CPointer of CPointers in Kotlin/Native - kotlin-native

I would like to pass a variable to my C function with data type char**.
How do I pass such a variable with Kotlin/Native?
In other words, how do I initialize and use a nested CPointers in Kotlin/Native?

According to the documentation, char** should be mapped to CPointer<CPointerVar<ByteVar>>. So, if you want to allocate a pointer like that, something like this should work:
memScoped {
val charTwoStars = allocPointerTo<CPointerVar<ByteVar>>()
As I allocated this inside of the memScoped block, this variable will be accessible in the block, deallocated as soon as the block ends.

I found one way that works. However, it seems inelegant.
val tmp = "".cstr.getPointer(MemScope())
val a = listOf(tmp).toCValues().getPointer(MemScope())


How to unsubscribe an event from inside the event handler?

My code subscribes to an event and it needs to unsubscribe (Dispose) once the event has been handled. However this looks like a chicken-egg problem. Using rec doesn't work and I cannot find how to do it.
It there any well-konwn pattern to bypass this limitation?
let process = new Process()
let exitSubscription = process.Exited.Subscribe (
fun evntArg ->
exitSubscription.Dispose() <---------- Compiler complains here
// do more something here.
(you're saying in your question that rec doesn't work, but do not clarify why or how; so I'm going to ignore that part for this answer)
One way to do this is to declare the value "recursive" with the rec keyword. This will allow the value initialization code to reference the value itself - just like with a recursive function.
let rec exitSubscription : IDisposable = process.Exited.Subscribe (
fun evntArg ->
// do more something here.
This will work, but will also produce a warning saying "this is a recursive value, and I can't tell if you're actually accessing it while it's being constructed, so you have to make sure that you don't, and if you do anyway, it'll be a runtime error".
Note that you also have to add a type signature to the variable, otherwise the compiler can't quite grok it and complains that it might not have a Dispose method.
Another way is to make the variable mutable and then mutate it:
let mutable exitSubscription : IDisposable = null
exitSubscription <- process.Exited.Subscribe (
fun evntArg ->
// do more something here.
Here you have to use a type signature too (for the same reason), and you have to initialize it with null, because there is no such thing as an uninitialized variable.
Also, this is a tiny bit less safe, because the variable is mutable, and that's always a source of bugs. As long as you pinky-promise not to mutate it (beyond this initialization), you're ok.
But a "proper" way is to use an observable combinator to limit the observable to only one element. That way you don't have to unsubscribe explicitly, which is always more reliable:
#r "nuget: System.Reactive"
open System.Reactive.Linq
process.Exited.Take(1).Subscribe (
fun evntArg ->
// do more something here.

How to modify a metatable which was created by C API?

I want to add some methods or properties to a lua object witch metadata was created by C API. I can't add property in normal way, for example:
local foo = libc.new()
foo.bar = "hello"
it say:
Failed to run script: attempt to index a libc_meta value (local 'foo')
So I think maybe need to modify metatable, so I change my code:
local foo = libc.new()
local mt = getmetatable(foo)
foo[bar] = "hello"
setmetable(foo, mt)
Unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
Failed to run script: bad argument #1 to 'setmetatable' (table expected, got libc_meta)
So how can I add methods or properties to this 'foo'?
BTW, c code is here:
static int libc_new(lua_State *L) {
lua_lib_space *libc = lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(*libc));
libc->L = L;
libc->cb_enter = cb_enter;
libc->cb_leave = cb_leave;
luaL_getmetatable(L, "libc_meta");
lua_setmetatable(L, -2);
lib_space *lib = lib_new(enter, leave, libc);
libc->space = lib;
return 1;
Userdata is meant to be created by C, manipulated by C code, and for only the purposes that C code intends. Lua can talk to it, but only in the ways that C allows it to. As such, while userdata can have a metatable (and those metamethods are the only way Lua can "directly" interact with the userdata), only C functions (and the debug library, but that's cheating) can directly manipulate that metatable. Lua is an embedded language, and C has primacy; if some C library wants to shut you out, it can.
What you can do is take the userdata and stick it in a table of your own, then give that table a metatable. In your __index metamethod, if you have an override or new method for a particular key, then you forward the accesses to that. Otherwise, it will just access the stored userdata.
However, if what you get in the userdata is a function, then you may have a problem. See, most userdata functions take the userdata as a parameter; indeed, most are meant to be called via "ud:func_name(params). But if thatud` is actually the table wrapper, then the first parameter passed to the function will be the wrapper, not the userdata itself.
That poses a problem. When the thing you get from the userdata is a function, you would need to return a wrapper for that function which goes through the parameters and converts any references to the wrapper table into the actual userdata.

Why we don't need to provide initial value for local variables?

While I was learning suddenly I wondered myself:
why do we have to provide initial values for global(even beyond a class scope) variable but we do not have to do same step with local variables like this? Is there any reason?
if importRequired {
let deleteObjectCount: Int
It is allowed, because deleteObjectCount is never been used in your code. And - and this is the difference to global variables - this fact can be checked by the compiler.
You could even do something like:
let importRequired = true
if importRequired {
let deleteObjectCount: Int
deleteObjectCount = 5
print (deleteObjectCount)
(e.g. kind-of modify a constant let variable) because the compiler checks that the constant is written only once, and this is done before reading it's value.
In contrast, global variables must be initialized directly, because otherwise the compiler cannot guarantee that they have been so before being initialized (because the could be accessed from anywhere in your program).

Why is the value moved into the closure here rather than borrowed?

The Error Handling chapter of the Rust Book contains an example on how to use the combinators of Option and Result. A file is read and through application of a series of combinators the contents are parsed as an i32 and returned in a Result<i32, String>.
Now, I got confused when I looked at the code. There, in one closure to an and_then a local String value is created an subsequently passed as a return value to another combinator.
Here is the code example:
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::Path;
fn file_double<P: AsRef<Path>>(file_path: P) -> Result<i32, String> {
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())
.and_then(|mut file| {
let mut contents = String::new(); // local value
file.read_to_string(&mut contents)
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())
.map(|_| contents) // moved without 'move'
.and_then(|contents| {
.map_err(|err| err.to_string())
.map(|n| 2 * n)
fn main() {
match file_double("foobar") {
Ok(n) => println!("{}", n),
Err(err) => println!("Error: {}", err),
The value I am referring to is contents. It is created and later referenced in the map combinator applied to the std::io::Result<usize> return value of Read::read_to_string.
The question: I thought that not marking the closure with move would borrow any referenced value by default, which would result in the borrow checker complaining, that contents does not live long enough. However, this code compiles just fine. That means, the String contents is moved into, and subequently out of, the closure. Why is this done without the explicit move?
I thought that not marking the closure with move would borrow any referenced value by default,
Not quite. The compiler does a bit of inspection on the code within the closure body and tracks how the closed-over variables are used.
When the compiler sees that a method is called on a variable, then it looks to see what type the receiver is (self, &self, &mut self). When a variable is used as a parameter, the compiler also tracks if it is by value, reference, or mutable reference. Whatever the most restrictive requirement is will be what is used by default.
Occasionally, this analysis is not complete enough — even though the variable is only used as a reference, we intend for the closure to own the variable. This usually occurs when returning a closure or handing it off to another thread.
In this case, the variable is returned from the closure, which must mean that it is used by value. Thus the variable will be moved into the closure automatically.
Occasionally the move keyword is too big of a hammer as it moves all of the referenced variables in. Sometimes you may want to just force one variable to be moved in but not others. In that case, the best solution I know of is to make an explicit reference and move the reference in:
fn main() {
let a = 1;
let b = 2;
let b = &b;
needs_to_own_a(move || a_function(a, b));

why does dart create closures when referencing a method?

void main() {
A one = new A(1);
A two = new A(2);
var fnRef = one.getMyId; //A closure created here
var anotherFnRef = two.getMyId; //Another closure created here
class A{
int _id;
int getMyId(){
return _id;
According to the dart language tour page referencing methods like this creates a new closure each time. Does anyone know why it does this? I can understand creating closures when defining a method body as we can use variables in an outer scope within the method body, but when just referencing a method like above, why create the closure as the method body isn't changing so it can't use any of the variables available in that scope can it? I noticed in a previous question I asked that referencing methods like this effectively binds them to the object they were referenced from. So in the above example if we call fnRef() it will behave like one.getMyId() so is the closure used just for binding the calling context? ... I'm confused :S
In response to Ladicek. So does that mean that:
void main(){
var fnRef = useLotsOfMemory();
//did the closure created in the return statement close on just 'aVeryLargeObj'
//or did it close on all of the 'veryLargeObjects' thus keeping them all in memory
//at this point where they aren't needed
//create lots of 'veryLarge' objects
return aVeryLargeObj.doStuff;
Ladicek is right: accessing a method as a getter will automatically bind the method.
In response to the updated question:
No. It shouldn't keep the scope alive. Binding closures are normally implemented as if you invoked a getter of the same name:
class A{
int _id;
int getMyId() => _id;
// The implicit getter for getMyId. This is not valid
// code but explains how dart2js implements it. The VM has
// probably a similar mechanism.
Function get getMyId { return () => this.getMyId(); }
When implemented this way you will not capture any variable that is alive in your useLotsOfMemory function.
Even if it really was allocating the closure inside the useLotsOfMemory function, it wouldn't be clear if it kept lots of memory alive.
Dart does not specify how much (or how little) is captured when a closure is created. Clearly it needs to capture at least the free variables of itself. This is the minimum. The question is thus: "how much more does it capture"?
The general consensus seems to be to capture every variable that is free in some closure. All local variables that are captured by some closure are moved into a context object and every closure that is created will just store a link to that object.
foo() {
var x = new List(1000);
var y = new List(100);
var z = new List(10);
var f = () => y; // y is free here.
// The variables y and z are free in some closure.
// The returned closure will keep both alive.
// The local x will be garbage collected.
return () => z; // z is free here.
I have seen Scheme implementations that only captured their own free variables (splitting the context object into independent pieces), so less is possible. However in Dart this is not a requirement and I wouldn't rely on it. For safety I would always assume that all captured variables (independent of who captures them) are kept alive. I would also make the assumption that bound closures are implemented similar to what I showed above and that they keep a strict minimum of memory alive.
That's exactly right -- the closure captures the object on which the method will be invoked.
