Firebase Upload missing required dSYMs Not Working - ios

Currently, I am facing issues to upload dSYMs through the new uploader script.
/path/to/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p <platform> /path/to/dSYMs
I am getting success response by uploading the dSYMs
But no change on firebase console.
I have already checked the following thread:
Please let me know if anyone having a solution...

Don't know what is going on in the Firebase Crashlytics.
But after 1 Day/24 Hours the dSYMs processed and now they are showing (Optional) in the same build.
I have again uploaded the dSYMs today, and it uploaded quickly. Maybe some issues are there with the Firebase Crashlytics upload process!

If this is a migrated app from Fabric, then you need to follow these directions,
"Important: If you're working with an app that you previously linked from Fabric to Firebase Crashlytics, pass in your Fabric API Key to run the upload symbols script. That is, in the following options to run the script, use -a fabric-api-key instead of -gsp path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist."
If this is not a migrated app, and you're seeing that the correct missing UUID is being uploaded, but you're still getting the missing dSYM error, then you need to write into Firebase Support so they can get your debug logs and check your session ID.

I had the same problem. What I found:
You should double-check if you can find this specific DSYM in your XCode archive. For this, open XCode->Organizer->Show In Finder-> DSYMs in bundle: try to find specific DSYM by ID from the dSYMS error Firebase panel. If any you can find with the same ID, you have to upload manually.
On my practice, the delay is usually several mins, max 24 hours.
Sometimes, I couldn’t find the DSYM IDs listed on Firebase in XCode archive or from AppStore downloads. What I found, that Firebase catches all distributed versions of the app. That’s why you cannot find them on AppStore if it is not on TestFlight yet. You probably can find them in your alpha archives.
However, this is my guessing.
I was wondering if anyone from Firebase guys can give more info on this.

install crashlytics via POD 'Firebase/Crashlytics'.
download DSYMS from app store.
located here
--> myapps --> select your app --> testflight --> select latest build --> Build Metadata --> Download dSYM.
now run this script using Terminal directly
YOUR PROJECT POD FOLDER PATH /FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /YOUR PROJECT/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
more in detail step.
Open terminal, drag and drop 3 files on terminal on this order:
A--> drag an drop: "upload-symbols" which can be found in /project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols
B--> write " -gsp "
C--> drag an drop: "GoogleService-Info.plist" which can be found in /project/GoogleService-Info.plist
D--> write " -p ios "
E--> drag an drop: "appDsyms" folder (unarchived, zip file might not work!) which usually is in Download folder /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
F--> Press Enter
In terminal the complete command should include -gsp and -p ios, full command looks like this: A -gsp C -p ios E
/project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /project/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
it might take some time to reflact on google firebase 24 hours.

Currently, it is taking (around) 24 hr to process the dSYMs (specially, if dSYM size is large), but it should improve soon.
Most Impacted Developers:
Fabric legacy only, not migrated customers - should no see impact
Fabric legacy SDK, migrated to Firebase - impacted
Fabric legacy SDK, onboarded via Firebase - impacted
Firebase SDK (currently in beta) - no impact
It is suspected that the dsym downloaded from Apple has the incorrect bundle id. Apple is setting (e.g. Blast).
1- As a temporary workaround, if the developer after downloading the dsym from Apple, converted all occurrences of the incorrect bundle string with the correct bundle id (e.g., this should allow the dsym to be ingested correctly.
See an example shell script that developers could use replacing the and with the appropriate values.
export BUNDLE_ID=''
export DSYM_PATH=''
sed -i '' -e "s/>*\$BUNDLE_ID\
2- Try not test-crash the app or release a potentially crashy app to users for at least 10 minutes after upload-symbols has completed and the mapping file is uploaded.
3- I would recommend to upgrade to Firebase SDK (currently in beta) to avoid this issue all to gather.


Firebase Crashlytics on iOS "upload-symbols" not working / getting stuck

I'm trying to upload my dSYM using the following script
/path/to/pods/directory/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs
The script (running in debug mode) lists:
upload-symbols 3.8 build 27
Debug mode enabled
Google App ID: 1:y:ios:xx
Platform: ios
DSYM Paths: ["/Users/x/Downloads/appDsyms/xxx.dSYM/"]
Inspecting next path: /Users/x/Downloads/appDsyms/xxx.dSYM/
Found dSYM at path: /Users/x/Downloads/appDsyms/xxx.dSYM/
Begin processing dSYM at /Users/x/Downloads/appDsyms/xxx.dSYM
🔝here it gets stuck with no output for hours.
This has worked fine up until recently. Now the script just gets stuck forever. No error message. I tried this a few days in a row (with restarts in between) and updated to the latest Firebase version. The same applies for my colleagues.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?
The fix was: re-download the from App Store Connect and then upload it again.
I suppose there was an error while uploading that has left the files in a corrupt state. After that, no upload was possible. This is why re-downloading the DSYMs fixed this issue.

New Firebase Crashlytics SDK missing dSYM UUID

I am trying to upgrade Fabric Crashlytics SDK to New Firebase Crashlytics SDK. I've followed New Firebase Crashlytics instructions.
The problem is that given Firebase Crashlytics dsym file's UUID does not match with archive dsym files UUIDs. I've downloaded dsyms from Appstore connect(Activity) and it doesn't match too.
After that I decided to upload dsyms with Fastlane. So many dsyms are uploaded but Firebase Crashlytics console still says me to upload missing dsym files.
I tried to upload with Firebase CLI and Fastlane.
I'm busy with that problem since tree days. Somebody can help me ?
I had the same problem, the fix was uploading the downloaded DSYMs from Appstore connect using Terminal
Open your terminal then use the following line (make sure to replace [xxx Path] with the right paths:
[Project Path]/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp [Google Service Plist Path]/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios [DSYMs file Path]/
/Users/soufian/Desktop/Projects/yourProject/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /Users/soufian/Desktop/Projects/yourProject/yourProjectSubFolder/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/soufian/Downloads/
Make sure there is a space after -gsp, in Firebase documentation there isn't.
Please reach out at '' and include your dsym (zip), app bundle id and I can dig into this with you.

How to run upload symbols to upload dSYMs as a part of Xcode build process?

Ok, so I'm trying to automatically upload dSYMs.
I'm following instructions from this official documentation:
I'm stuck at "Run the upload symbols script manually" section.
There are 3 ways to upload dSYMs. I'm trying to follow the first one - including the following line in your build process:
find ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH} -name "*.dSYM" | xargs -I \{\} ${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp MyProjectFolder/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios \{\}
For now I've tried the following:
I go to Project->Scheme->Edit Scheme.
I click on Build->Post actions
I start small - I only want to show "echo" in build process:
I run Product->Build
I go to View->Navigators->Show Report Navigator
There's not indication that echo was run.
Where to put this script?
How to find if it is being run or not?
TL;DR: dSYMS generated at build time has little value in the "bitcode enabled" era, you need to download dSYMs from Apple and upload them to your 3rd party crash reporter service as a post-build step after Apple has processed your upload.
Missing dSYMs / failed symbolication in 3rd party crash reporting console. I thought despite following Crashlytics install instructions the script was failing.
Bitcode - the fundamental issue
Turns out the 3rd party crash-reporting systems (like Crashlytics, or New Relic) have a fundamental problem with the current best practice for app distribution, which is bitcode-enabled apps. Historically these 3rd party crash report systems relied on build-time steps to upload build-time generated dSYMs. But since bitcode-enabling means the app store recompiles your apps, your build-time generated dSYMs, that you are trying to upload, are effectively useless.
As background, bitcode-enabled apps are "thinned" and thus re-compiled by Apple such that each device only gets the download bits it needs. You want to enable bitcode. It is a good thing. But, bitcode-enabled distribution messes up symbolication. No matter what dSYMs you generate at build time, the dSYMs won't actually correlate to crashes from App Store or TestFlight installed builds, as your crashes will be from App-store recompiled versions of your apps with new corresponding dSYMs.
So don't worry about the upload script working or not at build time. In fact, that step could be removed from your build process as it is just wasting your time and bandwidth.
The only case it might be useful is if you want to symbolicate crashes from locally-installed release versions instead of debugging them directly in Xcode.
The solution is to wait "some time" (reportedly several minutes, via NewRelic documentation, in my experience a sleep of 120 seconds after fastlane upload but before I ran fastlane's download_dsyms action failed sometimes, a sleep of 300 seconds works reliably) after uploading your app (likely the duration of time the App Store says your build is "Processing"), then download the dSYMs from there and use your 3rd party crash reporters command-line upload script
Manual download / upload
The current recommended solutions from the 3rd party crash reporters (both NewRelic and Crashlytics documentation at least) is to either go to the App Store Connect page for the build and download dSYMs then upload, or using XCode's Organizer for the archive hit the "Download Debug Symbols" button, then upload them.
This does work, with manual dSYM downloads pushed out to your crash reporting vendor you will get symbolicated reports. It is a manual process though using either the Xcode GUI or the App Store Connect interface.
Fastlane automation
You may automate the process with Fastlane though, which is I believe the proper solution.
Try the following steps:
Step 1: Select your application's Xcode project, then your application target, then select "Build Phases".
Step 2: In Xcode menu, select "Editor", then select "Add Build Phase", and then click on "Add Run Script Build Phase".
Step 3: You should now see a Run Script section in your Build Phase options.
Step 4: Paste in the script inside the body of the Run Script Build Phase.
Keep in mind to set the right file-path(s) in your script(s).
You need to requred update in Project Target-> Build setting -> debug information (Debug and release both) -> DWARF with dSYM file

Crashlytics uploading a ipa file does not upload DSYM file

I'm trying to upload a dSYM file to Crashlytics BETAS separately as we are currently in our build script only uploading the ipa file using Crashlytics.framework/submit.
To upload a dlsym I'm trying to use Crashlytics.framework/uploadDSYM. It is constantly failing and giving me the following error.
warning: using uploadDSYM directly to upload dSYMs is not supported.
uploadDSYM will be deprecated in a future release
Crashlytics: Failed to Detect Build Environment
BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR value not found in environment
Since it won't work what can I use to upload my DSYM every time, without actually having to manually upload it every time.
I couldn't find any documentation on this function on how to use it and what parameters I have to use. Currently I am using the following code to try to upload my DSYM to crashlytics BETAS
Path/to/Crashltics.framework/uploadDSYM $API_KEY $BUILD_SECRET -p ios /Path/to/DSYM
Mike from Fabric here. The submit script for uploading versions to Beta is distinct from any upload process for dSYMs. Using the upload-symbols script is a good way to automate dSYM uploads:
/Applications/ -a <api-key> -p ios /Users/YourUserName/PathToDsymLocation

Firebase Crashlytics: Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions.(iOS)

Error Message: Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes from 1 versions.
Versions affected: 1.0 (1)
I am trying to implement Firebase Crashlytics in my iOS project. I did all the setups according to Firebase Crashlytics Doucmentation. The crash is performed manually when the button is clicked just to see whether the crashlytics is working.
#IBAction func onTestCrashButtonClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
But when i tried to see the error report in the firebase console, it shows something like this image.
After reading Get Deobfuscated crash reports I just Set Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM File like below but the problem not fixed till now.
Download appDsyms archive from App Store
1.1 Login:
1.2 Go to: MyApps -> Choose your app -> Test Flight -> Select app version that is in the App Store -> Build Metadata -> Includes Symbols (right side) -> Press: Download dSYM.
New way - June 2022
New way to upload directly in Firebase Crashlytics.
Go to firebase crashlytics
-> Select your project -> Go to crashlytics (left side) -> Upload your dSYM files.
Other way - Upload dSYM files via terminal
Open terminal, drag and drop 3 files on terminal on this order:
1.1 drag an drop: "upload-symbols" which can be found in
1.2 write " -gsp "
1.3 drag an drop: "GoogleService-Info.plist" which can be found in /project/GoogleService-Info.plist
1.4 write " -p ios "
1.5 drag an drop: "appDsyms" folder (unarchived, zip file might not work!) which usually is in Download folder /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
1.6 Press Enter
In terminal the complete command should include -gsp and -p ios, full command looks like this: 1.1 -gsp 1.3 -p ios 1.5
/project/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /project/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/username/Downloads/appDsyms
All Set, wait for upload in the terminal!
Terminal example:
One way how to get a file or folder location with a drag and drop to terminal:
AppStore Connect, Download dSYM:
I have been having this same issue for a while and I was finally able to resolve it, thought I would share what worked for me:
For context, I am working on a larger app which uses several Cocoapods.
I found that same red banner on my Firebase Crashlytics page and after following all of their instructions I was still seeing it.
I tried the "archive/find .dSYMs/upload manually via terminal" solution several times to no avail.
Finally, I decided to download the .dSYMs from iTunesConnect.
[Your App] > Activity > [Desired Build Number] > Download dSYM
I then uploaded those .dSYMs manually and within minutes Firebase Crashlytics was happy and showing the crash reports.
Google has added a swanky .dSYM upload feature on the Firebase Crashlytics dashboard, no more uploading from the terminal.
Edit on March 16, 2020.
Google is soon removing the upload feature on the Firebase Dashboard. An uploader script should be used from the terminal to upload dSYMs to Firebase. See Google's instructions here.
After updating Fabric Crashlytics to Firebase Crashlytics SDK. I was also getting same issue(Upload 1 missing dSYM required to process 5 crashes). I solved with the help of following steps-:
Step 1-:
Open Target-> Build Settings -> Search for "debug information format".
Set Debug Information Format to DWARF with dSYM File for all
your build types.
Step 2-:
Open Run Script section and input the script
and then add input files-
Step 3-: Add one more script to upload dSYM file
${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/Your_path/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios ${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}
If everything is fine you setup all without missing any step and then also you see Upload missing dSYMs to see crashes error in firebase. (New way - June 2022)
You can upload directly in Firebase Crashlytics. Go to firebase crashlytics -> Select your project -> Go to crashlytics (left side) -> Upload your dSYM files.
Download the .dSYMs from iTunesConnect only no anywhere else and upload those to the Firebase.
Another way - Upload dSYM files via terminal
Run the script directly from your terminal to upload dSYMs :
/path/to/pods/directory/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs
After two days of long research and try lots of solutions but no anyone works for me :(
But by this solution Firebase Crashlytics was happy and showing the crash reports within a few minutes.
Pods/Fabric/upload-symbols -gsp APP/Resources/GoogleService_Info.plist -p ios /Users/ME/Desktop/
This one I used recently to upload my dsym to fabric. I was using fabric with crashlytics SDK not firebase one(which is currently in beta). Just replace your app name for 'APP' and your DSYM path instead of '/Users/ME/Desktop/
In my case, I have done the following things and it worked:
Select 'Run script only when installing' in Build Phases -> Run Script
(Shell = ${PODS_ROOT}/Fabric/run)
Build the app
Now you can find the .dsym file in the path,
Upload the zipped .dsym file to firebase console
After few minutes, you can find the crash reports
I have disabled bitcode while exporting ipa file (Adhoc or Appstore)
If you need ipa with bitcode enabled, then download dsym file from iTunes connect
Find and upload debug symbols for Crashlytics
Copy the UUID of your missing dSYM and run
mdfind "com_apple_xcode_dsym_uuids == <UUID>" on a terminal window.
The above command will return something like .../build/ios/Release-Staging-iphoneos/
Zip up the package and upload to Crashlytics using Firebase dashboard
Wait for 10-15 minutes before the crashes start to appear on the console.
I also faced the same issue.
Basically I was missing a simple step that is why Firebase script could not upload dSYM file.
Step followed to solve it.
Click on project file
Select target
Go to build settings
Search "debug information format"
For all scheme change the settings to "DWARF with dYSM file"
Now run the project again
dYSM error of firebase dashboard should go...
March 2021
The activity tab is no longer on itunesconnect so for you to get the Dsyms file you will have to
Go to itunes connect.
My Apps.
Select the specific app.
Navigate to testflight.
select the build you want to generate the Dsyms file for.
Click build meta data.
search for "includes symbols" and then click then click the download.
Then after downloading it run this code in your terminal replacing the quoted parts with the right file path.
-gsp /path/to/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /path/to/dSYMs
If you are using the dynamic library is your project using cocoa pods or any other tool then Firebase needs Duplicate Symbol files to locate the faulty code in your library. If you want to read more about dSysms read this :
To find dsysm folder, you first need the .ipa file on which crash was reported on your firebase. In your case, I suppose you are running on the simulator for testing. To get IPA follow these steps: How to create ipa in xcode 6 without Apple Developer account?
When you reach .iPA then right click and select show package contents, or follow this link: iphone: Where the .dSYM file is located in crash report
There you will find system folder. Upload this folder to firebase crashalytics.
Hope this helps!
I hope you have a resolved it till now. But for other who are using Firebase/Crashlytics. I uploaded the build and got crash but it was not showing in the console due to missing dsyms.
I logged into the itunes and goto the activity section. Then download the dsyms.
After that I uploaded the dsyms to firebase console using below command:
-gsp /Users/ankitjaiswal/Code/oliobox-ios/JacksonArtGallery/GoogleService-Info.plist
-p ios /Users/ankitjaiswal/Downloads/
But in this way you always manually need to download and upload it. This is not recommended instead you can follow this link:
I have created Medium Story about dSYMs upload.
Stap by step how to upload with the terminal
Medium Link:
I will be happy if this helps somebody.
After download dsym .zip file. You should run code below in Terminal.
/ProjectPath/Pods/Crashlytics/Crashlytics.framework/upload-symbols -gsp /ProjectPathForGoogleServiceFile/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /dSYMFilePath/
If upload-symbols command not found, you should update pods for Firebase.
Question is answered well already if you still want a ready-made script that you can copy and paste. Here you go.
-name "*.dSYM" | xargs -I \{\}
-gsp ${PROJECT_DIR}/<target-name>/GoogleService-Info.plist
-p ios \{\}
(October 21 - 2020)
I was having a lot of trouble uploading my dsyms to firebase, this happend to me after i updated to FirebaseCrashlytics and removed my fabric SDK, before that i had no issues. I tried all solutions with no luck but finally figured out my problem after making a few changes in my code. It seems i had some conflicting values in my info.plist file and were not lining up with what was in my GoogleService-Info.plist file. The bundle ID in the GoogleService-Info.plist should be the same used as the url schemes within info.plist. After i made these changes i uploaded the DSYMs manually.
This is an example of how my bundle ids look in my project after updating:
I then wanted this automated. I added the following script to the Build Phases > Run Script and i now have this automated as it was before when i was using the Fabric sdk. Just copy this code into run script, it should require no changes.
"${PODS_ROOT}/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols" -gsp "${PROJECT_DIR}/GoogleService-Info.plist" -p ios "${DWARF_DSYM_FOLDER_PATH}/${DWARF_DSYM_FILE_NAME}"
PS: Make sure you follow the other posts making sure you have "DWARF with dYSM file" set in build options as well.
According to firebase documents, instead of uploading dsym You can also provide your app's built Info.plist location to the build phase's Input Files field:
They fixed bug and document updated
If Bitcode enable = Yes
Go to App Store Connect
Go to iOS Build and Download dSYM
Open a terminal
Run the command
/Users/your-project-path/ios/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /Users/your-project-path/ios/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/your-username/Downloads/appDsyms
Once you get the success message and refresh the Firebase console within some time you will see the reflections
Note: Upload all the built dSYM files to the Firebase
My appstore connect doesn't show any download dSYM link.
So, I followed these instructions and it worked for me.
Simple Steps Follow 1 Go to archive and right click on the latest version in which you want to get crash report on firebase 2 see the dsyms folder 3 create the Zip file of dsyms folder 4 finally upload that zip file into the firebase console
The accepted answer is perfect and what I also followed. I would just like to add another way to download these dSyms.
Open Organizer from Xcode menu > Window > Organizer
Select the Application from left panel and select Archives tab.
Select the archive for the app release you want to download dSyms of. (If you have deleted archives, then you better follow the accepted answer)
On the right panel, click Download Debug Symbols. Now this will download those symbols into the archive itself. Simply right click the archive version > Show in Finder.
Here in finder, right-click archive > Show package contents.
This will open the contents to reveal the dSyms.
Now you don't need all of them, some of them will be your added frameworks/libs from pods and other imports.
Select only the ones with alphanumeric labels.
You can zip these and upload to Firebase.
Go to > Activity > iOS Build > Select Version > Download dSYM
Change your-project-path and your-username
Run this code on Terminal
/Users/your-project-path/ios/Pods/FirebaseCrashlytics/upload-symbols -gsp /Users/your-project-path/ios/GoogleService-Info.plist -p ios /Users/your-username/Downloads/
You'll see success message on the Terminal.
Check the crash logs on Firebase Console after 15-30 minutes.
The top solutions are good, thanks to their authors. Maybe this tips could help someone : when you want to test your configuration by crashing your app, build it with Xcode on the simulator, then stop the app and relaunch it directly in the simulator.
As the firebase doc says : The initial instance includes a debugger that interferes with Crashlytics.
