I have a artifactory repository set up in the address :
It needs username : aie-dkr and password : ersghshsshsh to get logged in. Now I am trying to log in to this repository , tag the image through dev_build.sh file. I must be doing something wrong as it constantly throws me image pull failed: Failed to apply default image tag error. Does someone has any idea to correctly configure my file ?
echo "===== docker tag ===="
docker tag https://artifactory.***.com/artifactory/aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo/python/3.6-strech:latest
echo "===== docker login ===="
#docker login https://artifactory.***.com/artifactory/aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo/
echo "===== docker push Dev ===="
docker push aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo.artifactory.***.com/aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo:latest
Error which I am receiving
Waiting for pod sai/runner-dan3u2t-project-9879-concurrent-0zdmgf to be running, status is Pending
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper svc-0]"
ContainersNotReady: "containers with unready status: [build helper svc-0]"
WARNING: Failed to pull image with policy "": image pull failed: Back-off pulling image "aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo/python:3.6-strech"
ERROR: Job failed (system failure): prepare environment: waiting for pod running: pulling image "aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo/python:3.6-strech": image pull failed: Back-off pulling image "aie-docker-dev-mydockerrepo/python:3.6-strech"
i setup a dev-server in my homeoffice and installed gitlab via docker-compose. so far everything works fine, i can login, push commits and so on.
Now i wanted to setup a CI Pipeline to build composer packages when new tags are pushed. So i clicked the CI/CD Button and added the .gitlab-ci.yml file from the composer template. But the pipeline was only pending. So i figured i might need to register a runner first.
I installed gitlab-runner (via apt) on the same machine that runs the gitlab via docker and registered the runner with the domain and key given by gitlab (in the add runners page). I selected docker as executor, gave it a name and left everything else at its default value.
The runner is registered properly in gitlab and the ci pipeline is now working but it always fails.
The only output i have is:
Running with gitlab-runner 11.2.0 (11.2.0)
on **************
Using Docker executor with image curlimages/curl:latest ...
Pulling docker image gitlab-runner-helper:11.2.0 ...
The contents of the gitlab-ci file are:
# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project.
# Publishes a tag/branch to Composer Packages of the current project
image: curlimages/curl:latest
stage: build
URL: "$CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL://$CI_SERVER_HOST:$CI_SERVER_PORT/api/v4/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/packages/composer?job_token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN"
- version=$([[ -z "$CI_COMMIT_TAG" ]] && echo "branch=$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" || echo "tag=$CI_COMMIT_TAG")
- insecure=$([ "$CI_SERVER_PROTOCOL" = "http" ] && echo "--insecure" || echo "")
- response=$(curl -s -w "\n%{http_code}" $insecure --data $version $URL)
- code=$(echo "$response" | tail -n 1)
- body=$(echo "$response" | head -n 1)
# Output state information
- if [ $code -eq 201 ]; then
echo "Package created - Code $code - $body";
echo "Could not create package - Code $code - $body";
exit 1;
Because i did not make any changes to the template file i suspect the gitlab-runner setup to need some configuration in order to work, maybe a group-assignment or something like that.
When running systemctl status gitlab-runner i can see:
Failed to create container volume for /builds/{group} Error response from daemon: pull access denied for gitlab-runner-helper, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied (executor_docker.go:166:3s)" job=15 project=34 runner=******
So i went to the runners section in gitlab and enabled the runner fot the specific project. So i could avoid the error above but the pipeline still breaks.
The output in gitlab is still the same but the gitlab-runner log is different:
Not continuing with pull after error: errors:\ndenied: requested access to the resource is denied\nunauthorized: authentication required\n
Sadly - i am not getting any furhter from here
Everytime i press the retry button for the pipeline i get the following syslog entries:
Checking for jobs... received" job=19 repo_url="correct-url-for-repo" runner=******
This message appears twice
Not continuing with pull after error: errors:\ndenied: requested access to the resource is denied\nunauthorized: authentication required\n
Ignoring extra error returned from registry: unauthorized: authentication required
Failed to create container volume for /builds/{group} Error response from daemon: pull access denied for gitlab-runner-helper, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied (executor_docker.go:166:3s)" job=19 project=34 runner=******
Job failed: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for gitlab-runner-helper, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied (executor_docker.go:166:3s)" job=19 project=34 runner=******
Both messages appear twice
so either the gitlab-runner is not allowed to pull docker images or it is not allowed to access my gitlab project but i cant figure out the problem.
When running gitlab-runner restart as root i see the following "error"
ERRO[0000] Docker executor: prebuilt image helpers will be loaded from /var/lib/gitlab-runner.
Can someone please help me :) ?
Select the correct Docker image for the runner. Depending where are you executing it, and probably also depending on your GitLab version. Also, manually try it before executing the pipeline:
docker pull gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:x86_64-latest
To use the selected image, modify the runner's config file:
executor = "docker"
helper_image = "gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:tag"
The images gitlab-runner-helper, gitlab/gitlab-runner-helper:11.2.0 do not exist. It seems the debian package installable in ubuntu is broken somehow... So i figured i might need to install the latest gitlab-runner version
Here is what i did: (I am on Ubuntu 20.04)
curl -L "https://packages.gitlab.com/install/repositories/runner/gitlab-runner/script.deb.sh" | sudo bash
cat <<EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/preferences.d/pin-gitlab-runner.pref
Explanation: Prefer GitLab provided packages over the Debian native ones
Package: gitlab-runner
Pin: origin packages.gitlab.com
Pin-Priority: 1001
So i was able to update gitlab-runner to the latest version.
But still no success, now the service won't start without any error message, systemctl only tells mit that the process exited.
the syslog told me:
chdir /var/lib/gitlab-runner: no such file or directory
opening /etc/init.d/gitlab-runner showed me that path as --working-directory parameter for the service.
So i created that directory and changed its ownership to gitlab-runner
This time i could run the ci pipeline!
Still got an error
fatal: unable to access 'http://{mylocaldomain}/isat/typo3-gdpr.git/': Could not resolve host: {mylocaldomain}
Okay - dns resolution not possible because i use a local domain.
As stated here you can pass an extra_host to the docker executor.
To do so, simply adjust the /etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml file and add the extra_hosts option:
concurrent = 1
check_interval = 0
name = "lab"
url = "http://{localDomain}/"
token = "******"
executor = "docker"
tls_verify = false
image = "ruby:2.1"
privileged = false
disable_cache = false
volumes = ["/cache"]
shm_size = 0
extra_hosts = ["{localDomain}:{ip}"]
Now i could sucessfully run the ci pipeline and my package is listed in the composer registry!
When attempting to push image to ECR, I always get 'no basic auth' error. ECR is in us-east-1.
This is login command
aws ecr get-login --region us-east-1 --no-include-email
I get response like this
docker login -u AWS -p eyJwYXl ...
I copy this response and run command, than I got this response
Login Succeeded
I assume that I logged in AWS and docker successfully, so I try to push image to ECR
docker push AWSID.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/repositoryname
Than response is like this
ed9f73170eb1: Preparing
f26c0d1885c7: Preparing
254cc70ba305: Preparing
6bfcbc08ecad: Preparing
0cb1addb8efc: Preparing
f9109426e338: Waiting
b7f99d06d826: Waiting
24d803cb9c1a: Waiting
25c4f6422338: Preparing
69b416623121: Waiting
0753f0746a0d: Waiting
a20143cd0986: Waiting
3028f693c3e6: Waiting
514a0f74b55d: Waiting
no basic auth credentials
To figure out what causes error, I checked ~/.docker/config.json. my config.json is like this.
"auths": {
"AWSPATH.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com": {
"auth": "QVd..},
"https://index.docker.io/v1/": {}
"HttpHeaders": {
"User-Agent": "Docker-Client/19.03.5 (darwin)"
It seems to be an Authentication issue. Reconfigure your AWS-CLI, maybe that will resolve your issue.
aws configure
try to login this way and push:
eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email | sed ‘s|https://||’)
For me, it was simply missing permissions.
There are a number of permissions related to uploading such as
I have solved it by adding them to my agent's allowed permissions.
The problem was, jenkins server already had aws configured with different team's account. so I added region settings (we uses different region) and the problem solved.
I am using the https://github.com/puckel/docker-airflow image to run Airflow. I had to add pip install docker in order for it to support DockerOperator.
Everything seems ok, but I can't figure out how to pull an image from a private google docker container repository.
I tried adding the connection in the admin section type of google cloud conenction and running the docker operator as.
t2 = DockerOperator(
command="/bin/sleep 30",
But always get an error...
[2019-11-05 14:12:51,162] {{taskinstance.py:1047}} ERROR - No Docker
registry URL provided
I also tried the docker_conf_option
t2 = DockerOperator(
command="/bin/sleep 30",
I get the following error:
[2019-11-06 13:59:40,522] {{docker_operator.py:194}} INFO - Starting
docker container from image
[2019-11-06 13:59:40,524] {{taskinstance.py:1047}} ERROR -
('Connection aborted.', FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or
I also tried using only dockercfg_path="config.json" and got the same error.
I can't really use Bash Operator to try to docker login as it does not recognize docker command...
What am I missing?
line 1: docker: command not found
t3 = BashOperator(
bash_command='docker login -u _json_key - p /usr/local/airflow/config.json eu.gcr.io'
airflow.hooks.docker_hook.DockerHook is using docker_default connection where one isn't configured.
Now in your first attempt, you set google_con for docker_conn_id and the error thrown is showing that host (i.e registry name) isn't configured.
Here are a couple of changes to do:
image argument passed in DockerOperator should be set to image tag without registry name prefixing it.
# docker_url='tcp://localhost:2375', #Set your docker URL
# added this to map to host path in MacOS
provide registry name, username and password for the underlying DockerHook to authenticate to Docker in your google_con connection.
You can obtain long lived credentials for authentication from a service account key. For username, use _json_key and in password field paste in the contents of the json key file.
Here are logs from running my task:
[2019-11-16 20:20:46,874] {base_task_runner.py:110} INFO - Job 443: Subtask docker_op_tester [2019-11-16 20:20:46,874] {dagbag.py:88} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /Users/r7/OSS/airflow/airflow/example_dags/example_docker_operator.py
[2019-11-16 20:20:47,054] {base_task_runner.py:110} INFO - Job 443: Subtask docker_op_tester [2019-11-16 20:20:47,054] {cli.py:592} INFO - Running <TaskInstance: docker_sample.docker_op_tester 2019-11-14T00:00:00+00:00 [running]> on host
[2019-11-16 20:20:47,074] {logging_mixin.py:89} INFO - [2019-11-16 20:20:47,074] {local_task_job.py:120} WARNING - Time since last heartbeat(0.01 s) < heartrate(5.0 s), sleeping for 4.989537 s
[2019-11-16 20:20:47,088] {logging_mixin.py:89} INFO - [2019-11-16 20:20:47,088] {base_hook.py:89} INFO - Using connection to: id: google_con. Host: gcr.io/<redacted-project-id>, Port: None, Schema: , Login: _json_key, Password: XXXXXXXX, extra: {}
[2019-11-16 20:20:48,404] {docker_operator.py:209} INFO - Starting docker container from image alpine
[2019-11-16 20:20:52,066] {logging_mixin.py:89} INFO - [2019-11-16 20:20:52,066] {local_task_job.py:99} INFO - Task exited with return code 0
I know the question is about GCR but it's worth noting that other container registries may expect the config in a different format.
For example Gitlab expects you to pass the fully qualified image name to the DAG and only put the Gitlab container registry host name in the connection:
The set up your gitlab_registry connection like:
Based on recent Cloud Composer documentation, it's recommended to use KubernetesPodOperator instead, like this:
from airflow.contrib.operators.kubernetes_pod_operator import KubernetesPodOperator
Further to #Tamlyn's answer, we can also skip the creation of connection (docker_conn_id) from airflow and use it with gitlab as under
On your development machine :
https://gitlab.com/yourgroup/yourproject/-/settings/repository (create a token here and get details for logging in)
docker login registry.gitlab.com (on the machine to login to docker from the machine to push the image to docker - enter your gitlab credentials when prompted)
docker build -t registry.gitlab.com/yourgroup/yourproject . && docker push registry.gitlab.com/yourgroup/yourproject (builds and pushes to your project repo's container registry)
On your airflow machine :
https://gitlab.com/yourgroup/yourproject/-/settings/repository (you can use the above created token for logging in)
docker login registry.gitlab.com (to login to docker from the machine to pull the image from docker, this skips the need for creating a docker registry connection - enter your gitlab credentials when prompted = this generates ~/.docker/config.json which is required Reference from docker docs )
In your dag :
dag = DAG(
default_args = default_args,
schedule_interval = "15 1 * * *"
docker_trigger = DockerOperator(
task_id = "task_id",
api_version = "auto",
network_mode = "bridge",
image = "registry.gitlab.com/yourgroup/yourproject",
auto_remove = True, # use if required
force_pull = True, # use if required
xcom_all = True, # use if required
# tty = True, # turning this on screws up the log rendering
# command = "", # use if required
environment = { # use if required
"envvar1": "envvar1value",
"envvar2": "envvar2value",
dag = dag,
this works with Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS (tried and tested) with airflow installed on the instance
You will need to instal Cloud SDK in your workstation which includes the gcloud command-line tool.
After installing Cloud SDK and Docker version 18.03 or newer
According to their documentation to pull from Container Registry, use the command:
[HOSTNAME] is listed under Location in the console. It's one of four
options: gcr.io, us.gcr.io, eu.gcr.io, or asia.gcr.io.
[PROJECT-ID] is your Google Cloud Platform Console project ID.
[IMAGE] is the image's name in Container Registry.
[TAG] is the tag applied to the image. In a registry, tags are unique
to an image.
[IMAGE_DIGEST] is the sha256 hash value of the image contents. In the
console, click on the specific image to see its metadata. The digest
is listed as the Image digest.
To get the pull command for a specific image:
Click on the name of an image to go to the specific registry.
In the registry, check the box next to the version of the image that
you want to pull.
Click SHOW PULL COMMAND on the top of the page.
Copy the pull command, which identifies the image using either the
tag or the digest
*Also check that you have push and pull permissions from the registry.
**Configured Docker to use gcloud as a credential helper, or are using another authentication method. To use gcloud as the credential helper, run the command:
gcloud auth configure-docker
I use an ansible script to load & start the https://hub.docker.com/r/rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd/ container.
so it starts well of course :
bash-4.4$ docker ps
8bedbd3b7d88 rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd "/usr/sbin/sshd -D" 37 minutes ago Up 36 minutes>22/tcp test
so after ansible failure on ssh access to it I tested manually from shell
this is also ok.
bash-4.4$ ssh root#
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:YtTfuoRRR5qStSVA5UuznGamA/dvf+djbIT6Y48IYD0.
ECDSA key fingerprint is MD5:43:3f:41:e9:89:45:06:6f:f6:42:c4:6a:70:37:f8:1d.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
root#'s password:
root#8bedbd3b7d88:~# logout
Connection to closed.
so the step that failed is trying to get on it from ansible script & make access to ssh-copy-id
ansible error message is :
Fatal: []: UNREACHABLE! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Failed to connect to the host via ssh: Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.\r\nPermission denied (publickey,password).\r\n", "unreachable": true}
- hosts:
- name: start docker service
name: docker
state: started
- name: load and start the container we wanna use
name: test
image: rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd
state: started
- "49154:22"
- name: Wait maximum of 300 seconds for ports to be available
port: 49154
state: started
- hosts:
passwordadmin: $6$pbE6yznA$AeFIdI.....K0
passwordroot: $6$TMrxQUxT$I8.JIzR.....TV1
ansible_ssh_extra_args: "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
- name: Build test container root user rsa ssh-key
shell: docker exec test ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f /root/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N ""
so I cannot even run the needed step to build ssh
how to do then ??
1st step (ansible task) : load docker container
2cd step (ansible task on only : connect to it & setup it
there will be 3rd step to run application on it after that.
the problem occurs only when starting the 2cd step
Ok after many trys on a second container
conclusion is my procedure was bad
what I have done to solve that :
build a diroctory tree separating ./ ./inventory ./includes
build 1 yaml file by host (local, docker, labo)
build 1 main yaml file on ./
build 1 new host file in ./inventory
connect forced by sshpass to docker on default password
changed it
add the host key on authorized key to a login dedicated usage
installed pyhton (needed to answer ansible host else it makes
randomly module errors or refused connections depending on current
setup a ssh login user in sudoers
then I can un the docker.yaml actions
then only at last I can run the labo.yaml actions.
Thanks for help
now I'm able to build the missing tools.