IOS Compilation Error Genexus 16 u8 SmartDevices Generation - ios

Good morning,
I am working on compiling my iOS app con Genexus 15 U8.
Execution Type: Simulator (Mac)
The process starts and then it gives me the following error:
error: / Users / frames / Library / CloudStorage / iCloud Drive /
Library / CloudStorage / iCloud Drive / Documents / Projects /
EventDay / NetSQLServer / EventDay / Pods / Target Support Files /
Pods-EventDay / Pods-EventDay.debug.xcconfig : unable to open file (in
target "EventDay" in project "EventDay") (in target 'EventDay' from
project 'EventDay') Failed: iOS Compilation Failed: Run EventDay

Marcos, do you still have this problem?
Does the file exist into the remote directory?
I would suggest to rename the mobile folder from your model and rebuild all.
If you open this project on xcode and run it from there, do you have the same error?
Here there is another thread that can help:
It recommends goint to File -> Workspace setting -> select Legacy Build System
//make sure you have open .xcworkspace file and pod installed properly
Swift - Unable to open file in target Xcode 10


Firebase Crashlytics with Swift Package Manager - crash because of wrong path

I have installed Firebase through the Swift Package Manager for my iOS project, including Crashlytics. I have followed these instructions and added the required script to build phases:
So the path for execution is:
On start up (iPhone simulator), the app crashes with the following error message:
/Users/[path-to-my-project]/SourcePackages/checkouts/firebase-ios-sdk/Crashlytics/run: No such file or directory Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
I don't understand why it tries to find the crashlytics script in my Xcode project folder and not in the derived data folder at runtime.
I checked the derived data folder and followed the path. Indeed, the Crashlytics run script is at the expected path.
thanks for any hints in the right direction
In the meantime I've found out that the path to the build folder is set globally in the Xcode preferences. For some reason I don't recall, my build folder has always been in my project folder for all projects I ever worked on in Xcode... I know this for sure because I always add the build folder to .gitignore.
To change the build folder to be a subfolder of your project's derived data folder, go to:
Xcode -> Preferences -> Locations -> Advanced and select the first option.
Firebase assumes that this option is selected by default (maybe it is and I'm the weirdo...).

Titanium ios build error: The folder “Headers” doesn’t exist

I am getting an error while building the titanium app for ios
[TRACE] error: The folder “Headers” doesn’t exist. (in target 'Test' from project
[ERROR] The following build commands failed:
[ERROR] ProcessXCFramework /Users/myuser/Projects/v2-mobile-
[ERROR] (1 failure)
I tried searching it on the forum but did not resolve it yet.
I am using SDK version 9.3.2.GA and xcode 12
The ti.intercom.xcframework is a static library which has been compiled as an xcframework. Within the framework's directory you'll find the directories for the different platforms the module has been compiled for. Each of these folders is missing the Headers folder (probably lost within git commits), as the Headers directories are empty. Just create empty 'Headers` directories within each platform tree, and add a .gitkeep file to ensure the changes propagate through git.
Headers (missing, create an empty one)
Headers (missing, create an empty one)
Trying building with XCode 11.7 instead.

How to manually download GitHub iOS code and have it work in XCode 11.7?

I have recently been granted access to a proprietary (that is, private) GitHub repository for iOS development. I'm on a Mac (OS 10.15.6 Catalina, the latest MacOS as of this writing) with the latest non-beta XCode version installed today (11.7) as well as the latest iOS emulator as of this writing (iOS 13.7). I am new at using Macs, at XCode, and working with this project, and the author of this GitHub code hasn't been available to help me work with his code. (I am well familiar with downloading files from GitHub and the Internet in general.)
I know this GitHub repo has XCode inside because there's an XCode file, Pods.xcodeproj. There are also many other files, including .xcconfig files.
It may be a hardware problem. This Mac's technical specs were minimalistic: It has less than 4 gig of physical RAM and a recently-obtained hard disk space upgrade to put it around 70 gig of total space, or enough to work with Android Studio and XCode. (A sample project failed to run in the simulator due to having too little RAM.)
Thus, what's wrong and how should it be fixed?
Build target hornet of project hornet with configuration Release
error: /Users/Liam/Desktop/HORNET/9-1-20/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-hornet/Pods-hornet.release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "hornet" in project "hornet") (in target 'hornet' from project 'hornet')
error: /Users/Liam/Desktop/HORNET/9-1-20/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-hornet/Pods-hornet.release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "hornet" in project "hornet") (in target 'hornet' from project 'hornet')
error: /Users/Liam/Desktop/HORNET/9-1-20/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-hornet/Pods-hornet.release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "hornet" in project "hornet") (in target 'hornet' from project 'hornet')
error: /Users/Liam/Desktop/HORNET/9-1-20/ios/Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-hornet/Pods-hornet.release.xcconfig: unable to open file (in target "hornet" in project "hornet") (in target 'hornet' from project 'hornet')
The presence of the Pods path suggests the project is using CocoaPods. If so,
If you haven’t already, install CocoaPods.
Once that’s installed on your computer, go to the project root folder in Terminal and run pod install to download the pods.
In Xcode, open the .xcworkspace, not the .xcodeproj.
But 4gb of RAM may simply be too modest to use Xcode at all. If you can’t create and run a simple test project in Xcode, you certainly won’t be able to open a bigger project. My recollection was a 8gb minimum, but even that will struggle. 16gb is pretty decent and if you can afford more, so much the better.

Not able to link a Carthage framework to Xcode project

I am trying to link a new framework downloaded via Carthage to one of my project but getting a linker error:
I'm following these steps:
Updated the Cartfile with the framework location.
Run carthage update command to fetch the framework.
Under project target -> Build Phase added a new Run script and renamed it to Framework Copy.
Added the script to copy the framework from the file system : $(SRCROOT)/Carthage/Build/iOS/CleanroomLogger.framework.
Dragged and dropped the framework from the mentioned location under Link Binary With Libraries section of project target -> Build Phase.
Double checked the Framework Search Path under build settings and it seems to be set correctly : $(PROJECT_DIR)/Carthage/Build/iOS.
Am I missing something?
Eventually it turned out to be deployment target issue. The framework I was linking was supported with minimum deployment target as 8 and I was running with 7 :). I wish the build error could be more descriptive.

Echoprint iOS Missing Framework

Has anyone downloaded the demo iOS version of EchoPrint? It's an audio fingerprinting open source software.
I just downloaded it but it appears to missing framework... any place to get a functioning version?
Follow the steps to get it the framework running
Download latest version of boost . The download link for latest 1.51.0 for boost library
Extract the boost_1_51_0.tar.gz file.
Download the project for generation of libechoprint-codegen-ios.a famework from here
Open the project and set the Header Search Path as the path of the extracted boost folder. e.g. in my case the below is the path
Open the echoprint-codegen-ios.xcconfig file and add the same path in the HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS
Now clean and build the project would give you libechoprint-codegen-ios.a under Products folder
Now download the Echoprint iOS Sample
Building this project would give you Errors as the files of ASIHTTP folder and the libechoprint-codegen-ios.a framework is missing are not added to the xcode project but are physically present in the project Folder.
Delete this folder from the project and drag-drop the physical folder to the xcode project. Also delete and add only the libechoprint-codegen-ios.a framework to this project from the previously compiled project.
Now you are ready with an error-free code.
Update for people who are still interested in this and are using XCode 5 + iOS 7 + LLVM 5.0.
I have forked the sample repo, upgraded it to XCode 5+ iOS 7 and modified it to automatically build in the echoprint-codegen dependency as a sub-project:
The above instructions will no longer work for the latest XCode + iOS.
