Any way to get light image when iPhone is on dark mode? - ios

> UITraitCollection *lightTrait = [UITraitCollection traitCollectionWithUserInterfaceStyle:UIUserInterfaceStyleLight];
image = [UIImage imageNamed:name inBundle:[NSBundle mainBundle] compatibleWithTraitCollection:lightTrait];
I want to get the image on light model , regardless of what the current theme of the iOS device is.
But the above code does not seem to work.

Odd, I don't see what's wrong with your code.
You can also try the following:
let lightImage = image.imageAsset?.image(with: lightTrait)


What is the code when I want to show a #2x image in app

Today when I search some information about #1x #2x #3x
something confuses me
are these only used as app icon? Because most messages always give me the example of the icon.
and If it can be used in app view, how is the code?
like this?
self.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed: #"background.png"]];
Then, iOS will change #1x and #2x itself? OR I need to code like this:
#define deviceIsIPhone5 ([UIScreen mainScreen].applicationFrame.size.height == 568 ? YES : NO)
if (deviceIsIPhone5)
self.backgroundImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"background#2x.png"];
self.backgroundImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"background.png"];
You don't have to think about #2x #3x.iOS automatically handles it.
All you need to care about is to put right size image into the right box(.xcassets) if you want to show image properly in all iOS devices.
no need to care about 2x,3x and png.
just enter image name only. ios will automatically check image to use according to screen dimensions.
self.backgroundImage.image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"background"];

Titanium Appcelerator - Remote URL not showing up as background image to View

So here's a nice one. I'm creating a imageView by doing this:
var tagView = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
backgroundImage: '',
The problem is - anytime I use a remote URL as a background image it doesn't show up. Has anyone run into this and is there a good workaround for it?
It's just a rough guess but does it work when you use a normal View instead of an ImageView? Or try the image-property instead of backgroundImage-property for the ImageView. I just think that a background image is not the best practice to do on an ImageView even though the docs say it's possible.
I've done some testing with this as well and also found that backgroundImage doesn't work for remote URLs.
I've sort of fixed it by hacking this code into TiUtils.m of the Appcelerator core (tested with 3.5.0.GA).
if (resultImage == nil) {
if ([image isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) {
NSURL* imageURL = [TiUtils toURL:image relativeToURL:nil];
resultImage = [[ImageLoader sharedLoader] loadRemote:imageURL];

How to use template rendering mode in Xcode 6 Interface Builder?

I'm trying to use images with template rendering mode enabled in Interface Builder but I can't get it working. With buttons everything works ok but with ImageViews the tintColor is not applying to the image.
I have enabled "Vectors type" (I'm using pdf) and "Render as Template Image" in the Image assets. What am I doing wrong?
I've hit the same problem. I think this is a bug.
You could dup this radar, which refers to this minimal example app
I know of two workarounds for this problem
wrap in UIButton
Since tintColor works for UIButtons, one workaround is instead of UIImageView just to use a custom-type UIButton with userInteractionEnabled=false. If you disable the button's interactivity with UIView.userInteractionEnabled (as opposed to with UIControl.enabled), then you won't change the appearance of the image.
manually re-set the image in code
Another workaround is to re-set the .image property in code, after the UIImageView has been loaded from the nib. This works because setting an image in code seems to be what triggers the templating logic. For this to work, you need to re-set the image to its existing value in a way that won't be optimized away in the compiler. A snippet like this in awakeFromNib has worked for me:
override func awakeFromNib() {
if shouldSetImagesManually {
// the following three-lines should in theory have no effect.
// but in fact, they ensure that the UIImageView
// correctly applies its tintColor to the vector template image
let image = self.templateImageView.image
self.templateImageView.image = nil
self.templateImageView.image = image
In my case the problem occures if the app is built with iOS8 SDK and is running on iOS 7.
My workaround is:
// this is the code that *should* work and does so on iOS 8
UIColor *tintColor = [UIColor colorWithWhite:1.0 alpha:0.3];
[self.iconImageView setTintColor:tintColor];
self.iconImageView.image = [self imageForIconImageView]; // image is loaded from a pdf-resource (asset catalog set as Template) with imageNamed:#"resourceName"
// this is the workaround to get tint on iOS 7
if (!IS_IOS8_OR_HIGHER) { // macros checking iOS version*
UIImage *templateImage = [self.iconImageView.image imageWithRenderingMode:UIImageRenderingModeAlwaysTemplate];
self.iconImageView.image = templateImage;
// * - macros is defined like so:
// #define IS_IOS8_OR_HIGHER ([[[UIDevice currentDevice] systemVersion] floatValue] >= 8.0)
Here's the simplest code-less solution I found:
Another workaround that seems to work for me is to set the controller.view's tintColor. To get the default system tint color working:
self.view.tintColor = self.view.tintColor;
Like #algal's solution, it shouldn't make a difference, but it does.

Flip UIImageViews for Right to Left Languages

iOS automatically flips the entire ViewController when using a RTL language like Arabic and does a great job with most of the layout, especially text. The default behavior is to flip the layout but leave UIImageViews the same orientation (since you generally don't want to reverse images).
Is there a way to specify that some images should be flipped (such as arrows) when the phone is set to a RTL language?
iOS 9 includes the imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection method that you can use, that automatically flips the image in a UIImageView when in an RTL localization.
The best solution I found to date is marking the image in the assets file as mirror.
We can use imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection which returns flipped image if current language is RTL(right to left). i.e
UIImage * flippedImage = [[UIImage imageNamed:#"imageName"] imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection];
Swift 3
let flippedImage = UIImage(named: "imageName")?.imageFlippedForRightToLeftLayoutDirection()
Source: Apple Docs
You have to manually flip the UIImages in the UIImageViews you want when the phone is set to a RTL language. This can be easily achieved with this code:
UIImage* defaultImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"default.png"];
UIImage* flipImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:sourceImage.CGImage scale:1.0 orientation: UIImageOrientationUpMirrored];
myImageview.image = flipImage;
I ended up using localized images for the forward and back arrows. This had the advantage of not having to add code each place the image was used and gives the opportunity to clean up the arrows if there are gradients that don't work well flipped.
While we wait for iOS 9 improved right to left support you could create a UIImageView subclass and override setImage to mirror inside the images as #nikos-m suggests and calling super.image = flipImage.
That way you can easily set all the images views you want to flip using custom classes in Interface Builder instead of having to add IBOutlets.
Swift 5
If you want to individualize the image flip, you can register each image with the direction you want since the layout direction is a trait:
let leftToRight = UITraitCollection(layoutDirection: .leftToRight)
let rightToLeft = UITraitCollection(layoutDirection: .rightToLeft)
let imageAsset = UIImageAsset()
let leftToRightImage = UIImage(named: "leftToRightImage")!
let rightToLeftImage = UIImage(named: "rightToLeftImage")!
imageAsset.register(leftToRightImage, with: leftToRight)
imageAsset.register(rightToLeftImage, with: rightToLeft)
This is the same as configuring it in the asset catalogue as #SergioM answered.

How do I create a textured background (image palette) color like grouped tableview background color?

I was wondering if anyone knows how to setup a new textured color in the palette. See the image below.
I tried to click on Other.... and then put a image palette on. like so:
So now I can select only one pixel out of it. I wish I could select more. It would make the work a lot easier instead of setting the background programatically every time.
If you have any suggestions of things I can try such as files to override or anything please help...
Programatically is kinda easy. But I'm making a universal app (iphone and Ipad) and... well there must be a way around it.
Here's how I do it programatically:
UIImage *wood = [UIImage imageNamed:#"woodenBack.png"];
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:wood];
Can use something like this,
BOOL large = ([UIDevice currentDevice].userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad); // Page thumb size
UIImage *wood = [UIImage imageNamed:#"woodenBack.png"];
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:wood];
UIImage *brick = [UIImage imageNamed:#"brick.png"];
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:brick];
if the background persists across all views then you can possibly apply the background to the UIWindow in your appdelegate and set background color clear color in the rest of the views.
Another approach is to loop and browse through the subviews and find tableview and apply background to the tableview, but I guess this is a CPU intensive task and it is better to have image loaded using code.
