DXL script to find External links on DOORS DB - ibm-doors

I am using Rational DOORS version
I want to run a DXL script which should recurs all projects and list out all external links with Object ID and module path.


Rational Doors 9.6 interfacing with C#

I am using Rational Doors 9.6 as client. I try to integrate a feature in my C# program such is using Doors C API, to open a view and get some data in memory for further using. This includes login to Doors server with windows credentials.
Actually, I have to start Doors Client, open that view, do a excel export, then do a C# import which is not quite the elegant way.
I am not Doors expert so all I need is a opinion, since API is in C and I'm not sure this is the way, or just using DXL server (or both?)
I have been using un-managed C dll's in C# in the past, so if proper declared, should be no problems.
The DOORS C API is a very old artifact and not usable for your purpose.
You have to use a DXL script to perform the actions inside DOORS that you want (export). To launch the script you have three options:
invoke the DXL script in batch mode
The most stable approach. You should write the information to a file from your DXL and read it back from your c#. All "professional" DOORS interfaces (like MDWorkbench) use this approach.
invoke the DXL script in "interactive batch" (see below)
See below. You need to use this if you want to automate an existing GUI DXL script. See an example here:
invoke the DXL script over COM
For this you need to start the client in interactive mode and then connect to it over COM. For a discussion on that see here:
For the export itself there are many scripts on the rational forum. The fastest way to go, is to perform a CSV export yourself. See here:

How to copy links from one module to another module using DXL

I need to copy both in links and/or out links from one formal module to another formal module in DOORS using DXL scripting
You can use one of the scripts included in the Doors DXL library.
To do this, go to "Tools/DXL Library/Some example programs that illustrate various DXL features/Example of enhanced copy objects tool"
Then a new window will pop-up and from there you can select different options e.g. which attributes to copy, whether to copy or not links, etc.

Invoke Java code from DXL in DOORS

I want to have a custom Addin menu in DOORS, and want to invoke some JAVA code from there. Is it possible to invoke an executable jar file within DXL?
It depends on if you can run it from a command prompt. If you can, then all you need to do is call it with the following command:
This specific example would run a file from the user's desktop. You may need to reference the file differently depending on where it lives.
For more information, search system in the DXL Reference Manual inside of DOORS.

How do I package a new HTML Helper and its data annotation atttibute?

I have a new HTML helper, SelectionOtherTextBoxFor. It is a textbox linked to a <select> element1 for capturing the actual other value if the user selects 'Other' in the select list.
It has some JavaScript, HtmlHelper code, and some attribute code.
How do I package this so that other developers can just install and use it, without a list of files and where to put them? I suspect Nuget, but maybe there is a simpler way.
Otherwise, please may I turn this into how do I go about doing this in NuGet?
The easiest would probably be to package the code in a class library that other developers could reference in their projects. As far as the javascript part is concerned, you could ship it alongside the class library.
If you want to automate the process, NuGet is definitely the way to go. You should read the Creating and Publishing a NuGet package guide which contains very detailed instructions on how you could create a NuGet package and include dependencies in it. In this case you will have the assembly containing the custom helper and attribute and javascript file as a content to the package. The javascript file could then by default be deployed in ~/Scripts when some developer installs the NuGet.
Personally I have always used NuGet for those kind of things as it offers lots of flexibilities.

How to combine MSI files created with WiX in differnet languages to one file where yo can select the language?

I have a Windows Installer XML (WiX 3.5) project and five localization files for my installer. Therefore WiX creates five .msi files, for every language one. How can i put all in one .msi and let the user select the language when executing the installer?
I heard something about a bootstrapper, but then i would have a Setup.exe and i need a msi file. Is it not possible to adabt the localization strings after compiling with WiX?
This can be done using transforms. Please take a look at this article:
There are 2 parts to making this happen,
localisation of the Installer UI, and/or
choice of installed files.
The method I chose will automatically select the local (or near local) language, and can also be forced to a specific transform using command line options. This doesn't prompt the user to choose which language to install in - so maybe it doesn't actually meet your needs.
The second 'installed files' doesn't seem to be documented as well and I was recently asking about it in Why would MST not include files with different content.
As a response provided there is now an ANT build script using Windows7 SDK & antdotnet
