How to visualise generated png images during travis build - travis-ci

I have a cypress plugin that generate screenshots, is there a way to visualise those generated screenshots after success or failure ?
the screenshots folder path:
/home/travis/build/Org/my-app/cypress/snapshots/actual/Visual_testing/Login_page.js/Login page-actual.png
Thank you

As far as I know, there is no way to access directly Travis filesystem.
Also, everything that was generated during the build is destroyed once the build finishes.
If you want to recover the screenshots, you have to move them somewhere else.
Check the following documentation.
Uploading Artifacts on Travis CI.
Travis CI can automatically upload your build artifacts to Amazon S3 at the end of the job, after the after_script phase.
You could also upload them to GitHub or whatever you want.
The Deployment documentation covers a lot of providers.


How to download iOS app archive from Azure DevOps?

I have a pipeline in Azure DevOps for publishing app to App Store. I need the produced archive to get dSYM files from it. How do I setup the pipeline to get an archive after the pipeline is complete?
You can download the builded archive directly from the UI.
Select the successful build from your build history. On the top right corner of the build logs page. You can click the artifacts and download published artifacts.
You can aslo add a powershell task at the end of your pipeline to download the artifacts using restful API.
curl -u $AZURE_USERNAME:$AZURE_TOKEN "{organization}/$SYSTEM_TEAMPROJECT/_apis/build/builds/$BUILD_BUILDID/artifacts?artifactName=drop&api-version=4.1")
to include dSYM file in the artifacts, you can add a Copy Files task before the Publish build Artifact task, For blow example, in this way the dSYM file will be copied to dSYM folder of the artifacts.
The answer of Levi did not work for me. But it was pretty close.
I guess first of all it should not be **/.dSYM, but **/*.dSYM.
But it still did not save it, what I did was put ** which will save everything, then start the pipeline and collect the artifacts. Then I found where was the xcarchive file located, it was right in the root folder.
So I guess the problem was that it was in the root folder. Did not check yet, but I guess **.xcarchive will work. You can find dSYM files there.
Even **.xcarchive did not work for me. Only ** works. Don't know why.

How to serve build archived artifact in jenkins

I am using Jenkins Archive the Artifact build post action to archive my build results. I am looking for a way to directly allow developers to download the archived artifacts from jenkins.
Is there any plugin support that?
Or is there any way to serve static resources through jenkins?
There is no plugins to install for that. When using "Archive the Artifact", every build will generate a package so if developers need to download the artifacts they just need to go the concerned build on Jenkins then look at the "Build Artifacts" section and click to the artifact link that will propose them to download it.
For this to work, developers must have access to the Jenkins interface at least as read only mode.

where to get build file to deploy to server

I've set up config to tell circle ci what to build and how to build.
After the the build I want to send all the built files to my ftp server, which is a share host (host-gator)
Can I instruct circleCI to do so?
There's two separate things here. If the build files that you want to upload are your application itself, then this is considered a deploy. You can do this in the deployment phase in circle.yml. More info can be found here:
If the build is "other" files that you want to upload for record keeping, debugging, or basically a deployment for someday in the future, you can utilize what are called build artifacts:

Understanding Jenkins' Archive The Artifacts and the use of it

I'm trying to understand what it does. Currently, this is the value that I see - dist/.tgz
From what I understand, our grunt scripts makes a tgz file. However, I don't know what Jenkins does.
I got an error when I didn't specify any pattern
ERROR: No artifacts are configured for archiving.
You probably forgot to set the file pattern, so please go back to the configuration and specify it.
If you really did mean to archive all the files in the workspace, please specify "**"
Build step 'Archive the artifacts' changed build result to FAILURE
Most importantly, it allows you to archive items from your job's workspace in a persistent and accessible way, linked to the specific build number.
I.e. you have a job Build that compiles your sources into program.exe, archiving it linked to the build it was produced by, and keeping it accessible for developers or other jobs can come in very handy.
Additionally, archived artifacts are transferred to your jenkins master, so your job can run on any slave, but your archived files will be always accessible, even when that particular slave is offline.
Also, with the right configuration and plugins, other projects can access archived artifacts from other projects. I.e. a job Deploy that uploads your program.exe to some location is as trivial as copying the archived artifact of the last successful build into its workspace for the upload.
Theres quite some information on SO already, i.e. here.

Where can I find build artifacts in Travis?

I'm new to Travis. The user docs are fantastic and I had little trouble getting my little project to build. But how do I get at the thing that was built? Can I?
The build log shows my binary getting linked, but I see no way to access it.
I'm not interested in automating deploys or uploads, I just want to see what was produced.
Any artifacts from builds are purged after a successful build, together with the build environment. Travis CI isn't explicitly storing them for you, but can be convinced to do so:
