how to make text vertically center in fabric js TextBox - textbox

I am working on one fabric js editor, in which I need to implement TextBox as a Button look and feel,
For that, I Have implemented TextBox with Background, But Problem is that Height of TextBox.
I am trying this kind of code :
var text = new fabric.Textbox("this is text", {
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: 300,
height: 500,
fill: 'red'
Now my Textbox is rendered of width: 300 but height is not rendered. how can I set Height to My TextBox
And another Thing, when I set Height to TextBox, I need to keep text in Center of height (vertical center)
what should I do, I can't understand, how to override default fabtic.Textbox class.
Please help me, If any one have Any suggestion.


Get the content height of a UITextView

I use this open source library called ReadMoreTextView to display a bunch of text. The library enables me to toggle between displaying an excerpt of the text and showing the full length content (the button is a normal UIButton added by me, not the library).
This works as expected.
My problem arises when I have to display a smaller amount of text. If I add some content that doesn't exceed the height of the UITextView, I want to hide the more/less toggle button. So I thought of taking the full content height and if only it's larger than the text view's height, show the toggle button.
In the above example, I aded a long couple of paragraphs that exceeds the text view bounds. The text view's height comes up as 128. But the content height also returns 128. There's a library specific method called boundingRectForCharacterRange which is supposed to return the content height also returns a wrong value (100).
print("TEXTVIEW HEIGHT: \(textView.bounds.height)") // 128
print("CONTENT HEIGHT: \(textView.contentSize.height)") // 128
let rect = textView.layoutManager.boundingRectForCharacterRange(range: NSRange(location: 0, length: textView.text.count), inTextContainer: textView.textContainer)
print("TEXT HEIGHT: \(rect.height)") // 100
I opened an issue at the library's Github page but the owner asked to ask it here.
Why does the content height return a wrong value?
Here is the project I'm using in the above example by the way.
You can simply use following method to get the content size:
let contentSize = self.textView.sizeThatFits(self.textView.bounds.size)
Then update the textview frame accordingly:
self.textView.frame = CGRect(width: contentSize.width, height: contentSize.height)

How do I set a layout margin for a text field in swift?

I am attempting to create margins in my text field so that when I go to type, the text isn't pressed so tightly against the edge.
I tried using this code (above viewDidLoad)
var insets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(10, 10, 10, 10)
Then putting this in my viewDidLoad()
textField.layoutMargins = insets
I ran the program and it still looked like there were no margins. How do I implement margins in a text field in Swift?
Subclass UITextField and implement textRectForBounds:. The simplest strategy is to call super, get the resulting rect, inset it as desired, and return it.
Here's an example result; note that the start and end of the text have considerable white space at the margin (of course the exact amount is up to you):
By creating new UIView with the right(your) values, you can set the padding in UITextField
textField.leftView = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 30, y: 30, width: 100, height: 100))
textField.leftViewMode = UITextFieldViewMode.Always

Applying custom style to the mask on click of overlay panel in sencha touch 2.2.1

I have created a button. On click of the button an overlay panel is made visible.
Since modal = true , rest of the page is masked. (from top = 0px)
My requirement is that I need to mask only a part of my page(from top = 125 px) .
I have tried to override the css class .x-mask . But it didn't help !!
Here is the sample code ,
xtype: 'panel',
baseCls: 'overlay-panel', // it styles the overlay panel and not the underlying mask
modal: {
id: 'myModalClass',
I could see the bgcolor and opacity getting applied.
But I am unable to override the attribute ' top = 0px !important '
Kindly provide your valuable suggestions , TIA !
go with your panel, but instead use the following values:
xtype: 'container',
top: 125,
bottom: 0,
left: 0,
right: 0,
style: 'background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8)'
basically it's only important to set the top value and the other values can be set inside your css.
That will create a floating container (or panel if needed).
But on the other side you could also use:
Ext.Viewport.setMasked({xtype:'loadmask',message:'goto heaven', top:125});

add textfield on clicking a button in sproutcore

How to add more textfields in a view on clicking a button in the same view in sproutcore?
I have a sliding pane with particular number of textfields. On clicking a button, I need to add more number of text field in the same view.
I should be able to select the number from a select button view and show those many number of textfield in the same view.
I would recommend using a SC.ListView for this purpose.
You should have a SC.ArrayController whose content is an array containing objects that represent each text field. This may be as simple as something like this:
MyApp.myController = SC.ArrayController.create({
content: [
SC.Object.create({ someProperty: "Text field value 1" }),
SC.Object.create({ someProperty: "Text field value 2" }),
SC.Object.create({ someProperty: "Text field value 3" })
Next, you'll create your SC.ListView and bind it's content to the controller, and create the exampleView whose content is bound to the someProperty property of the objects:
MyApp.MyView = SC.View.extend({
childViews: 'scrollView addButtonView'.w(),
scrollView: SC.ScrollView.extend({
layout: { top: 0, left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 50 },
contentView: SC.ListView.extend({
contentBinding: 'MyApp.myController.arrangedObjects',
rowHeight: 40,
exampleView: SC.View.extend({
childViews: 'textFieldView'.w(),
textFieldView: SC.TextFieldView.extend({
// Add a little margin so it looks nice
layout: { left: 5, top: 5, right: 5, bottom: 5 },
valueBinding: 'parentView.content.someProperty'
addButtonView: SC.ButtonView.extend({
layout: { centerX: 0, bottom: 10, width: 125, height: 24 },
title: "Add Text Field",
// NOTE: The following really should be handled by a statechart
// action; I have done it inline for simplicity.
action: function() {
MyApp.myController.pushObject(SC.Object.create({ value: "New Field" }));
Now, when you click the "Add Text Field" button, it will add a new object to the controller array which will automatically re-render the list view with the new object and hence, the new text field.
A couple of notes:
This uses a SC.ScrollView in conjunction with the SC.ListView, you will almost always want to do it this way.
Since we are using standard bindings (not SC.Binding.oneWay()), editing the text fields will automatically update the someProperty property in the objects in MyApp.myController and vice versa: if you update the value via some other means, the text field should automatically update as well.
This should not be used for a large list as using the childViews method of view layout can be slow. If you need performance, you should change the exampleView to a view that overrides the render() method and manually renders a text input and sets up the proper change events and bindings.
Lastly, I can't remember if the proper syntax for the text field's valueBinding is parentView.content.someProperty or .parentView.content.someProperty (notice the period at the beginning). If the first way doesn't work, try adding the . and see if that works.
Like Topher I'm assuming you're using SproutCore not Ember (formerly SC2).
If you need to add an arbitrary child view to an arbitrary location on your view, you want view.appendChild. In the button's action, you would do something like this:
this.get('parentView').appendChild(SC.View.create({ ... }))
If you go this route, you'll have to figure out the layout for the new view yourself. If you don't need to precisely control the layout, then go with Topher's solution - the ListView does the layout piece for you.

Titanium Mobile - Swipe TableView cell left/right to expose another row behind

I've been searching around on how to do this, but I've been unsuccessful.
What I'm trying to accomplish is this: I have a TableView with, say, 5 rows. I want to be able to swipe a row left to expose information "behind" the row. Not sure if this would be done by adding an additional row to the TableView and placing it behind, or what?
At the end of the day, what would be even cooler, would be to be able to swipe the row left OR right, and depending on which direction you swipe, the row behind gets populated with different information.
Any ideas?
From your description, it sounds like you want something similar to what Twitter does when you swipe across a Tweet.
First, make sure the rows in the table don't have vertical/horizontal layouts.
Then create the left and right swipe views you want for each row, like so:
var leftSwipeView = Ti.UI.createView({
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundColor: '#ff0000', //just to make the effect apparent
visible: false
var rightSwipeView = Ti.UI.createView({
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL,
backgroundColor: '#00ff00', //just to make the effect apparent
visible: false,
row.addEventListener('swipe', function(e) {
if (e.direction == 'left'){
setTimeout(function(){leftSwipeView.setVisible(false);}, 2000);
if (e.direction == 'right'){
setTimeout(function(){rightSwipeView.setVisible(false);}, 2000);
The snippet I have up there will hide the views again after 2 seconds. Hope that helps.
Found the perfect solution on Github.
