how to create docker container using jenkins pipeline script - docker

stage('Scm Checkout'){
git credentialsId: 'git-creds', url: ''
stage('Build docker image'){
sh 'docker build -t mouthik/my-app:2.0.0 .'
stage('Run docker container'){
sh 'docker run -p 8080:8080 -d -name my-app mouthik/my-app:2.0.0'

You need to install docker on the slave.
sudo dnf install docker-ce
and start the docker service
to build a docker image you need to write Dockerfile
and then docker build


jenkins pipeline : docker not found [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Docker not found when building docker image using Docker Jenkins container pipeline
(7 answers)
Closed 9 months ago.
i wanted to create a docker image with jenkins but docker not found
how can i add jenkins to docker groupe on windows ?
i tried to add docker plugin and didn't work
this is my pipeline
pipeline {
agent any
options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr:'5'))}
environment {DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS = credentials('tfkben-dockerhub')}
stages {
stage('build'){ steps { sh 'docker build -t tfkben/ben:latest .' } }
stage('Login'){ steps { sh 'echo $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_PSW | docker login -u $DOCKERHUB_CREDENTIALS_USR --password-stdin ' }}
stage('Push'){ steps { sh 'docker push tfkben/ben:latest'} }
post { always { sh 'docker logout' }}
my Dockerfile :
FROM python:3.11-rc-bullseye
COPY requirements.txt requirements.txt
RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
CMD [ "python3", "", "runserver", ""]
and this is the error message :
docker build -t tfkben/ben:latest .
/var/jenkins_home/workspace/dockerhub-auth_master#tmp/durable-d7adec4b/ 1: docker: not found
If you try to run Jenkins inside a container instead :
docker run -u 0 --privileged --name jenkins -d -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v $(which docker):/usr/bin/docker -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home jenkins/jenkins:lts
Of course you could replace $(which docker) directly by your docker path if your host machine doesn't recognize the command.
You should be able to run docker command inside your pipeline.

Docker Permission denied script sh

I'm using jenkins docker image to run jenkins.
When i try to build docker image it is saying to Docker Permission Denied.
I'm running it on MAC OS! How can i add jenkin user to Docker Group?
FROM python:3.7-alpine
CMD [ "python", "-c", "print('Hi there!')"]
pipeline {
agent any
stages {
stage("build") {
steps {
sh """
docker build -t hello_there .
stage("run") {
steps {
sh """
docker run --rm hello_there
Try run your jenkins container like this
It works in Ubuntu I think it should be ok in other OS too.
sudo docker run -d -v jenkins_home:/var/jenkins_home -p 8080:8080 -p 50000:50000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock 4oh4/jenkins-docker

How to access within Docker Container in Jenkins Pipeline

Current Setup requires Docker Components (Dockerfile, requirements.txt, Jenkinsfile) to be separate from Source Code. Docker Components resides in a directory whereas the Source Code resides in another directory. Design so far is to build the Docker Image with the Docker Components and run the Docker Image, and the Source Code is inserted into the root directory of the container. Model so far works on the CMD terminal however when translating over to the Jenkins Pipeline, the docker exec command is not recognised on the Jenkins Pipeline
Stages run well on the Jenkins Pipeline until the stage to insert Source Code as a volume. When running $ docker exec -it source-container bash, below is the error log:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\AppData\Local\Jenkins\.jenkins\workspace\Source-Code-Pipeline>docker exec -ti source-container bash
the input device is not a TTY. If you are using mintty, try prefixing the command with 'winpty'
When prefixing with 'winpty', pipeline does not execute well too. How can I go about in resolving this issue?
Below is the Jenkinsfile to depict the Pipeline flow:
node {
checkout scm
stage ('Create Docker Registry') {
bat 'docker run -d -p 5000:5000 --restart=always --name registry registry:2'
stage ('Build Docker Image') {
def image ="docker-csv", '.')
stage ('Tag and Push Docker Image') {
bat 'docker tag docker-csv localhost:5000/docker-csv'
bat 'docker push localhost:5000/docker-csv'
stage ('Pull Docker Image from Local Registry') {
bat 'docker pull localhost:5000/docker-csv'
stage ('Insert Source Code as Volume into Container') {
bat 'docker run --name source-container -d -v /c/Users/z0048yrk/Desktop/Source-Code:/root localhost:5000/docker-csv tail -f /dev/null'
bat 'docker exec -it source-container bash'
bat 'cd root'
bat 'python > output.csv'
stage ('Copy output.csv into desired directory') {
dir("C:\\Users\\z0048yrk\\Desktop\\LTA\\new-demo") {
bat 'docker cp source-container:/root/output.csv'

How to push docker image to Nexus repository through Jenkinsfile?

I have a Jenkinsfile pipeline creating 3 docker images/containers as below:
stage('Build images')
echo "workspace directory is ${workspace}"
dir ("$workspace/build/virtuoso")
sh 'docker build -t virtuoso -f $WORKSPACE/build/virtuoso/Dockerfile .'
dir ("$workspace/build/wildfly")
sh 'docker build -t wildfly -f $WORKSPACE/build/wildfly/Dockerfile .'
dir ("$workspace/build/postgres")
sh 'docker build -t postgres -f $WORKSPACE/build/postgres/Dockerfile .'
I need to push these 3 images to Nexus repository manager. Can somebody help me on this?
The solution to this is:
stage('Push Docker Images to Nexus Registry'){
sh 'docker login -u user -p password NexusDockerRegistryUrl'
sh 'docker push NexusDockerRegistryUrl/Imagename}'
sh 'docker rmi $(docker images --filter=reference="NexusDockerRegistryUrl/ImageName*" -q)'
sh 'docker logout NexusDockerRegistryUrl'
The above stage in Jenkins pipeline would push the docekr image to nexus docker registry and remove existing image.

Do docker pull using jenkins

I would like to do next steps using jenkins:
1- docker pull <image_name>
2- docker run -i -t <command>
I´ve installed docker plugin on jenkins but is it this prossible? The documentations in docker plugin page is very poor .
These steps are executed programmatically by the plugin.
Alternatively you can execute an script into a jenkins slave with docker installed in build->execute shell:
export image=`docker images httpd|wc -l`
echo image $image
if [ "$image" -lt "1" ];
docker pull httpd
export container=`docker ps -all -f="name=webcontainer"|wc -l`
echo container $container
if [ "$container" -gt "1" ];
echo "Deleting webcontainer"
docker rm -f webcontainer
BUILD_ID=dontKillMe docker run -d -t -p8888:80 --name webcontainer httpd
You can interact with created docker with below command:
`docker exec -it webcontainer /bin/bash`
These days (mid 2017, more than a year after the OP's question), you would use an inside directive of a Jenkins pipeline to pull and run within a docker image some commands.
For instance (Using Jenkins Pipelines with Docker), using the Docker Pipeline plugin:
docker.image('ruby:2.3.1').inside {
stage("Install Bundler") {
sh "gem install bundler --no-rdoc --no-ri"
stage("Use Bundler to install dependencies") {
sh "bundle install"
