How to access page of a multipage pdf file in Gimp? - gimp

When I open a multipage pdf file, gimp lets me select the pages I want to import. After opening the file, the first page selected appears in a file window. How do I access the other pages?

Each page is loaded as a layer. To see a page you have to make the layers above it invisible, this is done by clicking the eye icon on the left of the layer thumbnails in the Layers list.
Shift-click on the icon of a Layer toggles the visibility of all other layers, so this is a very quick way to make it visible.
If you need to put all the pages side by side, there are scripts for this, for instance ofn-layer-tiles that you will find here.


Is it possible to open a lightbox from an external link inside an Epub?

I'm a writer.
I'm creating an enhanced Epub novel with Sigil.
Within the novel, I display small size pictures. For each picture, I want the reader to click on the legend below the picture that will direct them directly to the picture in a lightbox (or modal or featherlight) on my future website with a code like this :
Picture of Redwoods
When the reader closes the lightbox (or modal or featherlight), the page of my website, where a smaller sized image (along with other smaller pictures)is displayed, appears.
My future website will be with Joomla 3 with Astroid Framework/template.
I read about BS modal, BS lightbox, Featherlight but I'm lost. I want to do my own clean code with the least plugins/modules possible.
Is it possible to make a link (from an Epub or even an other webpage) to an opened "lightbox (modal ?) image" on a website ? And when you close the lightbox/modal image, the page containing the lightboxe/modal code appears ?
Thanks a lot.

how to get image from TWebBrowser into a TImage

I have a panel at the top of a form with a smallish TMemo set up as a drop target for URLs. Below that I have a Page Control with 2 tabs. I set up a TWebBrowser in one tab and some other stuff in the second tab. In the TWebBrowser, I need to login to a bug ticketing site we have, then browse tickets. Certain tickets have links to small images that clients want us to use (think something like logos). I can left-click on them and then drag-n-drop the link from the TWebBrowser to the TMemo at the top of the form. That picks up the image's URL and Title as expected.
The associated OnDrop event also switches to the 2nd tab and where I click a "Process" button. That causes the browser to navigate to the image (via Navigate2), which it loads into the browser window. That image is all that's in the browser window at this point.
So now I need the code to grab the image and load it into a TImage on the 2nd tabsheet. FWIW, the original image is a PNG.
I'm able to get the height and width of the image from the target image, but I'm not getting the image itself to show up in the TImage most of the time. Sometimes, but mostly not. I can load PNGs into these image objects just fine, so I know it displays PNGs properly.
(Maybe there's a way to do a download the image directly, but I wasn't able to get that to work. The TWebBrowser is used to login to an internal bug ticketing system where the images are being provided, and I can access that site only if it's on the same form and I've logged in. Otherwise the DL loads an HTML login page instead of the image. If there's a way to do that in the current framework, I'm open to suggestions.)
I'm finding the image file on the web page using IHTMLElement2.getelementsByTagName('img') and grabbing the first one (since I know that's all there is on the web page).
img := getFirstImage;
Image1_frame.Height := img.height+2;
Image1_frame.Width := img.width+2;
rnd := img as IHTMLElementRender ;
Image1 is aligned to Client on a panel named Image1_frame. So I set the frame's H & W -- they get set ok.
But the image is usually not visible. It's just white.
I see that DrawToDC is deprecated, but I haven't found what to replace it with.
You can use this approach to auto login (if needed) :
Automated Log In (webBrowser)
Then you can use this to get the Image: Image from TWebBrowser to TPicture

Drag and Drop Across Windows

I have a page that loads and then that page's JavaScript opens a popup window that will become a gallery. The user will upload images, using JavaScript and PHP that is part of the popup gallery window, and these uploaded images will be displayed in the gallery window that we popped up
Once several images have been uploaded and displayed in the gallery window I would like to drag and drop them into the primary window. Actually I'd like to leave the image in the gallery and just drag a ghost image across and drop it in the main window, so we end with the image in both windows.
This seems a bit tricky since the main widow and the popup gallery window are different JavaScript execution contexts. How can I implement a jQuery (or YUI) Drag and Drop that works from the popup window to the main window?
Thanks for any ideas.
Maybe this plugin can help you:

How to restrict right click option on the image?

I m designing my portfolio in ruby on rails. In order to restrict the image from being copied, i wanted to disable the right click and other features of copying an image from the website. How to do it?
In most modern browsers you can disable the right-click menu for a particular image. To do so, you can use the event handler oncontextmenu="return false;" within the IMG tag that defines your image:
<IMG border=0 src="..." oncontextmenu="return false;">
For example, the context menu has been disabled for this image:
Note: In older browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer 4.x or earlier) this trick won't work. Also, the context menu will show up if the user has disabled JavaScript.
As all others already said: It's not possible in a reliable way. Only thing you can consider is to watermark your images.
You can disable the right click with javascript.
However, this is a pretty bad idea.
Since your images are sent to the browser of the visitor, they will be accessible, either by displaying the source or analyzing the HTTP requests, in the cache files, or simply screenshoting.
You should not break the user navigation by disabling the right click, your images will be copiable and there's nothing you can do about it. Deal with it.
Sadly its not possible to stop people from copying an image on your page.
Simply disabling right click would not be enough, anyone could just view the source to see the image url
This guy has mentioned that we can add a transparent gif image to restrict the copy function but i am not getting how to do it. I m displaying my images inside carousel. And carousel gets very tricky sometimes. Also ive uploaded my images in cloudinary so if a person can get the URL of an image then he needs certain parameters to access it which only the owner has.

html5/css3, MVC3 - View pdf in an html page on mobile safari

My upcoming mobile web project requires viewing dynamically chosen pdf files inside the webpage. I am using iFrame to display the pdf file and the file can be scrolled using two-finger scrolling. But the problems I am facing are:
The first page of the file is not displayed completely on the iPad and gets cut off along the width unlike when I view it on the desktop browsers where the first page of the pdf is always entirely displayed although zoomed out to fit in the iFrame area.
There is no visual indication for the users that the pdf document can be scrolled, i.e., there is no scroll bar on the pdf document.
The controls (page navigation, zoom etc.) for the pdf viewer (Adobe reader) don't appear on the document unlike when I see it on the desktop browsers.
What is the best way to achieve what I am trying to do? Do any of you experts know any solutions/workarounds to the problems I am facing? An entirely different approach using anything other than iFrame can also be considered.
The reason why the pdf should be inside the html page is that, the list of pdf files will be on a menu bar on the left side of the page and the user can click on any of them to view on the same page. Ideally, they will have the capability to toggle between full screen view and that view.
Any help is appreciated.
I created a tiny JavaScript module that helps you to show a PDF inline and be able to scroll it. But I also couldn't figure out a way to make it fit the total width of the parent container.
Check it out:
I came across this Recommended way to embed PDF in HTML? while researching on the web to find an answer.
The mentioned link discusses about some options that I can use and the google document viewer works for me though don't know if there is anything (like data limit) I need to be aware of before using it on the website. Also I have no idea if it is a good solution (though the full screen mode is not available, but zoom-in/zoom-out and next/prev page buttons are there are show up in the mobile safari on the iPad) to use for an web app that will be run on the iPad.
Anyway, I will keep researching for a better solution and if i don't find any, I'll stick to the google document viewer.
The issue appears to be a bug with Safari on the IPad.
I didn't find a solution for embedding the pdf in html but I did find this:
If you return FileStreamResult from your controller action instead of a view, the pdf will open in a new tab, it's not embedded html but at least your user is not having to download files and open them manually.
I had the same problem of the pdf not being displayed completely. The only thing I found to fix this was the change the size of the div containing the pdf.
For example if the element containing the pdf is a div then I change its width to any value and the rollback to the value it had before. Changing Width or height any one works.
Sometimes I had to wait a little using a setTimeout before calling my resizable method
