How to iterate through results in sets? - lua

In my Tabletop Simulator mod I have a bag, when something is dropped in the bag the emptyContents() function is called. For example I can drop 15 dice in the bag.
In the emptyContents() function I iterate over the objects in the bag. But as you can see I have to put in multiple if statements to catch the amount of dice put in because I want the dice to be spawned on different positions.
The contents variable is the amount of dice in the bag.
function emptyContents()
contents = self.getObjects()
for i, _ in ipairs(self.getObjects()) do
if i <= 6 then
self.takeObject(setPosition(5, -3))
elseif i <= 12 then
elseif i <= 18 then
How can I make the function less static? Because now I need to write if statements for each set of 6 dice.

maybe you can add a config like this:
local t = {
{6, 5, -3},
{12, 12.4, -5},
{18, 19.8, -7},
function emptyContents()
contents = self.getObjects()
for i, _ in ipairs(self.getObjects()) do
for _, v in ipairs(t) do
local l, p1, p2 = unpack(v)
if i <= l then
self.takeObject(setPosition(p1, p2))


lua: piggybacking multiple variables across 1 if statement

I have around 7+ variables: a=1, b=10, c=12...etc
I need to write an if statement for each that does this:
if var>0 then var-=1 end
If I need each of the variables to record their values after each iteration, is there a way for me to avoid writing out one if statement per variable?
I tried defining them all in a table like:
local t = {a,b,c}
for _,v in pairs(t) do
if v>0 then v-=1 end
This code failed though, not sure why. Ultimately I'm looking for more efficient way than simply writing the ifs. You can define efficient in terms of cost or tokens or both. The values used would be random, no pattern. The variable names can potentially be changed, i.e. a_1,a_2, a_3, its not ideal though.
There are a couple of solutions. To shorten your code, you could write a function that processes the value and run it on each variable:
local function toward0(var)
if var > 0 then
return var - 1
return var
a = toward0(a)
b = toward0(b)
c = toward0(c)
You could also store the data in a table instead of in variables. Then you can process them in a loop:
local valuesThatNeedToBeDecremented = {a = 1, b = 10, c = 12}
for k, v in pairs(valuesThatNeedToBeDecremented) do
if v > 0 then
valuesThatNeedToBeDecremented[k] = v - 1
You forgot to reasign the new values to the table!
local a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
local t = {a, b, c}
for k, v in ipairs(t) do
if v > 0 then v -= 1 end
t[k] = v
a, b, c = t[1], t[2], t[3]
print(a, b, c)

How to implement combinations tail-recursively?

I'm teaching myself Lua by reading Ierusalimschy's Programming in Lua (4th edition), and doing the exercises. Exercise 6.5 is
Write a function that takes an array and prints all combinations of the elements in the array.
After this succinct statement the book gives a hint that makes it clear that what one is expected to do is to write a function that prints all the C(n, m) combinations of m elements from an array of n elements.
I implemented the combinations function shown below:
function combinations (array, m)
local append = function (array, item)
local copy = {table.unpack(array)}
copy[#copy + 1] = item
return copy
local _combinations
_combinations = function (array, m, prefix)
local n = #array
if n < m then
elseif m == 0 then
local deleted = {table.unpack(array, 2, #array)}
_combinations(deleted, m - 1, append(prefix, array[1]))
_combinations(deleted, m, prefix)
_combinations(array, m, {})
It works OK, but it is not tail-recursive.
Can someone show me a tail-recursive function that does the same thing as combinations above does?
(For what it's worth, I am using Lua 5.3.)
NB: I realize that the exercise does not require that the function be tail-recursive. This is a requirement I have added myself, out of curiosity.
EDIT: I simplified the function slightly, but removing a couple of nested functions that were not adding much.
There is a third option, one that doesn't have a snake eating it's tail. Although recursion with tail-calls don't lead to stack overflow, I avoid doing so out of personal preference. I use a while loop and a stack that holds the information for each iteration. Within the loop you pop the next task from the stack, do the work, then push next task onto the stack. I feel it looks cleaner and it's easier to visualize the nesting.
Here is how I would translate your code into the way I would write it:
function combinations(sequence, item)
local function append(array, item)
local copy = {table.unpack(array)}
copy[#copy + 1] = item
return copy
local stack = {}
local node = { sequence, item, {} }
while true do
local seq = node[ 1 ]
local itm = node[ 2 ]
local pre = node[ 3 ]
local n = #seq
if itm == 0 then
elseif n < itm then
-- do nothing
local reserve = {table.unpack(seq, 2, #seq)}
table.insert(stack, { reserve, itm, pre })
table.insert(stack, { reserve, itm-1, append(pre, seq[ 1 ]) })
if #stack > 0 then
node = stack[ #stack ] -- LIFO
stack[ #stack ] = nil
You can use this while-loop stack/node technique for just about any recursive method. Here is an example where it's applied to printing deeply nested tables:
My version, using your input example gives the same output:
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 4 5
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 4 5
3 4 5.
Forgive me if it doesn't work with other passed params because I didn't try to solve the answer to the exercise but rather just rewrite the code in your original post.
OK, I think I found one way to do this:
function combinations (array, m)
local dropfirst = function (array)
return {table.unpack(array, 2, #array)}
local append = function (array, item)
local copy = {table.unpack(array)}
copy[#copy + 1] = item
return copy
local _combinations
_combinations = function (sequence, m, prefix, queue)
local n = #sequence
local newqueue
if n >= m then
if m == 0 then
local deleted = dropfirst(sequence)
if n > m then
newqueue = append(queue, {deleted, m, prefix})
newqueue = queue
return _combinations(deleted, m - 1,
append(prefix, sequence[1]),
if #queue > 0 then
newqueue = dropfirst(queue)
local newargs = append(queue[1], newqueue)
return _combinations(table.unpack(newargs))
_combinations(sequence, m, {}, {})
This version is, I think, tail-recursive. Unfortunately, it does not print out the results in as nice an order as did my original non-tail-recursive version (not to mention the added complexity of the code), but one can't have everything!
EDIT: Well, no, one can have everything! The version below is tail-recursive, and prints its results in the same order as does the original non-tail-recursive version:
function combinations (sequence, m, prefix, stack)
prefix, stack = prefix or {}, stack or {}
local n = #sequence
if n < m then return end
local newargs, newstack
if m == 0 then
if #stack == 0 then return end
newstack = droplast(stack)
newargs = append(stack[#stack], newstack)
local deleted = dropfirst(sequence)
if n > m then
newstack = append(stack, {deleted, m, prefix})
newstack = stack
local newprefix = append(prefix, sequence[1])
newargs = {deleted, m - 1, newprefix, newstack}
return combinations(table.unpack(newargs)) -- tail call
It uses the following auxiliary functions:
function append (sequence, item)
local copy = {table.unpack(sequence)}
copy[#copy + 1] = item
return copy
function dropfirst (sequence)
return {table.unpack(sequence, 2, #sequence)}
function droplast (sequence)
return {table.unpack(sequence, 1, #sequence - 1)}
> combinations({1, 2, 3, 4, 5}, 3)
1 2 3
1 2 4
1 2 5
1 3 4
1 3 5
1 4 5
2 3 4
2 3 5
2 4 5
3 4 5
Ironically, this version achieves tail-recursion by implementing its own stack, so I am not sure it is ultimately any better than the non-tail-recursive version... Then again, I guess the function's stack actually lives in the heap (right?), because Lua's tables are passed around by reference (right?), so maybe this is an improvement, after all. (Please correct me if I'm wrong!)

Element by Element comparison in Lua

I'm trying to find a way to do element-by-element comparison in Lua using the standard < operator. For example, here's what I'd like to do:
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
c = a < b -- should return {true, false, true}
I already have code working for addition (and subtraction, multiplication, etc). My issue is that Lua forces the result of a comparison to a boolean. I don't want a boolean, I want a table as the result of the comparison.
Here is my code so far, with addition working, but less-than comparison not working:
m = {}
m['__add'] = function (a, b)
-- Add two tables together
-- Works fine
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] + b[i]
return c
m['__lt'] = function (a, b)
-- Should do a less-than operator on each element
-- Doesn't work, Lua forces result to boolean
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] < b[i]
return c
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
setmetatable(a, m)
c = a + b -- Expecting {11, 11, 25}
print(c[1], c[2], c[3]) -- Works great!
c = a < b -- Expecting {true, false, true}
print(c[1], c[2], c[3]) -- Error, lua makes c into boolean
The Lua programming manual says that the result of the __lt metamethod call is always converted to a boolean. My question is, how can I work around that? I heard that Lua is good for DSL, and I really need the syntax to work here. I think it should be possible using MetaLua, but I'm not really sure where to start.
A coworker suggested that I just use << instead with the __shl metamethod. I tried it and it works, but I really want to use < for less than, rather than a hack using the wrong symbol.
You only have two choices to make this work with your syntax:
Option 1: Patch the Lua core.
This is probably going to be very difficult, and it'll be a maintenance nightmare in the future. The biggest issue is that Lua assumes on a very low level that the comparison operators <, >, ==, ~= return a bool value.
The byte-code that Lua generates actually does a jump on any comparison. For example, something like c = 4 < 5 gets compiled to byte-code that looks much more like if (4 < 5) then c = true else c = false end.
You can see what the byte-code looks like with luac -l file.lua. If you compare the byte-code of c=4<5 with c=4+5 you'll see what I mean. The addition code is shorter and simpler. Lua assumes you'll do branching with comparisons, not assignment.
Option 2: Parse your code, change it, and run that
This is what I think you should do. It would be very hard, expect most of the work is already done for you (using something like LuaMinify).
First of all, write a function you can use for comparisons of anything. The idea here is to do your special comparison if it's a table, but fall back on using < for everything else.
my_less = function(a, b)
if (type(a) == 'table') then
c = {}
for i = 1, #a do
c[i] = a[i] < b[i]
return c
return a < b
Now all we need to do is replace every less than operator a<b with my_less(a,b).
Let's use the parser from LuaMinify. We'll call it with the following code:
local parse = require('ParseLua').ParseLua
local ident = require('FormatIdentity')
local code = "c=a*b<c+d"
local ret, ast = parse(code)
local _, f = ident(ast)
All this will do is parse the code into a syntax tree, and then spit it back out again. We'll change FormatIdentity.lua to make it do the substitution. Replace the section near line 138 with the following code:
elseif expr.AstType == 'BinopExpr' then --line 138
if (expr.Op == '<') then
tok_it = tok_it + 1
appendStr( expr.Op )
That's all there is to it. It will replace something like c=a*b<c+d with my_less(a*b,c+d). Just shove all your code through at runtime.
Comparisons in Lua return a boolean value.
There is nothing you can do about it short of changing the core of Lua.
Can you put up with a bit verbose v()-notation:
v(a < b) instead of a < b ?
local vec_mt = {}
local operations = {
copy = function (a, b) return a end,
lt = function (a, b) return a < b end,
add = function (a, b) return a + b end,
tostring = tostring,
local function create_vector_instance(operand1, operation, operand2)
local func, vec = operations[operation], {}
for k, elem1 in ipairs(operand1) do
local elem2 = operand2 and operand2[k]
vec[k] = func(elem1, elem2)
return setmetatable(vec, vec_mt)
local saved_result
function v(...) -- constructor for class "vector"
local result = ...
local tp = type(result)
if tp == 'boolean' and saved_result then
result, saved_result = saved_result
elseif tp ~= 'table' then
result = create_vector_instance({...}, 'copy')
return result
function vec_mt.__add(v1, v2)
return create_vector_instance(v1, 'add', v2)
function vec_mt.__lt(v1, v2)
saved_result = create_vector_instance(v1, 'lt', v2)
function vec_mt.__tostring(vec)
'Vector ('
..table.concat(create_vector_instance(vec, 'tostring'), ', ')
a = v(5, 7, 10); print(a)
b = v(6, 4, 15); print(b)
c = a + b ; print(c) -- result is v(11, 11, 25)
c = v(a + b); print(c) -- result is v(11, 11, 25)
c = v(a < b); print(c) -- result is v(true, false, true)
As others have already mentioned, there is no straight-forward solution to this. However, with the use of a generic Python-like zip() function, such as the one shown below, you can simplify the problem, like so:
-- Python-like zip() iterator
function zip(...)
local arrays, ans = {...}, {}
local index = 0
index = index + 1
for i,t in ipairs(arrays) do
if type(t) == 'function' then ans[i] = t() else ans[i] = t[index] end
if ans[i] == nil then return end
return table.unpack(ans)
a = {5, 7, 10}
b = {6, 4, 15}
c = {}
for a,b in zip(a,b) do
c[#c+1] = a < b -- should return {true, false, true}
-- display answer
for _,v in ipairs(c) do print(v) end

Explain why unpack() returns different results in Lua

The following script finds prime numbers in a range from 1 to 13.
When I explicitly iterate over the table that contains the results I can see that the script works as expected. However, if I use unpack() function on the table only the first 3 numbers get printed out.
From docs: unpack is "a special function with multiple returns. It receives an array and returns as results all elements from the array, starting from index 1".
Why is it not working in the script below?
t = {}
for i=1, 13 do t[i] = i end
primes = {}
for idx, n in ipairs(t) do
local isprime = true
for i=2, n-1 do
if n%i == 0 then
isprime = false
if isprime then
primes[idx] = n
print('loop printing:')
for i in pairs(primes) do
$ lua5.3 primes.lua
loop printing:
1 2 3
primes[idx] = n
primes[#primes+1] = n
The reason is that idx is not sequential as not every number is a prime.

Adding _concat to numbers to create number ranges - am I mad?

Just as a random experiment I'm considering adding a __concat() metamethod to the number metatable (usually a new metatable as numbers don't seem to have metatables by default?).
The idea is that I could do something like 3..5 and get back 3, 4, 5.
I could then have a function foo(tbl, ...) that does something with multiple indexes on a table and call it like foo(tbl, 3..5).
Am I barking mad or does this seem like a viable thing to do?
Rough draft of code (not tested yet):
-- get existing metatable if there is one
local m = getmetatable( 0 ) or {};
-- define our concat method
m.__concat = function( left, right )
-- note: lua may pre-coerce numbers to strings?
local l, r = tonumber(left), tonumber(right);
if not l or not r then -- string concat
return tostring(left)..tostring(right);
else -- create number range
if l > r then l, r = r, l end; -- smallest num first?
local t = {};
for i = l, r do t[#t+1] = i end;
return (table.unpack or unpack)(t);
-- set the metatable
setmetatable( 0, m );
Additional question: Is there any way for me to populate a ... value by value (to remove the need for a table & unpack in the example above)?
Your idea can be implemented using __call metamethod:
local mt = debug.getmetatable(0) or {}
mt.__call = function(a,b) -- a, b - positive integer numbers
return (('0'):rep(a-1)..('1'):rep(b-a+1)):match(('()1'):rep(b-a+1))
debug.setmetatable(0, mt)
-- Example:
print((3)(5)) --> 3 4 5
