Delphi seems to ignore some of my lines of code? - delphi

I have a VCL Delphi application I am working on, but Delphi seems to refuse to execute some of my lines of code, DrawLine is a private function...
if not(FirstCoords) then
firstcoords := true;
xCo1 := xCoPre + LeftOffset;
yCo1 := yCoPre + TopOffset;
xCo2 := xCoPre + LeftOffset;
yCo2 := yCoPre + TopOffset;
DrawLine(xCo1, xCo2, yCo1, yCo2);
when I step through debugging, it executes the If, then proceeds to set "firstcoords" to true, but then just jumps to the end of If, without even touching the other two lines... If I add a line such as the code below, then it seems to execute the code...
if not(FirstCoords) then
firstcoords := true;
xCo1 := xCoPre + LeftOffset;
yCo1 := yCoPre + TopOffset;
xCo2 := xCoPre + LeftOffset;
yCo2 := yCoPre + TopOffset;
DrawLine(xCo1, xCo2, yCo1, yCo2);
Please help, I would really appreciate it :)
I have disabled optimization, but it still seems to refuse...

What you describe happens when the operations in question are optimized away because the variables being assigned to are not being used anywhere else in your code, and the compiler sees no noticeable side effects in eliminating those operations.
As soon as you added the ShowMessage(), the variables in question became relevant, so their assignments could not be eliminated anymore.


Clientdataset Append/Post fails intermittently

I have an external message coming in every second.
The message payload is saved in a ClientDataSet and displayed in a dbGrid.
No data base is involved. RAM storage only.
This works fine,
I have intermittent problems when the dataset is empty and populated the first time.
The code is as follows:
procedure TCtlCfg_DM_WarningsFaults_frm.DecodeRxFrame(Protocol: TProtocolSelection;
// PROVA UTAN VAR VAR Frame : CAN_Driver.TCAN_Frame);
Frame : CAN_Driver.TCAN_Frame);
OldRecNo : integer;
// OldIxname : string;
// bMark : TBookMark;
WasFiltered : Boolean;
IdBitFields : TCanId_IdBitFields;
Msg : TCan_Msg;
MsgType : integer;
GlobalNode : TCanId_GlobalNode;
LocalNode : TCanId_LocalNode;
SubNode : TCanId_SubNode;
EntryType : integer;
SubSystemType : integer;
SubSystemDeviceId : integer;
IsActive : Boolean;
IsAcked : Boolean;
with cdsWarningsFaults do
if not Active then Exit;
Msg := Frame.Msg;
IdBitFields := DecodeCanId(Protocol, Frame.ID);
if IdBitFields.SubNode <> cSubNode_Self then Exit; // Ignore non controller/slave messages
if IdBitFields.AddressMode <> cCanId_AddrMode_CA then Exit;
MsgType := IdBitFields.MessageType;
if MsgType <> cMsg_CTL_CA_Broadcast_WarningAndFaultList then Exit;
if Frame.MsgLength < 5 then Exit;
GlobalNode := IdBitFields.GlobalNode;
LocalNode := IdBitFields.LocalNode;
SubNode := IdBitFields.SubNode;
// Silent exit if wrong node
if GlobalNode <> fNodeFilter.GlobalNode then Exit;
if LocalNode <> fNodeFilter.LocalNode then Exit;
if SubNode <> fNodeFilter.SubNode then Exit;
EntryType := Msg[1];
SubSystemType := Msg[2];
IsActive := (Msg[3] = 1);
SubSystemDeviceId := Msg[4];
IsAcked := (Msg[8] = 1);
DisableControls; // 2007-12-03/AJ Flytta inte scrollbars under uppdatering
OldRecNo := RecNo;
// OldIxName := IndexName; // Save current index
// IndexName := IndexDefs.Items[0].Name;
WasFiltered := Filtered; // Save filter status
Filtered := False;
if Findkey([GlobalNode, LocalNode, SubNode, EntryType, SubSystemType, SubSystemDeviceId]) then
begin // Update record
FieldByName('fIsActive').AsBoolean := IsActive;
FieldByName('fIsAcked').AsBoolean := IsAcked;
FieldByName('fTimeout').AsDateTime := GetDatabaseTimeoutAt;
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('CtlCfg_DM_WF: DecodeRxFrame: Efter Edit. N=' + IntToStr(GlobalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(LocalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(SubNode) +
' RecCnt=' + IntToStr(RecordCount) + ' ET=' + IntToStr(EntryType) + ' SST=' + IntToStr(subSystemType) + ' SSD=' + IntToStr(SubSystemDeviceId), False);
begin // Create new record
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('CtlCfg_DM_WF: DecodeRxFrame: Efter Append. N=' + IntToStr(GlobalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(LocalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(SubNode) +
' RecCnt=' + IntToStr(RecordCount) + ' ET=' + IntToStr(EntryType) + ' SST=' + IntToStr(subSystemType) + ' SSD=' + IntToStr(SubSystemDeviceId), False);
FieldByName('fGlobalNode').AsInteger := GlobalNode;
FieldByName('fLocalNode').AsInteger := LocalNode;
FieldByName('fSubNode').AsInteger := SubNode;
FieldByName('fEntryType').AsInteger := EntryType;
FieldByName('fSubSystemType').AsInteger := SubSystemType;
FieldByName('fSubSystemDeviceId').AsInteger := SubSystemDeviceId;
FieldByName('fIsActive').AsBoolean := IsActive;
FieldByName('fIsAcked').AsBoolean := IsAcked;
FieldByName('fTimeout').AsDateTime := GetDatabaseTimeoutAt;
Post; // VArför biter inte denna post så att det blir edit nästa gång
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('CtlCfg_DM_WF: DecodeRxFrame: Exception efter Post.', True);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('CtlCfg_DM_WF: DecodeRxFrame: Efter Post. N=' + IntToStr(GlobalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(LocalNode) + ' ' +
IntToStr(SubNode) +
' RecCnt=' + IntToStr(RecordCount) + ' ET=' + IntToStr(EntryType) + ' SST=' + IntToStr(subSystemType) + ' SSD=' + IntToStr(SubSystemDeviceId), False);
on E: Exception do
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('Post exception message: [' + E.Message + ']', False);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('Post exception class: [' + E.ClassName + ']', False);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('Post exception Error code: [' + IntToStr(EDBCLIENT (E).ErrorCode) + ']', False);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('Post exception ReadOnly is: [' + BoolToStr(ReadOnly) + ']', False);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('Post exception CanModify is: [' + BoolToStr(CanModify) + ']', False);
MainForm.AddToActivityLog('DecodeRxFrame: Exception inside FindKey block', False);
// IndexName := OldIxName; // Restore previous index
Filtered := WasFiltered; // Restore filter state
if (OldRecNo >= 1) and (OldRecNo <= RecordCount) then RecNo := OldRecNo;
//MainForm.AddToActivityLog('DecodeRxFrame: Exit ur proceduren', False);
The problem is when the record does not already exist,
and I need to Append a new record.
It often works fine, but many times it seems the POST does not work,
and the append is repeated a few or many times when new data comes in.
Suddenly the append works, and subbsequent updates are done using edit,
and as far as I can tell, after that it then works forever.
The issue is intermittent and the number of tries needed to succeed vary.
It feels like a timing issue, but I cannot figure it out.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.
Anders J
As mentioned in my comment a lot can be figured out about how the code flows using an extract of the logs. (Also as a side-note, sometimes you need to be careful of the reliability of your logging system. Your logging is at least partially home-brew, so I have no idea what it means when you arbitrarily pass True/False values to the AddToActivityLog method.)
However, I am still able to offer some guidance to help you identify your problem. I also have some general comments to help you improve your code.
You're not shy to use logging to narrow down your problem: this is a good thing!
However you technique could use a little improvement. You're trying to determine what's going wrong around the Post method. Given such a clear goal, your logging seems surprisingly haphazard.
You should do the following:
//Log the line before Post is called. It confirms when it is called.
//Log important state information to check you're ready to post "correctly"
//In this it's especially useful to know the Sate of the dataset (dsEdit/dsInsert).
//Log the line after Post to confirm it completed.
//Note that "completed" and "succeeded" aren't always the same, so...
//Again, you want to log important state information (in this case dsBrowse).
If you had this this logging, you might (for example) be able to tell us that:
Before calling Post dataset is in dsInsert state.
And (assuming no exceptions as you say): after calling Post the dataset is still in dsInsert state.
NOTE: If it were in dsBrowse but Post still considered "unsuccessful", you'd be told to log details of the record before and after Post.
So now: Post "completing" without the record being "posted" would give a few more things to look at:
What events are hooked to the data set? Especially consider events used for validation.
Since you're working with TClientDataSet there's an important event you'll want to take a look at OnPostError. DBClient uses this callback mechanism to notify the client of errors while posting.
If you log OnPostError I'm sure you'll get a better idea of the problem.
Finally I mentioned you have a lot of other problems with your code; especially the error handling.
Don't use with until you know how to use it correctly. When you know how to use it correctly, you'll also know there's never a good reason to use it. As it stands, your code is effectively 2 characters short of a subtle bug that could have been a nightmare to even realise it even existed; but would be a complete non-issue without with. (You declared and used a property called IsActive differing by only 2 characters from TDataSet's Active. I'm sure you didn't realise this; and their difference is but an accident. However, if they had been the same, with would very quietly use the wrong one.)
You need to write smaller methods - MUCH smaller! Blobs of code like you have are a nightmare to debug and are excellent at hiding bugs.
Your exception handling is fundamentally wrong:
Your comment about logging and exception handling suggests that you've been simply adding what you can out of desperation. I think it pays to understand what's going on to keep your logging useful and avoid the clutter. Let's take a close look at the most problematic portion.
/_ try
/_ FieldByName('fGlobalNode').AsInteger := GlobalNode;
/_E FieldByName('fLocalNode').AsInteger := LocalNode;
| FieldByName('fSubNode').AsInteger := SubNode;
| FieldByName('fEntryType').AsInteger := EntryType;
| FieldByName('fSubSystemType').AsInteger := SubSystemType;
| FieldByName('fSubSystemDeviceId').AsInteger := SubSystemDeviceId;
| FieldByName('fIsActive').AsBoolean := IsActive;
| FieldByName('fIsAcked').AsBoolean := IsAcked;
| FieldByName('fTimeout').AsDateTime := GetDatabaseTimeoutAt;
|_ finally
/_ try
/_ Post;
/ except
| MainForm.AddToActivityLog(..., True);
| end;
|_ MainForm.AddToActivityLog(..., False);
/ end;
So, in the above code:
If no exceptions happen, you'd simply step from one line to the next.
But as soon as an exception happens, you jump to the next finally/except block.
The first problem is: Why would you try to force a Post if you haven't finished setting your field values. It's a recipe for headaches when you end up with records that have only a fraction of the data they should - unless you're lucky and Post fails because critical data is missing.
When finally finishes during an exception, code immediately jumps to the next finally/except in the call-stack.
Except is slightly different, it only gets called if something did go wrong. (Whereas finally guarantees it will be called with/without an exception.
TIPS: (good for 99% of exception handling cases.
Only use try finally for cleanup that must happen in both success and error cases.
Nest your try finally blocks: The pattern is <Get Resource>try .... finally<Cleanup>end (The only place to do another resource protection is inside the .....)
Avoid except in most cases.
The main exception to the previous rule is when cleanup is needed only in the case of an error. In which case: do the cleanup and re-raise the exception.
Other than that: only implement an except block without re-raising if you can fully resolve an error condition. (Meaning the lines of code immediately after the exception swallower truly don't care about the previous exception.

Delphi7, Save User's Changes or other User's Information / Notes

In my program, the user completes a form and then presses Submit. Then, a textfile or a random extension file is created, in which all the user's information is written. So, whenever the user runs the application form, it will check if the file, which has all the information, exists, then it copies the information and pastes it to the form. However, it is not working for some reason (no syntax errors):
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
filedest: string;
f: TextFile;
info: array[1..12] of string;
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
if FileExists(filedest) then
ReadLn(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
Edit1.Text := info[1];
Edit2.Text := info[2];
ComboBox1.Text := info[3];
ComboBox5.Text := info[4];
ComboBox8.Text := info[4];
ComboBox6.Text := info[5];
ComboBox7.Text := info[6];
Edit3.Text := info[7];
Edit4.Text := info[8];
Edit5.Text := info[11];
Edit6.Text := info[12];
ComboBox9.Text := info[9];
ComboBox10.Text := info[10];
ShowMessage('File not found');
The file exists, but it shows the message File not found. I don't understand.
I took the liberty of formatting the code for you. Do you see the difference (before, after)? Also, if I were you, I would name the controls better. Instead of Edit1, Edit2, Edit3 etc. you could use eFirstName, eLastName, eEmailAddr, etc. Otherwise it will become a PITA to maintain the code, and you will be likely to confuse e.g. ComboBox7 with ComboBox4.
One concrete problem with your code is this line:
readln(info[1], info[2], info[3], info[4], info[5], info[6], info[7],
info[8], info[9], info[10], info[11], info[12]);
You forgot to specify the file f!
Also, before I formatted your code, the final end of the procedure was missing. Maybe your blocks are incorrect in your actual code, so that ShowMessage will be displayed even if the file exists? (Yet another reason to format your code properly...)
If I encountered this problem and wanted to do some quick debugging, I'd insert
ShowMessage(BoolToStr(FileExists(filedest), true));
just after the line
filedest := ...
just to see what the returned value of FileExists(filedest) is. (Of course, you could also set a breakpoint and use the debugger.)
If you get false, you probably wonder what in the world filedest actually contains: Well, replace the 'debugging code' above with this one:
Then use Windows Explorer (or better yet: the command prompt) to see if the file really is there or not.
I'd like to mention an another possibility to output a debug message (assuming we do not know how to operate real debugger yet):
{ ... }
filedest := ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + 'User\Identity\IdentityofMyself.txt';
AllocConsole; // create console window (uses Windows module) - required(!)
WriteLn('"' + filedest + '"'); // and output the value to verify
if FileExists(filedest) then
{ ... }

What does "free" do in Delphi?

I found the following code snippet here:
with TClipper.Create do
AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
Just curious, what does the free statement/function (between finally and end) do here? Google did not help.
The code
with TClipper.Create do
AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
is shorthand for
with TClipper.Create do
AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
TClipper.Create creates an object of type TClipper, and returns this, and the with statement, which works as in most languages, lets you access the methods and properties of this TClipper object without using the NameOfObject.MethodOrProperty syntax.
(A simpler example:
MyPoint.X := 0;
MyPoint.Y := 0;
MyPoint.Z := 0;
MyPoint.IsSet := true;
can be simplified to
with MyPoint do
X := 0;
Y := 0;
Z := 0;
IsSet := true;
But in your case, you never need to declare a TClipper object as a variable, because you create it and can access its methods and properties by means of the with construct.
So your code is almost equivelant to
Clipper: TClipper;
Clipper := TClipper.Create;
Clipper.AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
Clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Clipper.Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
The first line, Clipper := TClipper.Create, creates a TClipper object. The following three lines work with this object, and then Clipper.Free destroys the object, freeing RAM and possibly also CPU time and OS resources, used by the TClipper object.
But the above code is not good, because if an error occurrs (an exception is created) within AddPolygon or Execute, then the Clipper.Free will never be called, and so you have a memory leak. To prevent this, Delphi uses the try...finally...end construct:
Clipper := TClipper.Create;
Clipper.AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
Clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Clipper.Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
The code between finally and end is guaranteed to run, even if an exception is created, and even if you call Exit, between try and finally.
What Mason means is that sometimes the with construct can be a paint in the ... brain, because of identifier conflicts. For instance, consider
MyObject.Caption := 'My test';
If you write this inside a with construct, i.e. if you write
with MyObect do
// A lot of code
Caption := 'My test';
// A lot of code
then you might get confused. Indeed, most often Caption := changes the caption of the current form, but now, due to the with statement, it will change the caption of MyObject instead.
Even worse, if
MyObject.Title := 'My test';
and MyObject has no Caption property, and you forget this (and think that the property is called Caption), then
MyObject.Caption := 'My test';
will not even compile, whereas
with MyObect do
// A lot of code
Caption := 'My test';
// A lot of code
will compile just fine, but it won't do what you expect.
In addition, constructs like
with MyObj1, MyObj2, ..., MyObjN do
or nested with statements as in
with MyConverter do
with MyOptionsDialog do
with MyConverterExtension do
can produce a lot of conflicts.
In Defence of The With Statement
I notice that there almost is a consensus (at least in this thread) that the with statement is more evil than good. Although I am aware of the potential confusion, and have fallen for it a couple of times, I cannot agree. Careful use of the with statement can make the code look much prettier. And this lessens the risk of confusion due to "barfcode".
For example:
verdata: TVerInfo;
verdata := GetFileVerNumbers(FileName);
result := IntToStr(verdata.vMajor) + '.' + IntToStr(verdata.vMinor) + '.' + IntToStr(verdata.vRelease) + '.' + IntToStr(verdata.vBuild);
with GetFileVerNumbers(FileName) do
result := IntToStr(vMajor) + '.' + IntToStr(vMinor) + '.' + IntToStr(vRelease) + '.' + IntToStr(vBuild);
There is absolutely no risk of confusion, and not only do we save a temporaray variable in the last case - it also is far more readable.
Or what about this very, very, standard code:
with TAboutDlg.Create(self) do
Exactly where is the risk of confusion? From my own code I could give hundreds of more examples of with statements, all simplifying code.
Furthermore, as have been stated above, there is no risk of using with at all, as long as you know what you are doing. But what if you want to use a with statement together with the MyObject in the example above: then, inside the with statement, Caption is equal to MyObject.Caption. How do you change the caption of the form, then? Simple!
with MyObject do
Caption := 'This is the caption of MyObject.';
Self.Caption := 'This is the caption of Form1 (say).';
Another place where with can be useful is when working with a property or function result that takes a non-trivial amount of time to execute.
To work with the TClipper example above, suppose that you have a list of TClipper objects with a slow method that returns the clipper for a particular TabSheet.
Ideally you should only call this getter once, so you can either use an explicit local variable, or an implicit one using with.
Clipper : TClipper;
Clipper := ClipList.GetClipperForTab(TabSheet);
Clipper.AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
Clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Clipper.Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
with ClipList.GetClipperForTab(TabSheet)do
AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
AddPolygon(clip, ptClip);
Execute(ctIntersection, solution);
In a case like this, either method would do, but in some circumstances, typically in complex conditionals a with can be clearer.
Clipper : TClipper;
Clipper := ClipList.GetClipperForTab(TabSheet);
if (Clipper.X = 0) and (Clipper.Height = 0) and .... then
Clipper.AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
with ClipList.GetClipperForTab(TabSheet) do
if (X = 0) and (Height = 0) and .... then
AddPolygon(subject, ptSubject);
In the end is is matter of personal taste. I generally will only use a with with a very tight scope, and never nest them. Used this way they are a useful tool to reduce barfcode.
It's a call to TObject.Free, which is basically defined as:
if self <> nil then
It's being executed on the unnamed TClipper object created in the with statement.
This is a very good example of why you shouldn't use with. It tends to make the code harder to read.
Free calls the destructor of the object, and releases the memory occupied by the instance of the object.
I don't know anything about Delphi but I would assume that it is releasing the resources used by TClipper much like a using statement in C#. That is just a guess....
Any dinamicly created object must call free to free at object creation alocated memory after use. TClipper object is a desktop content creation, capture and management tool. So it is some kind of Delphi connection object with Clipper. The create (object creation) is handled in try finaly end; statment what mean, if connection with Clipper isn't successful the object TClipper will not be created and can not be freed after after of try finaly end; statement.
If "with" is as evil as some posters are suggesting, could they please explain
1. why Borland created this language construct, and
2. why they (Borland/Embarcadero/CodeGear) use it extensively in their own code?
While I certainly understand that some Delphi programmers don't like "with", and while acknowledging that some users abuse it, I think it's silly to say "you shouldn't use it".
angusj - author of the offending code :)

Delphi Pascal Problem when WMDeviceChange function calls other functions/procedures

I am using delphi 2009. My program listens for usb drives being connected and remove. Ive used a very similar code in 10 apps over the past year. It has always worked perfectly. When i migrated i had to give up using thddinfo to get the drive model. This has been replaced by using WMI. The WMI query requires the physical disk number and i happen to already have a function in the app for doing just that.
As i test I put this in a button and ran it and it successfully determines the psp is physical drive 4 and returns the model (all checked in the debugger and in another example using show message):
function IsPSP(Drive: String):Boolean;
Model: String;
DriveNum: Byte;
Result := False;
Delete(Drive, 2, MaxInt);
DriveNum := GetPhysicalDiskNumber(Drive[1]);
Model := (MagWmiGetDiskModel(DriveNum));
if Pos('PSP',Model) > 0 then Result := True;
procedure TfrmMain.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var DriveNum: Byte;
It works perfectly that is until i allow the WMDeviceChange that ive been using for a year to call up the getphysicaldisknumber and the wmi query statement. Ive tried them by themselves theyre both a problem. GetPhysicalDiskNumber freezes real bad when its doing a CloseHandle on the logical disk but does return the number eventually. The WMI query fails with no error just returns '' debugger points into the wbemscripting_tlb where the connection just never happened. Keep in mind the only thing thats changed in a year is what im calling to get the model i was using an api call and now im using something else.
Below is the rest of the code involved at this time sans the ispsp that is displayed above:
procedure TfrmMain.WMDeviceChange(var Msg: TMessage);
var Drive: String;
case Msg.wParam of
DBT_DeviceArrival: if PDevBroadcastHdr(Msg.lParam)^.dbcd_devicetype = DBT_DevTyp_Volume then
Drive := GetDrive(PDevBroadcastVolume(Msg.lParam)) + '\';
DBT_DeviceRemoveComplete: if PDevBroadcastHdr(Msg.lParam)^.dbcd_devicetype = DBT_DevTyp_Volume then
Drive := GetDrive(PDevBroadcastVolume(Msg.lParam)) + '\';
Procedure TfrmMain.OnDeviceInsert(Drive: String);
var PreviousIndex: Integer;
if (getdrivetype(Pchar(Drive))=DRIVE_REMOVABLE) then
PreviousIndex := cbxDriveList.Items.IndexOf(cbxDriveList.Text);
if PreviousIndex = -1 then //If there was no drive to begin with then set index to 0
PreviousIndex := 0;
cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := 0;
if isPSP(Drive) then
if MessageDlg('A PSP was detect # ' + Drive + #10#13 + 'Would you like to select this drive?',mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := cbxDriveList.Items.IndexOf(Drive)
else cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := PreviousIndex;
else if MessageDlg('USB Drive ' + Drive + ' Detected' + #10#13 + 'Is this your target drive?',mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo], 0) = mrYes then
cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := cbxDriveList.Items.IndexOf(Drive)
else cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := PreviousIndex;
Procedure TfrmMain.OnDeviceRemove(Drive: String);
if not (getdrivetype(Pchar(Drive)) = DRIVE_CDROM) then
if cbxDriveList.Text = (Drive) then ShowMessage('The selected drive (' + Drive + ') has been removed');
if cbxDriveList.Text = '' then cbxDriveList.ItemIndex := 0;
if Drive = PSPDrive then //Check Detect PSP and remove reference if its been removed
PSPDrive := '';
Rob has said something below about im not calling the inherited message handler, ive read the document i see a couple of things i can return... but im not really sure i understand but i will look into it. Im not a very good pascal programmer but ive been learning alot. The transition to 2009 has had some rough patches as well.
The USB drive detection and all that works perfectly. If i remove the two things from is psp the user is greeted right away with wis this your whatever and adds I:\ to the list. Its just the two new things that have changed in the app that fail when called by wmdevicechange and as said before they work on their own.
Alright well im using a timer as suggested and the problem seems to be solved. One note is that when called by the timer very shortly after the wmdevicechange getting the physical disk number still seems to be slow. I attribute this to the device still being attached to the system.
On that note im using a P2 450 on the regular. I hooked the PSP and app to a 1.8Ghz Dual Core Laptop and the program detected the psp and notified the user very fast. So the app wont freeze unless there on a very very slow computer and on this slow onw its only for a matter of seconds and doesnt affect the operation of the program though isnt very cool. But i feel that all modern computers will run the detection fast especially because they can attach the device alot faster.
It's possible that the information you're querying becomes available only after the WMDeviceChange message handler runs. If the very same code works when called from a button, try this:
Refactor your WMDeviceChange handler code into one or more separate methods.
In the WMDeviceChange handler, activate a precreated timer and have it fire one second later, or something like that.
Call the former WMDeviceChange handler code from the timer handler code.
You haven't indicated what "statement 1" is in your code.
I have a few comments about parts of the code, which may or may not be related to the problem you're having.
First, you assign a value to DriveNum in IsPSP, but you don't use it. The compiler should have issued a hint about that; don't ignore hints and warnings. You also pass the magic number 4 into MagWmiGetDiskModel; was that supposed to be DriveNum instead?
You aren't calling the inherited message handler, and you aren't returning a result in your message handler. The documentation tells what values you're supposed to return. To return a value from a Delphi message handler, assign a value to the Msg.Result field. For the cases that your message handler doesn't handle, make sure you call inherited so that the next handler up the chain can take care of them. If there is no next handler, then Delphi will call DefWindowProc to get the operating system's default behavior.
The change you've illustrated is called refactoring, and it will do nothing to affect how your code runs. It makes the code easier to read, though, so please keep the second version. As for finding the problem, my best advice is to use the debugger to step through the code to identify the point where things stat to go wrong and the parts that run slower than you'd like. You can also try removing portions of the code to confirm that the other parts work correctly in isolation.

Making an IDE using Pascal Script and SynEdit

I'm creating a built-in script engine using PascalScript from RemObjects (excellent) and the SynEdit editor. It's almost finished using the IDE example shipped with PascalScript and the IDE example in SynEdit - but - I can't see how to ask PascalScript whether a numbered source line is 'executable' or not. (I can then use this to mark the SynEdit gutter with the 'Delphi blue dot'). I guess I might have to do a dissassembly of the ROPS output?
Any PascalScript experts here? THanks. Brian.
Have a look at the source code of Inno Setup. It does show a small dot in the SynEdit gutter area for lines with executable code, gray ones for lines that are executable but have not been executed, green ones for lines that have been hit at least once.
The code for this can be found in CompForm.pas, look for the TLineState type. The information is set up in the iscbNotifySuccess state of the compiler callback, you could do the same in your IDE. You may need to adapt the code to handle multiple source files, as the Inno Setup compiler deals with code snippets in the single source file only.
In the Pascal Script sources you should have a look at the TPSCustomDebugExec.TranslatePositionEx() method - it does return the name of the source file as well.
I don't know exactly how it does it, but the IDE project in the PascalScript package (found under \samples\debug ) is able to offer Step Into and Step Over (F7 and F8) functionality, so logically it has to have some way of associating PS bytecode with lines of script code. Try examining that project to see how it does it. As a bonus, it uses SynEdit too, so the ideas will be easy to adapt to your own system.
I know this is an old question but I have been doing the same thing myself and the suggestions above do not really help. Inno setup for instance does not use Synedit, it uses scintilla editor.
Also the TPSCustomDebugExec.TranslatePositionEx() does the opposite to what is wanted, it gives a source line number from a runtime code position.
After faffing around for some time I came to the conclusion that the easiest way was to add a function to the Pascalscript code.
the new method is added to the TPSCustomDebugExec class in the uPSdebugger unit.
function TPSCustomDebugExec.HasCode(Filename:string; LineNo:integer):boolean;
var i,j:integer; fi:PFunctionInfo; pt:TIfList; r:PPositionData;
for i := 0 to FDebugDataForProcs.Count -1 do
fi := FDebugDataForProcs[i];
pt := fi^.FPositionTable;
for j := 0 to pt.Count -1 do
result:= SameText(r^.FileName,Filename) and (r^.Row=LineNo);
if result then exit
and the paint gutter callback in the main editor form is as below
procedure Teditor.PaintGutterGlyphs(ACanvas:TCanvas; AClip:TRect;
FirstLine, LastLine: integer);
var a,b:boolean; LH,LH2,X,Y,ImgIndex:integer;
FirstLine := Ed.RowToLine(FirstLine);
LastLine := Ed.RowToLine(LastLine);
X := 14;
LH := Ed.LineHeight;
LH2:=(LH-imglGutterGlyphs.Height) div 2;
while FirstLine <= LastLine do
Y := LH2+LH*(Ed.LineToRow(FirstLine)-Ed.TopLine);
a:= ce.HasBreakPoint(ce.MainFileName,FirstLine);
b:= ce.Exec.HasCode(ce.MainFileName,FirstLine);
if Factiveline=FirstLine then
if a then
ImgIndex := 2 //Blue arrow+red dot (breakpoint and execution point)
ImgIndex := 1; //Blue arrow (current line execution point)
if b then
if a then
ImgIndex := 3 //Valid Breakpoint marker
ImgIndex := 0; //blue dot (has code)
if a then
ImgIndex := 4 //Invalid breakpoint (No code on this line)
ImgIndex := -1; //Empty (No code for line)
if ImgIndex >= 0 then
imglGutterGlyphs.Draw(ACanvas, X,Y,ImgIndex);
The Synedit with Line numbers, code dots, breakpoints, bookmarks and execution point look as in the image below
