Neo4j Desktop - Where are Remote Graphs stored? - neo4j

I'm new to Neo4j and am learning the Desktop application. I see that I can Add a Database (I can either Create a Local Graph or Connect to a Remote Graph). Creating a local graph obviously means creating a database on my computer, one with it's own bolt://... URL ID of some sort. If instead I Add a Remote Graph, does this imply that I can connect to another local graph stored on my laptop for example if I know its bolt id? I presume I can't but I want to make sure.
Next, if Remote implies stored in the cloud or served somehow, short of setting up a Neo4j instance on AWS or via another 3rd party does Neo4j come with its own easy way to setup a "remote" instance and where would this live? Does Neo have it's own cloud?

Remote Graph implies that there's a running Neo4j instance out there "somewhere" that we can connect to via the bolt URL, similar to how we would connect from a client application using a Neo4j driver (after all, Neo4j Desktop and Neo4j Browser are both client applications and connect via Neo4j drivers).
That might be a server instance somewhere set up by your company, or an instance running from your own laptop (not launched from Desktop), or maybe a Neo4j Aura instance you've set up yourself, or something on AWS or another cloud.
You can't administer remote instances, as bolt connections do not allow for starting/stopping Neo4j or other operations that require command-line access (though 4.0 security administration via the system db is supported).
For the most part though Desktop is agnostic of where or how the remote instance is set up, it just requires a bolt URL that can be used to connect to the instance or cluster.


CloudRun database connection dissapearing?

some days ago I was able to set up one of my apps to be connected to one of my database instances from the google cloud run service configuration form. However lately I notice two things:
I'm no longer able to select the database instance my service is/will be connected to.
On a service that is connected using this method I no longer see the database connection name. at the bottom on the details panel.
Is this a symptom that the database connections feature will disappear from the Google CloudRun settings?.
This seems like a useful case to use the Cloud SDK to confirm your Cloud Run service is able to communicate with Cloud SQL. This will help confirm if you have a UI problem or something deeper. This is especially important given the documentation states that the Console instructions are not available yet.
Cloud Run supports Cloud SQL via gcloud management using a special flag to associate a Cloud SQL instance with an individual service.
Once this is done, the Cloud SQL instance will be available to the Cloud Run service until it is explicitly removed.
You can verify this connection is in place by looking at the service description:
gcloud beta run services describe [SERVICE-NAME]
in the response, you should see the property inside spec.runLatest.configuration.revisionTemplate.metadata.annotations.
As long as that annotation is present and contains your Cloud SQL instance connection name, your service should be able to connect to the SQL instance as documented (assuming your service has authorization to connect to the Cloud SQL instance)

Neo4j browser and some databse queries

what is the difference between remote and a local graph in neo4j browser. I have searched an answer for this question but didn't get any so please help me .
thanks is advance.
I'm guessing this is asking about the options in the Neo4j Desktop.
A local graph is one you create on the same machine that is running the Neo4j Desktop application.
A remote instance is a Neo4j instance that resides on a different machine, so you need to supply the connection information so a bolt connection can be made so you access the instance.

Concurrent access to Neo4j from desktop apps

I am planning to create a desktop app (Java or C# WPF) which would be used by multiple users. The requirements are such that a Graph DB like Neo4j fits perfectly into the scheme of things. I have done some investigations and it looks really good. I am working on the community edition. Now here is the problem. From what I have observed, I am able to make only one connection to the database. The moment I try to make a connection from another instance I get an error. Even accessing on localhost:7474 gives an error.
Is this by design? I understand that in a web App, I can still use a static reference to a single DB instance and work with it. But in a desktop app scenario how do I ensure that multiple users are able to access the database from their apps?
Your app instances can access the same neo4j server through its REST API. There is no need to directly connect to the DB.
Here is a page that shows you how to do that in Java.

AzureWorkerHost get the uri after startup for Neo4jClient

I am trying to create a ASP.Net with neo4jclient project to be hosted on the Azure and am kind of unable to grasp how to do the following:
get hold of an neo4j rest endpoint address once the worker role has started. I think I am seeing a different address each time the emulator spins up a instance of worker role. I believe that i'll need this to create an client somewhat like this
neo4jClient = new GraphClient(new Uri("http ://localhost:7474/db/data"));
so any thoughts on how to get hold of the uri after the neo4j is deployed by AzureWorkerHost.
Also how is the graph database persisted on the blob store, in the example its always deploying a new instance of pristine db in the zip and updating, which is probably not correct. I am unable to understand where to configure this.
BTW I am using the Neo4j 2.0 M06 and when it runs in emulator, I get an endpoint somewhat like this in the emulator log but i am unable to access it from my base machine.
any clue what might be going on here?
AzureWorkerHost was a proof of concept that hasn't been touched in a year.
The GitHub readme says:
Just past alpha. Some known deficiencies still. Not quite beta.
You likely don't want to use it.
The preferred way of hosting on Azure these days seems to be IaaS approach inside a VM. (There's a preconfigured one in VM Depot, but that's a little old now too.)
Or, you could use a hosted endpoint from somebody like GrapheneDB.
To answer you question generally though, Azure manages all the endpoints. The worker roles says "hey, I need an endpoint to bind to!" and Azure works that out for it.
Then, you query this from the Web role by interrogating Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime.RoleEnvironment.Roles.
You'll likely not want to use the AzureWorkerHost for a production scenario, as the instances in the deployed configuration will destroy your data when they are re-imaged.
Please review these slides that illustrate step-by-step deployment of a Windows Azure Virtual Machine image of Neo4j community edition.
A Neo4j 2.0 Community Virtual Machine image will be released with the official release build of Neo4j 2.0. If you plan to use more than 30GB of data storage, please be aware that the currently supported VM image in Windows Azure's image depot must be configured from console through remote SSH to Linux.
Continue with your development using http://localhost:7474/ and then setup the VM when you are ready for a staging or production build to be deployed.
Also you can use Heroku's free Neo4j database deployment but you must configure the basic authentication for your GraphClient connection in Neo4jClient.

Runs multiple web application with same embedded neo4j db

It is required to run multiple application on same neo4j db. But when I try to do that, I am meeting a problem about locking.
Neo4j is locking itself when an application is using it. Multiple application can't be run.
The exception is like,
Unable to lock store [/opt/neo4j-lojika-db/neostore.relationshiptypestore.db.names], this is usually a result of some other Neo4j kernel running using the same store
Is there a way to run multiple web application with same embedded neo4j db.
Thank you!
You can't do this way. You have two options
Use Neo4j HA or
Run Neo4j in server mode rather than embedded mode. If your application is simple then you can use the REST api provided by Neo4j out of box. If your service layer is more involved then, put a service layer on top of a single Neo4j embedded instance and let each application talk to Neo4j through this service layer.
