Trouble showing different content on iOS - ios

After 2 days I'm driving myself nuts because I can't resolve this. My issue is as follows:
1.) I am trying to use javascript target an iOS device (regardless of browser being Chrome on apple, Safari, Firefox on apple etc...) to show a different DOM element verses non iOS browsers.
2. ) My iOS detection code is as follows, which I've seen in several other threads: // Detects if device is on iOS
const isIos = () => {
const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return /iphone|ipad|ipod/.test( userAgent );
3.) After running this check I am attempting the following in both Safari and Chrome on iOS "my way which I'm assuming is incorrect because it's not working lol!" :
if(!isIos()) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('showing non iOS banner prompt after delay');
}, 10000);
} else if (isIos()) {
setTimeout(function() {
console.log('showing iOS banner prompt after delay');
}, 10000);
4.) The proper log is shown through chrome dev tools on my windows laptop when selecting an iOS device (which I know is not an actual iOS enviroment), but no matter what i do, once loaded to the live site it ALWAYS shows the non Ios log on my iPad.

After finding this post enter link description here i changed my detection method. I was testing on an iPAD (as this is the only Apple product i own because I'm not a fan) and after this correction my current issue was resolved. I hope this works on other devices as well but won't know until I borrow a freind's. Hope someone else finds this helpful.
(navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1)
const isIos = () => {
const userAgent = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return /iphone|ipad|ipod/.test( userAgent ) || (navigator.platform === 'MacIntel' && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1);


Ionic 2 Camera select Video on iOS not working

I'm developing a App with Ionic 2 and I'm have problems with #ionic-native/Camera. I've this code on Upload.ts
let loader = this.loading.create({
content: 'Carregando video....'
loader.present().then(() => {
const options: CameraOptions = {
quality: 100,
} => {
}, (err) => {
This code works fine in Android, but when I run ionic cordova run ios -lc, the promise is never resolved, so the loader keep running forever.
Thanks in advance!
So, I found the problem. First thing is that native components bugs with -l (--livereload). I don't know how to explain why but I got this information from the Ionic Worldwide slack. A member from Ionic Team said:
"live-reload on a device can cause issues with plugins and file system".
So I used this video to understand how to debbug the APP using the iOS emulator and Safari.
A little brief of the video: when using iOS emulator, you can access the menu Developer > Emulator > <App Name>. A new window with inspector tools will open and logs from the emulator will appear on this window.
I found out that's the video url was incorrect. Before, to be compatible with Android, I've this code responsible to find the video pointer in system and send to the server:
filePath = 'file:///' + this.uploadForm.controls['file'].value;
But, iOS File Picker already has a "file:///" prefix. So prefixing it again made it wrong. So I updated the code to be like this:
if ('android')) {
filePath = 'file:///' + this.uploadForm.controls['file'].value;
} else {
filePath = this.uploadForm.controls['file'].value;
This resolved the problem.

Turning camera off in fine-uploader on iOS

I'm very new to fine-uploader; I hope my question is relevant...
I'm trying to disable the camera for users of our Web App on iPad and iPhone only (iOS), both for Safari and Chrome. I have tried setting the option camera: {ios: false} but the camera option still shows in Safari and Chrome. When I use workarounds: { ios8BrowserCrash: true}, the camera option does disappear in Chrome but still shows in Safari. What am I missing?
We are using fine-uploader 5.1.2, I briefly tried 5.2.2 with the same results. The app is HTML5, Javascript, Angular with Java back-end. I have tested on iPad with iOS 8.3, 8.4 and 9 beta.
As an aside, the reason I'm trying to disable the camera is due to iOS often crashing when loading the image from the camera. I have found the application crashing a lot less when loading from the device image library, bypassing the camera. Is that a known issue with iPad/iPhones?
Thanks in advance for the help.
Thanks #Ray. For reference, I'm now using the latest FineUploader version 5.3.0.
As you suggested the multiple attribute was being removed. I traced it to the input.removeAttribute("multiple"); code below (s3.fine-uploader.js):
setMultiple: function(isMultiple, optInput) {
var input = optInput || this.getInput();
// Temporary workaround for bug in in iOS8 UIWebView that causes the browser to crash
// before the file chooser appears if the file input doesn't contain a multiple attribute.
// See #1283.
if (options.ios8BrowserCrashWorkaround && qq.ios8() && (qq.iosChrome() || qq.iosSafariWebView())) {
input.setAttribute("multiple", "");
else {
if (isMultiple) {
input.setAttribute("multiple", "");
else {
Despite options.ios8BrowserCrashWorkaround being set to true in my code (ios8BrowserCrash: true), the program was still going through to removeAttribute("multiple") line of code when running on IPad/Safari.
After several tries and errors I found out that (possibly...) the library code was missing testing for the condition qq.iosSafari()on an iPad (iOS 8.3) ; the qq.iosSafariWebView() test isn't sufficient to detect the Safari browser on my iPad, therefore missing the code where the multiple attribute is set.
I found out that the following options values in my calling code fixed the issue.
function initialiseS3() {
uploader = new qq.s3.FineUploader({
element: $element[0],
template: $(contents)[0],
debug: false,
// iosEmptyVideos workaround must be false to enable FineUploader to keep multiple:true in iOS
workarounds: {
iosEmptyVideos: false,
ios8BrowserCrash: true
// Must add the test qq.iosSafari() to set multiple to true and have the camera turned off on iPad
multiple: qq.ios8() && (qq.iosSafari() || qq.iosChrome() || qq.iosSafariWebView()) ? true : false,
camera: {
ios: false
… (more initialisations)
The last catch was to override the default value for the workaround option iosEmptyVideos and set it to iosEmptyVideos: false to avoid the library forcing multiple to false again. I hope this makes sense…

Overcoming SecurityError: DOM Exception 18 in PouchDB on Mobile Chrome for iOS

I am using PouchDB 3.2.1 on a web application targeted for Chrome on iOS. The below error also appears in PouchDB 3.2.0.
When trying to create a connection to a local database on Chrome on iOS, PouchDB uses that browser's WebSQL database. This, however, fails intermittently with SecurityError: DOM Exception 18 when running the application on both iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s. I have not been able to reproduce this error on my iPad 5 yet.
I am creating a new PouchDB database as follows:
var localDBName = "dbd8008497c6f368d";
self.localPouch = new PouchDB(localDBName, {size: 50});
I have also tried setting size to 49, 1, and 0 and not setting size at all.
Here is a stacktrace sourced from BugSnag:
[native code]:4232 openDatabase openDB WebSqlPouch
[native code]:0 Promise PouchDB
Here is the code near line 4232 of pouchdb.js:
var cachedDatabases = {};
var openDBFunction = (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' &&
navigator.sqlitePlugin &&
navigator.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase) ?
navigator.sqlitePlugin.openDatabase.bind(navigator.sqlitePlugin) :
(typeof sqlitePlugin !== 'undefined' && sqlitePlugin.openDatabase) ?
sqlitePlugin.openDatabase.bind(sqlitePlugin) :
(typeof openDatabase !== 'undefined') ?
openDatabase :
function openDB(name, version, desc, size) {
var db = cachedDatabases[name];
if (!db) {
db = cachedDatabases[name] = openDBFunction(name, version, desc, size);
return db;
Refreshing the the browser page does not fix the issue. Neither does closing the browser tab and re-opening the page. The only way I can fix the issue is by force-quitting the browser and relaunching the application. However, this is not an acceptable workaround for our users.
It appears that this issue disappears in iOS 8.1.3. This has been verified on both an iPhone 6 and an iPhone 5.
Your error message seems to be a problem on Android devices that are pre-KitKat.
Not sure if Chromo on iOS has the same problem, but worth taking a look at the pouchdb common errors here for more info:

Unity Facebook SDK - iOS 8 Login Issues

I've had Facebook integrated in my Unity app, and I've been using it on my iPhone 5 with iOS 7 with no problem. But the problem comes when I try it on my friend's iPhone 6 running iOS 8. When I make a call to FB.Login() it switches to the Facebook app, as it normally should, but when it comes back to my app, Facebook opens the Webview for the Facebook login page with the error "You must log in to continue."
The app registers that Facebook.IsLoggedIn is true, and the app continues as if it's logged in, but the Webview is still there and I have to close it to get back to my app.
The only real clue I have about what could be wrong is that the LoginCallback is being called twice in iOS 8 but not in iOS 7.
Any relevant code is below, but it seems like the issue is coming from within the Facebook SDK itself.
public static readonly string FB_SCOPE = "email,public_profile,user_friends";
void FBLoginResult(FBResult result) {
Debug.Log (result.Text);
Anyone have any idea, or experience anything similar?
I had the exact same problem. Turns out the FB.Login code was fired twice.
I suggest you write a log near the FB.Login and make sure you don't see it twice.
It seems that this is due to a bug in Unity3D specific to iOS 8. See here for details :
Here is a workaround to fix the problem in NGUI. Go to UICamera.cs and add the following line of code in the function public void ProcessTouches ()
MouseOrTouch touch = null;
if (input.phase == TouchPhase.Ended && !mTouches.TryGetValue(currentTouchID, out touch))
just after this :
for (int i = 0; i < Input.touchCount; ++i)
Touch input = Input.GetTouch(i);
currentTouchID = allowMultiTouch ? input.fingerId : 1;

Capture pictues in blackberry application using VideoControl only works on emulator and not device

This is only some of the code because other parts of it are spread out but on the simulator for blackberry curve this adds a VideoControl to the manager and shows up fine with another button that actually captures the picture. However, when I run this on an actual Blackberry curve (version 6 I think) it doesn't display this on the screen.
_p ="capture://video?encoding=jpeg&width=1024&height=768");
_videoControl = (VideoControl) _p.getControl("VideoControl");
if (_videoControl != null)
videoField = (Field) _videoControl.initDisplayMode (VideoControl.USE_GUI_PRIMITIVE, "net.rim.device.api.ui.Field");
// _videoControl.setDisplayFullScreen(true);
// EnhancedFocusControl efc = (EnhancedFocusControl)p.getControl("");
// efc.startAutoFocus();
if(videoField != null)
catch(Exception e)
In my experience the way of image taking you use has appeared very unreliable (it worked fine only on a limited number of devices), so I stopped using it. Use native Camera app instead - it works fine on all devices.
A lot of the time when things work on the emulator but not device it's permissions related, have you checked ApplicationPermissionsManager?
Word of warning, from OS4.5 to 6 a lot of stuff has been deprecated so be sure you check you have the right permissions for the models you are working with.
e.g. ApplicationPermissions.PERMISSION_SCREEN_CAPTURE was deprecated in 4.6 I think.
