Can't view forms and queries in MS Access 2016 - ms-access-2016

We are doing an MS Access to Oracle conversion and I am on step one: Researching and capturing all the forms, queries, and the rest of the table definitions in Access. I have transferred both the main and split database (.accdb) to my local drive. However, I am unable to view or open the forms and most of the queries in Access because they reside in a folder on a shared drive that I do not have permission to.
Instead of giving me permission, the directions given to me:
You have to change the pointer in access to point to where you put the file on your hard drive. (Where I transferred both the main/split DBs)
I have no earthly idea how to go about this and it's embarrassing. Will anyone please elaborate on how to do this in Access?

If I am understanding you correctly, you have a split MS Access database, consisting of a front end (FE.accdb) containing the queries, forms, reports and modules (and possibly some static tables), and a back end (BE.accdb) containing the tables.
Now that you have moved both of these files away from the "live" environment, the front end can no longer see the original back end, as it is stored in a place where you don't have permissions to access it, and you need to point it to your local copy of the back end.
If this is the case, open the front end, and select "External Data" from the menu at the top of Access. Then select "Linked Table Manager", which will bring up a screen like the one below:
Click on "Select All", and then "Relink". Choose the location of your copy of the back end, and click "Open" to start relinking.


Permissions issues with publishing Google Sheets worksheets on Google Sites

I have a Google spreadsheet comprising of several worksheets and I am trying to publish the worksheets individually on separate webpages, preferably using embed. This is to provide access to users within a Google Workspace domain. The first published worksheet works fine and is duly visible to users allowed to view the Google Sites webpage. Subsequent worksheets are also published successfully but the previously published worksheets are no longer accessible. I get the following message:
"*You need permission to access this published document.
You are signed in as, but you don't have permission to access this published document. You may need to sign in as a different user. "
The above email address is an editor of the spreadsheet as well as being able to edit/view the Google Sites. I have tried everything by only using Incognito windows only, logging out of all accounts, checked settings, etc: I am always unable to publish more than one worksheet from the same spreadsheet at a time.
What am I doing wrong???
Following iansedan suggestion I have anonymised and simplified the spreadsheet. There are 2 tabs I want to publish to web: Group T and Group S.
I publish Group T to the web: works as expected in the browser (Chrome).
I publish Group S to the web and view it in another tab in the browser (Chrome)
It duly shows the published version of Group S but when I click on the other tab (to view the Group T which was OK before) I get the following message:
"You need permission to access this published document.
You are signed in as [my workspace email address], but you don't have permission to access this published document. You may need to sign in as a different user."
This is the link to the spreadsheet. I'm afraid I don't know how to share this better, the only way I could find is if you try to access the spreadsheet I will get a notification and will add your email address so you can view/edit it.
PS-2 Additional info
The respective links for the published are as follows:
Group T This one comes up with the "You need permission to access this published document." message
Group S This one shows the published worksheet correctly (as it was the last published!).
It looks like a caching mechanism somewhere is causing the issue but I have no idea where and how to prevent it! I've cleared the cache in the browser...
To publish individual sheets of a spreadsheet, use the Published Content and Settings button instead of the Publish button.
Uncheck the All Document checkbox and select the Group T and Group S sheets. After that click Escape and Start Publishing.
I had the same problem.
What youre doing is pausing one publication to start another one. Then, the first one is canceled.
Basically, there are two fields on the web publishing tab: one above another.
On the upper one, you chosse wich part of your sheet you will publish. That is, here if Jonh need to see "X", you select "X" and take note of the link to send to John.
On the lower one, you confirm all parts of the sheet that are being published at til that time. In other words, there will be more than one part in this fild. That is, if you havd alredy done the process to John (X), Anna (Y) and Floyd (Z), you will visualize X, Y and Z
Got it?

google drive sdk and the handling of folders

I'm considering adding support for Google Drive in an iOS application I've written. That's not my issue - there is plenty of decent documentation on how to do that.
My issue is that the data source for this application is a folder. This folder could conceivably contain dozens of (nested) child folders and hundreds of files sprinkled throughout.
When I scour the documentation for Google Drive, there's plenty of information on the treatment of individual files; there is however very little information on the treatment of folders (other than folders appear to have a unique MIME type).
So assuming I can run a query to identify a GTLDriveFile that references a folder (data source) I'm interested in, I need to download the entire contents of that folder - hierarchical organization intact - to my application's sandbox. BTW, this application is primarily for tablets (iPad).
How do I do that?
The Google Drive model is internally a flat model with pointers to parents and children, any implementation that projects it into a traditional tree based model needs careful consideration.
Since I don't work in iOS, I'll try to keep it general, referring to JAVA code snippets; it should be easy to translate it to any language (believe iOS has some king of 'C' flavor).
So, every attempt to retrieve folders/files has to start with the Drive root, enumerating it's children. For instance, in new Google Drive API (GDAA) you'll use either.
DriveFolder.queryChildren(gac, query).await();
where 'gac' is GoogleApiClient instance and 'query' comes from Query.Builder()... .
As you keep going, you're getting metadata of objects, giving you full info about the object (mime, status, title, type,...), you handle duplicates (yes you can have multiple folders/files with the same name - but unique IDs). When you hit folder, start another iteration. In the process, you may cache the structure using folders' / files' unique RESOURCE IDs' (the string you see in http address of a file / folder).
There are 2 different APIs in Java/Android world at the moment, the old RESTFul API and the new GDAA (and I don't know how it applies to iOS). And I have some code here, showing recursion down the tree (buildTree()), and code that handles duplicate file/folder names in (findFirst()). But unfortunately it is Java under GDAA flavor, so it may not be very useful to your case.
One more thing worth mentioning is, that you can 'list' or 'query' children of only one folder level (not it's subfolders), or you can query (but not list) all objects globally within your current scope (FILE scope only in GDAA, many scopes in RESTful).

Can my iOS App load a XML file and Generate Interface from the information within XML?

I'm working on a home automation project. Here's what I want to do:
The app starts and it'll have a button to load an XML file.
The XML will have information about the rooms in the house like "Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen etc.". It'll also have information about the equipment, like "Home Theater, TV, Blu-Ray Player, etc. in this case with a relation with the room that they belong" and so on with IR, RS-232 cmds, etc.
I'll install this app in different houses, so I intend just to change the XML file as the house changes.
I intend to generate the UI from the information contained in the XML file. E.g. The house has only "Living Room and Dining Room". The tab bar will show only those two tabs.
So, my questions:
Will Apple reject my app?
Can my customers just download the app from the App Store, and change and load the XML file? I mean, there's a package in the .app file, is it possible to open it and change the .xml file inside it?
Is it possible to change the UI as the XML information changes?
EDIT: more questions:
#competent_tech is saying that dynamic generation of code isn't allowed, but I'll change the code within the .storyboard or .xib .nib files, isn't it?
About the Contacts: I think is a little bit different idea, because in the contacts app, e.g.: there are 10 fields to fill out, like first name, last name, e-mail, phone number, etc. As a user, if I don't fill out the e-mail field, it'll still be there anyway. My plan is kind of different:
The house has 2 equipments to control: - Tab bar with item 1 and item 2.
The house has 3 equipments to control: - Tab bar with item 1 and item 2 and item 3.
Do you still think this is possible?
Can you recommend a book about this? I couldn't find anything useful myself.
Unfortunately, only apple can answer the rejection question.
However, from what you have described, there shouldn't be an issue since this is configuration-based changes instead of code changes. Apple specifically prohibits download of code and dynamic generation of code.
You can liken it to Contacts: iOS doesn't come configured with contacts, they allow you add them and configure different things about them. This sounds very much like what you are doing.
You should be able to download an XML file from a website or web service and use that to configure the app. We use a web service to retrieve data into the local Sqlite database to configure nomenclature and UI component visibility based on the current user and it works quite nicely.
With generating code they mean executable code, not the generating of views or viewcontrollers. If that is forbidden too, you could distribute your app via addhoc, but you need one developer program per 99 clients.

WMS layer is empty although mxd shows data

I use ArcGIS Server to serve a map of points from a database. When I create and publish the mxd as a WMS service in AGS everything looks fine. But after a while, the day after or something - the map shows nothing. Every request to the WMSServer for that layer comes back empty. Opening the mxd in ArcMap shows the correct data as expected, only the WMS calls are faulty.
What could be the problem?
I create an mxd file, and add data to it from a non-spatial database. To create the layers I right-click on the data source and select "Display XY data..." and select the X and Y columns from the data.
In AGS Manager I select "Add new service" and point to that mxd file, using all default settings from that. I have also tried the simpler "Publish GIS resource" and got the same results.
It appears as it was the way I set up the data connections in the mxd file that caused the problem. ArcGIS server uses a system account to run all services ("ArcGISWS" in our instance), and that account didn't have access to all data that I referenced in the mxd. Changing to an mxd that was set up using the ArcGISWS account, everything works as expected. I guess that the solution for anyone doing this is to log in to the ArcGIS Server with the intended account (ArcGISWS) and create the mxd, in that case all problems with data access will be obvious already in ArcMap, and the user can solve those issues before publishing the service.
At least, that is what I'll recommend. :-)
The reason behind the strange behaviour of the map working at first must have been a connection cache or something, so when the AGS recycled the connections or pools during the night, that connection was removed, leaving the ArcGISWS account to do the connection, which it couldn't due to lack of permissions.
Hope I can help someone with this attempt of a solution.

How to save file from web application to user's disk?

I'm working on web application which, among other things, needs to save small file to particular folder on user's hard drive whenever user clicks a button. That file will serve as input for another desktop application so it must be saved in predefined folder and predefined format. "Save as..." and save dialog would be very inconvenient. Also setting that all downloads go to that folder would be troublesome.
Also, changing desktop application is not an option.
In current stage of web browsers and web standards what would be the best approach?
Is it development of custom plug in for browser? Or flash/silverlight? Something else?
First of all this is not doable via http and html.
If this is a controlled environment maybe you could get away with simply providing a customized portable firefox to your users. Of course, all other downloads would go to that folder as well.
Anything thats loaded from a website isn't allowed to access the computers HD, and with good reason.
That aside; Could you give it a new extension and associate a program with it that saves it in the correct place, all the user then needs to do is check 'always do this action' or something to open the file with the program when the button is clicked.
Perhaps a different approach would be to have the desktop application retrieve the file from your web-application when it needs it - is this feasible?
This approach means you need not concern yourself with the sandboxing protection of web browsers that prevent web-applications knowing too much about the clients file-system.
