I am loading a Test Plan from code with profile, Plan can be loaded and executed with profile. After that, I Close the external app and I try to open the same tap plan in Tap Editor, Profile is not detected. Need to select the profile again. Please find the code below that I use to load profile.
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(() =>
InstrumentSettings.SettingsDirectoryRoot = Tap_Settings;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ProfileName))
InstrumentSettings.SetSettingsProfile(ProfileGroupName, ProfileName);
InstrumentSettings.EnsureSettingsDirectoryExists(ProfileGroupName, true);
// Set TAP plugin location ,Profile,Log location
Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke(() => { PluginManager.DirectoriesToSearch.Add(PluginLocation); });
Please help.
The default profile that is loaded is stored in a file called CurrentProfile in %TAP_PATH%\Settings\Bench. There is not an API to update it. But you can edit the file. The only text in the file should be the Profile name.
Need to find way to add hyperlinks to components of an assembly in the a360 viewer such that, when clicked or touched with mobile device, will navigate to a web page for more information. Realize it requires Forge API but can't find any specific examples of such a solution. I think this can be done from a properties table but I want direct navigation from touching/clicking the object.
You could just subscribe to the object selection event and react to it by e.g. opening a given URL:
function (event) {
// Get id of first selected item
var dbId = event.dbIdArray[0];
if (dbId) {
// Maybe get the properties of the selected object
viewer.getProperties(dbId, function (props) {
// Depending on the properties you could open a website
// Just printing to the console the external id of
// the selected component as an example
If you search for "Autodesk.Viewing.SELECTION_CHANGED_EVENT" you can find some articles and samples also using this event, e.g. https://forge.autodesk.com/blog/selection-override
In my react native app i am showing several images in <Image> tags and i load those images from local folder.
<Image source={require('./src/images/image1.jpg')} />
I want to save image when the user tapped on it.
I can get which image user tapped and pass it to the function. But i put a single image path to it.
_onPressButton(imgName) {
CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll( './src/images/image1.jpg' , 'photo').then(function(result) {
}).catch(function(error) {
But this gives me an error in iOS emulator saying it cant find the image in the path.
When i give as,
CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll( 'https://i.imgur.com/JnrwMpZ.jpg' , 'photo')
It works.
But i want to save these files in my src/images folder.
How can i get a path of this image file OR get this done..?
I appreciate any help regarding this.
Here is my solution with Expo, worked in android and should work on ios too
onSave = async () => {
const asset = Asset.fromModule(require('./src/images/image1.jpg'))
if (!asset.localUri) {
await asset.downloadAsync();
const uri = asset.localUri;
CameraRoll.saveToCameraRoll(uri, 'photo')
I have a workflow that adds a button "Open Link" and a field on the record called "URL" that contains a hyperlink to an attachment in NetSuite. I want to add a workflow action script that opens this url in a different page. I have added the script and the workflow action to the workflow. My script:
function openURL() {
var url = nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_url');
I get this script error after clicking the button: "TypeError: Cannot find function open in object [object Object].
How can I change my script so it opens the URL in the field?
(This function works when I try it in the console)
Do you want it to work when the record is being viewed or edited? They have slightly different scripts. I'm going to assume you want the button to work when the record is being viewed, but I'll write it so it works even when the document is being edited as well.
The hard part about the way Netsuite has set it up is that it requires two scripts, a user event script, and a client script. The way #michoel suggests may work too... I've never inserted the script by text before personally though.
I'll try that sometime today perhaps.
Here's a user event you could use (haven't tested it myself though, so you should run it through a test before deploying it to everyone).
function userEvent_beforeLoad(type, form, request)
Add the specified client script to the document that is being shown
It looks it up by id, so you'll want to make sure the id is correct
Add a button to the page which calls the openURL() method from a client script
form.addButton("custpage_open_url", "Open URL", "openURL()");
Use this as the Suitescript file for a User Event script. Set the Before Load function in the Script Page to userEvent_beforeLoad. Make sure to deploy it to the record you want it to run on.
Here's the client script to go with it.
function openURL()
nlapiGetFieldValue() gets the url client side in a changeable field, which nlapiLookupField (which looks it up server side) can't do
if your url is hidden/unchanging or you only care about view mode, you can just get rid of the below and use nlapiLookupField() instead
var url = nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_url');
nlapiGetFieldValue() doesn't work in view mode (it returns null), so we need to use nlapiLookupField() instead
if you only care about edit mode, you don't need to use nlapiLookupField so you can ignore this
if(url == null)
var myType = nlapiGetRecordType();
var myId = nlapiGetRecordId();
url = nlapiLookupField(myType, myId,'custbody_url');
//opening up the url
Add it as a Client Script, but don't make any deployments (the User Event Script will attach it to the form for you). Make sure this script has the id customscript_my_client_script (or whatever script id you used in the user event script in form.setScript()) or else this won't work.
Another thing to keep in mind is that each record can only have one script appended to it using form.setScript() (I think?) so you may want to title the user event script and client script something related to the form you are deploying it on. Using form.setScript is equivalent to setting the script value when you are in the Customize Form menu.
If you can get #michoel's answer working, that may end up being better because you're keeping the logic all in one script which (from my point of view) makes it easier to manage your Suitescripts.
The problem you are running into is that Workflow Action Scripts execute on the server side, so you are not able to perform client side actions like opening up a new tab. I would suggest using a User Event Script which can "inject" client code into the button onclick function.
function beforeLoad(type, form) {
var script = "window.open(nlapiGetFieldValue('custbody_url'))";
form.addButton('custpage_custom_button', 'Open URL', script);
We've created solution where user has a table with files, each entry has checkbox. He can select as many as he like and then click download button.
We are using such resource, it should allow dynamically download, depending on selected items
private StreamResource createResource(final IndexedContainer container) {
return new StreamResource(new StreamSource() {
public InputStream getStream() {
for (Object o : container.getItemIds()) {
CheckBox checkbox = (CheckBox) container.getItem(o).getItemProperty(C_CHECK_BOX).getValue();
if (checkbox.getValue()) {
// do some magic to get stream of selected files
}, "download.zip");
The problem is that only second and following click on button is giving expected restults.
It's turns out that FileDownoader is getting resource from server and then it is sending current status of component . It is the reason why first click is giving stale result.
Do you have any idea how to overcome this? Is it possible to force: first update component and then download the resource?
Many thanks
CheckBox in Vaadin is non-immediate by default, which means that it won't send a request to server when the checkbox is checked (or unchecked) on the browser. Immediate components send queued non-immediate events also to server but it seems that FileDownloader doesn't cause an event that would send non-immediate checkbox values to server.
The only thing you need to do is to set your checkboxes to be immediate when you create those:
FileDownloader will not suit your needs. As you can read in the documentation:
Download should be started directly when the user clicks e.g. a Button without going through a server-side click listener to avoid triggering security warnings in some browsers.
That means you cannot dynamically generate download.zip file determined by checkboxes values because that requires a trip to server.
You have at least 2 options. Either create new FileDownloader and generate new Resource download.zip every time user make changes to the checkboxes. Or you can add simple ClickListener to you Button with this line of code:
getUI().getPage().open(resource, "_blank", false);
Related: Vaadin - How to open BrowserWindowOpener from a SINGLE BUTTON
There is also alternative solution to set checkBox.setImmediate(true); . It is possible to send current state of all components, just before click, instead of sending each checkBox change.
This solution is based on this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/30643199/1344546
You need to create file downloader button and hide it:
Button hiddenButton = new Button();
StreamResource zipResource = createResource(container);
FileDownloader fd = new FileDownloader(zipResource);
Add css rule to your theme
.InvisibleButton {
display: none;
And then create another button, which 1st update state, and then click hidden button.
Button zipDownload = new Button("Download as ZIP file");
zipDownload.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() {
public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) {
.execute(String.format("document.getElementById('%s').click();", HIDDEN_ID));
I have a BrowserField in my app, which works great. It intercept NavigationRequests to links on my website which go to external sites, and brings up a new windows to display those in the regular Browser, which also works great.
The problem I have is that if a user clicks a link to say "www.google.com", my app opens that up in a new browser, but also logs it into the BrowserHistory. So if they click back, away from google, they arrive back at my app, but then if they hit back again, the BrowserHistory would land them on the same page they were on (Because going back from Google doesn't move back in the history) I've tried to find a way to edit the BrowserField's BrowserHistory, but this doesn't seem possible. Short of creating my own class for logging the browsing history, is there anything I can do?
If I didn't do a good job explaining the problem, don't hesitate for clarification.
One possible solution to this problem would be to keep track of the last inner URL visited before the current NavigationRequest URL. You could then check to see whether the link clicked is an outside link, as you already do, and if it is call this method:
updateHistory(String url, boolean isRedirect)
with the last URL before the outside link. Using your example this should overwrite "www.google.com" with the last inner URL before the outside link was clicked.
Here is some half pseudocode/half Java to illustrate my solution:
BrowserFieldHistory history = browserField.getHistory():
String lastInnerURL = "";
if navigationRequest is an outside link {
history.updateHistory(lastInnerURL, true);
// Handle loading of outer website
} else {
lastInnerURL = navigationRequest;
// Visit inner navigation request as normal
http://www.blackberry.com/developers/docs/5.0.0api/net/rim/device/api/browser/field2/BrowserFieldHistory.html#updateHistory(java.lang.String, boolean)
I had a similar but a little bit different issue. Special links in html content like device:smth are used to open barcode scanner, logout etc and I wanted them not to be saved in BrowserFieldHistory. I found in WebWork source code interesting workaround for that. All that you need is throw exception at the end like below:
public void handleNavigationRequest( BrowserFieldRequest request ) throws Exception {
if scheme equals to device {
// perform logout, open barcode scanner, etc
throw new Exception(); // this exception prevent saving history
} else {
// standard behavior