Azure DevOps Restricted Board - tfs

Is there anyway in Azure Devops to restrict project members to see only their assigned Product Backlog Items in Board (and not for the others)?
I mean, by default anyone can see only his/her assigned product backlog items when entered to the Board section.
I don't mean filtering by the members.
Any help is appreciated.

No. Work item view/edit permissions are controlled at the Area level; if you can view the Area, you can view all work items in that Area regardless of who they are assigned to.
There is no mechanism to restrict viewing work items beyond that.
However, it's trivial for an individual to filter the board view so that they can see only their work items.


Is there a way to set up personal dashboards

Is there a way to set up a personal dashboard for TFS that is in addition to the team dashboard?
We have a group of users who want to see different information than what is on the team dashboard, and would like their own dashboard/view to show things like Tasks Assigned to them, Open Backlog Items, etc. But this would only be for the individual (others want to see different queries and other widgets depending on their tasks in a team).
There are no personal dashboards at present. However, there are work item query tokens like #Me so you can have one query that is personalized for whoever is viewing the dashboard.
Yes, you can view all work items assigned to you in web based TFS
http://{TFS Server}/{ProjectsCollectionName}/_work
You will see your dashboard as attched screenshot

Is it possible to separately manage TFS branches' backlog items for a project?

I have two separate branches created for a project with two users - each user only has access to their branch.
I have created the project backlog items, however each user when logged into Visual Studio Online can see the backlog items - which is ok. However once one user completes an item in their branch, I don't want that item to affect the other user's ability to continue working on that item.
I want to test how each developer creates a new UI on their respective branches. Essentially the work is the same, but the way they implement would be different.
For example, an item may be "Update website front page".
Essentially I want them both to do the same thing but on their own branch. Can we separate backlog items by branch?
Sounds like you have some crazy Hunger Games development scenario going on and as Daniel said, better to develop in one branch and merge to the other.
However, if you want to restrict Work Items across Teams or TFS Groups then you can restrict the Area Path. So, either set up a team for each developer or simply create an Area Path for each branch and set security on it.
Have a look at Customize area and iteration paths and the section on "Set permissions to restrict access to work items"

Is it possible to restrict content editors to specific content in UmbracoCMS

So here is my situation, I have an umbraco website which is divided into sections for each department in an organisation. Each organisation wishes to manage its own content and want their own admin. However they don't want the admins of other departmetns to be able to modify the content outside their own department.
Is there a way to restrict content writers to have access to edit content only in a specific part of the umbraco backend?
Yes, when creating the new user you can set the starting node of the Content and Media so he will be able to only modify those pages and their children
In addition to Eyescream's answer above, you can also set permissions for pages as well. If you right click on the node in the tree, and select "permissions" from the list of options, you can set permissions on specific actions for that node for each user as well. E.g. you can make it so that certain users cannot delete or move certain nodes.

Display TFS Kanban custom columns in backlog grid

I customized the Kanban board to include new columns. These columns are mapped to the existing states, (New, Active, Resolved, Complete).
My backlog shows only the states. Is there a way for the backlog to display the new columns and not the state to which they are mapped?
No, sorry, this is not a feature I have seen. If you really think it will be of value, your best place is the VS User Voice site.

Team System web access rights

We're using team system to control our developement (product backlog items, sprint backlog items etc). It's a pretty nice tool but we wanted to allow other users to be able add bugs and new feature suggestions WITHOUT letting them mess with the actual development bits.
I can set these guys up so they add the work items they need but I can't see a way to block access to the bits I don't want them to edit/view. Has anyone else seen this? Has anyone found a solution?
Are you using TFS 2010? If so, you can simply add them to the Work Item View Only Users group. This will grant them access to create new work items and to view/edit any work items they've created (but not others). Check out this link for instructions.
