Time in Docker container out of sync with host machine - docker

I'm trying to connect to CosmosDB through my SpringBoot app. I have all of this working if I run the app with Spring or via Intellij. But, when I run the app in Docker I get the following error message:
com.azure.data.cosmos.CosmosClientException: The authorization token is not valid at the current time.
Please create another token and retry
(token start time: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 04:32:10 GMT,
token expiry time: Thu, 26 Mar 2020 04:47:10 GMT, current server time: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 20:12:42 GMT).
Note that in the above error message the current server time is correct but the other times are 5 days behind.
What I find interesting is that I only ever receive this in the docker container.
FROM {copy of zulu-jdk11}
#.crt file in the same folder as your Dockerfile
ARG CERT="cosmos.cer"
ARG ALIAS="cosmos2"
#import cert into java
RUN chmod +x /$CERT
WORKDIR $JAVA_HOME/lib/security
RUN keytool -importcert -file /$CERT -alias $ALIAS -cacerts -storepass changeit -noprompt
COPY /target/${JAR_FILE} app.jar
COPY run-java.sh /
RUN chmod +x /run-java.sh
ENV JAVA_OPTIONS "-Duser.timezone=UTC"
ENV JAVA_APP_JAR "/app.jar"
# run as non-root to mitigate some security risks
RUN addgroup -S pcc && adduser -S nonroot -G nonroot
USER nonroot:nonroot
ENTRYPOINT ["/run-java.sh"]
One thing to note is ENV JAVA_OPTIONS "-Duser.timezone=UTC" but removing this didn't help me at all
I basically run the same step from IntelliJ and I have no issues with it but in docker the expiry date seems to be 5 days behind.
version: "3.7"
image: {image-name}
- "8080:8080"
network_mode: host
- COSMOSDB_URI=https://host.docker.internal:8081/
I think it should also be mentioned that I changed the network_mode to host. And I also changed the CosmosDB URI from https://localhost:8081 to https://host.docker.internal:8081/
I would also like to mention that I built my dockerfile with the help of:
Importing self-signed cert into Docker's JRE cacert is not recognized by the service
How to add a SSL self-signed cert to Jenkins for LDAPS within Dockerfile?

Docker containers don't maintain a separate clock, it's identical to the Linux host since time is not a namespaced value. This is also why Docker removes the permission to change the time inside the container, since that would impact the host and other containers, breaking the isolation model.
However, on Docker Desktop, docker runs inside of a VM (allowing you to run Linux containers on non-Linux desktops), and that VM's time can get out of sync when the laptop is suspended. This is currently being tracked in an issue over on github which you can follow to see the progress: https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues/4526
Potential solutions include restarting your computer, restarting docker's VM, running NTP as a privileged container, or resetting the time sync in the windows VM with the following PowerShell:
Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName DockerDesktopVM -Name "Time Synchronization" | Disable-VMIntegrationService
Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName DockerDesktopVM -Name "Time Synchronization" | Enable-VMIntegrationService
With WSL 2, restarting the VM involves:
wsl --shutdown

There is recent known problem with WSL 2 time shift after sleep which has been fixed in WSL 2 Linux kernel which is still not included in Windows 10 version 21H1 update but can be installed manually.
How to check WSL kernel version:
> wsl uname -r
Temporal workaround for the old kernel that helps until next sleep:
> wsl hwclock -s

Here's an alternative that worked for me on WSL2 with Docker Desktop on Windows:
Since it's not possible to set the date inside a Docker container, I just opened Ubuntu in WSL2 and ran the following command to synchronize the clock:
sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 google.com 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
It worked well, so I added the following line in my root user's crontab:
# Edit root user's crontab
sudo crontab -e
# Add the following line to run it every minute of every day:
* * * * * sudo date -s "$(wget -qSO- --max-redirect=0 google.com 2>&1 | grep Date: | cut -d' ' -f5-8)Z"
After that, I just restarted my Docker containers, and the dates were correct since they seemed to use the WSL2 Ubuntu dates.
Date before (incorrect):
Thu Feb 4 21:50:35 UTC 2021
Date after (correct):
Fri Feb 5 19:01:05 UTC 2021


docker command not available in custom pipe for BitBucket Pipeline

I'm working on a build step that handles common deployment tasks in a Docker Swarm Mode cluster. As this is a common problem for us and for others, we've shared this build step as a BitBucket pipe: https://bitbucket.org/matchory/swarm-secret-pipe/
The pipe needs to use the docker command to work with a remote Docker installation. This doesn't work, however, because the docker executable cannot be found when the pipe runs.
The following holds true for our test repository pipeline:
The docker option is set to true:
docker: true
The docker service is enabled for the build step:
- step:
- docker: true
Docker works fine in the repository pipeline itself, but not within the pipe.
Pipeline log shows the docker path being mounted into the pipe container:
docker container run \
--volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build \
--volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/ssh:ro \
--volume=/usr/local/bin/docker:/usr/local/bin/docker:ro \
--volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes \
--volume=/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/matchory/swarm-secret-pipe:/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build/.bitbucket/pipelines/generated/pipeline/pipes/matchory/swarm-secret-pipe \
--workdir=$(pwd) \
--label=org.bitbucket.pipelines.system=true \
The pipe is pretty standard and uses a recent Alpine image; nothing special in that regard. The PATH is never overwritten. Now for the fun part: If I do ls /usr/local/bin/docker inside the pipe, it shows an empty directory:
ls /usr/local/bin
total 16K
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K May 13 13:06 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Apr 4 16:06 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Apr 29 09:30 docker
ls /usr/local/bin/docker
total 8K
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4.0K Apr 29 09:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K May 13 13:06 ..
ls: /usr/local/bin/docker/docker: No such file or directory
As far as I understand pipelines and Docker, /usr/local/bin/docker should be the docker binary file. Instead, it appears to be an empty directory for some reason.
What is going on here?
I've also looked at other, official, pipes. They don't do anything differently, but seem to be using the docker command just fine (eg. the Azure pipe).
After talking to BitBucket support, I solved the issue. As it turns out, if the docker context is changed, any docker command is sent straight to the remote docker binary, which (on our services) lives at a different path than in BitBucket Pipelines!
As we changed the docker context before using the pipe, and the docker instance mounted into the pipe still has the remote context set, but the pipe searches for the docker binary at another place, the No such file or directory error is thrown.
TL;DR: Always restore the default docker host/context before passing control to a pipe, e.g.:
- docker context create remote --docker "host=ssh://${DEPLOY_SSH_USER}#${DEPLOY_SSH_HOST}"
- docker context use remote
# do your thing
- export DOCKER_HOST=$DEFAULT_DOCKER_HOST # <------ restore the default host
- pipe: matchory/swarm-secret-pipe:1.3.16

How to disable clock sync in docker-desktop VM for MACOS

Using macos Catalina and docker desktop.
The time of the conteiners perfectly syncs with the time in Vm Docker Desktop.
But I need to test one conteiner with date in the future.
I dont want to advance the clock of my mac because of iCloud services.
So I can achieve this just changing the hour in VM docker-desktop
I run:
docker run --privileged --rm alpine date -s "2023-02-19 11:27"
It changes the time ok. But it last just some seconds. Clearly there is some type of "syncronizer" that keeps changing back the time.
How do I disable this "syncronizer"?
There's only one time in Linux, it's not namespaced, so when Docker runs ntp on the VM to keep it synchronized (in the past it would get out of sync, especially after the parent laptop was put to sleep), that sync applies to the Linux kernel, which applies to every container since it's the same kernel value for everything. Therefore it's impossible to set this on just one container in the Linux kernel.
Instead, I'd recommend going with something like libfaketime that can be used to alter the response applications see when the query that time value. It basically sits as a layer between the kernel and application, and injects an offset based on an environment variable you set.
FROM debian
ARG DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y libfaketime \
&& rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists*
ENV LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/faketime/libfaketime.so.1
And then to run it, set FAKETIME:
$ docker run --rm test-faketime date
Thu Feb 17 14:59:48 UTC 2022
$ docker run -e FAKETIME="+7d" --rm test-faketime date
Thu Feb 24 14:59:55 UTC 2022
$ date
Thu 17 Feb 2022 09:59:57 AM EST
I found that you can kill the NTP service which syncs the VM time to the host's time. Details of how service works.
First, use this guide to get a shell inside the VM.
Then, find the sntpc service:
/ # ps a | grep sntpc
1356 root 0:00 /usr/bin/containerd-shim-runc-v2 -namespace services.linuxkit -id sntpc -address /run/containerd/containerd.sock
1425 root 0:00 /usr/sbin/sntpc -v -i 30
3465 root 0:00 grep sntpc
Take the number at the beginning of the /usr/sbin/sntpc line, and use kill to stop the process.
/ # kill 1425
I have found that Docker Desktop does not seem to restart this process if it dies, and you can change the VM time without SNTPC changing it back.

Why is Loki's Docker Driver Client stopping to log after some time?

I want to send logs of my Docker containers to Grafana Loki. Therefore, I installed Loki's Docker Driver Client and started my containers with it. First I can see logs, but after some time I see no more logs.
I installed Loki's Docker Driver Client as a Docker plugin on my Docker Engine (version 20.10.2):
$ docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:master-54d1d3b --alias loki --grant-all-permissions
I didn't use the tag lastest, because of the bug Unable to connect to logging plugin in Swarm
I started my Docker containers with Loki's Docker Driver Client as log driver:
$ docker container run
--log-opt loki-url="$LOKI_URL"
--log-opt loki-retries=5
--log-opt loki-batch-size=400
--log-opt max-size="10m"
--log-opt max-file=5
--restart unless-stopped
I also added json-log driver's max-size and max-file to limit disk space, see Configuring the Docker Driver.
First I could see logs in Grafana and in command line with docker container logs, but after some time no more logs were shown. If I tried to look into the logs on Docker host and I saw an error:
$ docker container logs 75d4b13eb3e8
error from daemon in stream: Error grabbing logs: error getting log reader: LogDriver.ReadLogs: logger does not exist for 75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
I looked into the directories of the containers (see Where is a log file with logs from a container?), but I couldn't see any log files:
$ sudo ls /var/lib/docker/containers/75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
checkpoints config.v2.json hostconfig.json hostname hosts mounts resolv.conf resolv.conf.hash
I also checked the log path (see Get an instance’s log path), but it was empty:
$ docker inspect --format='{{.LogPath}}' 75d4b13eb3e8
I found container's logs in plugin's directory (see Loki log driver not storing logs as files on disk, even with keep-file: true), but the log files don't change anymore:
$ sudo ls -la /var/lib/docker/plugins/eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288/rootfs/var/log/docker/75d4b13eb3e8203b9247ecdeb41fdf495cc8fea7dcfc4775fd8261263b1dcd32
total 912
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jan 22 12:59 .
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 Jan 22 15:46 ..
-rw-r----- 1 root root 923177 Jan 22 13:34 json.log
I looked into Docker daemon's logs (see Read the logs) and found errors and a warning (at the same time logging stopped):
$ sudo journalctl -u docker.service | grep eac33cc9913c
[...]level=error msg="panic: send on closed channel" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="goroutine 153 [running]:" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="main.(*loki).Log(0xc0000c5e00, 0xc0001d81c0, 0xc0000c5e80, 0x0)" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/loki.go:69 +0x2fb" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="main.consumeLog(0xc0002c0480)" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/driver.go:165 +0x4c2" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="created by main.(*driver).StartLogging" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=error msg="\t/src/loki/cmd/docker-driver/driver.go:116 +0xa75" plugin=eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288
[...]level=warning msg="Unable to connect to plugin: /run/docker/plugins/eac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288/loki.sock/LogDriver.StopLogging: Post http://%2Frun%2Fdocker%2Fplugins%2Feac33cc9913ca962a189904392e516dd495d6fd52391fb5af4a34af46b281288%2Floki.sock/LogDriver.StopLogging: EOF, retrying in 1s"
What did I do wrong?
I was experiencing the same issue.
My only differences in configuration are that I'm trialing the latest Enterprise Edition (19.03) as it brings dual logging capability although this is also supported in the latest CE versions, and I'm using the latest Loki Docker driver client now that the Github issue previously mentioned has been resolved.
I ended up setting the log-opts properties no-file and keep-file in docker-compose.yml:
driver: "loki"
loki-url: "http://${LOKI_URL}:3100/loki/api/v1/push"
loki-batch-size: "400"
no-file: "false"
keep-file: "true"
max-size: "5m"
max-file: "3"
Since making this change I am receiving logs in Loki and can still use docker container logs and docker service logs on my Docker hosts.
no-file: "false" tells the driver to continue creating logs on disk and keep-file: "true" tells the driver to keep json logs if the container is stopped (by default files are removed).
Note: Originally I was adding these settings to /etc/docker/daemon.json on the host but would still see the error getting log reader issue, I had to switch to specifying the log driver per container/swarm service.
Regarding this issue
First I could see logs in Grafana and in command line with docker container logs, but after some time no more logs were shown.
On Grafana please select Query type: Range not Instant and you will see all the logs for the selected period of time, if exists in loki.

Why is nginx not starting in Windows Server 2019 docker container?

UPDATE 3 (Solution):
I installed the latest Windows updates on my host and specified the exact servercore image to match my updated Windows Server version:
When running the container everything worked as expected.
Original question:
I cannot figure out why nginx doesn't start in my container running on Windows Server 2019.
Nothing is written to the nginx error.log and inspecting the System Event using this answer doesn't provide any information regarding nginx.
When I run nginx directly on the server (i.e. without the container) it starts up fine.
Here are the contents of the dockerfile:
FROM mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019
WORKDIR C:/nginx
COPY /. ./
CMD ["nginx"]
I run the container using the following command:
docker run -d --rm -p 80:80 --name nginx `
-v C:/Data/_config/nginx/conf:C:/nginx/conf `
-v C:/Data/_config/nginx/temp:C:/nginx/temp `
-v C:/Data/_config/nginx/logs:C:/nginx/logs `
If I exec into the running container I can see that the directory structure is as expected:
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.1040]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 72BD-907D
Directory of C:\nginx
02/27/2020 06:05 AM <DIR> .
02/27/2020 06:05 AM <DIR> ..
02/27/2020 06:05 AM <DIR> conf
02/27/2020 05:11 AM <DIR> contrib
02/27/2020 05:11 AM <DIR> docs
02/27/2020 05:11 AM <DIR> html
02/27/2020 05:55 AM <DIR> logs
02/27/2020 05:14 AM <DIR> conf
01/21/2020 03:30 PM 3,712,512 nginx.exe
01/21/2020 04:41 PM <DIR> temp
1 File(s) 3,716,608 bytes
9 Dir(s) 21,206,409,216 bytes free
As part of my troubleshooting process I started up a clean VM on Azure and after installing Docker and recreating the Docker image using the exact same files, it starts up as expected.
This means that the issue is specific to my server and not a general issue.
By removing the --rm from the run command I find the following info by running docker ps -a after the container exits:
Exited (3221225785) 4 seconds ago
I can't find any info on what the exit code means.
I was having the same issue, but for me it wasn't docker or nginx, it was the image.
image mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:ltsc2019 was updated on 2/11/2020 and both container and host must have the same update (KB4532691 I think) or some processes may fail silently.
I updated my host, and all is well.
See microsoft-windows-servercore
and you-might-encounter-issues-when-using-windows-server-containers-with-t for more info

Cannot conect to Docker container running in VSTS

I have a test which starts a Docker container, performs the verification (which is talking to the Apache httpd in the Docker container), and then stops the Docker container.
When I run this test locally, this test runs just fine. But when it runs on hosted VSTS, thus a hosted build agent, it cannot connect to the Apache httpd in the Docker container.
This is the .vsts-ci.yml file:
queue: Hosted Linux Preview
- script: |
This is the test.sh shell script to reproduce the problem:
set -e
set -o pipefail
function tearDown {
docker stop test-apache
docker rm test-apache
trap tearDown EXIT
docker run -d --name test-apache -p 8083:80 httpd
sleep 10
curl -D - http://localhost:8083/
When I run this test locally, the output that I get is:
$ ./test.sh
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Tue, 04 Sep 2018 12:00:17 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.34 (Unix)
Last-Modified: Mon, 11 Jun 2007 18:53:14 GMT
ETag: "2d-432a5e4a73a80"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 45
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>It works!</h1></body></html>
This output is exactly as I expect.
But when I run this test on VSTS, the output that I get is (irrelevant parts replaced with …).
2018-09-04T12:01:23.7909911Z ##[section]Starting: CmdLine
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8044456Z ==============================================================================
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8061703Z Task : Command Line
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8077837Z Description : Run a command line script using cmd.exe on Windows and bash on macOS and Linux.
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8095370Z Version : 2.136.0
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8111699Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8128664Z Help : [More Information](https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=613735)
2018-09-04T12:01:23.8146694Z ==============================================================================
2018-09-04T12:01:26.3345330Z Generating script.
2018-09-04T12:01:26.3392080Z Script contents:
2018-09-04T12:01:26.3409635Z ./test.sh
2018-09-04T12:01:26.3574923Z [command]/bin/bash --noprofile --norc /home/vsts/work/_temp/02476800-8a7e-4e22-8715-c3f706e3679f.sh
2018-09-04T12:01:27.7054918Z Unable to find image 'httpd:latest' locally
2018-09-04T12:01:30.5555851Z latest: Pulling from library/httpd
2018-09-04T12:01:31.4312351Z d660b1f15b9b: Pulling fs layer
2018-09-04T12:01:49.1468474Z e86a7f31d4e7506d34e3b854c2a55646eaa4dcc731edc711af2cc934c44da2f9
2018-09-04T12:02:00.2563446Z % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
2018-09-04T12:02:00.2583211Z Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
2018-09-04T12:02:00.2613320Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 0curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8083: Connection refused
2018-09-04T12:02:00.7027822Z test-apache
2018-09-04T12:02:00.7642313Z test-apache
2018-09-04T12:02:00.7826541Z ##[error]Bash exited with code '7'.
2018-09-04T12:02:00.7989841Z ##[section]Finishing: CmdLine
The key thing is this:
curl: (7) Failed to connect to localhost port 8083: Connection refused
10 seconds should be enough for apache to start.
Why can curl not communicate with Apache on its port 8083?
I know that a hard-coded port like this is rubbish and that I should use an ephemeral port instead. I wanted to get it running first wirth a hard-coded port, because that's simpler than using an ephemeral port, and then switch to an ephemeral port as soon as the hard-coded port works. And in case the hard-coded port doesn't work because the port is unavailable, the error should look different, in that case, docker run should fail because the port can't be allocated.
Just to be sure, I've rerun the test with sleep 100 instead of sleep 10. The results are unchanged, curl cannot connect to localhost port 8083.
Update 2:
When extending the script to execute docker logs, docker logs shows that Apache is running as expected.
When extending the script to execute docker ps, it shows the following output:
2018-09-05T00:02:24.1336263Z 3f59aa014216 httpd "httpd-foreground" About a minute ago Up About a minute>80/tcp test-apache
2018-09-05T00:02:24.1357782Z 850bda64f847 microsoft/vsts-agent:ubuntu-16.04-docker-17.12.0-ce-standard "/home/vsts/agents/2…" 2 minutes ago Up 2 minutes musing_booth
The problem is that the VSTS build agent runs in a Docker container. When the Docker container for Apache is started, it runs on the same level as the VSTS build agent Docker container, not nested inside the VSTS build agent Docker container.
There are two possible solutions:
Replacing localhost with the ip address of the docker host, keeping the port number 8083
Replacing localhost with the ip address of the docker container, changing the host port number 8083 to the container port number 80.
Access via the Docker Host
In this case, the solution is to replace localhost with the ip address of the docker host. The following shell snippet can do that:
if grep '^1:name=systemd:/docker/' /proc/1/cgroup
apt-get update
apt-get install net-tools
host=$(route -n | grep '^' | sed -e 's/^\s*//' -e 's/ .*//')
curl -D - http://$host:8083/
The if grep '^1:name=systemd:/docker/' /proc/1/cgroup inspects whether the script is running inside a Docker container. If so, it installs net-tools to get access to the route command, and then parses the default gw from the route command to get the ip address of the host. Note that this only works if the container's network default gw actually is the host.
Direct Access to the Docker Container
After launching the docker container, its ip addresses can be obtained with the following command:
docker container inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} {{end}}' <container-id>
Replace <container-id> with your container id or name.
So, in this case, it would be (assuming that the first ip address is okay):
ips=($(docker container inspect --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}} {{end}}' nuance-apache))
curl http://$host/
