YouTube - Third Party Ads API for Creating Ads? - youtube-api

Does YouTube offer an API for third party platforms for ad creation and execution? I know YouTube has an ads reporting API available through Google Ad Words but I'm trying to find if we can build an ad serving API. I searched here and found someone said no but I can find little info on why or where they got this info.
The use case is for clients to create and launch YouTube ads from a third party platform via an API connection.

As far as Google Ads is concerned, you cannot build or mutate any video campaigns over an API. This has been an ongoing feature request for about as long as video campaigns first were introduced, but is still not available. See the latest answer on one of many corresponding threads in the Ads API forum.
Of course, you can also buy YouTube inventory over DV360. The current APIs (namely the obsolete BidManager API and the newer DV360 API) currently do not support the creation of TrueView line items, but there is write functionality in closed beta that should eventuelly support this use case. I'm not aware of any timeline for general availability, though.


Is there any way to get the number of downloads of my iOS app?

I have been doing R&d for some time and I am trying to make a single platform where I can see all the numbers of downloads of my iOS app. I have gone through the documentation but the way we can see the app statistics is through login and then download the report. I like to do it pro-grammatically without using any third party extensions or packages. Just like for android you can use google storage api here in the docs google cloud storage (API). But is there any way to do the same with iOS apps ? The only API which they have exposed is App store connect API but it gives you results of sales and trends. I am not sure if it tells you also the number of downloads of your app.
Please point me in the right direction. I might be following the wrong path but I have googled a lot and i could not find a direct way to do that without using third party extensions.
Per the documentation for the App Store Connect API, the endpoint GET gives you daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly app sales figures. That's not downloads exactly, since somebody might download your app multiple times in order to install it on multiple devices, reinstall it after deleting it, etc. But it's probably the closest you're going to get without either creating your own analytics system or using a 3rd party one.

Is it legal to use Youtube Data API to create youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel?

i'm planning to create some app that use youtube-api.
Is it legal to use Youtube Data API to create youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel? even it is not my channel or my video? Can I (legally) monetize those app with Admob?
Your question is answered in the first paragraph of the YouTube API Terms of Service.
1. Is it legal to use Youtube Data API to create youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel?
The terms don't prohibit it, as long as the client is compliant with the ToS. So, yes, it is legal.
2. Can I (legally) monetize those app with Admob?
It depends.
You agree not to use the YouTube API for any of the following commercial uses unless You obtain YouTube's prior written approval: [...] the sale of advertising, sponsorships, or promotions on any page of the API Client containing YouTube audiovisual content, unless other content not obtained from YouTube appears on the same page and is of sufficient value to be the basis for such sales.
I'm not an expert in law questions, but what this says (imho) is that you may advertise your application if it does not solely contain YouTube content. In other words, your application has to extend the functionality of, not recreate it.
In any case, you may not block or in any way alter in-player ads.
Based on the short concept of your app you posted in the question, I would say:
You may build "youtube-like app that aggregrate youtube videos from any channel", but
you may not advertise it, since it does not feature original content.
if you plan to publish this on app store please review the IOS Guide Lines
5.2.3 Audio/Video Downloading: Apps should not facilitate illegal file sharing or include the ability to save, convert, or download media
from third-party sources (e.g. Apple Music, YouTube, SoundCloud,
Vimeo, etc.) without explicit authorization from those sources.
Streaming of audio/video content may also violate Terms of Use, so be
sure to check before your app accesses those services. Documentation
must be provided upon request.
And this SO question

Pre-roll ads / sponsored links not showing up with YouTube API

The dev team at my company has implemented a YouTube API Client using the IFrame API (HTML5/JS YouTube player) and the YouTube Data API.
I would like to check our compliance with YouTube's API ToS, and something bugs me: no sponsored videos show up in search results and we get no pre-roll nor interstitial ads when playing back any of the videos fetched through the API.
Is this normal behaviour ? Have other developers noticed this ?
I worry that something may be "wrong" in our implementation that would unbeknownst to us obscure YouTube's monetisation means and put us at odds with the ToS. (our implementation is somewhat atypical - see below)
I noticed that YouTube's official developer demos on the API website don't show any ads either - e.g. here :
Any hints ?
Notes on our implementation:
In terms of functionality, it pretty much does what the above "topic" demo does.
In terms of design : we have implemented a fairly basic YouTube API client web page that embeds the HTML5 player from YouTube, running on our own fork of QtWebkit browser engine on embedded Linux. The underlying hardware is low-perf TV set-top boxes that cannot meet YouTube's requirements for their YTTV HTML5 app (formerly known as Leanback). The webpage is dynamically generated on our server by fetching YouTube's most popular categories through the YouTube Data API. Search is also implemented through the Youtube Data API. API query results are cached on our server tto optimise quota usage.

YouTube API forbids caching/saving videos. How does McTube do it?

As everyone using the YouTube api knows, saving or caching youtube files is prohibited by the google terms of service. So how then does this app [McTube] allow users to cache videos? I googled around and apparently google reportedly told them to remove the feature. Yet a year later the feature is still there. What gives, and how can I as a developer incorporate such a feature in my app without getting kicked off the app store?
Thanks for your time :)

Build Ustream type application with TokBox API?

It's not immediately clear from their site, but can one build a one to many streaming app like Ustream using TokBox web/iOS APIs? Is it limited to just chat.
I'd want to make something that captures video from the desktop or ios device and makes that video accessible at some public URL.
Yes that is capable. OpenTok works with Publishers and Subscribers. A single Publisher can publish to a session then many users can subscribe to the publishers stream using a public access token.
Check out the API it shows what you can do with it, how it does it and even shows some good demos. There are many examples of how they have used it for online chat shows and other similar one-to-many applications.
They've also very recently released their WebRTC version which makes it definitely worth a look!
