I have a model named Food where i have used active storage to save the image of food.
I have set a after_create callback where i want to get the image url. To do this i have done
class Food < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :image
after_create :check_image_url
def check_image_url
url = url_for self.image
But this gives me a error
undefined method `url_for' for #<Food:0x00007f6b4cd7c440>
Is there anyway i can achieve this?
Is there a callback for active storage files on a model
after_update or after_save is getting called when a field on the model is changed. However when you update (or rather upload a new file) no callback seems to be called?
class Person < ApplicationRecord
#name :string
has_one_attached :id_document
after_update :call_some_service
def call_some_service
#do something
When a new id_document is uploaded after_update is not called however when the name of the person is changed the after_update callback is executed
For now, it seems like there is no callback for this case.
What you could do is create a model to handle the creation of an active storage attachment which is what is created when you attach a file to your person model.
So create a new model
class ActiveStorageAttachment < ActiveRecord::Base
after_update :after_update
def after_update
if record_type == 'Person'
You normally have created the model table already in your database so no need for a migration, just create this model
Erm i would just comment but since this is not possible without rep..
Uelb's answer works but you need to fix the error in comments and add it as an initializer instead of model. Eg:
require 'active_storage/attachment'
class ActiveStorage::Attachment
before_save :do_something
def do_something
puts 'yeah!'
In my case tracking attachment timestamp worked
class Person < ApplicationRecord
has_one_attached :id_document
after_save do
if id_document.attached? && (Time.now - id_document.attachment.created_at)<5
Rails.logger.info "id_document change detected"
The answer from #Uleb got me 90% of the way, but for completion sake I will post my final solution.
The issue I had was that I was not able to monkey patch the class (not sure why, even requiring the class as per #user10692737 did not help)
So I copied the source code (https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/fc5dd0b85189811062c85520fd70de8389b55aeb/activestorage/app/models/active_storage/attachment.rb#L20)
and modified it to include the callback
require "active_support/core_ext/module/delegation"
# Attachments associate records with blobs. Usually that's a one record-many blobs relationship,
# but it is possible to associate many different records with the same blob. If you're doing that,
# you'll want to declare with <tt>has_one/many_attached :thingy, dependent: false</tt>, so that destroying
# any one record won't destroy the blob as well. (Then you'll need to do your own garbage collecting, though).
class ActiveStorage::Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
self.table_name = "active_storage_attachments"
belongs_to :record, polymorphic: true, touch: true
belongs_to :blob, class_name: "ActiveStorage::Blob"
delegate_missing_to :blob
after_create_commit :analyze_blob_later, :identify_blob, :do_something
# Synchronously purges the blob (deletes it from the configured service) and destroys the attachment.
def purge
# Destroys the attachment and asynchronously purges the blob (deletes it from the configured service).
def purge_later
def identify_blob
def analyze_blob_later
blob.analyze_later unless blob.analyzed?
def do_something
Not sure its the best method, and will update if I find a better solution
None of these really hit the nail on the head, but you can achieve what you were looking for by following this blog post https://redgreen.no/2021/01/25/active-storage-callbacks.html
I was able to modify the code there to work on attachments instead of blobs like this
Rails.configuration.to_prepare do
module ActiveStorage::Attachment::Callbacks
# Gives us some convenient shortcuts, like `prepended`
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
# When prepended into a class, define our callback
prepended do
after_commit :attachment_changed, on: %i[create update]
# callback method
def attachment_changed
record.after_attachment_update(self) if record.respond_to? :after_attachment_update
# After defining the module, call on ActiveStorage::Blob to prepend it in.
ActiveStorage::Attachment.prepend ActiveStorage::Attachment::Callbacks
What I do is add a callback on my record:
after_touch :check_after_touch_data
This gets called if an ActiveStorage object is added, edited or deleted. I use this callback to check if something changed.
I would like to take an uploaded attachment from CarrierWave and save it as a Base64 string in my database table, as opposed to saving the path of the upload.
I have absolutely no idea where to start the process. I tried to create the following:
before_create :process_image
mount_uploader :image_upload, ImageUploader
attr_accessible :name, :image_upload, :authentication_type
attr_reader :image
def process_image
if !self.image_upload.path.nil?
self.image = Base64.encode64(file.open(self.image_upload.path).read)
self.image_upload = nil
However, during the upload I get the following error:
NoMethodError (undefined method `image_upload_will_change!'
I am sure it's something trivial, however, it seems like I am the only one that wants to try this.
I've this models:
Prodcuts -> Products_Images.
I can add multiple images from a form uploading the image that it's my computer. I want to add images from URLs instead of locally images.
Paperclip has added this feature:
but I don't know how to apply it in a has_many association.
I've tried adding a method in ProductImages model and call it for each URL after product is created. I don't know if I must use this method directly in Product model.
Where should I try to put the method of the wiki of Paperclip?
Here is a great gist (that I did not write). It should get you there: https://gist.github.com/jgv/1502777
require 'open-uri'
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :image # etc...
before_validation :download_remote_image, :if => :image_url_provided?
validates_presence_of :image_remote_url, :if => :image_url_provided?, :message => 'is invalid or inaccessible'
def image_url_provided?
def download_remote_image
io = open(URI.parse(image_url))
self.original_filename = io.base_uri.path.split('/').last
self.image = io
self.image_remote_url = image_url
rescue # catch url errors with validations instead of exceptions (Errno::ENOENT, OpenURI::HTTPError, etc...)
All credit to the author.
In the future, it's usually best to post the code with your attempt to solve the problem.
I have a Photo Model that Is going to be a polymorphic model. If I submit my parent model and save it. If it doesn't have any photos, when I do to display the default_url of a photo it won't show anything because there is no photo. When a photo is attached to a model, meaning there is only one, it will return a default_url when the field is null but when there is no results, it doesn't return a default_url. I don't want to enter null records just to fix the default_url issue.
I have found that if i do the following it will return the default_url but not sure this is the best
ImageUploader.new.default_url(:small) if #photos.blank?
This works but it is sloppy..i think. Anyone have a better idea? Maybe a find method on the photos model or something better that will return an object that will have Valid urls whether there is something there or not.
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
# Concerns
include Guidable
default_scope :order => 'photos.order DESC'
belongs_to :attachable, :polymorphic => true
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
def attachable?
I'm going to answer my own question but still not convinced this is the best option
module PhotosHelper
def photo_url(photo, size)
defined?(photo.image) ? photo.image.url(size) : ImageUploader.new.send(size).default_url
Would prefer to have the model just return something if there are no images.
first of all, i am using rails 3.1.3 and carrierwave from the master
branch of the github repo.
i use a after_init hook to determine fields based on an attribute of
the page model instance and define attribute accessors for these field
which store the values in a serialized hash (hope it's clear what i am
talking about). here is a stripped down version of what i am doing:
class Page < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :fields, Hash
after_initialize :set_accessors
def set_accessors
case self.template
when 'standard'
class << self
define_method 'image' do
define_method 'image=' do |value|
self.fields['image'] = value
mount_uploader :image, PageImageUploader
leaving out the mount_uploader command gives me access to the
attribute as i want. but when i mount the uploader a get an error
message saying 'undefined method new for nil class'
i read in the source that there are the methods read_uploader and
write_uploader in the extensions module.
how do i have to override these to make the mount_uploader command
work with my 'virtual' attribute.
i hope somebody has an idea how i can solve this problem. thanks a lot
for your help.
best regard. dominik.
Same problem but solved in your model you should override read_uploader(column) and write_uploader(column, identifier) instance methods. I also have a problem with #{column}_will_change! and #{column}_changed? for a virtual column so I had to define them too:
class A < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :meta, Hash
mount_uploader :image, ImageUploader
def image_will_change!
#image_changed = true
def image_changed?
def write_uploader(column, identifier)
self.meta[column.to_s] = identifier
def read_uploader(column)
Now there's also an add-on to carrierwave which provides the exact functionality as described by Antiarchitect: