How to add multi compiler parameters to - vala

Normally I use this to compile one of my vala code:
valac --pkg gtk+-3.0 -X -lm %f
Now I try meson/ninja,
meson build --prefix=/usr
Then I edit the, add two lines. (After search a lot)
link_args : '-X',
link_args : '-lm',
The entire part is
dependencies: [
link_args : '-X',
link_args : '-lm',
install: true
ninja passed now, but it says: WARNING: Keyword argument "link_args" defined multiple times.
WARNING: This will be an error in future Meson releases.
So How to add multi compiler parameters correctly?

you can try this instead, in the dependency section
meson.get_compiler('c').find_library('m', required: false),
That should add math library linkage for you.

An alternative way is to use an array
dependencies: [
link_args : ['-X', '-lm',], # <- here
install: true


How to get the library paths of a meson dependency?

Use case: I have a dependency that falls back to a subproject:
src/ contains:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib') # Searches for mylib with pkg-config then fall backs to mylib.wrap.
myexec_exe = executable ('myexec', 'myexec.c', dependencies : mylib_dep)
Dependency mylib_dep provides libraries, which, if not installed on the system, make the main executable of my project unusable:
$ meson build && cd build && meson compile src/my_exec
$ src/my_exec
src/my_exec: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My testing script build/tests/ is configure_filed from tests/ to indicate the location of myexec, and I'd like to pass to it the library paths, so that it can adjust LD_LIBRARY_PATH and run the executable. For instance, in tests/
conf_data = configuration_data ()
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYEXEC_PATH', myexec_exe.full_path ())
conf_data.set_quoted ('MYLIB_PATH', mylib_dep.??????)
mytest_exe = configure_file (input : '', output : '', configuration : conf_data)
and in tests/
Question: What should go at the ?????? above? In other words, given a dependency object, how can I extract the libraries within it, and get their full paths?
Usually in meson you wouldn't configure_file this, you'd pass the library/executable(s) to the script as arguments in the test command:
args : [executable_target, library_target, ...],
It can be frustrating trying to get this sort of info out of Meson. Fortunately, if Meson used CMake to find the dependency, you may be able to get the library path from the underlying CMake variables, which are available in the Meson dependency object. Eg, something along the following lines worked for me:
mylib_dep = dependency('mylib')
if mylib_dep.found()
mylib_path = mylib_dep.get_variable(default_value : '', cmake : 'PACKAGE_LIBRARIES')
message('Library path is:', mylib_path)

Can't seem to get simple Bazel python script to run

I have just switched to bazel and I am trying to figure out how to get things working. I have added the following to my bazel BUILD file
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
name = "Test",
srcs = [ "" ],
deps = [
How on earth do i get Bazel to import numpy?
When I run it, it says no such package '#numpy//'
And of course if i dont have any deps it says no module named numpy.
What is the syntax to be used here?
#numpy is a not valid bazel label. To use dependencies from PyPI repositories you need to use external python rules: bazelbuild/rules_python

Flatpak Meson Not Finding Vala Libraries From Gnome Builder

From Linux, I'm using Meson (0.44.0) within Gnome Builder (3.26.4) for a console program that will use Gee and GXml. My intent is to write this in Genie.
When I use Meson within Gnome Builder it fails but the same succeeds when invoked from the command line using valac (0.38.8) as follows:
valac --pkg=gtk+-3.0 --pkg=gee-0.8 --pkg=gxml-0.16
There is no error from the above. I've tried setting up with gee and gxml as dependency and alternatively as vala_args. Same error.
Checking pkg-config, I get the following:
$ pkg-config --libs gxml-0.16
-L/usr/local/lib64 -lgxml-0.16 -lgio-2.0 -lxml2 -lgee-0.8 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
$ pkg-config --libs gee-0.8
-lgee-0.8 -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
$ pkg-config --libs gee-1.0
-lgee -lgobject-2.0 -lglib-2.0
Perhaps I'm doing something wrong. Here is the local file followed by the top level and the error:
example_sources = [
example_deps = [
dependency('gio-2.0', version: '>= 2.50'),
dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.22'),
dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.50')
gnome = import('gnome')
example_sources += gnome.compile_resources(
c_name: 'example'
vala_args: '--target-glib=2.50 --pkg=gee-0.8 --pkg=gxml-0.16',
dependencies: example_deps,
install: true
with top-level
['c', 'vala'],
version: '0.1.0',
meson_version: '>= 0.40.0',
And the error is:
uses Gee
error: The namespace name 'Gee' could not be found
I'm invoking the build from within Gnome-Builder. Can someone help me understand what is happening? I've tried to find why valac succeeds and meson fails in the documentation but cannot find a solution.
Gee and GXml should be dependencies, just like GIO, GLib and GTK+. So you should try:
example_deps = [
dependency('gio-2.0', version: '>= 2.50'),
dependency('gtk+-3.0', version: '>= 3.22'),
dependency('glib-2.0', version: '>= 2.50'),
Usually you won't need to go beyond that. This makes the --pkg options in the vala_flags unnecessary. Meson does that for you. The way Meson works is it uses valac to produce C code then in a separate stage uses a C compiler to produce the binary. By using --pkg you are only telling valac which VAPI file to use, but not notifying the C compiler which pkg-config package to use for the C library.
Also notice I've added gobject-2.0 as a dependency. If I remember correctly GNOME Builder misses that and it does affect the build.
The error message, error: The namespace name 'Gee' could not be found, is troubling. This is an error from the Vala compiler and I would have thought that the compiler would be able to find the VAPI file using the vala_args method you've tried. Maybe you have Gee built from source and not installed system wide?
Meson does allow another VAPI search directory to be added:
join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), 'vapi')
language: 'vala'
There are more details on the Vala page of the Meson Build documentation.
Genie support was added to Meson with version 0.42. So meson_version: should be >= 0.42.0.
If there are still problems then here is an MCVE using Genie, Gee and Meson. This should be compiled from the command line. Save the following Genie program as
uses Gee
var my_list = new ArrayList of string()
my_list.add( "one" )
my_list.add( "two" )
for item in my_list
print( item )
Then save the following Meson file as
'vala', 'c'
genie_gee_deps = [
dependencies: genie_gee_deps
From the command line use Meson to set up the build directory:
meson setup builddir
This should show the dependencies have been found, for example:
Native dependency gee-0.8 found: YES 0.18.0
Then use Ninja build to build the project:
ninja -C builddir
For anyone using Fedora ninja is ninja-build.
Any problems with Meson setting up the build directory are logged to builddir/meson-logs/meson-log.txt.
If this works, but it fails in GNOME Builder, then my only other thought is that GNOME Builder has been installed using Flatpak. The sandboxed environment of Flatpak may be affecting the access to dependencies.
Update: Following the discussion in the comments it appears the runtime used by GNOME Builder was the problem. Builder has a great feature of being able to select the Flatpak runtime used to build your software. If you are following the 'traditional' way of developing by installing libraries and header files on your workstation then make sure Host Operating System is selected instead of a Flatpak runtime. It would appear the GNOME Flatpak runtime does not include libgee.
Update2: When writing a Flatpak builder manifest and a dependency is not in the Flatpak runtime/SDK then add the dependency as another module in the Flatpak builder manifest. This allows GNOME Builder to use Flatpak to build the software with the Flatpak runtime. An example manifest is given in AsymLabs answer.
Well after some exploration and AlThomas' advice above, here is what I discovered. OpenSUSE Tumbleweed provides four (or more) ways to install Gnome-Builder. These are:
1) Via Gnome Software Center. This installs org.gnome.Builder/stable in a sand boxed environment using Flatpak.
2) Via using Flatpak from the command line. This installs org.gnome.Builder/master (nightly) in a sand-boxed environment.
3) Via the package manager zypper and the command line. This installs a stable Gnome-Builder and related libraries system-wide.
4) Via Yast2. This provides the same as Zypper.
All three installations (same version 3.26.4 - different branches/tags - stable, master, nightly - two sand-boxed and one system wide) can be installed side by side and used as needed. During initial setup and testing, all variants yielded the same outcome - when using Gee and GXml only a Default build would work (the Flatpak Manifest would not build) but this has been resolved (it now appears that this is purely a Flatpak issue was a conflict between Flatpak and Fuse).
The Default build enables the Host runtime system. To set the Default build environment, upon opening a project within Gnome-Builder, choose Build Preferences from the upper left popover menu and select Default.
The drawback to a Default configuration is that it is not possible to Export Bundle, but local builds can utilize system-wide features.
So what is a Flatpak Manifest and why is it so important? It is the top level JSON file that contains project information. The Flatpak Manifest, in this case org.gnome.Example.json, pulls together all the features of the project so that it may be packaged for distribution. This includes the runtime, sdk, system connectivity to X11, IPC, Wayland, DBus, etc, the build system (Meson by default), cleanup directives, configuration and build options, submodule details (dependencies) and many other features. One Flatpak package can be installed in just about any Linux distribution, whether Debian, Ubuntu, Red Hat, OpenSuse or their derivatives, for example, and is sand-boxed for security and portability purposes. It will be, in future, fully cross-platform.
For instruction and testing, there are Flatpak Manifest examples to illustrate how they work. There are ways to alter the sand-box permissions using build finish directives. Flatpak documentation is excellent.
Within Gnome Builder when you first create a project, choose Vala + Gnome Application and a valid Flatpak Manifest will be installed. By default this is intended for a GUI rather than command line application; nonetheless it generates a default Flatpak Manifest that can be used as a template (Gnome Builder will allow multiple manifests - just select the build required). The following is the resulting improved Flatpak Manifest that will build submodules for both Gee and GXml (this has been tested within Gnome Builder and works):
"app-id": "org.gnome.Example",
"runtime": "org.gnome.Platform",
"runtime-version": "master",
"sdk": "org.gnome.Sdk",
"command": "example",
"finish-args": [
"build-options": {
"cflags": "-O2 -g",
"cxxflags": "-O2 -g",
"env": {
"V": "1"
"cleanup": [
"modules": [
"name": "libgee",
"buildsystem": "meson",
"config-opts": [
"builddir": true,
"sources": [
"type": "git",
"tag": "meson",
"url": ""
"name": "libgxml",
"buildsystem": "meson",
"config-opts": [
"builddir": true,
"sources": [
"type": "git",
"branch": "master",
"url": ""
"name": "example",
"buildsystem": "meson",
"config-opts": [
"builddir": true,
"sources": [
"type": "git",
"url": "file:///home/<user>/Projects/example"
Hat's off to the folks who are developing this package. Combining Flatpak, Meson, Gtk3/4/5/.., Vala, Genie (and soon the Vulkan 3D graphics engine) and beautifully minimalistic UI guidlines/standards in one lightweight development platform is something magical, akin to a modern day alchemy.
As an aside, I tried using Gtk3 with a number of languages, including C/C++, D, Haskell and Python but none of these alternatives could produce stand-alone binaries that were as compact, efficient and fun to write as Vala and Genie. These are greatly underrated languages.
Concluding, anyone who needs a good starting point when trying to understand these technologies and how Gnome-Builder is bringing them together can read AlThomas' post above and this one, along with the comments. It may save a lot of time.

Failure compiling glog with gflags support using Bazel

I'm getting a failure when I try to compile glog with gflags support using Bazel. A github repo reproducing this problem and showing the compilation error message is here:
I suspect that the problem occurs because glog is finding and using the "config.h" file published by gflags. However, I do not understand why this happens and why the current structure of the build files results in such errors. One solution I found was to provide my own BUILD file for gflags where the config was in a separate dependency (just how glog does it in my example).
I would appreciate any help with understanding the issue in this example.
The problem is that gflag's BUILD file is including its own config. Adding -H to glog.BUILD's copts yields:
. external/glog_archive/src/utilities.h
.. external/glog_archive/src/base/mutex.h
... bazel-out/local-fastbuild/genfiles/external/com_github_gflags_gflags/config.h
In file included from external/glog_archive/src/utilities.h:73:0,
from external/glog_archive/src/
external/glog_archive/src/base/mutex.h:147:3: error: #error Need to implement mutex.h for your architecture, or #define NO_THREADS
# error Need to implement mutex.h for your architecture, or #define NO_THREADS
If you take a look at gflag's config.h, it went with a not-very-helful approach of commenting out most of the config:
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
// System checks
// Define if you build this library for a MS Windows OS.
//cmakedefine OS_WINDOWS
// Define if you have the <stdint.h> header file.
//cmakedefine HAVE_STDINT_H
// Define if you have the <sys/types.h> header file.
//cmakedefine HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H
So nothing is defined.
The easiest way is probably to generate the config.h in your glog.BUILD:
name = "config",
outs = ["config.h"],
cmd = "cd external/glog_archive; ./configure; cd ../..; cp external/glog_archive/src/config.h $#",
srcs = glob(["**"]),
# Then add the generated config to your glog target.
name = "glog",
srcs = [...],
hdrs = [
This puts the .h file at a higher-precedence location than the gflags version.
Alternatively, you could do something like this in the genrule, if you want to use your //third_party/glog/config.h (#// is shorthand for your project's repository):
name = "config",
outs = ["config.h"],
cmd = "cp $(location #//third_party/glog:config.h) $#",
srcs = ["#//third_party/glog:config.h"],
You'll have to add exports_files(['config.h']) to the third_party/glog/BUILD file, too.

Bazel cc_library dependency on other cc_library when each compile with a different crosstool

I have a code generator tool that generates C/C++ code. This code generator tool is compiled with crosstool1. The generated C/C++ code needs to be compiled with crosstool2.
So the actions are:
Using Crosstool1 compile 'code_generator'.
Execute 'code_generator' and generate 'generated_code.cpp'
Using Crosstool2 compile 'generated_code.cpp'
Is it possible to make a cc_library() determine the crosstool to use? I saw that Skylark rules now allow a 'toolchains' parameter which I'm not sure how this is used, also I do not want to do the heavy lifting of C/C++ compiling bare bone with Skylark.
Is there an example of using a proper Host Crosstool and Target Crosstool except for the Tenserflow example? I get a headache each time I read it :D
Assume //crosstool1:toolchain is a label for cc_toolchain_suite rule describing first crosstool, //crosstool2:toolchain is a label for cc_toolchain_suite for second crosstool, and the build file for the project is:
name = "generator",
srcs = [ "" ],
name = "generate",
outs = [""],
cmd = "$(location :generator) > $#",
tools = [":generator"],
name = "generated",
srcs = [ "" ],
Then running:
bazel build --host_crosstool_top=//crosstool1:toolchain --crosstool_top=//crosstool2:toolchain :generated
will do exactly what you describe, it will use crosstool1 to build :generator, and crosstool2 to build generated. Genrules use host configuration by default, so all should just work.
