How to change the sending message "Please wait..." of the form button after it is already loaded? - mautic

I'm calling a Mautic form using its token instead of a manual copy.
{form = 5}
When the form is submitted, the button text temporarily changes to "Please wait ...".
However, I need it to be a different text.
If I implement the form by manual copy, I could modify this message just by declaring this variable.
var MauticLang = {
'submittingMessage': "Another text"
I tried this in a script within the HTML where the form is, after and before it, also after the DOM is loaded, but there was no effect. I investigated the code on the page as much as I could, but to no avail. I have researched, but can't find a solution anywhere.
How to change the button sending message after the form is already loaded?

Modify submittingMessage value is the way to go.
MauticLang.submittingMessage = "Hold your horses...";
MauticLang = {
'submittingMessage': "Hold your horses..."
In addition, to ensure that you are modifying it after Mautic is loaded, you can use setTimeOut with load event listener on window.
Something like 5 seconds, enough time to have the form not fully filled by the user.
So, the final solution could be:
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
setTimeout(function() {
MauticLang.submittingMessage = "Hold your horses..";
}, 5000);


JQuery mobile - click event only fires on current page

I have the following:
$(document).on("pageinit", function (event) {
alert("pageinit called");
$('#logout').bind('click', function() {alert("clicked!");});
The first time the page runs you get a single alert 'pageinit called'. Clicking the element with id #logout fires the alert 'clicked!'. If I click any other links in this page I still get the 'pageinit called' alert (and I get it multiple times, apparently for each page I have previously navigated as well) but subsequently the handler for #logout is gone and never never re-established.
Can anyone tell me how I can get the handler for #logout to remain? I've tried:
$('#logout').die('click').live('click', function() {alert("clicked!");});
to no avail.
After looking more closely (and as commented by Omar), this problem is caused by a combination of the jquery mobile paging system AND trying to attach to a 'single' element by id.
In my case each time I clicked a link within the page it would load into the jqm paging system a separate page, each one containing its own #logout element. My solution was to query for all the buttons and attach handlers to each one:
var buttons = $("*[id='logout']");
buttons.each(function() {
// handle click or whatever here
Instead of:
var button = $('#logout'); // Only hooks into the first #logout element

Rails 3, bootstrap modal multiple layers of remote calling

I've been racking my head against this for 2 days now. I'm massively frustrated, and I can't seem to find any information on this with searching.
The issue. I'm using a :remote => true link to load some html from a different controller.
$('.managed_locations').bind('ajax:complete', function(evt, xhr, status){
So it gets the html, dumps it into the bootstrap modal and displays the modal. This is working fine.
But inside of the modal I ALSO have a form which also uses :remote => true. Now to make life harder, when a button is pressed I clone the form and display it. So the user could have many forms.
Now the issue. Whenever the form is submitted it just loads it like a normal page. It's as if the :remote => true is being ignored. But this only in the modal. If I just load the modal controller by itself it works just fine. I also had this developed before using another jquery lightbox where it was working fine. I'm just switching in bootstrap for consistency.
So my initial thoughts are that the jquery_ujs.js isn't finding the new forms. So I added some code to output the form elements.
$("#log_events").click(function () {
$(document).find(".new_stored_physical_location").each(function() {
console.log( $(this).data() );
console.log( $(this).data('events') );
return false;
Which outputs in the console:
Object { type="html", remote=true}
Object { ajax:complete=[1]}
So I see that the events are being set in jQuery. Each of these forms has :remote => true and has the ajax event for when the request is complete. But it's just not doing an ajax request when I hit submit.
Is there something I'm missing that is required to make sure an ajax request will happen from the form???? The data() looks fine, the data('events') look fine. But is there some other event/binding that I need to look at?
The html that is loaded in from the modal right now is loading a layout. But i've done it both with a layout, without a layout. It's driving me nuts. Thanks for the help guys.
Edit: Some extra weirdness. The modal also loads some additional remote links, all of which are working correctly. It's only the form links which don't seem to work.
I got a solution. The big issue was within jquery_ujs.js Especially this line:
$(document).delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit.rails', function(e) {
FYI, rails.formSubmitSelector = 'form'. So this code found all of the forms in the document, overwrote the submit with this function. But the issue was that once you loaded in some ajax, and that ajax contained a it wouldn't add this fancy event to it. You need to re-add it.
So this is what I did.
Inside of jquery_ujs there is a bunch of functions that are accessible outside of it using $.rails. So things like: $.rails.enableElement, $.rails.nonBlankInputs. And the code for the submit event was sitting around all willy nilly. It only executes once when the page is loaded. So I put that in a function addSubmitEvent():
// Add the form submit event
addSubmitEvent: function(element) {
//$(element) was before $(document) but I changed it
$(element).delegate(rails.formSubmitSelector, 'submit.rails', function(e) {
var form = $(this),
remote ='remote') !== undefined,
blankRequiredInputs = rails.blankInputs(form, rails.requiredInputSelector),
nonBlankFileInputs = rails.nonBlankInputs(form, rails.fileInputSelector);
if (!rails.allowAction(form)) return rails.stopEverything(e);
// skip other logic when required values are missing or file upload is present
if (blankRequiredInputs && form.attr("novalidate") == undefined &&, 'ajax:aborted:required', [blankRequiredInputs])) {
return rails.stopEverything(e);
if (remote) {
if (nonBlankFileInputs) {
return, 'ajax:aborted:file', [nonBlankFileInputs]);
// If browser does not support submit bubbling, then this live-binding will be called before direct
// bindings. Therefore, we should directly call any direct bindings before remotely submitting form.
if (!$.support.submitBubbles && $().jquery < '1.7' && rails.callFormSubmitBindings(form, e) === false) return rails.stopEverything(e);
return false;
} else {
// slight timeout so that the submit button gets properly serialized
setTimeout(function(){ rails.disableFormElements(form); }, 13);
This is basically the exact same code. But now it's $(element) instead of $(document). This was changed because now I can sniff for when the modal has loaded in the html. Then I can call:
I then had an issue of it adding the event too many times from when I opened/closed the modal multiple times. So I just put a simple true/false if around it to call it once only.

Grails: How do I make a g:textfield to load some data and display it in other g:textfield?

I have two g:textfields
in the first one I should write a number lets say 12 and in the g:textfield next to it it should load the predetermined name for number 12.
The first one is named 'shipper' and the other 'shipperName'
Whenever I write the code 12 in the 'shipper' txtfield, it should return the name of the shipper in the 'shipperName' box.
Thanks in advance!
If I write the number 12 it should return USPS
And every number should have a different 'shipperName'
Thanks again!
That's quite easy if you'll use jQuery. Check out the event handlers ("blur" is the one you want which occurs when the user leaves the numerical box).
For example:
$("#shipper").blur(function() {
"${createLink(controller: 'shipper', action: 'resolveShipper')}?id=" +
The $(this).val() at the end is the value of the input field the user just left.
And the "ShipperController.resolveShipper" action would look something like this:
def resolveShipper = {
render text: Shipper.get(, contentType: "text/plain"
There are other things you might want to do, like automatically filling in the shipperName field as the user types without leaving the edit field, probably after a delay. However the event handler stays the same, just the event is changing (from "blur" to "change" or something like this)
To relate two strings, it's easiest to use an object to create a dictionary/ map, as shown below;
$('#input1').bind('keyup',function() {
var map = {
You can see this in action here:
If you want the second value only to update when the user has finished typing into the first input field, change "keyup" to "change".

ShareThis setting properties in callback don't work

I'm using the ShareThis widget. I need to change the url property after the object has been created so I'm using the callback function option. In the callback function, I attempt to change the url property but the email that goes out still contains the old value.
Has anyone been able to solve this problem? If so, I would appreciate your help!
Here's a code sample
<script type="text/javascript">
title: 'ShareThis'},
{ onclick: myCustomCallback }
function myCustomCallback(SharedObject) { = "";
return true;
Use this:
$('span[class^="st_"]').html(''); // Empty span contents
$('span[class^="st_"]').attr('st_processed',null); // Reset ST plugin
$('span[class^="st_"]').attr('st_url',url); // Set new url
stButtons.makeButtons(); // Renew buttons
It's not possible to change the URL dynamically. If you want to do something funky, you'll need to create a new button with the new URL. This can be accomplished a few ways, the simplest being creating an element to contain the button and trigger creation of a custom button element every time something happens that should trigger the URL change.
I can show you a sample implementation that we put together for HP a few weeks ago. They actually call the "share" function from inside a Flash movie, but this prototype triggers it from a button.
You can reach me at

Scripty2 : how to close dialog

I am looking for a way to close a scripty2 dialog like this :
From outside of the dialog (i.e. with firebug command line) but my javascript mojo is a bit limited and after 30 min of going around the DOM I cannot find a way. Any hints ?
NB : scripty2 is a rewrite of which uses bits of Jquery UI.
Scripty2 UI bits are really based on Prototype classes, not extensions to DOM elements, so you can't use $$() to fetch an existing dialog and close it like you might think. It must be stored in a javascript variable.
var dialog = new S2.UI.Dialog({ // The class must be saved in a
content: "Consulting the server. Please wait."
});; // We open
new Ajax.Request('/answers', {
onComplete: function(){
dialog.close(); // And close.
Try pasting these into Firebug:
var dialog = new S2.UI.Dialog({content: "Hello World"});;
This is the documentation for the dialog box :
To close all the dialogs (elements with class div.ui-dialog) on the page with no ids code would be something like this (untested):
$$('div.ui-dialog').each(function() {this.close();});
