How to verify requests from Wiremock deployed to a remote host based on it's URL only? - mapping

I've implemented a custom Wiremock Server programmatically using Spring Boot and this service is deployed and running on a remote host.
The only way to access this Wiremock Server is URL provided by DevOps. Let's say
All mappings are working fine and Wiremock responds properly.
But I do have couple of questions:
1) There's no response from the Server when I try GET request on
2) My goal is to verify requests that were sent to this Wiremock after another service is triggered, so I also need to find a way to properly define instance of this remote Wiremock in my tests in order to track incoming requests. Previously, when I tried to verify the requests from 'localhost' Wiremock server everything was just fine, but unfortunately I can't do the same for the remote one.
The latest code I've tried is the following:
wiremock = new WireMockBuilder().host("").https().build();
*send request*
wiremock.verify(1, postRequestedFor(urlEqualTo("/testEnpoint")))
I get the following error as a result:
"detail" : "Unrecognized field \"timestamp\" (class com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.common.Errors), not marked as ignorable"
I'd appreciate any help on this, thanks in advance!


Is there a way to keep a single url, domain, or ip, for communication between docker containters, and between localhost and containers?

I am working on a web app where a single environmental variable is used for specifying a certain server (a rest api), like this:
the application is running inside a container, and it uses the server api variable for two things related to my problem:
It could generate and serve dynamic html where it append URL_SERVER_API to complete full api urls, for example {{URL_SERVER_API}}/someendpoint
It calls the api directly from a (php) script using CURL, defining the endpoint in the same fashion as 1
so I end up with a situation where if I set URL_SERVER_API to localhost:8080 the main application forms valid urls to call because the api app (which is also running in a docker container) was exposed in the correspondingly port, but the CURL calls don't work because localhost:8080 is not a known server inside the container.
Also I configured a bridge network and attached both apps to it, and I was capable to ping from the main app to the api succesfuly (e.g. ping api_docker), then when I set URL_SERVER_API=api_docker the CURL calls to the api are successfull, but the html files returned from the main app are constructed with unreachable urls like http://api_docker/someendpoint
Hope you can see my issue
I am able to solve the issue by having two variables URL_SERVER_API and URL_SERVER_API_INTERNAL and using the first for html serving and the second for the CURL calls, but I think it is not the best solution to add new variables to remember because I am not in charge to do so.
Thanks for the time taken to read

Service worker not working in electron but works great in browser

In my react application have a service worker working in the browser as expected. Unfortunately when the application is built and packaged with electron the service worker does not work. It seems to register but the service worker throws a error - uncaught in promise typeerror failed to fetch
The only real difference I can see is the origin of the worker. In electron it is stating a file path where as the one in the browser is stating the http://localhost path. This is using electron 11. The application is written in react from create-react app which has not been ejected.
This error originates from CORS(Cross Origin Resource Sharing). The thing is if you delete your service worker content and leave maybe a simple console.log statement the app would work. That is because in your fetch handler in service worker you are manually sending requests with Fetch API.
Unfortunately, CORS rules which are set inside your application are lost inside your service worker if you use the Fetch API.
If you really want to have that fetch handler in your service worker you have two choices:
You can customize the fetch handler so it doesn't do anything for index.html(which is the most important file for you). In that case if you don't do anything and you don't use event.respondWith, the request will not be stopped by service worker and your CORS headers will not be lost.
This is the tougher option. You need to set your CORS headers manually in the service worker fetch handler.

Ngrok not passing my post request on to localhost

I'm trying to set up a webhook for Stripe and I've created a controller, according to the Stripe doc , to do it in ASP.Net MVC running in a virtual machine (maybe that changes things?). I've been testing the action in the controller to see if I can receive posts, so I'm using Postman to send my localhost posts requests which are working. But now I need to use Ngrok to give my localhost a url so that Stripe can use it. I'm running ngrok and passing in these parameters to run
ngrok http -host-header="localhost:44368" 44368
and here is what I see, everything looks ok
But now when I try and use it in Postaman
I get a 502 Bad Gateway message and the action method never gets hit.
I get the same problem when I try and send a test webhook from Stripe.
FYI - The request times from Ngrok using 'localhost:4040' show all my response times as 0ms.
Update - I was emailed by ngrok
"The trouble is the HTTPS. ngrok terminates HTTPS traffic and then forwards the unencrypted http traffic through to your local application. You want to do one of two things:
1) make your application expose an HTTP port as well and forward traffic to that
2) use ngrok's TLS tunnels (which hand of TLS traffic to you for termination). with this option you have all the complexities of doing cert management, cert mismatches, etc, just fyi. i'd recommend #1 if possible"
Question - anyone know how to open up a http port in a ASP.Net MVC app using Https?
My problem was that the breakpoint in my application wasn't getting hit.
I was using
ngrok http 58533
but changing it to the following allowed my breakpoint to get hit.
ngrok http -host-header=rewrite localhost:58533
Bit late to the party :)
I could get http working by un-checking Enable SSL flag in Properties.
Step 1: Right click Web Api project, select Properties
Step 2: Download and install extension
Step 3: Start ngrok Tunnel from Visual Studio
(image from
Step 4: Copy Forwarding http url
Step 5: Paste in Postman, and append the controller/action
you get 200! (upvotes? :))

ParseHub Webhook with RoR

Parsehub provides the webhook feature. But currently I'm testing my Rails app locally. So how could I provide the webhook url for a project on Parsehub to point to my local server or any specific method in my controller.
Parsehub Doc Webhook:
Webhook Url option Screenshot:
In order to use a webhook, you need to provide a publicly visible IP address for ParseHub to make requests to. You can get one by registering for a cheap VPS host (e.g. DigitalOcean for $5/month).
On that host, you want to run a webserver, and put the endpoint that the webserver listens on into the webhook textbox in ParseHub. To inspect the details of what ParseHub sends, you can just make your webserver log all the request data. You can also check out our API docs which have a description of all the fields:
The way I usually test webhooks is by using Request Bin
Essentially you get a url from them, you give this as your webhook address and anything that is posted to this URL will be caught by the website for further inspection!
You can then get these parameters and post them to your application manually, thus mimicking the entire process.

Swagger proxied by haproxy can't execute requests

I have a swagger working with a haproxy. I use built in swagger in Websphere Liberty Profile (apiDiscovery feature):
Browser> haproxy -swagger.intranet-> IBM Liberty server with Swagger
The first swagger page is generated and shown correctly in the browser, but as Liberty server gets the request from haproxy, not my browser, and gets them to the intranet name/ip (swagger.intranet), Swagger code to execute GETs, POSTs, etc. is generated with that intranet IP name (swagger.intranet), so when I try any of the methods they won't work as reference this internal ip name from in a browser outside that zone.
Can I configure haproxy with some header to inform haproxy that he should generate code with the original server name ( request used in the request? (That is the one to be used in the generated HTML/Javascript code)
Liberty trusts the Host: header and uses it to assemble self-referential links.
Where you define the backend, try setting http-request set-header Host to what the client will be using or removing a similar stanza if you are setting it to some swagger.intranet already.
(sorry, I'm not an HAProxy user. This is based on searching for 'HAProxy equivalent of ProxyPreserveHost')
