Apple Sign In Testing Flow with Mock Users - ios

Apple have announced if your app includes Facebook/Google Login you must include theirs.
Facebook Login includes "Test Roles" in their developer portal this allows you to create mock users for testing the flow of your app.
Is there anything similar for testing Sign In with Apple flow? Somewhere to create mock users.
It's just I've used my own Apple ID and I'm now out of test apple accounts. Having to create real Apple accounts for one test is unsustainable. How to developers get around this?


Will Apple accept my app if I disable Sign in with Third parties

Apple just rejected my app due to I don't offer Sign in with Apple in my app as my app allow login with Google and Linkedin, and these(sign in with Google and Linkedin) are configurable like if some user don't want this it'll be disable by Admin.
So Can I go with another try to remove this option for that user which we give to Apple for Review and also tell them its configurable and not mandatory. So will Apple accept my app ?
Personally I do not recommend using different configurations only for the App Store review process, because you can get rejected from App Store completely for cheating on the process. Read more at:
If you attempt to cheat the system (for example, by trying to trick
the review process, steal user data, copy another developer’s work,
manipulate ratings or App Store discovery) your apps will be removed
from the store and you will be expelled from the Apple Developer
About Apple Sign, here is Apple guidelines regarding this feature:
4.8 Sign in with Apple
Apps that exclusively use a third-party or social login service (such
as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with
LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or
authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer
Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option. A user’s primary account
is the account they establish with your app for the purposes of
identifying themselves, signing in, and accessing your features and
associated services.
Sign in with Apple is not required if:
Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account setup and
Your app is an education, enterprise, or business
app that requires the user to sign in with an existing education or
enterprise account.
Your app uses a government or industry-backed
citizen identification system or electronic ID to authenticate users.
Your app is a client for a specific third-party service and users are
required to sign in to their mail, social media, or other third-party
account directly to access their content.
Read more:

apple app submission rejected due to protocol 2.1.0 of apple sign in failing (invitation based authentication application)

I am using Firebase Authentication with invitation links for sign up using either email/password, google or apple signup. Using PWA I managed to create a webview application on android play store with no issues.
The current issue I am facing is apple rejecting my application on basis protocol #2.1.0 (App Completeness) where it describes an error of apple sign in flow that redirects them to login screen. Apple review to Uploaded App
Such error does not occur on all my test flight applications on both iphones and ipads when using the "given test account apple id and password".
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links), or such situation is a misunderstanding from the Apple app reviewer.
Any Help would be appreciated, and Hope you have a wonderful day.
The question is whether apple requires all applications to be sign in with no restrictions to user (without invitation links)
Yes, this is usually the case
you can make a Sign in screen that when the user sign in using Apple this message appears you should have an invitation to Sign in
And also provide Apple with another way to access the app as testers.

Apple Rejection For Third Party Sign Up

Apple Review team rejected the Application with the reason
"We noticed that your app uses a third-party login service but does not offer Sign in with Apple.
Even Application have normal Signup process as well with Email and Password.
Is it Mandatory to have Apple Signin in iOS 13 apps ?
Update 3 (March 04, 2020)
The App Store Review Guidelines have been updated to cover cases that use both third party and their own sign in services. Those apps are now required to offer Sign in with Apple. Therefore I'll be updating my apps to support Sign in with Apple and I recommend you do the same if you fall into this category.
Original Answer:
So my app just got rejected for the exact same reason. My app offers regular email and password authentication as well as Facebook and Google login. Here are a few interesting things that I found while reading the App Store Review Guidelines.
1. It says:
Apps that exclusively use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option.
But my app does NOT EXCLUSIVELY use a third-part or social login service. It also uses our own email/ password method. In fact the email and password method is on top and thus assumed to be the main method of authentication. So I feel like this rule does not apply to my app.
2. It also says:
Sign in with Apple is not required if:
Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account setup and sign-in systems...
3. The first 2 rules don't cover my app's case.
My app does NOT EXCLUSIVELY use third-party login services and does NOT EXCLUSIVELY use our own method. It uses both. So it's neither required to implement the Sign in with Apple nor exempt from implementing it.
4. I submitted 2 apps for review in the same day with the exact same authentication methods and only one of them got rejected.
Yesterday I submitted 2 apps for review that are part of the same project and have the exact same authentication methods with the exact same auth screen design. They both got in review at the same time. The first one got approved and the second one got rejected for not implementing Sign in with Apple. Funny, right?
So unless they update the Review Guidelines to cover a case where you use both methods of authentication I believe we are not violating any rule. I'm trying to argue with the review team that my rejected app does not violate the App Store Review Guidelines and they should not have rejected it.
I'll update my answer when this get's resolved but till then it might actually help if others who face the same issue point this out to the review team. We'll either win our case and get our apps approved or they'll update their Review Guidelines to cover our case. Either way it'll be helpful for others in the future.
Update 1
Apple kinda understood that this is not right and my app's status changed from Binary Rejected to In Review. Now I'm waiting to see what they decide.
Update 2
After about 40 hours of being "In Review" my app finally got approved and is now "Ready for Sale". I can't believe it, but it finally feels like someone listened and understood the arguments that I made.
If you use any third-party sign-in feature, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Google etc, you must now provide Apple Sign In as an additional option.
It's important to remember if you use solely a custom login system (i.e. email and password) then you do not need to include Apple Sign In.
4.8 Sign in with Apple
Apps that exclusively use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option. A user’s primary account is the account they establish with your app for the purposes of identifying themselves, signing in, and accessing your features and associated services.
Sign in with Apple is not required if:
Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account setup and sign-in systems.
Your app is an education, enterprise, or business app that requires the user to sign in with an existing education or enterprise account.
Your app uses a government or industry-backed citizen identification system or electronic ID to authenticate users.
Your app is a client for a specific third-party service and users are required to sign in to their mail, social media, or other third-party account directly to access their content.
Further reading can be found here:
Bad news: the word "exclusively" has been removed from the guidelines early March.
Apps that use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option
Basically, yes. New apps that use sign-in must provide sign-in with Apple as an option. Existing apps that use sign-in must provide sign-in with Apple by April 2020.
We’ve updated the App Store Review Guidelines to provide criteria for
when apps are required to use Sign in with Apple. Starting today [Sept
12, 2019], new apps submitted to the App Store must follow these
App Store Review Guidelines
4.8 Sign in with Apple
Apps that exclusively use a third-party or social login service (such
as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with
LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or
authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer
Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option. A user’s primary account
is the account they establish with your app for the purposes of
identifying themselves, signing in, and accessing your features and
associated services.
Sign in with Apple is not required if:
· Your app exclusively uses your company’s own account setup and
· Your app is an education, enterprise, or business app that requires
the user to sign in with an existing education or enterprise account.
· Your app uses a government or industry-backed citizen identification
system or electronic ID to authenticate users.
· Your app is a client for a specific third-party service and users
are required to sign in to their mail, social media, or other
third-party account directly to access their content.
Today morning my app also got rejected because of the same reason but I was not using any third party sign up.
After rejection, I realised that in side menu under login button, I have 5 social media buttons for their respective social media page links so I replied to Resolution Center that I am using regular email based register and login. Also, I shared the screenshot of both screens (Login & Register). After 7-8 hours the status changed to 'In Review' and after next 10 minutes Apple approved and it goes live.

app with paypal ios sdk. sandbox and live credentials?

am doing my sandbox testing with developer credentials. when i want to go live, should I (developer) get business account and thereby live credentials? if i develop an app for someone, why can't i have other person who has a business create paypal account (on and get live credentials? then use those credentials in app. as a developer i can submit the app to paypal and manage it. but i don't want to create premier business account.
above doc says:
"All calls to PayPal operations are made through the application account, which is a PayPal account that is controlled by the application owner. ...To obtain live PayPal credentials, you must have a verified Premier or verified Business PayPal account."
Log in to the PayPal Developer website using the credentials of the PayPal account registered to the application owner.
Note that the PayPal account associated with the application must be a verified Premier or verified Business account."
could someone clarify?
You can develop/test a couple different ways....
You can have your merchant that you are developing for login to dev portal, create the app, and then provide you with their test credentials. This way when you go Live, they just need to enable their Live credentials, provide them to you, and then you can swap the test credentials out for the Live ones.
You can develop/test with your app you created in your developer portal and your test credentials. When you want to go Live then you would need the merchant to go into their dev portal, create an app, enable their Live credentials, and then have them provide those credentials to you.
The first way is going to be less of a headache for you (in my opinion) because then you will be testing with the same App from development to Live. Also, this way you know that the App has been created and the merchant can enable their Live credentials while you are developing/testing versus waiting for them to do all of that when you are ready to go Live.

Provide AppStore reviewers with Facebook test accounts

Our iOS app requires users to login using their Facebook account and we need to provide the AppStore reviewers with a test account(s).
Can we take for granted that Apple have their own Facebook accounts that they use to test out apps that solely rely on Facebook for login?
Do we need to set up a Facebook "test user" via their Test User API?
Grateful for any pointers from someone who did this.
Short answer: assume they have an account.
I think you're in a bit of a catch-22 here. It's probably against Facebooks terms of service to create a test account and hand those details to a third party... but, you're right, Apple may ask you for details.
However, in practice, they seem not to. One of my apps requires a login to a third-party website and I just put "you need an account" in the iTC notes section. I've been rejected once (since 2008) because I didn't specify a specific username/password. I explained why (see first paragraph) and it sailed through on the next attempt.
Having said that, apparently Facebook allows a way of creating test accounts. This is probably what you want to do if they insist.
For any app that requires a login you need to provide Apple with a guest/demo login account to test the app. So yes, give Apple a login/password to use.
