TinyMCE 5 images not showing to some users - ruby-on-rails

I am using TinyMCE 5 on my ruby on rails app that runs on https. I have a Wordpress website running on http that hosts images.
After uploading an image to Wordpress, I copy its HTTP URL into tinyMCE image section and these work fine and displayed properly as well.
However, some users are complaining that they can't see images. Whenever I check it works fine. What could be the problem?
Possible reasons could be too many calls at the same time, usage of http for Wordpress site or slow network connection of the user.

This is most likely an issue with the host that you are using for storing images. (maybe there is a daily limit on number of requests that you can process)
Possible solution:
Store your images on AWS S3 or Google Drive etc and use their links in tinyMce. It will most definitely work.


Images located on a separate server -- is there overhead?

I'm planning to upload images to facebook to my account first, get their "src" and then show them in my Rails app where img src will point to the location of the images at facebook that I've uploaded them.
Is there overhead in this approach as opposed having images in my own website? Will that slow down the server? And will this approach do in general? Is it legal?
No there is no overhead, in fact this could actually speed up your app by reducing the load of request your server will receive. This is basically like using a distributed CDN for your javascript and css.
Typically your rails server will serve an html response with links to css, javascript, and images. The user's browser then starts rendering this html and will make requests when it encounters these links. If all these links point back to your server, then your rails server has to handle serving these static assets (and it can only handle so many requests per second).
In production its common to put your assets on a CDN such as Amazon Web Services to decrease the load on your rails server. As long as your facebook image is public, I believe this is actually a good idea.

PDF caching on heroku with cloudflare

I'm having a problem getting the caching I need to work using CloudFlare.
We use CloudFlare for caching all our assets on S3 which works 100% using a separate subdomain cdn
We also use CloudFlare for our main site (hosted on Heroku) as well, e.g. www
My problem is I can't get CloudFlare to cache PDFs that are generated from our Rails app. I'm using the WickedPDF gem to dynamically generate certain PDFs for invoices, etc. I don't want to upload these as files to say S3 but we would like to have CloudFlare cache these so they don't get generated each and every time, as the time spent generating these PDFs is a little intensive.
CloudFlare is turned on and is "accelerating" for the subdomain in question and we're using SSL, but PDFs never seem to cache properly.
Is there something else we need to do to ensure these get cached? Or maybe there's another solution that would work for Heroku? (eg we can't use Page caching since it relies on the filesystem) I also checked the WickedPDF documentation so see if we could do anything else, but found nothing about expire controls.
We should actually cache it as long as the resources are on-domain & not being delivered through a third-party resource in some way.
Keep in mind:
1. Our caching depends on the number of requests for the resources (at least three).
2. Caching is very much data center dependent (in other words, if your site receives a lot of traffic at a data center it is going to be cached; if your site doesn't get a lot of traffic in another data center it may not cache).
I would open a support ticket if you're still having issues.

How to Upload Large Files on Heroku (Particularly Videos)

I'm using heroku to host a web application with the primary focus of hosting videos. The videos are hosted through vimeo pro, and I'm using the vimeo gem by matthooks to help handle the upload process. Upload works for small files, but not for larger ones (~50mb, for example).
A look at heroku logs shows that I am getting http error 413, which stands for "Request Entity Too Large." I believe this might have to do with a limit that heroku places on file uploads (greater than 30mb, according to this webpage). The problem though is that any information I can find on the subject seems to be outdated and conflicting (like this page that claims there is no size limit). I also couldn't find anything on heroku's site about this.
I've searched google and found a few somewhat relevant pages (one and two), but no solutions that worked for me. Most of the pages I found deal with uploading large files to amazon s3, which is different from what I'm trying to do.
Here's the relevant output of the logs:
2012-07-18T05:13:31+00:00 heroku[nginx]: - - [18/Jul/2012:05:13:31 +0000]
"POST /videos HTTP/1.1" 413 192 "http://neoteach.com/components/19" "Mozilla/5.0
(Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1" neoteach.com
There are no other errors in the logs. This is the only output that appears when I try to upload a video that is too large. Which means that this is not a timeout error or a problem with exceeding the allotted memory per dyno.
Does heroku really place a limit on upload sizes? If so, is there any way to change this limit? Note that the files themselves are not being stored on heroku's servers at all, they are merely being passed on to vimeo's servers.
If the problem is not limit on upload sizes, does anyone have an idea of what else might be going wrong?
Much thanks!
OP here. I'm still not exactly sure why I was getting this particular 413 error, but I was able to come up with a solution that works using the s3_swf_upload gem. The implementation involves flash, which is less than ideal, but it was the only solution (out of 3 or 4 that I tried) that I could get working.
As Neil pointed out (thanks Neil!), the error I should have been getting is "H12 - Request timeout". And I did end up running into this error after repeated trials. The problem occurs when you try to upload large files to the heroku server from your controller (using a web dyno), because it takes too long for the server to respond to the post request.
The proper approach is to send the file directly to s3 without passing through heroku.
Here's a high-level overview of my approach:
Use the s3_swf_upload gem to supply a direct upload form to s3.
Detect when the file is done uploading with the javascript callback function provided in the gem.
Using javascript, send rails a post message to let your server know the file is done uploading.
The controller that responds to the javascript post does two things: (a) assigns an s3_key attribute to the video object (served up as a param in the form). (b) initiates a background task using the delayed_job gem.
The background task retrieves the file from s3. I used the aws-sdk gem to accomplish this, because it was already included in s3_swf_upload. Note that this is distinctly different from the aws-s3 gem (in fact they conflict with one another).
After the file has been retrieved from s3, I used the vimeo gem to upload it to vimeo (still in the background).
The implementation above works, but it isn't perfect. For files that are close to 500MB in size, you'll still run into R14 errors in your worker dynos. This occurs because heroku only allots 512MB of memory per dyno, so you can't load the entire file into memory at once. The way around this problem is to implement some sort of chunking in the final step, where you retrieve the file from s3 and upload it to vimeo piece by piece. I'm still working on this part, and I'd love to hear any suggestions you might have.
Hopefully this might help someone. Feel free to ask me any questions. Like I said, my solution isn't perfect so feel free to add your own answer if you think it could be better.
I think the best option here is indeed to upload directly to S3. It's much cheaper and much more secure than allowing users to upload files to your own server (or Heroku in this case). It's also a well-proven pattern used by lots of video hosting platforms (I know vzaar do this).
Check out the jQuery upload plugin, which allows direct uploads to S3: https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload
Also check out the Railscasts around this topic: #381 and #383.
Your biggest problem is not the size of the files here, but the fact that you are expecting the user to upload large files to Heroku, and then pass them on. The issue here is that all requests on the Heroku platform must return the first byte within 30 seconds - which in your case is very unlikely.
Therefore, you need to look at getting users to upload direct to S3/Vimeo/whereever and then connect your application data to these uploaded assets.
If you're using Ruby, then the carrier-wave direct gem might be worth a look for how it's done . Failing that there are 3rd party services out there which allow you to do this via some code which you can drop into the page, but these come with an attached cost.

How to post images directly to s3 on a heroku app from a json request?

I have a rails app hosted on heroku and a mobile app made with rhodes.
I'd like to send images from the mobile app to my rails app using an HTTP POST request. Since heroku doesn't allow you to store files, I'm using amazon s3.
I can't send the file from heroku to s3 because it takes more than 30 seconds and causes a timeout. I've seen plenty of examples of uploading a file direct to s3 when the user has a form, but this obviously won't work in this case.
I tried using the suggestion here:
rails 3, heroku, aws-s3, simply trying to upload a file to S3 that is POSTed (http/multipart) to our app
but I still get a 503 request timeout.
I don't want to put my amazon s3 keys on the app.
Right now, I feel like my only option is to host my app on EC2 which I would rather not do as I like the simplicity of Heroku.
Also, it seems strange that these uploads would take so long regardless. I'm only posting images from a mobile phone camera, so they're not huge files.
I was getting the same error in a project in my job. Some people says that the only way to solve this is by uploading files directly to the S3 bucket. This is difficult in our case, because we are using Paperclip Gem for Rails and different size versions of the image.
Some other people says that "The Heroku timeout is a set in stone thing that you need to work around. Direct upload to S3 is the only option, with some sort of post-upload processing required", so I recomend to do the next:
Maybe this is not a solution but, it could be very useful, it was for me in a Rails App:
Worker Dynos, Background Jobs and Queueing
Perhaps you should move this heavy lifting into a background job which can run asynchronously from your web request.
So I finally figured out how to do this.
After lots of back and forth with AWS reps and Cloudfiles reps and pulling my hair out, I realized it would be a lot less work to just get another rails server that could write to the filesystem.
So, I started another rails app on openshift. It's just as easy as Heroku to get started (in fact, I might consider moving my rails app there, but it's too new for my taste right now and doesn't have the community around it that Heroku does).
Then, I just had to have communications between my two rails apps.
I know it's not the best/scalable/elegant fix, but it got the job done, and that's what matters in the end!

Using Google App Engine as a Content delivery network

I would like to know if Google App Engine can be used as a Content delivery network like aws S3. I'm running a RoR app on Heroku and I would like store my uploaded files on GAE instead of s3.
If it's possible what would be the best way to do it?
It won't be able to host files over 1MB though.
Make sure to read through the comments on that blog post as well, some have concerns about the terms of service.
GAE in itself isn't meant to be a CDN... that doesn't, however, stop you from writing a CDN application on top of it. The only limit you'll need to worry about is the 50 MB limit on the size of the blobstore. Such an app will have to provide a URL that you can hit to get the upload URL, which could then be used to upload the file. The download url can also be generated with the upload URL, and used to access the content.
