Suggestions dropdown for Vaadin TextField - vaadin

How can we add like say google email search, a down arrow icon or even just the function of the down arrow to the Text Field?
The issue is in this component is, It shows suggestion when I start typing. I need to show all suggestions on focus or a down arrow, when I click down arrow it will show all the suggestions. Any help would be appreciated.


How to hide components when clicking outside your area

I have a form with green edit, when the user clicks the search button, the components in red are displayed on the screen. But I want that when the user clicks out of the component area, they disappear. I have no idea how to do this. I saw some people using a layout to cover the whole screen, but wanted to know if there was another way.
Or use the
OnFormclick event with object.visible:=false;

In Delphi, how can I make a button appear on top of a TCheckListBox?

We want a list box with check boxes and formatted text. We get that using a TCheckListBox in owner-draw mode.
But we would like to also have a button appear at the right end of the selected row. Just adding a button (TSpeedButton) with the CheckListBox as the Parent doesn't get drawn correctly.
Does anyone know how to do this?

Textbox hint in ZK

I want to have a textbox with a hint. For example, if that textbox triggers a search, I want it to initially have a "Search" text greyed out and when the user starts typing for it to disappear. How do I achieve this in ZK?
In android I think I had the hint tag, so I want something similar to that.
Okay, so I found it's called placeholder.

Force Hide keyboard in iPad Safari

I have a form in the order;
Now when user moves focus from textbox to dropdown, the keyboard still remains and it kind of hides the dropdown options...
How do I make the keyboard hide (onblur of textbox)
I have already tried window.blur and it does not work.
Please help me. thank you.
you can try to focus() on a non-text element.
$("#yourTextField").blur(); //jquery

How to create a div toggle effect using jQuery?

I want the following requirement. But there is slight change on it.
Please consider the above link for the example below.
There are two toggle effects on Hover and Click.
My requirement when someone click on the top of the div: it will expand and there should be a "close" button in the div some on mouse over to this image or click the div will closed. When someone mouse hover the link it will expand.
First time click expand when mouse over the link collapse.
There are toggle links "click here". When someone click on the link it will create a space between each other, but my requirement to it display top of the three link "click here".
Try Accordion
Example one
Example 2
Example 3
Something that I have found very useful is the .toggleClass() function in jQueryUI
