Encoding::Undefined: ConversionError at / "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8 - ruby-on-rails

I've been trying to update from Sprockets 3 to Sprockets 4 but I'm getting the following error: Encoding::UndefinedConversionError at / "\xC3" from ASCII-8BIT to UTF-8
The error happens in the following line: <%= javascript_include_tag "c/components/App", "data-turbolinks-track" => 'reload' %> and I can't understand why.

I had the exact same problem with Rails 4. It was about my accented (brazilian portuguese) characters but I am not sure how i fixed it. But replacing accented characters with the equivalent one (ã -> a, for example) was a (bad) workaround.

In my case, it was the charset that was being used when building the source map.
If you create an initializer file registering the mime type again with the charset setted to :unicode it will solve the problem:
Sprockets.register_mime_type 'application/js-sourcemap+json', extensions: ['.js.map'], charset: :unicode


# encoding: utf-8 don't working ruby on rails

I'm using ruby 1.9.1 for my project.
So I need remove some comments from string which paste from word.
such as:
<!--[if gte mso 9]><xml>
So I write a function to remove it in helper with text.gsub(/<!--(.*?)-->/s, "") and added # encoding: utf-8 on the top helper file rb, also define config.encoding = "utf-8" in application.rb but it seem not work for me.
The error I get ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible encoding regexp match (Windows-31J regexp with UTF-8 string))
Do you have any support for me in this case? Thanks!
There isn't a DOTALL modifier s in ruby. Just change s modifier to m to make it work.
text.gsub(/<!--(.*?)-->/m, "")
And also you don't need to capture any characters , just /<!--.*?-->/m would be fine.

Ruby on Rails 3 => truncate method with special characters throws Encoding Incompatability error

I need some help with the following. I got a string here which contains special characters e.g. ë, é etc. I can display them correctly in my view but once I call the truncate method, it throws the following error:
incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
The weird thing is that, when I inspect the encoding of the truncated string, it does give me UTF-8, which is what I need (and UTF-8 is used for my database).
=> UTF-8
But is is when I call:
<%= my_string_with_special_characters.truncate(35) %>
=> incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8
I have also tried the magic_encoding gem which prepends the magic comment
"encoding : utf-8" in all of my controller files, but I still got the incompatible character encoding error.
If anyone knows how to solve this, let me know. Much appreciated.
Try to use this string in the beginning of you file (for *.rb files)
# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-

ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT)

I am using Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.0.4/3.0.5 and Phusion Passenger 3.0.3/3.0.4. My templates are written in HAML and I am using the MySQL2 gem. I have a controller action that when passed a parameter that has a special character, like an umlaut, gives me the following error:
ActionView::Template::Error (incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT)
The error points to the first line of my HAML template, which has the following code on it:
<!DOCTYPE html>
My understanding is that this is caused because I have a UTF-8 string that is being concatenated with an ASCII-8BIT string, but I can't for the life of me figure out what that ASCII-8BIT string is. I have checked that the params in the action are encoded using UTF-8 and I have added an encoding: UTF-8 declaration to the top of the HAML template and the ruby files and I still get this error. My application.rb file has a config.encoding = "UTF-8" declaration in it as well and the following all result in UTF-8:
Here's the kicker: I cannot reproduce this result locally on my Mac-OSX using standalone passenger or mongrel in either development or production. I can only reproduce it on a production server running nginx+passenger on linux. I have verified in the production server's console that the latter mentioned commands all result in UTF-8 as well.
Have you experienced this same error and how did you solve it?
After doing some debugging I found out the issue occurs when using the ActionDispatch::Request object which happens to have strings that are all coded in ASCII-8BIT, regardless of whether my app is coded in UTF-8 or not. I do not know why this only happens when using a production server on Linux, but I'm going to assume it's some quirk in Ruby or Rails since I was unable to reproduce this error locally. The error occurred specifically because of a line like this:
#current_path = request.env['PATH_INFO']
When this instance variable was printed in the HAML template it caused an error because the string was encoded in ASCII-8BIT instead of UTF-8. To solve this I did the following:
#current_path = request.env['PATH_INFO'].dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8)
Which forced #current_path to use a duplicated string that was forced into the proper UTF-8 encoding. This error can also occur with other request related data like request.headers.
Mysql could be the source of troublesome ascii. Try putting the following in initializer to at least eliminate this possibility:
require 'mysql'
class Mysql::Result
def encode(value, encoding = "utf-8")
String === value ? value.force_encoding(encoding) : value
def each_utf8(&block)
each_orig do |row|
yield row.map {|col| encode(col) }
alias each_orig each
alias each each_utf8
def each_hash_utf8(&block)
each_hash_orig do |row|
row.each {|k, v| row[k] = encode(v) }
alias each_hash_orig each_hash
alias each_hash each_hash_utf8
This may not be applicable to mysql2 gem. Works for mysql however.

rails 2.3.5 with ruby 1.9.1p429 : incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8

I tried the ruby hacks for utf8 (from : http://gist.github.com/273741) ... and I'm still getting the following error:
ActionView::TemplateError (incompatible character encodings: ASCII-8BIT and UTF-8)
What is bizarre for me is that the same content if retrieved with a post action (searching the app with an html from) it is displaying well ... however, with get (using an html link) it telling that their is character incompatibility !
Do you have any idea where it comes from ? is there a rails/ruby patchs for this issue ?
I think you problem com from template encoding in UTF-8 not in ASCII, like attempts.
In Rails 3, there are a new configuration for that :
# Configure the default encoding used in templates for Ruby 1.9.
config.encoding = "utf-8"

Ruby On Rails and UTF-8

I have an Rails application with SayController, hello action and view template say/hello.html.erb. When I add some cyrillic character like "ю", I get an error:
ArgumentError in SayController#hello
invalid byte sequence in UTF-8
"Content-Type"=>"text/html; charset=utf-8"}
If I try to write this letter with embedded Ruby,
<%= "ю" %>
I don't get any error, but it displays a question mark in black square (�) instead of this letter.
I use Windows 7 x64, Ruby 1.9.1p378, Rails 2.3.5, WEBrick server.
A likely cause of this error is that the file which contains the cyrillic letters is not encoded in UTF8, but perhaps in some russian encoding like KOI8. This will cause the characters to be impossible to interpret in UTF8 (and rightly so!).
So double check that your file is properly encoded in UTF8.
Create a initializer file (e.g encoding_fix.rb) under your_app/config/initializers with the following content:
Encoding.default_internal = Encoding::UTF_8 if RUBY_VERSION > "1.9"
Encoding.default_external = Encoding::UTF_8 if RUBY_VERSION > "1.9"
This sets the encoding to utf8.
