DL4J - Is there a way to restrict the prediction of a model - deeplearning4j

I trained a Mnist model with DL4J. When I use this model in inference mode:
INDArray prediction = myModel.output(myINDArrayImage);
That gives me a prediction in an INDArray, it works properly.
The size of this INDArray is equal to number of output on my OutputLayer model.
Is there a way to restrict prediction to a character base?
i.e. somethings like this:
INDArray prediction = myModel.output(myINDArrayImage, charactersPossible);
Where charactersPossible is the list of possible output indexes?

You can create an INDArray (using Nd4j.create(double[])) with 1.0 for possible characters and 0.0 for not-possible characters. Then multiply that with the prediction INDArray, and then Nd4j.argMax the result.


Calculating Probability of a Classification Model Prediction

I have a classification task. The training data has 50 different labels. The customer wants to differentiate the low probability predictions, meaning that, I have to classify some test data as Unclassified / Other depending on the probability (certainty?) of the model.
When I test my code, the prediction result is a numpy array (I'm using different models, this is one is pre-trained BertTransformer). The prediction array doesn't contain probabilities such as in Keras predict_proba() method. These are numbers generated by prediction method of pretrained BertTransformer model.
[[-1.7862008 -0.7037363 0.09885322 1.5318055 2.1137428 -0.2216074
0.18905772 -0.32575375 1.0748093 -0.06001111 0.01083148 0.47495762
0.27160102 0.13852511 -0.68440574 0.6773654 -2.2712054 -0.2864312
-0.8428862 -2.1132915 -1.0157436 -1.0340284 -0.35126117 -1.0333195
9.149789 -0.21288703 0.11455813 -0.32903734 0.10503325 -0.3004114
-1.3854568 -0.01692022 -0.4388664 -0.42163098 -0.09182278 -0.28269592
-0.33082992 -1.147654 -0.6703184 0.33038092 -0.50087476 1.1643585
0.96983343 1.3400391 1.0692116 -0.7623776 -0.6083422 -0.91371405
I'm using numpy.argmax() to identify the correct label. The prediction works just fine. However, since these are not probabilities, I cannot compare the best result with a threshold value.
My question is, how can I define a threshold (say, 0.6), and then compare the probability of the argmax() element of the BertTransformer prediction array so that I can classify the prediction as "Other" if the probability is less than the threshold value?
Edit 1:
We are using 2 different models. One is Keras, and the other is BertTransformer. We have no problem in Keras since it gives the probabilities so I'm skipping Keras model.
The Bert model is pretrained. Here is how it is generated:
def model(self, data):
number_of_categories = len(data['encoded_categories'].unique())
model = BertForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(
# model.cuda()
return model
The output given above is the result of model.predict() method. We compare both models, Bert is slightly ahead, therefore we know that the prediction works just fine. However, we are not sure what those numbers signify or represent.
Here is the Bert documentation.
BertForSequenceClassification returns logits, i.e., the classification scores before normalization. You can normalize the scores by calling F.softmax(output, dim=-1) where torch.nn.functional was imported as F.
With thousands of labels, the normalization can be costly and you do not need it when you are only interested in argmax. This is probably why the models return the raw scores only.

Should I use MinMaxScaler which was fit on train dataset to transform test dataset, or use a separate MinMaxScaler to fit and transform test dataset?

Assume that I have 3 dataset in a ML problem.
train dataset: used to estimate ML model parameters (training)
test dataset: used to evaulate trained model, calculate accuracy of trained model
prediction dataset: used only for prediction after model deployment
I don't have evaluation dataset, and I use Grid Search with k-fold cross validation to find the best model.
Also, I have two python scripts as follows:
train.py: used to train and test ML model, load train and test dataset, save the trained model, best model is found by Grid Search.
predict.py: used to load pre-trained model & load prediction dataset, predict model output and calculate accuracy.
Before starting training process in train.py, I use MinMaxScaler as follows:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
scaler.fit(x_train) # fit only on train dataset
x_train_norm = scaler.transform(x_train)
x_test_norm = scaler.transform(x_test)
In predict.py, after loding prediction dataset, I need to use the same data pre-processing as below:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
x_predict_norm = scaler.transform(x_predict)
As you can see above, both fit and transform are done on prediction dataset. However, in train.py, fit is done on train dataset, and the same MinMaxScaler is applied to transform test dataset.
My understanding is that test dataset is a simulation of real data that model is supposed to predict after deployment. Therefore, data pre-processing of test and prediction dataset should be the same.
I think separate MinMaxScaler should be used in train.py for train and test dataset as follows:
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
scaler_train = MinMaxScaler()
scaler_test = MinMaxScaler()
scaler_train.fit(x_train) # fit only on train dataset
x_train_norm = scaler_train.transform(x_train)
scaler_test.fit(x_test) # fit only on test dataset
x_test_norm = scaler_test.transform(x_test)
What is the difference?
Value of x_test_norm will be different if I use separate MinMaxScaler as explained above. In this case, value of x_test_norm is in the range of [-1, 1]. However, If I transform test dataset by a MinMaxScaler which was fit by train dataset, value of x_test_norm can be outside the range of [-1, 1].
Please let me know your idea about it.
When you run .transform() MinMax scaling does something like: (value - min) / (Max - min) The value of min and Max are defined when you run .fit(). So the answer - yes, you should fit MinMaxScaller on the training dataset and then use it on the test dataset.
Just imagine the situation when in the training dataset you have some feature with Max=100 and min=10, while in the test dataset Max=10 and min=1. If you will train separate MinMaxScaller for test subset, yes, it will scale the feature in the range [-1, 1], but in comparison to the training dataset, the called values should be lower.
Also, regarding Grid Search with k-fold cross-validation, you should use the Pipeline. In this case, Grid Search will automatically fit MinMaxScaller on the k-1 folds. Here is a good example of how to organize pipeline with Mixed Types.

Using different loss functions for different outputs simultaneously Keras?

I'm trying to make a network that outputs a depth map, and semantic segmentation data separately.
In order to train the network, I'd like to use categorical cross entropy for the segmentation branch, and mean squared error for the branch that outputs the depth map.
I couldn't find any info on implementing the two loss functions for each branches in the Keras documentation for the Functional API.
Is it possible for me to use these loss functions simultaneously during training, or would it be better for me to train the different branches separately?
From the documentation of Model.compile:
loss: String (name of objective function) or objective function. See
losses. If the model has multiple outputs, you can use a different
loss on each output by passing a dictionary or a list of losses. The
loss value that will be minimized by the model will then be the sum of
all individual losses.
If your output is named, you can use a dictionary mapping the names to the corresponding losses:
x = Input((10,))
out1 = Dense(10, activation='softmax', name='segmentation')(x)
out2 = Dense(10, name='depth')(x)
model = Model(x, [out1, out2])
model.compile(loss={'segmentation': 'categorical_crossentropy', 'depth': 'mse'},
Otherwise, use a list of losses (in the same order as the corresponding model outputs).
x = Input((10,))
out1 = Dense(10, activation='softmax')(x)
out2 = Dense(10)(x)
model = Model(x, [out1, out2])
model.compile(loss=['categorical_crossentropy', 'mse'], optimizer='adam')

How to extract train and validation sets in Keras?

I implement a neural net in keras, with the following structure:
model = Sequential([... layers ...])
model.compile(optimizer=..., loss=...)
hist=model.fit(x=X,y=Y, validation_split=0.1, epochs=100)
Is there a way to extract from either model or hist the train and validation sets? That is, I want to know which indices in X and Y were used for training and which were used for validation.
Keras splits the dataset at
split_at = int(x[0].shape * (1-validation_split))
into the train and validation part. So if you have n samples, the first int(n*(1-validation_split)) samples will be the training sample, the remainder is the validation set.
If you want to have more control, you can split the dataset yourself and pass the validation dataset with the parameter validation_data:
model.fit(train_x, train_y, …, validation_data=(validation_x, validation_y))

Keras: model with one input and two outputs, trained jointly on different data (semi-supervised learning)

I would like to code with Keras a neural network that acts both as an autoencoder AND a classifier for semi-supervised learning. Take for example this dataset where there is a few labeled images and a lot of unlabeled images: https://cs.stanford.edu/~acoates/stl10/
Some papers listed here achieved that, or very similar things, successfully.
To sum up: if the model would have the same input data shape and the same "encoding" convolutional layers, but would split into two heads (fork-style), so there is a classification head and a decoding head, in a way that the unsupervised autoencoder will contribute to a good learning for the classification head.
With TensorFlow there would be no problem doing that as we have full control over the computational graph.
But with Keras, things are more high-level and I feel that all the calls to ".fit" must always provide all the data at once (so it would force me to tie together the classification head and the autoencoding head into one time-step).
One way in keras to almost do that would be with something that goes like this:
input = Input(shape=(32, 32, 3))
cnn_feature_map = sequential_cnn_trunk(input)
classification_predictions = Dense(10, activation='sigmoid')(cnn_feature_map)
autoencoded_predictions = decode_cnn_head_sequential(cnn_feature_map)
model = Model(inputs=[input], outputs=[classification_predictions, ])
model.fit([images], [labels, images], epochs=10)
However, I think and I fear that if I just want to fit things in that way it will fail and ask for the missing head:
for epoch in range(10):
# classifications step
model.fit([images], [labels, None], epochs=1)
# "semi-unsupervised" autoencoding step
model.fit([images], [None, images], epochs=1)
# note: ".train_on_batch" could probably be used rather than ".fit" to avoid doing a whole epoch each time.
How should one implement that behavior with Keras? And could the training be done jointly without having to split the two calls to the ".fit" function?
Sometimes when you don't have a label you can pass zero vector instead of one hot encoded vector. It should not change your result because zero vector doesn't have any error signal with categorical cross entropy loss.
My custom to_categorical function looks like this:
def tricky_to_categorical(y, translator_dict):
encoded = np.zeros((y.shape[0], len(translator_dict)))
for i in range(y.shape[0]):
if y[i] in translator_dict:
encoded[i][translator_dict[y[i]]] = 1
return encoded
When y contains labels, and translator_dict is a python dictionary witch contains labels and its unique keys like this:
{'unisex':2, 'female': 1, 'male': 0}
If an UNK label can't be found in this dictinary then its encoded label will be a zero vector
If you use this trick you also have to modify your accuracy function to see real accuracy numbers. you have to filter out all zero vectors from our metrics
def tricky_accuracy(y_true, y_pred):
mask = K.not_equal(K.sum(y_true, axis=-1), K.constant(0)) # zero vector mask
y_true = tf.boolean_mask(y_true, mask)
y_pred = tf.boolean_mask(y_pred, mask)
return K.cast(K.equal(K.argmax(y_true, axis=-1), K.argmax(y_pred, axis=-1)), K.floatx())
note: You have to use larger batches (e.g. 32) in order to prevent zero matrix update, because It can make your accuracy metrics crazy, I don't know why
Alternative solution
Use Pseudo Labeling :)
you can train jointly, you have to pass an array insted of single label.
I used fit_generator, e.g.
steps_per_epoch=len(dataset) / batch_size,
def batch_generator():
batch_x = np.empty((batch_size, img_height, img_width, 3))
gender_label_batch = np.empty((batch_size, len(gender_dict)))
category_label_batch = np.empty((batch_size, len(category_dict)))
while True:
i = 0
for idx in np.random.choice(len(dataset), batch_size):
image_id = dataset[idx][0]
batch_x[i] = load_and_convert_image(image_id)
gender_label_batch[i] = gender_labels[idx]
category_label_batch[i] = category_labels[idx]
i += 1
yield batch_x, [gender_label_batch, category_label_batch]
