference and second lowest difference, and write their differences elsewhere(I donโ€™t know how to do this)
Use those numbers to find and use the value(a name)of the cell to their left(I donโ€™t know how to do this with duplicate numbers)
How would I go about this?
The final product should include all 4 numbers, names, and both differences.
In the picture below, the pink shaded section is the goal.
What I did is to first SORT the values:
Then, wrapped it in LAMBDA (in order not to repeat those formula again and again), and started "scanning" those values to find the differences. Since it's already sorted, the "smallest" will be found in this comparison.
For this, I used MAP. Used SEQUENCE, COUNTA and INDEX in order to find the amount of values in the first column; and SEQUENCE will help me do the "navigation". With the variable resultant "p" I searched each row with the next one (p+1). Resulting in something like this:
With that, you're already one step away. Just with SORTN you can find the four smallest differences:
I hope it's already useful! You can split those values in two columns, obviously; just using INDEX to access the desired row of this formula; or just locate the formula somewhere and refer to those cells. Let me know if it's useful!
you can try:
=LAMBDA(z,SORTN(MAP(INDEX(z,,1),INDEX(z,,2),LAMBDA(a,b,{a,b,ABS(XLOOKUP(a,A:A,B:B,)-XLOOKUP(b,A:A,B:B,))})),4,0,3,1))(INDEX(SPLIT(QUERY(UNIQUE(MAP(LAMBDA(z,FLATTEN(z& "๐Ÿ " &TRANSPOSE(z)))(FILTER(A2:A, A2:A<>"")),LAMBDA(y,JOIN("๐Ÿ ",SORT(UNIQUE(TRANSPOSE(SPLIT(y,"๐Ÿ ")))))))),"Select Col1 Where Col1 CONTAINS '๐Ÿ '"),"๐Ÿ ")))

Taking Column A values comparing to Column B values if they are the same post to Column C

I'm trying to take the names from column A compare them to the names in column B and then have the similar names get listed in column C.
The problem is these names are automatically updated and out of order, and I need the function in column C to update with them. Also, the names will not be in order, this is why I can't use A=B function. The picture shown is an example of what the solution would look like or something similar. After completing this, I would like to continue using the same function to break down the name data even more. Watched a lot of videos on this, can't find anything specific enough to work.
Side note, I have found a way to do this using different pages within the sheets but not in the same sheet side by side. ex. of what solution
I have tried watching lots of YouTube videos, but nothing goes into detail enough and seem to only explain when similar values are next to each other in column A and B.
This is what I use for 2 different sheets but can't find / understand why when changing values in function to single sheet it wont work:
Also, another side note: Can't use True or False. And for uneven number of names in the list ex. Column A has 10 and B has 7 it sorts A for names in B and post similar in C.
Try below formula-
You can use VLOOKUP to check common values between columns and store them in another column.
Although this will create gaps in the output column. you can get rid of it by by simply using a filter or so.
all you need is:

Excel/Sheets Consecutive Count Based on Two Conditions (function?)

I have a Google Sheet, and I'm trying to see if it's possible to get a consecutive count outputted in a third column based on the values of two other columns.
My columns are:
Column A: Will have a handful of text values that are "grouped" together. Likely around 30 of the same value, until it changes to another value. In the image above, these are text1, and text2.
Column B: Will have one of 3 values assigned to each value in column A. In the image above, these are id1, id2, id3.
Column C: Will output a consecutive count based on the values of the first two columns. My hope is that if there are multiple ID1,ID2 in consecutive order, they'll repeat that first +1 value; while ID3 is always plus 1 to the count. This is what I am trying to show in column C in the layout image above.
I've hit a wall with trying to accomplish this with various COUNTIF iterations.
Thanks for any help, or any better ideas to accomplish something similar.
(I'm hoping for a formula, but open to being pointed into a direction for a script if that's the only way).
You can try following formula:
It is also possible to do this as an array formula. I used offset ranges for column B in the first Countifs to check for a change in value but this made it a little awkward to get equal-sized arrays:

How do I do a SUMPRODUCT in Google Sheets, but conditional on the text in both vectors?

The following spreadsheet shows the exercise submission status for 4 students. There are 4 exercises (1-4), but only 2 of them are homework (and thus graded) - they have a prefix 'H' in their name. A correct submission is marked "complete".
I'm trying to count, for each student, how many "complete" submissions he has, which are also homework. The right-most column is my desired result.
I tried all kinds of countifs, but couldn't get it. I have an ugly solution which uses SUMPRODUCT, but that requires substituting all the "complete" with 1's (which I'd rather not) + some more. I prefer a Google Sheets solution, but excel would work as well...
Have a heart and help out a teacher :-)
I suggest using mmult, which is a standard way of getting row totals from a matrix. As you mention, the first step is to convert each cell containing "complete" into a 1, then check the headers for presence of letter H.
I have tested this in Google Sheets, but it should work in Excel as well.
(1) The easiest way to make the range accommodate changes is to put some upper limit on number of columns and make the references full-column, e.g.
You might want to move the total off onto another sheet:
(2) To get the values as percentages, you can use countif:
and format column as percent.
To check for presence of H in headers but ignore h, use Find instead of Search, and regexmatch instead of countif:
If you only want to include headers _starting_with H, change "H" in the regexmatch to "^H" as in #player0's answer.
if position of H columns is known, you can do simple:
=INDEX(IF(A2:A="",,ADD(D2:D="complete", E2:E="complete")))
if the number of columns and position of H's is unknown:
SUM(1*REGEXMATCH(UPPER(INDIRECT("A1:"&ADDRESS(1, COLUMN()-1))), "^H.*")), "0.00%"))

QUERY with AND criteria not returning expected results

I have a QUERY that seems to be treating AND more like OR. In other words, when the value of Col11=TRUE and the value of Col12=7, the results are displayed as though Col12=8. Am I missing something? I've tried adding quotes around the variables, parentheses around the two criteria. Adding spacing around the =. What else is there?
Col11 is only TRUE or FALSE values and Col12 is only numeric values from 1-8.
=QUERY({$A$3:$AJ},"SELECT Col3,Col10 where Col11=TRUE and Col12=8",0)
Here's a link to my sheet. It's buried in a larger formula in AK2
AK6 is a good example. It shows U U. It should only show U. It is treat X6 as though it's value is 8 when it is actually 7.
I believe I worked out what is happening.
You are getting two 'U's because I think your inner array is returning multiple rows for Col3='R2-D2', one row where Col23=TRUE and Col24=8, and then another row where Col27=TRUE and Col28=8.
I'm not positive, but I think the values in AK don't relate specifically to the values in that specific row, but instead relate to an array queried across all of your data rows. So as the outer ArrayFormula works down the column, the inner array (with multiple VLOOKUP/ArrayFormula/Queries) is still a large subset of the whole data range. That's assuming I've understood your complex formula correctly - my apologies if I've misunderstood something.
I've added a Heroes-TEST sheet to your sheet. It only has ten rows, all of the R2-D2 data from your Heroes tab. The columns are collapsed for visibility. See what happens when you highlight all the row data below Row3 and press delete - and then UNDO. The two 'U's in column AK become one, because there is only one row of data to query through now.
Your original formula is in AK2.
Let me know if this has helped.
