Why does serverless-offline re-execute my whole js file for a handler? - serverless

I'm running a apollo-server-lambda locally in using serverless-offline. Even though the handler is being exported once, the serverless-offline code is fully recreating the ApolloServer for every request (which is causing my knex to create new DB connections and leak them). I'd expect it to keep the same ApolloServer.
How can I get serverless-offline to keep the same js instances between calls?
I'm guessing this can be reproduced by following any sort of serverless-offline examples. Here is an example:

It seems that Serverless-Offline does not simulate the execution context reuse:


Cross site issue with Microsoft Graph Toolkit

I'm following this tutorial to create a simple web app with a Microsoft 365 login. I'm currently getting this error when debugging locally (http://localhost:8080):
mgt-loader.js:61 A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script, https://unpkg.com/#microsoft/mgt/dist/bundle/wc/webcomponents-loader.js, is invoked via document.write. The network request for this script MAY be blocked by the browser in this or a future page load due to poor network connectivity. If blocked in this page load, it will be confirmed in a subsequent console message. See https://www.chromestatus.com/feature/5718547946799104 for more details.
In Azure, I have the Redirect URIs set up to match (http://localhost:8080).
After some googling, I tried adding async, but then I get this warning and the login button doesn't appear:
mgt-loader.js:61 Failed to execute 'write' on 'Document': It isn't possible to write into a document from an asynchronously-loaded external script unless it is explicitly opened.
What would be causing this warning and how can I fix it?
First, check out how document.write works: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/write
You will understand why you cannot run document.write in asynchronous context (try running document.write('Hello world!'); in console on any page).
Warning tells you that a parser blocking (synchronous), cross site (not coming from the same domain as website) scripts can be blocked by Chrome in the future if someone has unstable or bad internet connection.
If you want it to run synchronously without that warning, you have to bundle that JS code with your own, or just serve it from your own origin, same as your website (e.g. localhost:8080). You can download #microsoft/mgt npm package and for bundling - use gulp, webpack or other tool of your choice.
This script tries to differentiate between async and sync contexts (line 175) and run document.appendChild (instead of write) for async context - but for some reason the check fails (readyState === loading).
How to check if an Javascript script has been loaded Asynchronously (Async) or async attribute is present?
If you want to run this in non-blocking manner, you could try to fix the script by yourself.
There is a Github repo for that toolkit (https://www.npmjs.com/package/#microsoft/mgt), but there is no issue regarding async loading, nor regarding the warning that you have noticed - so maybe nobody else has noticed or thought about it yet.

Request for working configurations of openresty + mobdebug + EmmyLua remote debugging in PHPStorm

I'm out of my wits. I'm trying to set up remote debugging of lua code in dockerized openresty. I use PHPStorm with EmmyLua extension, and the mobdebug library on the Lua end. I have been reading and hearing reports of this working for people, but for me stopping on a breakpoint (or immediately after mobdebug.start()) works about 15% of the time (evidence that I am not completely misconfiguring the thing), including exactly 0% of those places in my code that I actually want to debug.
I will not be debugging this issue. I intend to work around it by using an exact setup that is known to work, so I need someone for whom it does work to tell me what their setup is:
OS version
openresty version
mobdebug version
any custom patches or hacks you might have applied to get the debugging working
luasocket version (probably relevant)
PHPStorm version
EmmyLua version
docker and docker-compose version, if applicable
whatever you may suspect to be relevant
I am willing to completely raze my development environment and rebuild it exactly to the working spec, just to have working Lua debugging.
EDIT: for those interested, here are my detailed symptoms:
I can't stop at actual breakpoints, ever (i.e. after I initially stop after mobdebug.start() and then "Resume program" and a line with a breakpoint is hit, but it doesn't stop there)
I can stop after mobdebug.start() in code executed from init_by_lua_block, i.e. once per server start / config reload
I can't stop after mobdebug.start() in any code executed during handling a request, i.e. ssl_certificate_by_lua_block, rewrite_by_lua_block etc. This is probably understandable because coroutines are involved
All my attempts at enabling coroutine debugging in request handling code either error out or have no effect:
mobdebug.coro() in init_worker_by_lua_block() errors out with "API disabled in current context" somewhere in mobdebug.lua
mobdebug.on() in the function I want to debug either has no effect, or errors out with "attempt to yield across C-call boundary"; I haven't discerned the pattern yet.
stopping on a breakpoint (or immediately after mobdebug.start()) works about 15% of the time
Stopping after mobdebug.start() should work under all circumstances, except when there is a connection already established to the same debugger controller, so the fact that it doesn't usually points to the system that tries to establish multiple debugging sessions to the same controller/IDE (or no connection can be established at all).
Similarly, there are several reasons why breakpoints may not be working, but if they work in a file as part of a specific setup, then I'd expect them to always work in that case. Some of the reasons why breakpoints may not be working are listed in the documentation: https://studio.zerobrane.com/doc-faq#why-breakpoints-are-not-triggered.
mobdebug provides a command line-based controller, so for troubleshooting purposes it may be easier to use that instead of a more complex setup.

Umbraco scheduledTasks not working

I have a scheduled task that I want to run every 5 minutes.
I added the url for my method in umbracoSettings.config and the necessary settings but scheduledTasks doesn't seem to be running.
I tried debugging it by calling the url from the browser and I do hit my break point.
I tried checking the logs but there are no errors being recorded. Is this a bug in umbraco? How can I know that the scheduled task is running?
<!-- add tasks that should be called with an interval (seconds) -->
<task log="true" alias="task1" interval="300" url="http://localhost:43203/umbraco/api/Integration/Init"/>
I'm using Umbraco 7.5.8
I never had trouble using scheduledTasks in other versions of Umbraco.
The main issue I've seen with scheduled tasks is when the server that's running can't resolve the address in the task. Sometimes a server can be so locked down it can't actually "see" itself, so it can't get to the URL to run it. If this was the case though, you'd normally see some errors in the Umbraco TraceLog file in /App_Data/Logs/.
If your breakpoint isn't getting hit, you could try adding some logging code to the method you're calling and see if that gets written to the Umbraco log files? That way you should be able to tell if it's being hit or not.
Its working now. if you look at umbracoServer table in the database you will see a column isMaster.
The scheduledTasks is only running on the master server.

instruments[34247:1345307] Attempting to set event horizon when core is not engaged, request ignored

I get this error during ui automation and am unable to resolve it.
This stops my automation flow ...
instruments[34247:1345307] Attempting to set event horizon when core
is not engaged, request ignored
In my experience, this message is related to the startup or shutdown of the individual processes that enable UIAutomation; nothing in your javascript code or environment really has an effect on it. It's just a sporadic error that comes from somewhere in Apple's software.
Sometimes it happens at the beginning of the run (in which case your javascript code will never be executed), or at the end of the run (in which case your code has already run). If you are seeing this error at the end of a test run and your code did not fully execute, then the real error is probably happening sometime before this -- you are just seeing Apple's error as well on the test shutdown.

JSFUnit inconsistently getting JSFServerSession

We are trying to run JSFUnit with Arquillian on a WebLogic 12c container and are running into a few problems.
First, when we try to use the #InitialPage annotation to inject in the JSFServerSession and JSFClientSession, the JSFServerSession is always returned as null.
Second, we have tried working around the problem by going the legacy route of creating a new JSFSession and then getting the JSFServerSession and JSFClientSession from it. Once we run a second test we get "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can not find HttpSession. Make sure JSFUnitFilter has run and your test extends org.apache.cactus.ServletTestCase."
It seems very arbitrary because there are times where we will run a test and it passes. Sometimes the very next time it fails. Or adding a line that doesn't seem like it should be related, will thrown the "Can not find HttpSession" error.
It seems like it can't handle creating the JSFSession multiple times or there is some timeout on the server that even though the test war is getting undeployed something needs to timeout. Any thoughts?
I am not sure if this applies to your problem as well, but I had similar issue with JBoss 7. Usually the issues can be solved by:
Using Servlet 3.0 protocol which should include relevant filters to web.xml
If that doesn't help (like in my case), use this solution: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17036005/1667977
In any case, try to avoid creating the session yourself
