Concatenation AOB in Lua - lua

I can get AOB from 4 bytes value (DWORD) using this function on Cheat Engine Lua:
local bt = dwordToByteTable(1075734118)
for i, v in ipairs(bt) do
print(i, string.format('%02x', v))
result = [[
1 66
2 66
3 1e
4 40
but I want the result as '66 66 1e 40'.
How set the regex for this?.
If I have a table like this:
cd = {
How I get AOB for each item on the table with output as no.1?

Found solution:
cd = { 1075734118, 1075734118, 1075996262, 1076953088, 1076651622, 1076953088, 1076835123 }
function byte2aob(b) return type(b)=='number' and b<256 and b>=0 and string.format('%02X',b) or '??' end
function aob2byte(a) a = tonumber(a,16) return type(a)=='number' and a <256 and a>=0 and a or -1 end
function imap(t,f) local s={} for i=1,#t do s[i]=f(t[i]) end return s end
function n2bt(n,t) t=type(t)=='string' and t or 'dword' return rawget(_G,t..'ToByteTable')(n) end
function t2aob(t,sep) return table.concat(imap(t,byte2aob),type(sep)=='string' and sep or ' ') end
function n2aob(n,t) return t2aob(n2bt(n,t)) end
for i = 1, #cd do
result = [[
66 66 1E 40
66 66 1E 40
66 66 22 40
00 00 31 40
66 66 2C 40
00 00 31 40
33 33 2F 40

Try this code:
print((string.format("%08x",1075734118):reverse():gsub("(.)(.)","%2%1 ")))


GraphicsMagick .toBuffer() creates empty buffer stream

I have a Firebase Cloud Function that converts a buffer (from PDF) to a PNG using GraphcisMagick. When I attempt to write this PNG buffer to Firebase Storage, I get a file stub but no content (empty file). My conversion to PNG is failing...
async function createThumbnail(newthumbname, mimetype, filebuffer) {
const file = bucket.file(newthumbname)
const thumbstream = file.createWriteStream({metadata:{contentType:mimetype}})
const gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true})
.toBuffer('png', (err, thumbbuffer)=>{
The filebuffer passed into the createThumbnail() has content,
<Buffer 25 50 44 46 2d 31 2e 33 0a 25 c4 e5 f2 e5 eb a7 f3 a0 d0 c4 c6 0a 33 20 30 20 6f 62 6a 0a 3c 3c 20 2f 46 69 6c 74 65 72 20 2f 46 6c 61 74 65 44 65 63 ... 6464 more bytes>
But the gm(filebuffer).toBuffer() is producing and empty thumbbuffer with Error: Stream yields empty buffer
What am I doing wrong here?
This appears to be a png issue, as jpg seems to work with both, .stream() and .toBuffer().
I'll settle for jpg until I can figure out what's wrong with png.
async function createThumbnail(newthumbname, mimetype, filebuffer) {
const file = bucket.file(newthumbname)
const thumbstream = file.createWriteStream({metadata:{contentType:mimetype}})
const gm = require('gm').subClass({imageMagick: true})
// .setFormat("jpg")
// .stream()
// .pipe(thumbstream)
.toBuffer('jpg', (err, thumbbuffer)=>{

How to decode a exif UserComment?

I have some important metadata information in the UserComment field of the EXIF header of a PNG image. I am trying to retrieve a readable text, but I don't know what is the current encoding.
<rdf:li xml:lang="x-default"> FM0 FC000000000:zzzzzz1 f144 078043881a29e1e816c14c0 bac 87152 a9 012c a3 0106 a8 0 e0 b1 0 ba bc 0 94 d1 0 6e 102 0 48 155 0 22 1af 0 36 12f 0 3f 13f 0 48 19f 0 51 1b6 0 48 18d 0 48 18d 0..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................</rdf:li>

Could not parse base64 DER-encoded ASN.1 public key from iOS in Golang

i have a projects in Golang with RSA enryption, so now, i have a Base64 public key format which used for encrypt a message,
i used this code:
publicKeyBase64 = "MIGJAoGBAJJYXgBem1scLKPEjwKrW8+ci3B/YNN3aY2DJ3lc5e2wNc0SmFikDpow1TdYcKl2wdrXX7sMRsyjTk15IECMezyHzaJGQ9TinnkQixJ+YnlNdLC04TNWOg13plyahIXBforYAjYl2wVIA8Yma2bEQFhmAFkEX1A/Q1dIKy6EfQ+xAgMBAAE="
publicKeyBinary, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(publicKeyBase64)
publicKeyInterface, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(publicKeyBinary)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Could not parse DER encoded public key (encryption key)")
return "","",err
publicKey, isRSAPublicKey := publicKeyInterface.(*rsa.PublicKey)
if !isRSAPublicKey {
fmt.Println("Public key parsed is not an RSA public key")
return "","",err
encryptedMessage, err := rsa.EncryptPKCS1v15(rand.Reader, publicKey, "message")
When i run this code, i got this error:
Could not parse DER encoded public key (encryption key)
asn1: structure error: tags don't match (16 vs {class:0 tag:2 length:129 isCompound:false}) {optional:false explicit:false application:false defaultValue:<nil> tag:<nil> stringType:0 timeType:0 set:false omitEmpty:false} AlgorithmIdentifier #3
The error points to publicKeyInterface, it failed to parse from Base64 decoded format to public Key, What's the problem with my code ?
my publicKeyBase64 is retrieved from my models with Binary Data type
When i store it in my mongoDB from my Rails API, i receive public_key params as Base64 format, but i decode it to binary and then i stored it with this code
def create
params = device_params
public_key = Base64.decode64 device_params[:public_key]
#device_params[:public_key] value is "MIGJAoGBAJJYXgBem1scLKPEjwKrW8+ci3B/YNN3aY2DJ3lc5e2wNc0SmFikDpow1TdYcKl2wdrXX7sMRsyjTk15IECMezyHzaJGQ9TinnkQixJ+YnlNdLC04TNWOg13plyahIXBforYAjYl2wVIA8Yma2bEQFhmAFkEX1A/Q1dIKy6EfQ+xAgMBAAE="
params[:public_key] =, :generic)
device = Device.find_or_create_by(id: device_params[:id])
render_success device.update_attributes(params), device
When i use rails code to convert my Base64 public key string using this code, it succeeded:
rsa_public_key =
in my iOS app, i use
to generate a public Key using this code:
AsymmetricCryptoManager.sharedInstance.createSecureKeyPair({ (success, error) -> Void in
if success {
print("RSA-1024 keypair successfully generated.")
let publicKey = AsymmetricCryptoManager.sharedInstance.getPublicKeyData()?.base64EncodedString()
let url = ENV.BASE_URL + "devices"
let headers = ["Authentication-Token": CurrentUser.getCurrentUser().token] as! HTTPHeaders
let params = ["device[user_id]": CurrentUser.getCurrentUser().id!, "device[id]": instanceID,"device[token]": fcmToken, "device[os]": "ios", "device[public_key]": publicKey!]
Alamofire.request(url, method: .post, parameters: params, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: headers)
} else { print("An error happened while generating a keypair: \(error)") }
We can dump the ASN.1 contents to see what they look like:
$ echo "MIGJAoGBAJJYXgBem1scLKPEjwKrW8+ci3B/YNN3aY2DJ3lc5e2wNc0SmFikDpow1TdYcKl2wdrXX7sMRsyjTk15IECMezyHzaJGQ9TinnkQixJ+YnlNdLC04TNWOg13plyahIXBforYAjYl2wVIA8Yma2bEQFhmAFkEX1A/Q1dIKy6EfQ+xAgMBAAE=" | \
base64 -d | \
dumpasn1 -
0 137: SEQUENCE {
3 129: INTEGER
: 00 92 58 5E 00 5E 9B 5B 1C 2C A3 C4 8F 02 AB 5B
: CF 9C 8B 70 7F 60 D3 77 69 8D 83 27 79 5C E5 ED
: B0 35 CD 12 98 58 A4 0E 9A 30 D5 37 58 70 A9 76
: C1 DA D7 5F BB 0C 46 CC A3 4E 4D 79 20 40 8C 7B
: 3C 87 CD A2 46 43 D4 E2 9E 79 10 8B 12 7E 62 79
: 4D 74 B0 B4 E1 33 56 3A 0D 77 A6 5C 9A 84 85 C1
: 7E 8A D8 02 36 25 DB 05 48 03 C6 26 6B 66 C4 40
: 58 66 00 59 04 5F 50 3F 43 57 48 2B 2E 84 7D 0F
: B1
135 3: INTEGER 65537
: }
0 warnings, 0 errors.
A well-formatted ASN.1 public key should include the algorithm as well. We should have a line similar to:
5 9: OBJECT IDENTIFIER rsaEncryption (1 2 840 113549 1 1 1)
The AsymmetricCryptoManager.getPublicKeyData() returns a very barebones ASN.1 key, without any algorithm information. This makes Go very unhappy as it has no way of knowing what kind of key it is. See more about correctly exporting the key here.
If you can change the iOS code, you should instead use CryptoExportImportManager and use one of exportPublicKeyToPEM or exportPublicKeyToDER. These take the output of getPublicKeyData and generate output usable by other tools. You can find an example of how to use them in the CryptoExportImportManager example.
If you cannot change the key export code, you can instead parse it directly in Go. This assumes that you know for sure that it is a RSA public key:
func main() {
publicKeyBase64 := "MIGJAoGBAJJYXgBem1scLKPEjwKrW8+ci3B/YNN3aY2DJ3lc5e2wNc0SmFikDpow1TdYcKl2wdrXX7sMRsyjTk15IECMezyHzaJGQ9TinnkQixJ+YnlNdLC04TNWOg13plyahIXBforYAjYl2wVIA8Yma2bEQFhmAFkEX1A/Q1dIKy6EfQ+xAgMBAAE="
// Base64 decode.
publicKeyBinary, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(publicKeyBase64)
if err != nil {
// rsa.PublicKey is a big.Int (N: modulus) and an integer (E: exponent).
var pubKey rsa.PublicKey
if rest, err := asn1.Unmarshal(publicKeyBinary, &pubKey); err != nil {
} else if len(rest) != 0 {
panic("rest is not nil")
fmt.Printf("key: %+v\n", pubKey)
This prints out:
You can now use your public key in package rsa functions.

Write python code in delphi AES MODE ECB

I translated two functions in delphi but i don't know if they are right, I need to write the def do_aes_encrypt(key2_t_xor) to know if I am right.
This is what I wrote in delphi:
function key_transform (old_key:string): string;
x :integer;
for x := 32 downto 0 do
result:= result + chr(ord(old_key[x-1])-( x mod $0C)) ;
function key_xoring ( key2_t :string ; kilo_challenge :string) : string ;
i :integer;
result := '';
i:=0 ;
while i <= 28 do begin
result := result + chr(ord(key2_t[i+1]) xor ord(kilo_challenge[3]));
result := result + chr(ord(key2_t[i+2]) xor ord(kilo_challenge[2])) ;
result := result+ chr(ord(key2_t[i+3]) xor ord (kilo_challenge[1])) ;
i := i + 4 ;
This is the original python code:
def key_transform(old_key):
new_key = ''
for x in range(32,0,-1):
new_key += chr(ord(old_key[x-1]) - (x % 0x0C))
return new_key
def key_xoring(key2_t, kilo_challenge):
key2_t_xor = ''
i = 0
while i <= 28:
key2_t_xor += chr(ord(key2_t[i]) ^ ord(kilo_challenge[3]))
key2_t_xor += chr(ord(key2_t[i+1]) ^ ord(kilo_challenge[2]))
key2_t_xor += chr(ord(key2_t[i+2]) ^ ord(kilo_challenge[1]))
key2_t_xor += chr(ord(key2_t[i+3]) ^ ord(kilo_challenge[0]))
i = i + 4
return key2_t_xor
def do_aes_encrypt(key2_t_xor):
plaintext = b''
for k in range(0,16):
plaintext += chr(k)
obj =, AES.MODE_ECB)
return obj.encrypt(plaintext)
kilo_challenge = kilo_header[8:12]
chalstring = ":".join("{:02x}".format(ord(k)) for k in kilo_challenge)
key2 = 'qndiakxxuiemdklseqid~a~niq,zjuxl' # if this doesnt work try 'lgowvqnltpvtgogwswqn~n~mtjjjqxro'
kilo_response = do_aes_encrypt(key_xoring(key_transform(key2),kilo_challenge))}
this code is for calculate data line 16 byte to be send as an addition to 32 byte
look photo the marked line in blue is what i need to calculate by the 4 byte hex befor marked in porple
and this is the key
key2 = 'qndiakxxuiemdklseqid~a~niq,zjuxl'
in delphi
because python code is working perfect
look to the photo
how it work
this is for lg phones upgrading firmware when i receive the KILOCENT ANSOWER AS THE photo show`s
this below change every time phone connected
4b 49 4c 4f 43 45 4e 54 ([ac e5 b1 06]) 00 00 00 00 KILOCENT¬å±.....
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 d4 00 00 b4 b6 b3 b0 ........0Ô..´¶³°
i have to send KILOMETER REQUEST to phone the first and second line is fixed no change but the third i have to change it by the AES ECB MODE encryption look
4b 49 4c 4f 4d 45 54 52 00 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 KILOMETR........
00 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 85 b6 00 00 b4 b6 b3 b0 ........…¶..´¶³°
fc 21 d8 e5 5b aa fd 58 1e 33 58 fd e9 0b 65 38 ü!Øå[ªýX.3Xýé.e8 <==this
and this is old key
key2 = 'qndiakxxuiemdklseqid~a~niq,zjuxl'

Delphi StrToInt on Hex String WORD, UShort, 16 Bit hex fails

I currently use.
Here is a few outputs I formatted them they were all together like this.
currentAttackCount := StrToInt('$' + Copy(CurHex, 17, 4));
Log('Packet = ' + CurHex + ' Count = ' + IntToStr(currentAttackCount) + ' STR = ' + '$' + Copy(CurHex, 17, 4));
Formatted outputs
Packet = E1 48 02 00 00 03 FA 00 [01 4C] 00 00 03 15 01 A8 [Count = 76] [STR = $014C]
Packet = E1 48 02 00 00 03 FA 00 [01 4D] 00 00 03 15 02 26 [Count = 77] [STR = $014D]
Packet = E1 48 02 00 00 03 FA 00 [01 4F] 00 00 03 15 02 26 [Count = 79] [STR = $014F]
As you can see the STR
output which is STR = $014C
code: 'STR = ' + '$' + Copy(CurHex, 17, 4));
Now if you look at the StrToInt
currentAttackCount := StrToInt('$' + Copy(CurHex, 17, 4));
It's pretty much the same as STR so shouldn't $014C aka 0x014C be represented as 332 instead of 76
The 76 seems to come from the $4C aka 0x4C of the $014C why does it ignore the first 2 Hex Characters
Ah I think I figured it out.
`currentAttackCount: Byte;`
I increased it to
currentAttackCount: Word;
hopefully that would solve the problem.. missed it because it's a global variable and there is soo much code.
