How to get inside docker container to see the mounted volume? - docker

I am trying to buld a simple docker file that has a debian image.
Also, I want to mount my local volume inside the docker container.
The problem I have is that how do I get inside the container to see the volume mounted.
$docker run -d -it bash --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/app docker_test:latest
I believe this 43db16a.. is container id. Even I try to attach to this container id I get an an error message. It says you cannot attach to the stop container. What am I missing here.
It works if I do
docker run -d -it --name test_docker1 --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/,target=/app docker_test:latest
and then
docker attach
Also, it works when I do
$docker run --rm -ti --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/,target=/app docker_test:latest

In another terminal do a docker ps, then look for the image you are looking for and copy the id, then do a docker exec -ti <your-image> bash there you have a bash terminal inside the container and you can check the mounted volume.


Docker volume not showing running linux container on Windows 10

I am running Docker for Windows v19.03.12. I am running a linux container from Windows 10. I am sharing my entire c:\ drive with Docker (see image). I am trying to testing a container locally and need to pass a credentials file to the container.
When I run the following command:
docker run --rm -p 9215:80 -p 44371:443 --name test -t createshipment:latest -v c:/temp:/data
When I explore the container I do not see a /data folder at all (see image).
I am not sure what else to try to share a folder when testing docker locally.
The command docker run expects the image name as the last argument, before any arguments to the image's entrypoint. In the OP's post, the image name precedes the -v ... argument, so -v ... is actually passed to the image's entrypoint.
docker run --rm -p 9215:80 -p 44371:443 --name test -t \
-v c:/temp:/data createshipment:latest
For the sake of completeness, here are the relevant excerpts from the documentation for the command-line options used here:
Usage: docker run [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]
--name string Assign a name to the container
-p, --publish list Publish a container's port(s) to the host
--rm Automatically remove the container when it exits
-t, --tty Allocate a pseudo-TTY
-v, --volume list Bind mount a volume

Run interactively with existing docker container

I have a container started as the following:
docker run --interactive --tty --gpus all --name my_container
--workdir "/home/ubuntu" --user ubuntu
--volume /hdd/all_cv/paiv/metis:/home/ubuntu/my --publish 8888:8888 my
how do I run interactively with my_container once I reboot my machine?
Based on the docker documentation, you can attach back to the detached container using docker attach command:
Use docker attach to attach your terminal’s standard input, output, and error (or any combination of the three) to a running container using the container’s ID or name. This allows you to view its ongoing output or to control it interactively, as though the commands were running directly in your terminal.
So you should try this to have an interactive session with your already running container:
docker attach my_container
If your container is stopped, you just need to start it again
docker ps -aq -f name=my_container | xargs docker start $1

Start a Docker volume and give it a name

I want to know how to start a Docker container with a named volume. I've tried this
docker run -it --name container1 -v path:path --name volumename image bin/bash
But the container was also named "volumename"
How can I resolve this issue?
First of all, if you don't have an existing image then you have to create one by using:
docker volume create --name [volume name]
For instance:
docker volume create --name namedvolume
If you did this you can check if it has been created. Just type:
docker volume ls
You did all right, if it shows your created volume.
Last step:
docker run -v [volume name]:[container directory]
With a directory:
docker run -it --name container -v data-volume:/data image /bin/bash

docker volume during docker run

I am trying to mount library present in the container into docker volume during docker run . The command is as below:
docker run -d --name mbus-docker -it --rm --mount source=/mbus/lib/libMurata.a,target=/mbus_volume mbus-docker
I have verified by execing into the container that the library is present in path /mbus/lib/libMurata.a
When I try to mount the library on to volume.
I am getting the below error:
docker: Error response from daemon: create /mbus/lib: "/mbus/lib" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.
If you want to mount /mbus/lib/libMurata.a onto /mbus_volume path inside container then specify the type for mount as bind.
Your docker run command should be
docker run -d --name mbus-docker -it --rm --mount type=bind,source=/mbus/lib/libMurata.a,target=/mbus_volume/ mbus-docker
This will mount /mbus/lib/libMurata.a onto /mbus_volume/ folder.
The error you got "/mbus/lib" includes invalid characters for a local volume name says /mbus/lib is invalid volume name. Because the default bind type for mount option is type volume. In this case it will try to create a volume locally on your system with the name /mbus/lib which is an invalid volume name.
Please go through this.
Hope this helps.
If volume named mbus_volume exists on your host. Then try this:
docker run -d --name mbus-docker -it --rm --mount type=volume,source=mbus_volume,target=/mbus/lib/ mbus-docker
you can just use:
docker run -d --name mbus-docker -it --rm -v /mbus/lib/libMurata.a:/mbus_volume/libMurata.a mbus-docker

What does -it means when running docker container

I'm new to docker.
What does the -it means when running the container using docker run -it.
Searched a lot but couldn't get proper documentation.
The -it instructs Docker to allocate a pseudo-TTY connected to the container’s stdin; creating an interactive bash shell in the container.
docker run --name test -it node:alpine
